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Chaos Mortalitus

Page 27

by Mark LaMaster

  Beams of energy flare off my body as I can feel the power in my presence gaining momentum, pushing forward as I release a large amount of energy streaming across the heavens like a magnificent lightning spectacle. A circular rotation begins to grow high above this vast army as I begin to open a gateway to a galaxy these alien creatures can only begin to imagine from the words of their king. The energy becomes increasingly volatile as the doorway expands larger to reveal a beautiful array of colors and imagery.

  "In this moment we are all things, comrades of war. The dreams of the innocent, the hopes of the enslaved. Brothers and sisters of this revolution, we are the redeemers today. We are the creators of tomorrow. Our battles are long and hard, this cosmic fight through infinity. To our enemies of this universe, we shout through the darkness." I say to their hearts as the moment is here. "We are coming for you, embracers of hate, constructors of genocide, war machines of Deoth. We are coming for you! We are coming for you!" The massive force below me roars in agreement, embracing their leader with a familiar admiration.

  "We face this challenge together, though from different worlds WE ARE uniteD under the common flag of freedom for all things in all places. Today, we go to see they have it. The righteous heart fights in the face of injustice, squares up against chaos. We seek peace this day brothers and sisters, for the dreams of Vexicus!" I say my hair standing on edge as I watch these warriors prepare to release their undying will against the evils that have assembled this allied coalition.

  Swirling high above the massive army, the wormhole ejects radiant colors as the energy encases its structure, sustaining the strait shot to the blue pearl of the Milky Way Galaxy just outside orbit. Finally the time has come and as the hourglass runs out, General Xenom Bairix steps forward to address the forces he will now assume command over. "Soldiers of the revolution! Our time is now! Our orders are clear! We go to stand at the side of the humans of Earth. Remember that these friends from across the stars might not understand our reasons for contact, but we go nonetheless."

  "To honor our king, to be his representation there in these desperate times. All of you who will be joining us on this journey report to your ships, for our destination is Earth and we leave now." General Bairix instructs as the thousands of alien creatures begin to file toward their designated transport ships and battle cruisers to begin the quick jump across the universe.

  Commander Sirec Exale walks over to Xenom as Halex and Tikik stand at his side. "Take care brother in arms. Go in honor."

  "You too old friend. Remember Commander Exale, there is no farewell between us. Till next time." Xenom replies. "Might a warriors glory await us all."

  "Till then. Remember, if you need help call for us. No force in this universe will stop me from coming to your aid. This ends on the day when our lives have run their fullest course and not a moment earlier." Sirec says extending his arm to Xenom as he embraces it quickly with his own.

  Strangers in fate, brothers and sisters in destiny as the tight nit group say their goodbyes. "Take care of yourself fur ball." Halex says hugging his long time feline friend.

  "You too tiny one." Sirec responds with a laugh.

  "Take care of our king Sirec, you know how he can get sometimes. Watch out for yourself, don't be a hero." Tikik says as she also hugs her trusted friend.

  The large fleet of alien ships begins to exit the valley and head toward the spiraling openings in the heavens above them. After having said their goodbyes, the leaders of the Earth mission head to their ships as the time for departure has come. I call out to my friends and those who stand at my side. "In my heart you're my family, my truest friends, my most loyal of subjects. I will never forget the hearts that define the testament of honor you bestow upon us all. Warriors of the revolution, hear me now."

  "Within your hearts are the memories of the innocent flames, extinguished by this onslaught. In a final voice to you Xenom and my dearest friends who now head for far away places, remember this always. I AM CHAOS! I AM MORTALITUS!!!"

  Xenom, Halex, Tikik and Jasfire bow to their king who hovers in the heavens, for they believe his words and honor his presence. It is that moment that will be remembered by thousands of free beings for they will tell the stories of the king that fell from the sky to save them all. Stories will become legends and regardless of victory or defeat in this final battle of all things, the legend of Chaos Mortalitus will never be forgotten.

  Stormy weather begins to come in out of nowhere as the Memorial Day celebration at the Mortal home is moved inside for fear of rain. Angela helps bring in the leftover food with her mother as Grace takes to the kitchen to begin cleanup. The rest of the friends and family take seats in the living room, as the President's speech is about to begin. Omega displays the footage on the walls of the Mortal home as well as holographic screens. "Angela! Grace! Hurry it up! This speech is gonna' start!" David calls out.

