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Chaos Mortalitus

Page 22

by Mark LaMaster

  "What are you dark one?" Lord Erazux asks.

  "The universe is far grander than anything within your pitiful imagination. The mirrors of infinity reflect the essence of time in all places. I know what must be done to finish this and Ashton Mortal is the holder of the keys. At last I will destroy him, in every image. I am the destroyer of all things."

  "Your riddles amuse me not." Lord Erazux snickers.

  "Soon enough you will see there are no riddles within my words. A thousand truths surround you. You need only open your eyes and realize we're part of history, and that you along with all who share in this fight will be remembered for all time. Your hour approaches Lord Erazux and you will finally fulfill your destiny."

  "What is my destiny?"

  "Earth." The cloaked figure whispers.

  The throne room in Avotha City is bustling in this late hour as I make my way down long corridors decorated with beautiful alien artifacts from worlds scattered throughout the universe. General Xenom Bairix joins my side as we head to meet these refugees, these humans. Aside from my home planet, humans have become mostly extinct to the universe or so we've been lead to assume and this news is greatly welcomed. We emerge through the large doors as my royal guards help to create a grand entrance for the king of the Imperial Nations of Avothina.

  I walk slowly once I enter the room as many creatures have come to look upon me. For some, their king has kept a much lower profile as of late and they've come merely for a glimpse of the leader they hold so dear to their hearts. Sadly, war is enough to turn the purest heart to stone and although my resolve remains the same, my ego has become bloated. Coming about in front of my throne, I pull my cloak forward at the fabric's edge and sit down. My congregation follows my example as my royal guards take their place at my side.

  "General Bairix, bring them in." I command.

  "Yes my Lord."

  General Xenom Bairix exits the throne room for a moment as I begin to wonder what these humans might be like, if not from Earth I can only imagine. After a minute or so, Xenom returns with a small group, five human and one female Xxirian. The humans share an identical likeness to those of Earth and I find an odd sense of familiarity, as I haven't seen a human being in many years now. Rarely has anyone even seen my human form because I feel I fit in better within the confines of Mortalitus as the metallic armor hides my darkened eyes.

  Today I have the look of an ancient warrior, more like the king all the creatures in my protection need and morale is key within this conflict. These human strangers walk toward me with one Xxirian counterpart, their gaze fixed on the floor. Coming to a halt in front of my throne the group takes to one knee in the presence of their king. Four females and two males crouch in front of me offering their backs and courage in allegiance to the Imperial Nations.

  Tales of victory have spread through the universe as unrest begins to brew and the Xxirians are finally met with a strategic rebuttal. Six have come to me this day, six new friends to the cause of the righteous, these brothers and sisters of the revolution. Led by a woman, late twenties early thirties with long blonde hair pulled back into a simple ponytail. Blades and ion weapons dawn her body, strapped to every available appendage. A jagged deep scar across her throat reveals the horrors of war as this woman's fight began long ago before the days of Mortalitus, before this conflict was my own.

  She fights for freedom, for independence from tyranny, yet fights nonetheless. Nightmares, the horrors of war all haunting her memories, plaguing her every dream as she bows to her king. Silence races around the room and those who've grown to know me sense my reaction for they know the human within me and have embraced Ashton Mortal as a leader. I stand and slowly walk toward the kneeling group as my cloak moves about revealing only hints of the brilliant armor of Mortalitus. Coming to face these new friends I seek their reasons and cause, for their hearts have come to pay homage to the king that freedom follows.

  "Who are you?" I ask. "Rise and speak to me."

  The woman's eyes open slowly as she takes a deep breath to face the moment. She's heard many versions of who Mortalitus is and knows only a select few have the privilege of attaining an audience with him. She stares back at me with deep rich eyes as they lock onto the glowing slits in my helmet, a defining moment indeed. Studying my figure, she wonders what lies within as her eyes peer toward this creator. "My name is Mandrinx Talya, Lord Mortalitus." The woman humbly responds. "These are my most trusted soldiers, my Lord. We've come to lend our hands in this struggle."

  "How can this be?" I ask. "Are there more humans?"

  "Yes, my Lord. Many more willing to fight and die for you!" One of the young men kneeling says. "You need only command!"

  "HOLD YOUR TONGUE RINKIN!" Mandrinx yells scolding the man.

  "We are friends here, there is no need for that. Our tasks are great, our worth based on good will toward all creations in all places. No opinion is unworthy today, or any other." I say.

  "A thousand apologies my king." Rinkin says in a slightly more somber tone. "I did not intend to speak out of turn. I hope you can look past this transgression my Lord."

  "Apology accepted Rinkin. As for the rest of you, rise with introductions if you please."

  Those kneeling before me rise to their feet before the king whose influence has touched each life personally. In these days I could never have imagined my true impact on this universe, never felt the pace of their hearts when I spoke of triumph and freedom for the rest of time in this universe I call my kingdom. They all stand and stare upon me, calling forth their intelligences to try and understand this very alien figure before them. Most have heard of the many tales and legends of a king named Mortalitus, but the one that stands out most is the fact that he is believed to be human, in one form or another.

