Crave Me

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Crave Me Page 15

by Geneva Lee

  With deft fingers, he unfastened his belt and dropped it. Its buckle clattered on the floor next to me. The sound gave me an idea. I held out my hands, crossing them at the wrists. I would give him more. More of what pleased him. More of my trust. Smith was looking to make a judgment about me. I would make his decision easier.

  “Please, Sir,” I pushed the words past the chain in my mouth.

  “You want those bound, too?” he guessed, bending over to pick it back up. “Hands behind your back.”

  I crossed them behind me, and Smith leaned over me, pressing his groin against my face as he looped the belt around my wrists. When he straightened again, he unbuttoned his trousers and pushed his pants and boxers off to reveal his erect cock. Moisture glistened on its crown, beckoning me to lick across its tip. I’d yet to have my mouth on him, but his fingers closed over it.

  He smacked his shaft against my cheek, knocking the chain from my teeth. “Do you want this in your mouth?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I squeaked, not daring to act on the impulse.

  “In your pussy? Between your tits?” he continued. “How about up your ass?”

  I licked my lips and nodded.

  “Now this is important, beautiful. I know other men have fucked you. I wish that wasn’t the case. That somehow I’d found you sooner, because I want to own all of your pleasure. Since I can’t, I’m going to have to spend a lot of time fucking their memory right out of your pretty little head. When I’m finished, your body will only remember me.” He tipped my chin higher with his index finger. “Men have had your pussy, and judging from the way you licked your lips just now, they’ve had your mouth. Has one come on your tits before?”

  I shook my head no. The Oxford boys I’d been with tended toward traditional sexual activities, like missionary position.

  Smith leaned down, his face angling toward mine until our lips were nearly touching. “Has one been in your ass?”

  “No,” I breathed. I couldn’t stop myself from squirming a little.

  “Not tonight, beautiful,” he reassured me with a gentle kiss. “Those things can wait until you’re ready. You’ve saved them for me after all. I want to take my time when it finally comes. Now suck my cock.”

  Smith took hold of the leash again and stepped back, forcing me to move awkwardly to keep myself upright. It was more difficult than I’d imagined with my hands secured behind me. As I neared him, he drew the leash tighter until I was at eye level with his erection. He left little slack in the chain, and the message was clear: this was where I belonged. This was my pillar. Smith. His cock was simply the nucleus of his masculinity. Forceful. Strong. Unyielding.

  I wrapped my lips over the tip and he groaned. I had what he wanted. Willingness. Resilience. Release. Part of me wished I could use my hands. I needed him to climax. I was eager to taste him and desperate to please him. Smith grabbed a handful of my hair, urging me lower.

  “I’m going to come in your mouth and wash away Philip’s presence,” he growled, tightening his grip on my hair until my scalp sung with pain. “You forgot who you belonged to today. That was an error that I can forgive, because you’ve proven you know now. But tonight I need to mark you with my teeth, with my palm, and most of all, I need to fill you with me.”

  He wanted to claim me—brand me—as his. Warmth spread through my chest, and I hollowed my cheeks, sucking furiously, determined to aid his mission.


  Smith sensed this and pulled away. “Slowly. We have all night, beautiful. Don’t wear yourself out, because you aren’t going to get much sleep.”

  This time when he offered himself to me, my mouth sank slowly down as I savored his smooth, rigid shaft, curling my tongue around it languidly.

  “That’s better,” he rasped. His hips rolled in circles against my mouth, urging himself farther. I relaxed, taking him deep in my throat.

  It was a new experience. Smith didn’t want quick shags or blowjobs. He wanted pleasure, the kind one could only find in a continual exchange of power. I was on my knees, but as his breathing sped up, I knew I was the one in control. When the first hot spurts shot down my throat, I finally understood.

  We were claiming each other.