  "Don't sweat it!" Angela yells back. "We have screens in the kitchen. Be there in a sec."

  "How about you Mr. Mortal? What do you think Reynolds is up to now?" David asks trying to get a wiser opinion.

  "Honestly, I don't know this time. Seems big though, I can feel it." Daniel replies as he scans through current events on a second holographic screen awaiting the President's speech.

  Angela walks into the living room and has a seat next to her father in-law and Kalden. Just then the news anchor announces that the Presidential speech is about to begin. Watching the footage, they see President Jonathan Reynolds walk up to the central podium wearing a look of astonishment, a resemblance of fatigue as he addresses the American public. Although a nation wide broadcast, seemingly every pair of eyes on planet Earth is fixed on Jonathan Reynolds. He looks on for a moment and stares back at the wall-to-wall crowd covering the South Lawn of the White House.

  From the moment Ashton Mortal came into his life everything he knew about morality, spirituality and causality has changed for good. Understanding finally that everything from this moment on is truly out of his hands as he speaks to humans of Earth. "I felt it appropriate to start this speech with my fellow Americans, but I feel a better approach would be my fellow human beings of the planet Earth. I've come before you today not only in remembrance of our nation's Memorial Day, but for reasons I'm not entirely sure I can explain." Jonathan's voice echoes through the silent distances as billions watch and tune in from wherever they are in time.

  "Today I am merely a man, living on this planet trying to understand the coming events, be they scientific or spiritual. I haven't always been a good man America. I've served my government my entire life. I've done and helped do things I'm not proud of. In my Presidency I've always tried to put the nation and the world's best interest at heart. With some of the information you will now be receiving I hope you can understand my hesitation and predicament." President Reynolds says with his gaze fixed to the heavens above.

  A burning horizon is painted as something seems to he happening high in the skies above. Jonathan pauses as his vision is attracted elsewhere, along with the rest of the world and he knows the moment has arrived as agents begin to swarm his location. General Greg Knight steps in to relay a message to the President pulling him away from the podium.

  "Mr. President. We've just received word a large fleet of more than one hundred unidentified celestial objects has been detected and are currently entering our atmosphere. That's what's causing the weather disruptions Sir." Greg says with a look of fear in his eyes. "What are your orders Mr. President? What do we do?"

  "Pray my friend." Jonathan says as he heads back to the podium. "Please remain calm everyone, the weather anomalies around the world can be explained." Jonathan says to the crowd on the South Lawn of the White House as there's a sudden thundering sound from the heavens above followed by heavy explosive reactions. Staring up at the sky with the rest of the world, Jonathan can do nothing but marvel at the moment having finally arrived. " And with the sound of a thousand trumpets, revelations is at hand." He whi

  Angela Mortal and all who surround her stare in awe as a panic is felt at the sight of what is suddenly happening on their planet. In the skies above the White House and many areas around the world, extremely large alien warships and battle cruisers emerge through the atmosphere with a godly roar moving toward civilization. The entire world instantly takes a breath and holds it, for this is something no one could've ever expected as one of the large warships breaks formation and heads for the White House.

  "WHAT SHOULD WE DO MR. PRESIDENT?!" General Knight yells.

  "What can we do?" President Reynolds replies softly as panic sets in on the South Lawn with the large alien warship drawing closer.

  In the home on 4983 Utopia Drive, shivers run down the spines of every person in the Mortal residence. Seth stares in disbelief at the unfolding events. "Look Mom! Are they aliens?" He asks.

  "Oh my God!" Angela says as her vision is glued to the image in front of her. "I don't know what they are!"

  "Is this really happening? I can't believe this is really happening!" Daniel says with a sense of hesitation and excitement rolled into one.

  "It's almost like your painting Kalden." Kyoko says as Kalden looks on with a bewildered stare.

  The large alien warships stay in formation with one beginning to land just short of the South Lawn. Every single person on the planet Earth witnesses the final answer to a question pondered by all, this thought of being alone in the universe. Finally, contact with extra terrestrial creatures for the entire world to see as beams of beautiful light reflect off the advanced alien technology. "This is so cool!" Seth says as he sits next to Michelle watching the events take place.

  Watching the President maintain his composure quite well, they wonder what is to come next as the large alien craft inches closer to the White House. Just then there is a notification on the screen by the Omega System. "Mrs. Mortal, there is someone here to see you."

