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Chaos Mortalitus

Page 24

by Mark LaMaster

  "We don't know Sir." Greg replies. "It moves too fast to make out anything for sure. All we know is its there one second and gone the next Sir."

  "Get General Scott here now! Omega, get me the pentagon!" President Jonathan Reynolds commands as the fires of this mystery begin to rage once more. "This isn't over yet!"

  Some moments in life are by definition beautiful, born as gentle whispers, validating choices from lifetimes ago. They carry remembrance to far off places as this particular day changes the heart of my dear friend for all time. A feeling deep in your mind, a saga of the soul as the chill of fate blows through Tyler Morgan's hair. There before him stands a mystery, something from the dreams of destiny, something that has come for him specifically as he returns the piercing stare toward the cloaked intruder, whatever it may be.

  The creature begins to walk slowly toward Tyler and the gravity of this situation finally becomes reality, for this is no illusion. He begins to tremble as the creature approaches with anxiety causing his stomach to turn in knots yet stands his ground as a man. Coming to a stop, the creature begins to open the cloak that hides him in darkness, as the familiar sounds of the ancient fabric are faint sliding over the sharp metallic edges. Staring in utter amazement of the entity that now stands before him, ever so calm. Patience behind the eyes of this distant being and in this moment Tyler knows the truth of what he now faces, the truth of destiny.

  Long ago his friend would tell him of the cloaked figure that haunted his dreams night after night coming to claim his soul, for narrow escapes and blurred details build the foundation for this moment. Here and now Tyler stands tall, for this cloaked figure has returned and this time his gaze is fixed elsewhere. Revealed finally, the metallic armor has a brilliant shine against the water droplets as the creature's view remains forward. Tyler takes a few steps and begins to feel the raindrops as they splash against his brow quickly dampening his clothes.

  "I know who you are!" He calls out to this mysterious ancient warrior.

  I stare back watching his caution, examining his fear. "Do you?" I ask as he struggles to comprehend these events as they unfold.

  Taken back, Tyler examines the calm presence of the figure, wondering its intent. "Why have you come for me? Why after all this time are you here?"

  "I need you to deliver a message for me Tyler Morgan. A very important message dear to my heart old friend."

  "Friend? I don't know you." Tyler says confused as he inches toward my position to get a better look. "Why do you call me friend?"

  "It was a title you gave me long ago. I trust it holds in good standing."

  "What? What is this?!" Tyler asks searching for anything familiar, for he knows if this creature meant him harm, he would surely be dead already. "What are you?"

  "I'm hoping you can remind me old friend." I say as the moment has finally arrived. Ten years I've lived behind the eyes of Mortalitus, ten years since I sat in my bed on that fateful day and read an urgent message sent from the man standing directly in front of me. I begin to move forward as Mortalitus slowly retracts from my body and for the first time in ten years, the feeling of home returns. Opening my eyes, the clothing of a warrior fades upon me and I begin to shift into an appearance that would reflect my image in Tyler's memory. The setting is perfect as I too now feel the raindrops from my home world, a beautiful moment that will be cherished for every breath in my chest.

  Tyler simply stares ahead locked upon the blackness in my eyes searching for the meaning, double-checking his awareness. Thousands of question instantly race through his mind as he stands outside the simple cabin he calls home, in the presence of greatness. Disbelief in what his eyes interprets to be his friend from so long ago, the memory that has finally been unearthed. "Ash! My God! Is that you?" Tyler asks this figure before him that has an uncanny resemblance to the man that started this all.

  "Yes. Good to see you again, it's been a long time." I reply walking toward my friend, stopping just short of him. We exchange a different kind of stare as I see tears begin to build in his eye and I too become tearful. With a gesture of friendship Tyler leans in and hugs me, making the impossible tangible to the touch.

  "Holy shit man! This is unreal! Look at you, you're alive! Tyler replies clutching my shoulder as a large smile appears on his face. "Where have you been? I have so many things to ask, so many questions. What the hell happened to you Ash?"

  "We have much to discuss Tyler. Perhaps we could go inside?" I ask as the weather continues to shift and the raindrops gather in strength.

  "Yeah, no problem. Real quick though, what is that thing?' Tyler asks pointing toward Mortalitus reformed standing solitary behind us, watching our interaction.

  "Ask him yourself."

  Tyler walks just past me and stares at the alien creature. "Who are you, if you don't mind?" He politely asks not quite sure of the situation or the tone required.

  Mortalitus stares back having a well-planned response prepared, especially in the light of gaining insight into his counterpart. "I am the Creator, joined with the human you know as Ashton Mortal. He refers to me as Mortalitus, so that is who I am as I refer to him as Ash, for I like you know him as friend." A poetic response like clockwork for the ancient being with a revealing introduction.

  "That sounds so intense! I love this guy!" Tyler says relishing in the element of the moment. He always had a way with making everyone around him smile with a great sense of humor and it is these trivial moments that remind us of simplicity. "Let's head inside. Bring Mortalitus, I'll pour us a drink."

