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Chaos Mortalitus

Page 20

by Mark LaMaster

  This vast fighting force assembled under the Xxirian flag bows to the beck and call of one. A target has been selected in retaliation for the disgrace at Seithux and a bold statement declared as Lord Erazux leads his army toward a new enemy.

  "How can you be so sure?" Lord Erazux asks his mysterious advisor.

  "After all you've seen, you still question me brother. Inscribed in the human book is the truth of creation, and let us make man in our image, with our likeness. We are many." The cloaked figure responds.

  "There is no doubt within me dark one of your truth. Destiny has stepped to my doorstep." Lord Erazux says. "I just ponder this eve."

  "What do you ponder?" The figure responds.

  "With all this power you possess, why not deceive me? Why not claim my throne as your own?" Lord Erazux quickly responds, ready for any rebuttal.

  "I've grown weary of conquering the weak. I desire my enemy, nothing more. Mortalitus is mine, and I shall break every reflection of the human Ashton Mortal."

  "What is your quarrel with this human you speak of, this Ashton Mortal of Earth?"

  "This universe isn't big enough for the two of us Lord Erazux. Obviously we have a lot in common and I intend to take back what is rightfully mine." The figure responds shedding a cold tone.

  "Once we've dealt with Mortalitus and the human Ashton Mortal, we will stretch out to every corner of this universe." Lord Erazux says with an overly confident tone. "My whim will become creations very definition."

  "With everything coming, you know what must be done Lord Erazux. Don't give them a chance to react. Once this begins it cannot be undone." The figure explains. "Do nothing until I send word of our first move, and make sure General Raithus understands what must be done as our contingency should the invasion fail."

  "We won't fail! I will lead the invasion personally and they will cower in the face of my majesty. No one shall defeat me!"

  "Remember my Lord, not a move until I say. This will require patience. The fates do not allow us to begin immediately, we must wait for the proper omen."

  "What omen?" Lord Erazux asks.


  "I believe in you Mortalitus!" Tikik says. "No matter what anyone thinks, I know you've come to help us. I don't care what they say, I don't, I don't!"

  "Thank you Tikik, for honoring me. Now please allow me to honor all of you, my newfound friends." I reply.

  The ground begins to shake below the refugee's feet as the former slaves stare upon their liberator. Lighting shifts high in the sky as if suddenly eclipsed as the creature they know little about begins to captivate them all once more. Slowly the armor that coats my body begins to move, stretching and sliding down my appendages as strands break off, plunging into the soil below. My armor flows into the terrain while still covering me, constantly producing as it begins molding itself below our feet. The planet begins to crack and split right before us as a sudden spectacular glow seeps from large cuts in the terrain.

  With a deafening sound, massive structures begin to burst through the soil section-by-section, restructuring the calm landscape. Vast technological alien architecture explodes all around the vindicated children of Seithux. Most stare forward gasping for an explanation, the summarized version of everything I am, yet that story is far too complicated for them to ever fully understand. At the will of my heart, from my fingertips I command salvation as my friends tired and weak, lost to the chaos get the first breathtaking views of their new homes. A massive city appears through the large clouds of dust and debris from this newly reformed landscape.

  Artistically sound, a spectacle like none before it, protection and shelter built right before their eyes by the hands of the creature that fell from the sky. Now this saga truly begins, now is the moment when we finally say in one voice, do your worst for you shan't outlast us. "In all my life…I've never seen anything like this." Sirec says to Halex standing at his side.

  "For our king! Let us praise his kindness. For Lord Mortalitus, and the Reformed Imperial Nations of Avothina!" Xenom calls out.

  I turn from the view of this new city of Avothina, this city of hope for my friends from Seithux and reaffirm a truth for those with nothing left to lose, hope is very real. Xenom honors me in this moment as he reads my intentions straight and true. Like a wave before me, thousands of creatures take a knee praising their newly declared king. "Thank you friends. Remember, I am brother to you all and my kingdom will stretch far out across this universe. Together we have the capability to unite our brothers and sisters of all walks, in all places in this one defining moment. Together we fight!" I call out to those who would make me king.

  Tikik runs to my side wrapping her arms around my waist. "Thank you Lord Mortalitus! Thank you for saving us!"

  The child touches my heart as I decide the moment for truth is upon me. "And with that, I will introduce you to the true savior and the truth of Mortalitus."

  "What do you mean my Lord?" Xenom asks.

  These creatures are a strong bunch and now I will show them exactly where their strength comes from, and for the first time reveal my true heart to them all. I slowly remove the black cloak that shields me from their vision and hand it to Halex revealing the brilliant radiance of the body armor that conceals my identity. Before them all stands a very alien creature, something they haven't seen in a long time, something most have only heard about in ancient legend. Suddenly I step forward and retract from Mortalitus to reveal to my liberated friends the human within, the man known as Ashton Mortal.