  Mandrinx walks a few steps closer to my throne. "My Lord. You honor us by allowing this audience on such short notice." She says bowing her head to me. "Might I present to you my friends and comrades in battle. You've already met Rinkin Cilakex. The other male is Demixil Sabraks, our weapons specialist. Next we have our female medical advisor Dr. Soharix Janilux and decorated warrior Zenica Logaxus. Our Xxirian friend is called Jasfire, the backbone of our team."

  "Glad to have you with us." I reply.

  "My Lord. We've made this journey to Avothina not only to join this fight, but to also bring word that it seems the Xxirian fleets are currently not at full strength on Edoxus. This is very disheartening my Lord, there must be an ulterior motive." Mandrinx reveals.

  "We shan't be defeated, not this day or any other." I say, rising to my feet. "Wherever they go, we shall find them."

  "With all due respect my lord, this is no ordinary enemy. All who've faced an Xxirian encounter head on have succeeded at a less than decent defense." Mandrinx replies taken back by the confidence of her king.

  "There will be no defense when I return to Edoxus. The Xxirian forces will be crushed and the shores of Edoxus will once again be home to the Imperial Nations. Soon this universe will embrace the calm."

  Demixil looks to his king and must know the truth of rumors and speculation. "Forgive me Lord Mortalitus, but I must know. Is it true? Are you the reincarnation of Lord Vexicus Miogar?"

  "Yes Demixil. Lifetimes ago I was Lord Vexicus Miogar, but today I am my own entity. My name is Ashton Mortal, but those I hold closest call me Ash."

  Staring forward at my new friends I feel Mortalitus begin to retract from me as I step forward to reveal my human image as the blackness in my eyes breaks from the glowing vibrancy. Mortalitus stands at my side facing our new human friends, his physical body gleaming with the bright lighting in this room. I stand facing these creatures as the black cloak still shields much of my identity.

  "I am human, born to the planet Earth, or at least I was. I've not seen another human being in a long time, so this is quite surreal for me. Thank you for your journey here to Avothina and know that you are welcomed here in Avotha City by all free beings."

"Thank you my Lord. We have a humble request. Might we be placed on the frontlines during the attack on Edoxus, for the honor of our ancestors who were slaughtered by the Xxirians billions of years ago. We wish to help reclaim our home world." Mandrinx asks her head still bowed.

  "Make no mistake with a false cause. There is no honor in war. In all I've seen I have yet to find the honor most so desperately cling to, with justification of atrocities in the name of war. We acknowledge our task at hand and know that we must take back our rights as free beings in this universe. Through the most just of causes, we must face every adversary who might again ignite the fires of chaos. Truth be told, I hope the children of this war forgive us as the pages of destiny continue to turn."



  Shutting the large chamber doors behind me, I walk into my private study alone, as Mortalitus is my only companion this evening same as most nights. My private sanctuary away from the endless talks of revolution and war, away from these revelations that stalk my heart. Mortalitus has grown accustom to my silence, for some days I truly feel like an end to this struggle is within my grasp. Sadly though my days are filled with memories that bring tears to my eyes in an instant as my heart begins to surge with pain, for those I love have left me all but in the past.

  Mortalitus retracts without a word sensing each cringe of discomfort as I embark on a nightly ritual. I walk to the private chambers within my study, leaving the side of Mortalitus to enter my hidden sanctuary. As I enter the camouflaged room the lighting is triggered revealing a beautiful art studio decorated with amazing portrait renditions. Sketches and beautifully crafted oil masterpieces dawn these walls, hidden from my outside world, hidden from all who could have known the life I came from in 2025 A.D. my only true happy days.

  This place is like a dancing reflection from my dreams long ago as the surrounding walls have so few blank sections left and this room has become a daily reminder of my journey home. Angela has become my everyday heartbeat and within this room I worship the woman I dream of so dearly. In my only moments of peace I choose to wear the skin of Ash Mortal and make his mastery of art mine once more. I take a seat at a very simple easel and begin to press the charcoal sticks to an aged sheet of textured paper.

  Images build within my mind and I can still remember her beautiful smile perfectly, as if the last glance was only yesterday. I remember her excitement in revealing our pregnancy, the joy in her eyes to watch my overwhelming reaction. Laying tone I press my fingers to the paper and begin to smudge out soft gray tones building a foundation for the image. I use finely hand carved utensils to harden facial features, as my wife's beautiful figure becomes infinitely glorious, shedding the ache to my soul and restoring my sanity for a moment.

  Hours slowly fade as the image becomes as real to me as the last minute we shared together. Into the early morning on this beautiful world we call Avothina, an artist creates once more as a king pays homage to the gifts of his past. I'll never forget that fateful morning when Mortalitus came to my side and told me of the preparations that must now begin. "Lord Mortal, your imagery is uncanny. The mastery of this craft defies even the most legendary of mysteries within the universe." Mortalitus says using fine words of encouragement.

