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Warlord's Mercy: 4 (Barbarian Claims)

Page 2

by Cynthia Sax

  Tolui tilted his head to the side, listening. Water rushed along rock. “We’ll cleanse ourselves, little female.” He motioned with his hand for his mate to precede him, wishing to keep his eyes on her.

  “My name is Lea.” She frowned, resting her balled hands on her shapely hips, her small, firm breasts barely contained by her torn chest covering. Her skin was a shade darker than his and her brown curls had been tied back from her face, the wispy tendrils reaching her waist. “And I’ll cleanse myself alone, in private.”

  “That wasn’t a request, Lea.” He dropped her pack and approached her. “I’m your master now.” He couldn’t call himself a Warlord as he didn’t yet have a planet to rule over. “We’ll cleanse ourselves together.”

  Lea stood her ground, not at all afraid of him, her fearlessness earning Tolui’s admiration. She was strong and brave and his. “I’m not—”

  He slung her over his uninjured shoulder and she shrieked, pounding his back with her small fists and kicking his stomach with her abnormally large boots. “Be still.” He smacked her wiggling ass.

  “Don’t hit me.” The tantalizing scent of her arousal belied her words.

  “You’re my slave.” Tolui swatted her ass again, relishing how her curves fit against his palm. She cried out, her husky voice thrilling him. “You’re mine to do with as I wish.” He carried her into the next chamber. The small space was empty, devoid of all of her impractical decorations and makeshift furniture. An underground stream rushed along the far wall. Light shone down on them, relayed from an opening far above them.

  “No one owns me.” Lea glared at him as he lowered her to the stone floor.

  Tolui ignored her words. “Undress or I’ll tear your garments off you.” He extended his claws, prepared to rake them over her tight-fitting leather leg coverings.

  “Don’t you dare tear my garments.” She turned her back to him and hurriedly undid her laces. “I made this chest covering myself and I can repair it easily.” She dropped the garment to the stone. “Don’t look at me as I undress.” She kicked off her boots, her feet surprisingly small.

  “I’ll look at you if it pleases me to look.” And it pleased him to look. Lea’s body was slender and her back straight, her fragile skin striped with red but not broken. She pulled her leg coverings down, revealing an ass marked by his hand and a pair of legs he longed to wrap around his waist.

  Tolui’s cock hardened, straining against his leg coverings. He retracted his claws, discarded his own boots and peeled the leather away from his body, stripping naked, the cool air not deflating his erection.

  Lea stepped into the stream, sank into water reaching her shoulders, and she turned. “Oh.” Her lush mouth dropped open, her wide-eyed gaze fixed on his groin. His cock bobbed as he moved toward her. “No.” She scurried away. “You want to kill me, remember?”

  “I want to take you on the stone floor, rut into you hard and fast again and again and fill you with my seed.” Tolui submerged his overheated body in the cold, clear water, the liquid rushing over his skin, a thousand fingers caressing him. “Then I might kill you,” he bluffed gruffly.

  “You’d take me against my will?” Lea bobbed, sculling the water with her calloused fingers.

  “You’ll be willing.” Tolui dipped his head under the surface, wetting his hair and washing the grime off his face. “You want me.” Lea’s face flushed an enchanting shade of pink. “I can smell your need, gerel.” He breathed deeply, savoring her scent.

  “I shouldn’t want you.” She didn’t deny his words. “I don’t know you. Why are you here? Why don’t you want to be found?”

  Tolui straightened, reverting to his leadership role. “My clone brothers and I are fighting for our rightful homeland.” He told her the truth, his female was too observant and intelligent to be lied to. “The Chameles don’t acknowledge our claim and if they find me before I can defend myself, they’ll kill me.”

  “Ahhh…” Lea nodded, her wet brown curls plastered around her face, making her eyes appear even larger than they were. “Chamele 4 is well worth fighting for.”

  “Chamele 4?” He snorted, questioning his female’s thought processes. “No being wishes to rule Chamele 4. This planet hasn’t the energy reserves of Chamele 1, the vegetation of Chamele 2 or the herds of Chamele 3.”