  School bells hum their repetitive tune as fourth grade students file back into their classrooms from lunch to finish out the day. Taking their seats the students surround the classroom in a circular configuration, sitting in small oval cubicles with large openings in their front. Classrooms in the human year 2035 A.D. are quite advanced on the planet Earth as Seth Mortal enters the classroom with some of the last students from lunch and heads for his cubicle. He sits down inside the egg shaped space and places his hand on the inner touch screen lining to sign back into class.

  Seth's teacher, Mrs. Illesy, scans a holographic screen floating in front of her position as she checks off all the students returning to class. Monitoring systems scan the students keeping detailed files on the child's progression in all fields of curriculum. Parents can also monitor their child via live video feed with advanced NANO GPS systems that broadcast live three sixty view points of the child's surrounding environment. Technology is dependence in the lives of the modern humans of the 21st century, and education in these technologies is a must with an ever-changing technological world.

  Seth Mortal stands out in his class today for reasons he'd rather ignore, consciously aware of the explanations that will soon follow. Feeling the spotlight approaching his palms begin to sweat as its days like this he hates most; days lived in the shadow of the father he's never known. "Ok class, I hope all of you worked real hard on your presentations today. Let's get started and please class, give our presenters silence once at the podium. Everyone will have three minutes to summarize their father, or male guardian of choice." Mrs. Illesy explains.

  Seth swallows hard as the first child takes to the podium and begins as stories of understanding fathers are told, the kind that take their sons and daughters fishing and always had time for their children. A spectacle for children to compete on, which of them has the picture perfect life and who can become the next subject of ridicule. No matter how much the education systems evolve with society, certain truths remain constant. The quiet and misunderstood are labeled as outcast, adding insult to a very obvious injury and it's these social systems that shape future generations still.

  "How about you Seth?" Mrs. Illesy asks. "Come on up and take the podium and tell us about your father."

  Slowly, Seth emerges from his oval cubicle and heads for the metal podium in the center of the room, his eyes fixed on the floor desperate to not make eye contact with the other s
tudents. This is the moment he's been dreading all week long, ever since he knew of the assignment, but never the less he has something to say and that's exactly what he intends to do. For a moment he just stands facing his teacher and the other students, terrified of what his peers might think. "Go ahead Seth, tell us about your father." Mrs. Illesy says with a gentle voice.

  "My dad's name was Ashton Seth Mortal and from what I know of him, he was a great man. My dad…died before I was born, but mom says he's just missing. He disappeared one day and no one could find him, so they think he died." Seth says staring down at the podium fidgeting.

  "Probably just ran off!" A boy says as Seth speaks. "Loser!"

  "SHUT UP!" Seth shouts back. "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!"

  "Ok, quiet down boys. That's enough Chris, it's Seth's turn to talk. Go ahead Seth, we're listening." Mrs. Illesy instructs.

  "My dad was a famous painter. I really like his pictures; I think they're really cool. My mom really loves all his pictures too. Sometimes I see her sit for hours and stare at them. I really miss my dad sometimes, a lot when I'm sad. Most kids grow up with their dad's and have all kinds of fun stories but I don't. I never got to meet him."

  Angela's car pulls into the parking lot of the art studio she used to frequently visit to watch her husband at work with his partner Kalden Skamar. She received a phone call from her old friend earlier in the day asking if she might stop by and welcomes the surprise outing. Pulling down the door to her car, she touches its surface as it locks securely. Walking into the studio, she has flashes of the man she loved so desperately scurrying about during his intense painting sessions. Ten long years divide her and the last moment with her husband, the man lost to the universe so long ago.

  She sees Kalden at his workstation surrounded by a large five painting set, with his centerpiece covered and off to the side. He's been working on this particular masterpiece for years now and it finally seems completed. "Hi Kalden. How are you today?"

  "Hello Angela! So glad you could make it. Look at you, absolutely radiant." Kalden replies with a smile.

  "Thank you Kalden, you're too kind."

  "The years just keep ticking by."

  "You've got that right." Angela says as her eye is drawn to the beautiful artwork. "At least you're making good use of your time. Looks like the project is finally finished."

  "So what do you think so far?"

  "Its absolutely amazing Kalden, but you seem a bit out of your element. You've never done science fiction realism before. This piece reminds me so much of something Ash would be doing."

  "That's the thing Angela, I'm not sure this is science fiction at all."

  "What do you mean?"

  "A few years back I started having these dreams. They were like very surreal nightmares, vivid as if I was in someone else's head. This painting represents those dreams, but something doesn't fit." Kalden explains.

  "I don't understand Kalden. What do you mean?"

  "I never had a central focal point. These outside paintings were always surrounding something, but it remained out of focus for me, until recently. Now I've finished it, and this couldn't just be coincidence."

  "What's happened?"