  "What? Everyone's here already." Angela asks not expecting anyone else. "Who is it Omega?"

  "Tyler Morgan, Mrs. Mortal. I've notified him that you will answer momentarily."

  Slow motion takes hold as a rush of emotions hit Angela Mortal in the heart once more and thoughts of her husband suddenly flood her mind. Years since she's seen Tyler, so why does he show up here today? Suddenly the massive coincidence begins to turn the wheels in Angela's mind as she leaps forward and rushes to the front door, her company following close behind her. Stopping just short of the door she places her hand on the handle. Endless possibilities fill the minds and hearts of the people of Earth as chaotic events transpire in every corner of existence. Angela turns the handle and opens the door to reveal her late husband's long time friend and the person that started the journey of a man that would become king. "Tyler? What are you doing here?" Angela asks as she stares at Tyler who has tears pouring from his eyes.

  "He's alive Angela! Ash is alive!!!"








  Coming Soon...



  Ashton Seth Mortal - Human - Male

  Angela Mortal - Human - Female

  Daniel Ashton Mortal - Human - Male

  Grace Mortal - Human - Female

  Cynthia Winters - Human - Female

  Seth Ashton Mortal - Human - Male

  Tyler Morgan - Human - Male

  Jonathan Reynolds - Human - Male

  (Kal-den) (Ska-mar)

  Kalden Skamar - Human - Male

  Jason Scott - Human - Male

  Greg Knight - Human - Male

  David Livingston - Human - Male

  Naomi Livingston - Human - Female

  Michelle Livingston - Human - Female


  Kyoko - Human - Female


  Mortalitus - Unknown

  (Vex-i-cus) (Mi-o-gar)

  Vexicus Miogar - Human - Male


  Lord Erazux - Xxirian - Male

  (Veor-ix) (Dei-f)

  Veorix Deif - Xxirian - Male

  (Ray-thus) (Bair-ix)

  Raithus Bairix - Xxirian - Male

  (Tri-vusk) (Bair-ix)

  Trivusk Bairix - Xxirian - Male

  (Ze-nom) (Bair-ix)

  Xenom Bairix - Xxirian - Male

  (Tik-ik) (Rank-lix)

  Tikik Ranklix - Mezarian - Female

  (Ze-ok) (Rank-lix)

  Zeok Ranklix - Mezarian - Male

  (Si-rec) (Ex-ale)

  Sirec Exale - Silokian - Male


  Halex - Viluxian - Male

  (Man-dri-nks) (Tal-ya)

  Mandrinx Talya - Human - Female

  (Rin-kin) (Cil-a-kex)

  Rinkin Cilakex - Human - Male

  (De-mix-il) (Sa-braks)

  Demixil Sabraks - Human - Male

  (So-har-ix) (Jan-il-ux)

  Soharix Janilux - Human - Female

  (Zen-i-ca) (Lo-gax-us)

  Zenica Logaxus - Human - Female


  Jasfire - Xxirian - Female



  Siivech Galaxy (Imperial Nations)


  Edoxus - Xxirian Headquarters


  Seithux - Xxirian Death camp


  Miitus - Xxirian Training Camp


  Neshuza Galaxy


  Silok - Silokian


  Avothina - Reformed Imperial Nations of Avothina






  Xiodal Galaxy




  Nelhothux - Xxirian Death camp


  Vaothel - Mezarian


  Rokkilux Galaxy


  Deoth - Xxirian, Viluxian

  Milky Way Galaxy

  (Al-pha Cen-taur-i)

  Alpha Centauri - Star

  Earth - Human

  About the Author

  My name is Mark S. LaMaster, proud father of my daughter, Kara Keiko LaMaster. Born and raised in Southern California where I currently reside, and aside from writing I am also a professional custom tattoo artist/freelance-artist, running a private art studio in Southern California called Mortalitus Art. The creation of Chaos Mortalitus Book I, has been a very fulfilling project and I hope you will continue this journey with Ashton Mortal in, Chaos Mortalitus: Revelations, Book II.

  I would like to thank all the professional tattoo artists that grind out their ability day after day, and the people around the world that make our dreams possible in skin art. I would also like to thank my family and friends, above all my Mother and all her help with this project, and Espi with the Mausoleum family for their years of support.

  Till next time ...

  Live Liberated,

  Mark S. LaMaster











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