  "Thank you Mortalitus. My inspiration is a strong flame today." I reply as I continue to sharpen the image. "I fear I do my wife no justice in these depictions, for her beauty goes beyond word or sketch."

  Standing at my side, the presence of Mortalitus helps calm me. "This I know old friend, your love never flounders." Mortalitus says as he raises his hand to my shoulder. "You are truly honorable, in the ways that most have forgotten."

  "Your kindness relieves me as this constant fatigue sets in." I reply. "I feel each day the same, each moment a step further from my truest heart."

  "I've sensed it these days Ashton. Your demeanor is silent as this fatigue speaks loudly to us all. Mostly to those who would look to you for guidance."

  "What would you have me do Mortalitus? Just put on a happy face and pretend this isn't happening, that I do not suffer?" I reply as I turn to face the creator of all things, the controller of all fates, seeking the simplest answer. Seclusion offers little as I face this constant emotional strain that is very much the last of my human qualities. Mortalitus understands everything about me, even the silence that fills our time together and as he has become my closest of friends, he knows my boundaries yet sometimes fate must be met head on.

  "Lord Mortal, I am proud of your chosen path my young son, despite these obstacles that stall our growth. These united truths will define you for all time as the darkest hours of this universe close in." Mortalitus says as his eyes contrast against the shadows within my hidden studio.

  I turn my focus away from him back to my portrait of an angel. "So you say old friend, yet sometimes I long to be a forgotten memory upon the pages of all histories. This constant burden has bled me dry."

  "There is strength within you Ash. Your wisdom as a man, your courage as a warrior, your virtuous heart. You were born to lead this revolution."

  A tipping point has been reached as I clutch the charcoal sticks in my hand so tightly they shatter. "I AM AN ARTIST DAMN IT!!!" I scream feeling the weight of all creation once again upon my shoulders. Throwing the easel to the floor my calming escape quickly scatters about with the sudden outburst of human emotion. Surprisingly enough, it's been sometime since my heart beat in my chest at such a pace, sometime since I felt alive. Mortalitus can understand only so far this ache within me; can only bear witness to the lunacy brewing.

  "Forgive me Lord Mortal. I know your pain is constant."

  I walk to the piece of art that lies on the floor of my workstation and as I kneel down to pick it up solitary tears form and I want so badly to be rid of this pain. I stare at Angela's beautiful presence and ponder. "No Mortalitus, do not ask forgiveness of me. It is your trusted nature that guides my hand. I ask you only to hold patience with this troubled soul of mine."

  "Of course Lord Mortal. You're the only true friend I've ever known. I value our work together very much and hope to be with you always, if Father permits." Mortalitus replies walking toward me in the fashion of a friend, a brother in arms and as he leans forward I can feel the cool touch of his armor hugging me. My creator cradles this heart that teeters the edge and for this day I weep, like those who have lost their way, I weep. Like a scared child, I sob within the arms of my maker, this warrior now beaten by the constant flashes that haunt me every time I close my eyes.

  "You're part of my family Mortalitus. You will always have a home with me, years beyond this conflict. Help me to create this new hope within our universe."

  "Then so it begins Ashton Mortal. So draws the hour of liberation for all beings. We must make preparations to take back Edoxus and reclaim your throne in Siivech to finally restore the Imperial Nations to their former glory."

  "What must we do next?"

  "Summon Xenom, and prepare his team for departure."

  "Departure to where?"

  "You must send a team to Earth. It's time for your home planet to step up within this universe and become a part of our kingdom. You must send word of this induction of the planet Earth into the Imperial Nations of Avothina. We will station a large force under the command of General Bairix for security purposes."

  "Are you worried about something happening to Earth Mortalitus?"

  "No. Even with an exact location, it would take Lord Erazux many Earth years to get there. This would also give him a strategic disadvantage seeing how most of the Milky Way has gone relatively unnoticed to some of the more colonized galaxies. They do not possess the powers to make a hostile advance on the planet without severe losses. We will send this unit as a precautionary method, along with revealing the existence of the Xxirian Verse War to the humans that call the silent blue pearl home."

  "What role does Earth play in all this?" I ask. "Why involve them at all?"

  "As a
race they're still very primitive, yet maintain a precious quality rarely seen within this vast universe. Courage, in the face of annihilation, for the humans of Earth are descendants of the ancient rebels that once held rule over Siivech and the very name of goodness. It is time for all of you to once again reclaim what is rightfully yours and so you shall lead them Ash, you shall lead us all."

  "So be it. We must go to Earth Mortalitus, I have someone I need to speak with."

  General Xenom Bairix sits in his home in Avotha City, a very beautiful living quarters far grander than the rubble that lay at Seithux, the slave camp he'd known so long ago. It was in those broken days that the spirit of revolution died within him, a pride worn with his family name now disgraced by his weakness. Within these painful memories he holds his compassion dearly to his heart, for his only regret is that those he loved the most share not this dream of a united future. Remembering the day Mortalitus came to him, the day he came to them all, like a dream never realized and then from the heavens he fell.


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