  Smith groaned, bucking hard against my mouth as he came. I took it all, only releasing him when he finally guided my head away with a gentle touch. Reaching down, he dragged me to my feet. With a few swift movements, my hands were free. The chain dangled between my breasts, and he stared at me for a moment, his emerald eyes distant with thought. Then he scooped me off my feet and threw me over his shoulder. I’d barely processed the change in circumstances before he tossed me on the bed. Smith sank down on the ground and hooked an arm around my thigh, wrenching me to the edge of the bed while his other hand collected my leash. He yanked the chain down and inserted it along my seam. Moving it back and forth, he tortured my tender clit. My hands grabbed for the sheets, bracing for when he finally granted me relief. After a few minutes, he drew the chain away and plunged his tongue into my crease. I cried out, feeling the first emissaries of pleasure bolting through me. But Smith knew how to make it last. He licked and sucked me to the edge and then backed off, concentrating on another area until I came to the brink again. He settled over my clit and flicked it with his tongue until my body tensed, then he pulled away.

  I was torn between crying and screaming, but I didn’t have the strength for either. Instead I whimpered, hoping he would take pity on me. Every nerve at my core was enflamed. A gust of wind would have sent me over the line. But I suspected Smith would never allow that to happen.

  “Hush, beautiful,” he ordered, undoing the collar around my neck as I writhed. “I’m going to give you what you need, and then you’re going to milk me with your perfect cunt.”

  His cock nudged against my cleft, and I flowered open for him. Smith slid in with one powerful thrust, severing the ties that held me captive. I arched against him from the force of my climax, and he caught me in his arms, holding me up, as he continued to pound into me.

  “You feel so tight,” he whispered as he chased his own orgasm. “God, beautiful, your pussy is going to bleed me dry.”

  I was limp in his arms, boneless and soporific, but I clung to him, kissing his neck, brushing my lips across the stubble on his chin. My attentions drew his mouth to mine. We collided together, fighting to crush closer. Our tongues tangled, and I sucked his into my mouth. I didn’t merely want to be owned by him. I wanted him to fill me. I wanted nothing at all to separate us.

  Smith lowered my body to the bed, never breaking our connection. My hunger shifted from hopeful to inevitable as he rocked inside me with deep, precise strokes. I cried out against his mouth as tremors quaked through me. Smith’s mouth opened wider, swallowing the sounds of pleasure that belonged to him.

  When we finally collapsed onto the bed, Smith gathered me in his arms and tucked me against his body. We lay like that for a long time. My fingertips grazed his shyly. The world seemed as new as the bud of a relationship we’d nurtured to this point. Smith caught my hand and brought it to his mouth before withdrawing from me. I held back a sigh, but my disappointment was short-lived when he lowered himself and laid his head on my hip. He brushed his fingers over my sex before pressing his palm to it.

  “I want to own this. What do I have to give you? I’ll buy you anything. Your own Bugatti? Diamonds? Name your price.”

  He just had. “You. A Price is my price. Smith Price. That’s all you have to give me, and I’m yours.”

  “An intriguing proposition,” he said, his mouth curving into a teasing smirk. “May I counter-bid?”

  “No.” My denial was firm. Irreversible. This was an all or nothing relationship, and we both knew it.

  “I was merely going to suggest a trial basis,” he whispered, his attitude no longer joking. “You may think I’m equal compensation now, but we both know that between this gorgeous body and wicked mind, you’re worth a premium.”

  I brushed hi
s hair back from his forehead, shaking my own. “Your body is beautiful.”

  “The ugliness is inside,” he said in a low voice. “When you finally see it—”

  “Don’t show it to me,” I murmured.

  “I wish it were that easy.” His hands slid under my back as he coiled himself around me.

  “It is. This is a fresh start.”

  “I’ve never been very good at starting over,” he warned me.

  “Neither have I.” It was one thing I’d never admitted to myself before. “We’ll hold each other to it.”

  “Belle, my tastes…” He trailed off. After a pause, he continued in a strangled voice. “I don’t take a woman to bed. I take all of her. I’ve only shown you a sample of what I’ll do to you. If that scares you, leave now. I’ll let you go.”

  But we both knew that was an impossibility. “I’ve never done anything like that, but I liked it. I—I wanted more.”

  My cheeks flushed with my confession.