  “My father and I flew across the galaxy to settle upon Chamele 4.” Lea’s eyes grew dreamy, her face softening. “And we would have lived happily here if Daisun hadn’t killed my father and threatened me. We would have filled chambers with vegetation and raised small beasts for food and traded with the other planets.”

  “What would you trade?” Tolui scoffed, incredulous that any being would wish to reside upon the planet. “Chamele 4 is suitable only for a hunting planet.”

  “Wise people with a strong leader could cater to those hunters.” She splashed water on her tanned face. “But that’s all dreaming. We have no strong leader, only Daisun.” She curled her top lip. “And he wishes to destroy and control, not build and lead.” She shook her head. “Which planet are you fighting for?”

  Tolui swam toward his female, needing to touch her. “We’re fighting to control the entire system.”

  Lea smiled, her face lighting up, her eyes burning brighter than the sun, and he blinked, dazzled by her beauty. “If you controlled Chamele 4, you could send Daisun away and I wouldn’t have to leave my home.”

  He frowned, not understanding Lea’s love for the dry, lifeless planet. “We’ve talked enough about Chamele 4.” Tolui moved closer to his gerel, intent on claiming her, on binding them together forever. “I want to rut with you now.”

  Chapter Two

  Lea’s stomach fluttered as Tolui approached, the reflected sunlight illuminating his black hair, scarred face and broad shoulders. His expression was darkly intense, the warrior’s fierce gaze focused on her.

  She wanted him, her breasts aching for his touch, but when Tolui took her, she suspected he’d conquer more than her body. She wasn’t ready for that, not yet.

  “We should talk more,” she insisted. “Tell me of your family.”

  “I’m a clone,” he rumbled, standing naked in the water less than an arm’s length from her. “I was raised in a laboratory. My source is dead and his natural offspring rule the system…for now.”

  “You’re alone, as I am.” Lea’s already weakened resolve dissipated even more.

  “There are other clones. I must return to them, lead them to victory, and claim our homeland.” Tolui’s black eyes glinted. “As I claim you…now.”

  He reached out, folded his fingers over her hips and pulled her to him. She gasped as their naked bodies smacked together, his hard cock pushing against her stomach, his hands warm and calloused.

  “Let me go.” Lea struggled, pushing against his chest. She twisted in his arms, rubbing her feet against his legs, unable to touch the bottom of the underground stream.

  Tolui cupped Lea’s abused ass and squeezed, the pain stimulating her more. “Tell me you don’t want me, little female, and I’ll let you go.” His gaze held hers, his expression deadly serious.

  Lea stilled. “I shouldn’t want you,” she confessed, unable to lie to him. “You’re a stranger, my captor.” His long black hair swirled around them, the soft strands brushing against her arms, tempting her to touch them.

  “I’m more than your captor. I’m your master.” Tolui heaved her over his uninjured shoulder, and she shrieked. Water ran along her back, between her ass cheeks, all of her naked body exposed. “And you have no choice. You will rut with me.” He swatted her ass, the smack of skin against skin loud, and he stalked out of the stream, one of his hands remaining on her bare curves, his other hand strapped over her legs, restraining her.

  “I don’t have a choice.” Lea gazed down at his clenched ass cheeks and his narrow waist. All of his body was hard, his tanned skin pulled tightly over muscle. “If I please you, will you take me with you when you leave?”

He grunted, cupping her head as he laid her carefully down on the cold stone.

  “Is that a yes?” She gazed up at Tolui, acutely aware of their nakedness. Her back burned from the rock vulture’s talons and her ass ached from his heavy palm, the agony heightening her arousal.

  “Masters don’t answer questions.” He spread her arms to the side. “Leave your hands there,” he instructed, his tone stern. Lea obeyed, wishing to please him, to earn her place by his side.

  “Let me look at my prize.” Tolui brushed her hair away from her face and he leaned forward, gazing into her eyes. “You appear healthy.” He stroked one of his rough fingers over her cheek, across her bottom lip, down her neck, and Lea trembled. “Your breasts are firm and small.” He cupped them in his calloused palms and her heart skipped a beat, her pussy moistening.

  “I’m sorry.” Lea apologized, pushing her small breasts upward into his hands.