  "After you." Mortalitus quickly replies placing his hand on the shoulder of Tyler in the same manner from earlier. Tyler somehow knows the embrace of this creature, somehow knows that history stands at his side, that destiny approaches.

  The last few years have crept by with a slow turmoil for Tyler and the faith he holds so dearly, having felt his sorrows fall upon deaf ears causing a divinity divided by fine lines. Three walk as equals through the front door of the small cabin. I take a seat opposite to Tyler's chair in front of a peaceful fireplace as Tyler pours us a whiskey shooter, two cubes to a soft crystal glass promising a crisp taste. "Like the old days." He says setting the glass of whiskey at the edge of the table facing me.

  I pick up the glass and raise it to my nose, taking a small sip and feeling very human if for only a moment. The fates of all creation do not feel so heavy here and now, with my dear old friend. "Indeed."

  "Oh man Ash. This makes everything different, I mean really. Where have you been, what happened?" Tyler asks his curiosity clawing at him, for this is a moment he's obsessed about for years, a reason for the events of long ago.

  Beginning slowly I proceed to explain to Tyler my true destiny and the long journey that claimed me from this planet in the human year of 2025 A.D. As I go on it seems Tyler examines Mortalitus more and more, for realizations are beginning to set in. Tales of the shorelines of Father, my unification with our creator and the physical manifestation of Mortalitus. From these long journeys I continue to explain the choices of fate and the oncoming revelations. For discovering the everlasting secrets of the cosmos in that instant, he took it surprisingly well.

  "You've gotta' be fuckin' kidding me!" Tyler says with an awkward smile. "A full on resurrection, here in my living room!"

  "I assure you Tyler, I wish I were. You know I speak the truth." I reply, staring back straight faced acknowledging the seriousness of the situation. "You know what all this means."

  "What happened to your eyes, why are they black? Why is nothing there Ash?"

  "There are things inside me that will never be the same my friend, things that have transformed me into something very different from the human I once was."

  Tyler stands promptly finally understanding who I've become and more importantly, who Mortalitus is as he turns his focus to the solitary being. "Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name." He says reciting a human code of faith.

  "Thy kingdom come, thy w
ill be done, in Earth as it is in heaven." Mortalitus replies continuing the prayer held so dear to the heart of Tyler.

  Falling to his knees in front of our creator, this moment forever defining his faith. "Have you come to deliver us?"

  "I've come to stand with you in this struggle Tyler. With all creatures, in all places. Rise and stand on equal ground my son of the revolution."

  Taking hold of the hand of creation, Tyler feels the warmth of the metallic coating that makes up the physical form of Mortalitus. Rising to his feet, he stands in the presence of his faith, the presence of life. "This is so much to take in Ash. I don't know what to say. None of this feels real." Tyler says as impossible thoughts race through his mind.

  "In time you will understand my reasons for coming here today. You're the first I've seen since this journey began so long ago." I say reassuring my friend for the reality of the situation would be hard for anyone to comprehend.

  "What about Angela? And Seth? You haven't seen them?"

  "She named him Seth. I have a son. No, I cannot, I must see this through, as I've explained there is no choice. I fear if I go to them I will not have the strength to leave." I say as a coward, afraid of the love that drives me so. They can't see me like this, I have to be finished, this has to be finished.

  "Ash, you need to see them. They need to know you're alive. You know she still loves you. Damn it man, your son needs you!" Tyler's composure is shaken as he tries to make sense of my choices.

  "You think I don't know that! You think this is easy for me!" I quickly snap back. "I'm not the same person anymore. I may look it on the outside, but I am not the human I once was, I've changed." I say trying to convince myself even.

  "Listen to you. You sure sound like the king of the universe. They need to know you are alive." Tyler always challenged my logic; always spoke his mind regardless of the repercussions. I'm glad that some things, despite relevance stay the same.

  "If only you could've been there with me. Seen the things I've seen, then you'd understand. Angela and Seth will know I live Tyler, and the world as the humans of Earth know it will change forever." Prophecy sets the tone in my voice, revelations guiding my hand. "I need you to go to them Tyler. Tell them my story; tell them I love them still so dearly, that all I do is so they might escape this chalice that follows me ever so close. That's why I've come to you today. I need you to deliver this message but you must make haste." A feeling of urgency follows my tone, for I know what is coming, I know this will be the first universal war.

  "What is so urgent Ash?"

  "The wheels of change are turning. We must be ready."



  Epic struggles, cosmic circumstances, this is the chaos of infinity designed around events that begin to take shape in a universe shared by an endless number of species. Many completely unaware of the drastic actions taken on their behalves as evil plots in the cold outskirts of the deep. An unknown force seeks to watch the structure of life burn to its very foundation as the personal struggles echo within the hearts of the righteous and we search ourselves for the courage to fight. Many sacrifices pave the way to the final days, many have yet to be for this plan is sinister in an unimaginable way and its maker has become a defining judgment.