  "I'm not sure, I better just show you. Keep in mind this is a vision from my dream." Kalden says.

  Kalden walks to the painting in the collection that sits upon a solitary easel. A vision of remembrance, and the fuel to ignite the fires from long ago in the hearts of a family that's lost much. Removing the fabric covering the painting, he picks up the artwork from the easel and walks to the other pieces displayed in a subtle arc and places the painting in its rightful place at the center of the masterpiece. A vision that could never have been expected on a random day like today, now leaving only one question remaining. Could this just be chalked up to coincidence as Angela Mortal covers her mouth with her hand?

  "Oh my God!" Angela says embracing a look to total astonishment.

  Seth Mortal rounds the corner a few blocks from his home in San Diego, California and heads for the Livingston house, friends of the family for years now. Through these hardships of his childhood he's grown close with Michelle Livingston, now eleven years old. She's always been good to the son I left behind long ago, even with their age difference always sensing something special about the quiet boy from a few blocks away. He begins to walk up the driveway and finds my old friend, David Livingston tinkering in the garage, enjoying the late afternoon.

  "Hi Mr. Livingston, is Michelle home?"

  "Come on now Seth, your practically family here, call me Dave. And yeah, she's upstairs messing with Omega."

  "Thank you Sir."

  "You know Seth, you look more and more like your old man every day." David says. "He'd be proud of you son, you know that?"

  "Mom says that all the time, sometimes she even calls me Ash by accident. I don't mind though, if it makes her happy she can call me that. I just don't like it when she's sad." Seth says hardly making eye contact.

  "We all like to remember your dad Seth. You don't come across people like your dad that often, we call them genuine souls. Your dad was one of the best, I hope you know that, and he loved you and your mother very much." David reassures the small boy. "He told me so on many occasions, when you were still in your momma's tummy."

  "Really?" Seth replies with a hint of excitement in his voice. "He told you that Dave?"

  "Sure did. I know he's proud of you Seth. You're gonna' do great things my boy, great things."

  "Thanks Dave, I really like coming over and hangin' out with all of you. I'm gonna' see what Michelle's doing." Seth says as he heads for the door to the house.

  "Sounds good. You kids stay out of trouble now." David replies with a smile.

  Walking into the Livingston home, Seth heads toward the staircase finding Naomi laying on a daybed in their den, sipping a glass of wine and reading a romance novel. The walls of the room simulate holographic imagery and today Naomi has chosen the majestic waterfall setting, giving the room a very positive ambience, a calming aura. As Seth walks by he waves to Naomi wondering why she would think that's fun at all, for children can always do anything but relax. "Hi Mrs. Livingston. Just came over to play with Michelle." Seth says a bit nervously as he begins up the stairs.

  "Ok Seth, have fun. Good to see you." Naomi replies returning her focus back to her book.

  The young boy climbs the stairs and heads down the hallway, second door on the right. Michelle always has the door slightly cracked, never completely shut as Seth stops just short of the door still a bit nervous. He always is a bit nervous around Michelle having developed a childhood crush. Never fully understanding these feelings he has, he gives the door a soft knock. "Who is it?"

  "It's me Michelle, Seth."

  "Ok, come in."

  Seth walks into the room and finds everything a young girl's room would usually have, pictures, dolls, stuffed animals and lots and lots of pink. Michelle Livingston would be two parts girly girl, one part tomboy as the young girl sits on her floor playing a holographic puzzle game. Multiple holographic screens float all around her displaying music videos and cartoons, an endless sea of entertainment for a small child, filtered by her parents of course. "Hey Seth, I'm glad you came over, I've been so bored." Michelle says with a smile.

  "Me too. I thought you would want to play some games."

  "Yeah, sounds good. Let me just finish this puzzle and we'll play, ok?"

  "Sure. Hey Michelle, if I ask you something do you promise to tell me the truth." Seth says as the anxiety draws closer.

  Michelle Livingston turns her focus away from the holographic puzzle to her dearest friend. She has also developed a bit of a crush on the boy and although she is very young, she displays a very mature affection. "What's wrong? What happened today Seth?"

  "Nothing." Seth responds staring straight at the floor. "Nothing happened, same as any other day."

  "Were they mean to you again?"

  "It was the jerk Chris agai
n. He never leaves me alone."

  "I knew it! He's stupid, don't listen to him. I'm gonna' beat him up." Michelle says as she jumps to her feet.

  "Don't do that! Everyone at school will think I'm a sissy. I can take care of myself."

  "Why'd they make fun of you?"

  "I had to talk about my dad in front of the class and I was nervous. They always make fun of me." Seth replies letting out a sigh.

  "You shouldn't let them, especially not about your dad. They don't even know him." Michelle says upset at her friend's torment and ridicule.

  "No one knows him anymore."

  "What is this Kalden? What does it mean?" Angela asks taken back as she stares at the unveiled painting.


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