  “I’m not sorry.” Tolui pinched her nipples and she cried out, arching her back. “Be still.” He gave her breasts a light slap, the contact tightening her nipples even more. “Small breasts bring a higher price.” He covered her breasts with his big hands, squeezing and releasing, squeezing and releasing and her body throbbed to his tempo.

  “You’d sell me?” She dug her fingertips into the rock, struggling to remain still.

  “I am your master.” Tolui’s dark eyes glinted “I can do anything I wish with you.” He slid his hands over her stomach, caressed her hipbones, explored her brown private curls. Moisture ran down Lea’s inner thighs. “Spread your legs. Let me look at your pussy.”

  He’ll look at all of me. Lea’s face heated as she opened her body to his gaze.

  “Your pussy lips are pink and plump.” Tolui swept his fingertips over her and she shook. “You’re dripping for me.” He held his finger up for her to see, his skin glistening with her juices. “That’s good. The buyers like a responsive slave.” He stroked her up and down, drawing more moisture from her core.

  Stars. I need him. Lea gritted her teeth.

  “This is a special feature on human female slaves.” Tolui rubbed one of his thumbs over her clit and a high-pitched whine rose from her throat, his touch too exquisite, torturing her. “Don’t come yet, slave.” He pressed his hands down on her hips, pinning her ass to the stone. “You don’t have my permission.” He narrowed his gaze.

  Lea gulped air, fighting to regain control and Tolui waited, watching her, expecting her to obey him. Her breathing leveled, her body calming.

  He circled her entrance and she tensed. “You’re strong. You can do this.” He held her gaze and pushed his finger deep inside her. She whimpered, gripping him with her pussy muscles. “You’re tight.”

  “It’s been many solar cycles since a male touched me,” she admitted.

  He pulled his finger out of her pussy, sliding his skin along her inner walls. “Do not talk of other males.” Tolui filled her again, ramming his finger deep, and she stiffened. “You belong to me now.” He stroked in, stroked out, pushing her ruthlessly toward fulfillment.

  “I belong to you,” Lea repeated. “Tolui?”

  “You can take more, gerel.” He added another thick finger, stretching her open, and she thrashed her head from left to right, the sensation too intense. “Control yourself,” Tolui ordered, pumping her.

  She closed her eyes. Tears streamed down her face.

  “Look at me,” he demanded. Lea complied, instinctually obeying him. Their gazes met and held, his eyes as black as a starless night. She shook, tremors rolling over her.

  “Tolui,” she whispered.

  “Do you want me?” he growled.

  “I want you,” she confessed, her mind incapable of deception, her body needing release. “Give me permission.”

  His eyes gleamed and his lips curled upward ever so slightly. “Then come for me, Lea.” He drove his fingers deep inside her pussy. “Come now.” He smacked his thumb against her clit, breaking her.

  “Tolui,” she screamed, arching her back, coming hard, her world spinning around her faster and faster. At the center of her solar system was Tolui, his dark gaze fixed on her face, his fingers filling her pussy. She clenched him with her inner muscles, holding onto her warrior, her master, her tormenter, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “Tolui.” She shook, needing to touch more of him, not daring to. She kept her arms at her sides.

  “I’m here. I have you.” He removed his fingers from her pussy and he covered her with his hard body, his warmth comforting her, his musky scent filling her nostrils. She was no longer alone, one mistake away from death. He was with her, protecting her, his willing slave.

  “Did I please you?” Lea fluttered her fingers over him, touching him tentatively, not knowing if touching was now allowed.

  “Yes, you pleased me.” Tolui licked the tear tracks on her cheek, his tongue hot and rough. “And you’ll continue to please me.”

  He drew back from her and Lea lowered her gaze. His cock was hard, huge, long and thick, black curls covering his base. She licked her bottom lip, intimidated by his size.

  “Ready yourself for me,” he warned her.

  Lea bent her knees, spread her thighs wider, and lifted her ass, offering him her pussy. “I’m ready, Tolui.” Her fingers trembled.

  He cupped her ass, kneeling between her legs. “This pussy is my pussy.” Tolui prodded her entrance with his broad cock head. “I own you.” He pushed into her, stretching her painfully tight, and she pressed her lips together, smothering her cry.