  Lord Erazux waits, this immortal Xxirian that has commanded genocide in every direction for billions of years, having searched this universe far and wide for a worthy adversary. The devil has come to him, as evil knows the sanctuary of the similar. In secret Lord Erazux has been hidden through these long years, waiting for the moment and hour to strike the heart of Ashton Mortal. The dark cloaked figure that came to him years ago has led the enemy coalition this far, bringing them to the front lines of this battle only to watch as they burn the hope of a young world.

  Alpha Centauri is the human name for the closest star system to the planet Earth at 4.37 light-years away and the perfect hiding place for one of the largest military coalitions ever formed to take battle positions. The system is quiet, making a prolonged station easy to hide without detection for any who might stand in this fight. Although much of Lord Erazux's military remains at Edoxus and scattered throughout the universe, he commands death in the purest form. Human religion depicts this as the end of days in ways both mystical and meta- physical in nature, and now the end has come upon the horizon but a breath away.

  Commanding the most advanced and heinous military ever imagined, Lord Erazux is capable of destroying and enslaving all caught within the path of his war machines. Seeking to strike at the heart of the human called Ashton Mortal as the reptilian king longs to face this reincarnation of Vexicus Miogar. The dark cloaked figure remains at the side of this evil and together this plan moves forward, together they seek total annihilation. With destiny approaching, Lord Erazux readies his nerves and summons the courage of the Xxirian ancients, finally accepting his fate as the destroyer of all things.

  "The hour of vindication is finally at hand." The mysterious figure says reminding a restless Lord Erazux onboard the floating fortress known as the Shadow of Deoth.

  Pausing a moment, Lord Erazux takes a deep breath as the seconds tick away toward this most drastic of moves. He brings up a holographic dimensional display of the planet Earth and the system it inhabits. "The hidden jewel shines quietly. Unaware of its dismal fate." The Xxirian king says examining the planet as he has many times over these last years. Time has dragged slowly onward, yet finally a chance at redemption for the once disrespected king. "Remember, they're primitive but not to be underestimated." The dark figure says warning the Xxirian king he calls partner to this deception. "When provoked, they can summon great courage."

  "I am the only king this universe will ever know. From here my campaign will conquer every corner of this universe. Weakness has no place among my Xxirian warriors!" Lord Erazux says completely unaware that ego is the greatest threat to the Xxirian king these days and this mysterious figure knows exactly how to indulge such a vice. "The humans of Earth will bow before me. Any who resist will die, every last one if necessary. They're vermin, weak to the core. None deserve life among the ancient gods."

  The door to the strategic chambers of the colossal ship opens and General Raithus Bairix emerges to join the conversation. The Xxirian General has been hesitant with the dark messenger ever since the moment they met, for he knows this evil has secrets but above all he knows this thing can't be trusted. "General Raithus will help lead the invasion against the humans and command the secondary unit that will hold in Earth's orbit and prep for the contingency." The dark one says.

  "My lord, I have sent word to Veorix that the dark one will be leading the defense of Edoxus and is named Commander of the Xxirian forces. Veorix has already gathered a large sector of Xxirian soldiers to reinforce the presence on Edoxus. For any who might try and take the planet head on, the fiercest defense awaits. It seems that most are unaware of our whereabouts my Lord, although there is talk of your lack of exposure over the years." General Raithus says as he updates his king with universal current events from their claimed home world.

  "Good work General. I can always depend on your word. You have shown your honor to be true and I'm glad to have you at my side in this our final war against the humans and any who might challenge my rule. This is our universe brother and should the day ever come that I am gone, you will be named my successor and granted my throne." Lord Erazux reveals praising his dedicated General who has stood by him in this fight for many years.

  "Remember, heed my warning. Their communications must be disabled immediately or Mortalitus will be notified. If he is told of what is happening on his home world then our plans will be ruined. This must be perfect and remember, the humans will not be alone. A fleet from the army of Mortalitus will stand with them, to the death." The dark figure warns the two Xxirians as they prepare their hearts.

  "I do not fear a mere fleet! I will destroy their spirits! Crush their hopes!" Lord Erazux arrogantly responds to the w
arnings of this mysterious and dangerous creature. "They will all fall in the eye of this approaching storm!"

  "General, you must understand what it is you will face. Your loyalty will be tested before this battle is over." The mysterious creature says turning his focus to General Raithus with an ominous tone.

  "My loyalties are not in question here dark one. Truth be told, it should be you we question, for you have already defied destiny once. You're the one who has no place here." General Raithus fires back at the cloaked oracle.

  "We shall see. Know this Xxirian, your brother Xenom will stand against you in this fight. He will lead these humans against us, to any end."

  Raithus stares back at the figure heartbeat elevated, holding his tongue for patience is necessary to deal with this intruder. He turns to his king ignoring the comments of the cloaked figure. "Whatever the cause, whoever the adversary, I stand with you alone my king. At the cost of my own brother's life, by my hand if you wish it my Lord. Xenom's choice is his own and he's dishonored our family's name. He is no blood of mine." Raithus says removing his Xxirian blade and pressing it to his chest as he bows to Lord Erazux displaying his loyalty to his command only.


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