  “Oh, beautiful, I’m going to give you as much as you can handle.” He bit playfully into the curve of my hip, continuing lower until his tongue skimmed along my bikini line. “And then I’m going to give you more.”

  I wanted to ask him to promise me, but experience had shown me promises were as easily broken as they were made. A hunch told me he’d also learned this the hard way. Smith didn’t offer me a placation. In the end, he crept back over me, and as our bodies joined together, we sought out the answers to questions we hadn’t dared asked—the only way we knew how.

  The room was cloaked in darkness when I rolled over, my body searching for hers. Coming up empty, I stroked my frustrated cock for a moment. I couldn’t believe she was already out of bed after I’d practically fucked her into a coma last night. I found her writing at the kitchen island, wearing nothing but a button down, which displayed her toned legs. Her hair was slightly tangled, and she still glowed from last night. I allowed myself a moment to drink her in. She glanced up from her paper and grinned. I’d been caught ogling her, but I couldn’t care less. The slight movement had revealed a navy necktie knotted loosely around the upturned collar of my shirt. Her fingers wrapped around it, and she pretended to adjust it.

  Holy fuck.

  “I wasn’t sure if we were starting today with work,” she purred. “I thought I better dress formally.”

  “We’ll never work again if you continue wearing that,” I informed her. Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I opened the refrigerator and fumbled for a few light breakfast items. Despite how little sleep I’d actually gotten, I felt refreshed in a way that only hours spent making a gorgeous woman come could. Pulling a carton of strawberries out, I eyed Belle, who hadn’t stopped scribbling in her notebook. “Writing down the details, beautiful? I doubt you’re going to forget a moment.”

  “Then he placed his finger…’” she trailed away, shaking her head.

  “How long did you let me sleep?” I asked, realizing it was nearly noon.

  “A couple of hours.” Her pen swept over the paper as she spoke.

  I couldn’t see what she was drawing. “A little bit bigger, beautiful.”

  “Actually, I’m working on something unrelated to your cock.”

  “That’s unfortunate.”

  “Narcissist.” She dazzled me with a wry smile.

  “Looks like that make me want to eat you for breakfast,” I warned her, sliding a knife from the block.

  Belle sighed but didn’t drop her pen. “My body cannot handle another orgasm before food. It might actually kill me. You drained every drop of energy I had last night.”

  “Noted.” I went to work popping the stems off the berries.

  She returned to her note-taking, making me even more intrigued. If she had been as famished as she claimed, why hadn’t she grabbed a bite when she came down here? Especially if she’d been in the kitchen for hours. I shifted the cutting board closer to where she sat and peeked across the counter. There was only one word on the page, although it was sketched out over and over. One with swirls. Another thin and modern. And a half dozen other iterations.


  Her palm flattened, obscuring the page, and I glanced up to discover her eyes wide with embarrassment.

  “It’s nothing,” she said, quickly shutting the notebook.

  “It looks like a logo,” I guessed. That or she had gotten some serious compulsion issues past me.

  She kept her hand over the book, neither confirming nor denying my suspicion. I sensed her hesitation to tell me any more. Best to drop it.

  “I want to start my own website,” she blurted out. “Company, really.”

  “You’ve never mentioned that before.” I supposed it was natural that she hadn’t until now, but some part of me wished I’d already known. I’d had to catch her in the act of working on her idea. Now telling me about it was less discussion and more confession.

  Belle’s eyes flickered away, her expression changing from guilty to haughty. She tugged a hair band off her wrist and twisted her golden hair into a messy knot. “You don’t exactly like to talk about work-related issues.”

  Ah. This again. “Technically you work for me now, so isn’t everything work-related?”

  She lifted an eyebrow, as if waiting for me to explain how last night was work-related. Laughing, I tilted my head in surrender. “I suppose we’ve clearly crossed the professional and personal life boundary.”

  “I think we obliterated it actually.”

  “Speaking of.” I prowled closer to her and pressed my lips to the space under her ear. She melted against me before pulling away. “Maybe we should obliterate it further.”