  “I’ll mount you.” He slid deeper and deeper and deeper. “Rut into you.” She felt the flare of his tip, the rub of his rim, the veins on his shaft, the interesting ridge around his base. “Fill you with my genetically enhanced seed.”

  Tolui lowered his body onto hers, flattening her against the stone floor. “A clone’s cock is inside you, little human.” Fierce emotion flashed across his scarred face and Lea’s breath caught.

  “Tolui’s cock is inside me,” Lea dared to correct him, her voice husky with passion. “You’re an individual, not a type of being.” She stared up at him.

  Tolui stared back, jagged blue streaks of energy sizzling in his black eyes. “Some females would argue all clones are the same.” He lifted his square chin.

  “Do not talk of other females,” Lea echoed his earlier words. “You belong to me now.” She pushed her hips upward, taking him deeper inside her. “As I belong to—”

  Tolui captured her lips with his, silencing her declaration with a savage kiss. She inhaled sharply, surprised by his response and he filled her mouth with his tongue, possessing her, branding her, claiming her. He tasted of open fire and fresh herbs and she sucked on him greedily, pulling a groan from his throat.

  Lea ran her hands over his shoulders, exploring his scarred skin. He stroked into her mouth and rubbed his body over hers, rocking into her pussy and teasing her nipples with his chest. She’d already come once, harder than she’d ever come before, and she should be sated sexually, yet a need rose within her once more.

  I’m addicted to him. She threaded her fingers through Tolui’s long wet hair, holding onto him. Her pussy eased around his shaft, her juices slicking his skin, allowing him to thrust harder, deeper.

  He lowered his head and pressed his scarred cheek against her skin, his hot breath wafting over her ear. Lea panted, pulling his hair, trapped between hard male and harder stone. Her hips collided with his and her ass smacked against the stone floor, her body heating until she feared she’d combust.

  Tolui grunted, adding his savage noises to hers. A thin sheen of perspiration formed over his back and chest. She fixed her lips to his skin and sucked, tasting salt and minerals and man. He shuddered, his response cascading down his spine, thrilling Lea. She did that to him, made her Chamele warrior lose control.

  She met each thrust, her legs shaking, her pussy gripping his shaft tighter and tighter, fulfillment rushing toward her with the speed of the undergro
und stream. “Tolui.”

  “Can’t last,” he growled, the base of his shaft expanding. “Gerel.” Tolui drove deep, raised his head, and roared that word again, the sound temporarily deafening her. Hot cum shot out of his cock with a breath-stealing force, slamming into Lea’s pussy, pushing her over the edge.

  She screamed, her second climax even more acute than her first. Colors spun around her. Her voice grew hoarse. She felt too much, pleasure flowing along her arms and legs. A black vortex swirled, sucking her into its center, and she lost consciousness.

  “Gerel.” Tolui collapsed on top of his female’s limp body, his cock lodged deep inside her wet, hot pussy, his gerel’s wet hot pussy. He rolled, taking her with him, the stone cool and wet against his back.

  He had bonded with a female, the swelling providing physical proof of a truth his heart already accepted. He stroked his hands over his little human’s back. He’d been told clones couldn’t bond. He’d also been told no female would ever care for a clone.

  You’re an individual, not a type of being. Lea’s words echoed in his mind. He smoothed her hair, dividing the wet strands. Could she grow to care for me?

  Tolui tended to her hair, savoring the softness of the brown tendrils. I’ll have to leave her here. He sighed. He had a war to fight and Lea was a weakness the Warlord brothers could exploit. He’d been unable to kill the eldest brother’s little gerel but Berke might not have the same qualms toward harming Lea.

  He pressed his lips to her forehead, tasting the salt of her skin. He couldn’t risk her safety.

  “Mmm…” Lea splayed her small fingers over his chest. “Are you stuck inside me?” She lifted her head, her big brown eyes delightfully unfocused.

  “The swelling will go down soon.” Tolui traced her lips, her pink flesh plumped from his kisses. “You have water and food here, foolish female. Why are you risking your safety and leaving the tunnels?”


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