  “Eat. Food.” She emphasized each word with a laugh.

  “Okay. I shall make you a meal almost as delicious as you on one condition.”

  “Which is?

  I let her question hang in the air a moment, knowing she assumed my condition would be wicked. I finally answered. “I prep and you tell me about your company.”

  “Technically, I don’t have a company,” she hedged.

  “Beautiful, I love it when you play hard to get, but I don’t like it when you underestimate yourself.” I held a strawberry out to her, savoring how she caught it with her teeth. “That was a sample of what I can offer you. Now tell me about Bless.”

  She licked juice off her lips, nearly distracting me from my mission.

  “C’mon, beautiful. I have other ways of getting it out of you.” Part of me hoped this led to coaxing it out of her. “I promise once my tongue is on your cunt, you’ll tell me anything I want to know.”

  “You are so full of yourself, Price.” But her throat slid on my name, her mind obviously thinking about the other name she had for me.

  “I know you’d like it if I fucked it out of you, but you also want this.” I brandished another berry.

  She swiped it from me with a grimace and flipped open the notebook to another page that featured a hand-drawn graph. “Bless is ‘black dress’ combined. You’ve heard the term ‘little black dress,’ right?”

  “I think so,” I said dryly.

  She tossed the stem of her strawberry at me. “The idea is basically couture clothing for rent. A customer can sign up for a monthly plan and then put items into a wardrobe. We send them out. They send them back. Voila!”

  “So it’s a subscription service.” I scooped up the berry pieces and dropped them into a bowl.


  “Aren’t there other companies that do that?” I asked. If I was going to be remotely helpful at getting this idea off the ground, I would have to ask every question that came into my head just like an investor. I hoped her answer proved she was prepared for the task.

  “Yes, but,” she continued swiftly, “none of them focus on couture and designer clothing.”

  “Is there a reason for that?”

  “Because the clothes are ungodly expensive, which means you need lots of capital and insurance for the stock,” she admitted. �
�Most of these other companies offer subscriptions based on number of items out at a time.”

  I crossed to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of heavy cream. “How will Bless be different?”

  “God, you are a lawyer,” she teased but immediately grew serious. “Tier-based subscriptions. Designer clothing pricing already falls into tiers. There’s a difference between buying Michael Kors and Versace. There should be a difference when you rent them, too.”

  “It sounds like you have this all worked out.” There were a million more things to consider, but only time and persistence were going to get her from concept to company. I poured the cream onto the berries.

  Belle peeked into the bowl, her eyes lighting up. But she didn’t steal it, instead she popped onto her feet and opened the cabinet. My shirt lifted along with her arms as she reached for the beans, revealing the curve of her butt cheek. “Coffee?”

  I moved behind her, grabbing her around the waist and pushing my stiffening cock against her ass. “I think if you’re going to wear that, we should avoid anything that could burn you. I can’t guarantee not to spill if I catch another glimpse of your pussy.”

  “You promised me food,” she reminded me even as she turned and buried her face against my chest.

  My hand instinctively reached up to stroke her hair and pull her closer. She fit here—in my arms. The curves of her body molded seamlessly against me, as though God had created her just for me. But that was impossible. God didn’t owe me any favors, and he certainly had nothing to reward me for. Perhaps I was her punishment, although there was no crime she could commit to deserve me.

  Or maybe she was my salvation. I pressed my lips to her forehead.

  “What are you doing to me, Belle Stuart? You’re changing me—rewiring me,” I murmured.

  Belle tipped her face up, revealing eyes full of her questions that, at the same time, offered me answers.

  “I need to feed you,” I said in a soft voice.

  “I’m not hungry anymore…not for that.”

  But despite the invitation, I couldn’t see past my duty. When I’d taken her, I’d chosen her. I’d placed her under my care and protection. But for the first time, I truly comprehended what that meant. Sliding my arms down, I cupped her ass and lifted her. Belle’s legs wrapped tightly around mine, but even the tempting heat of her pussy against my waist couldn’t divert me. Carrying her across the kitchen, I lowered her onto the island.


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