Crave Me

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Crave Me Page 16

by Geneva Lee

  Her eyes closed as she opened her mouth expectantly, but instead of my lips, I pushed a strawberry past her teeth. She moaned as she sucked it free from my fingers and swallowed.

  “You’re making me jealous, beautiful.” I ignored how my balls tightened as her tongue swept traces of cream from her bottom lip. Her teeth tugged gently on the same lip before she opened her mouth wider.

  This time when I brought it to her mouth, I held it back, waiting until the cream pooling on its tip dribbled down her neck and onto her collarbone. A spot landed on the tie around her neck.

  “Better take that off,” I suggested, feeding her another bite while my free hand unknotted the silk necktie.

  Belle peeked down at the stain on my three hundred pound tie. “I hope it isn’t ruined.”

  “Fuck the tie,” I growled, wrenching it off of her. I brought a handful of berries to her, smashing them across her lips, savoring the way the juicy cream poured over her chin. It only made me realize how good she would look with other things dripping from her mouth. Belle grabbed my fingers and sucked them into her mouth, licking the remnants of her breakfast from them.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” she asked.

  “Such a simple question from such a sinful mouth.” I was famished actually. There was no point to trying to salvage the shirt she’d chosen, so rather than mess with unbuttoning it, I gripped the placket and yanked. Buttons scattered across the granite as the shirt slipped over her shoulders, revealing her pert breasts.

  “The housekeeper is going to wonder what you were up to…oh!” Belle lost her train of thought as my tongue lapped up her neck and then forced its way into her mouth. She met my hungry kiss voraciously, weaving her fingers into my hair and dragging me closer.

  When I pulled back, we were both breathless. “I’m not done eating yet.”

  Picking up the bowl, I spilled the remainder across her tits. Without hesitation, I bent to lick it off of her. My arms bracketed her back as my tongue sucked cream from the stiff tips of her nipples. Nothing had ever tasted so good. Cream pooled in her belly button, and I dragged the puddle down, tracking it to the swollen apex of her cunt. Slipping two fingers into her wet slit, I spread her open, allowing it to stream across her sex, coating the delectable pink bud as it ran down.

  I wanted to suck it clean. I wanted to pull her clit between my teeth until she screamed for the release only I could grant her. But I needed her to beg. I derived my self-control from the promise that patience would yield her breathless and supple. If I had to adjust my whole life around this new compulsion I felt about her, then I would remind her that her existence centered around me from now on.

  Keeping my touch feather light, I circled around the nub with the tip of my tongue. Belle’s head fell back, and my arm braced her more tightly as a tormented cry burst from her. My lips twitched at the sound.

  “That’s right, beautiful,” I grunted into her swollen sex. She writhed against the movement of my lips, but I drew away. Only far enough to prevent her from locking onto a source of friction. Dipping my tongue into her cleft, I flicked it, appreciating the faint contractions already beginning in her channel. She was close, but I wasn’t nearly finished with her.

  Abandoning her pussy, I returned to her breasts, closing my mouth over her nipple and sucking the soft tissue into my mouth. In a flash, Belle tucked up her knees and planted her feet on the edge of the counter as she sought relief between her legs.

  “Get back down there.” She barely forced the words past her breathless pants.

  I couldn’t have that. I tapped her chin lightly in warning, and her clenched eyes flew open. “I don’t take commands.”

  “I’m sorry,” she breathed. “Please get back down there, Sir.”

  “Not even if you command me nicely,” I said, wrenching her hips forward so that her knees smashed against her breasts. I crushed my body against hers. “Do it again, and I’ll have you on your knees, sucking me off, and then you’ll spend the rest of the day with a bare, needy cunt. Do you know what happens then? No chairs. No sitting. No friction. All you’ll do is wait until I allow you pleasure again. Now what do you want to ask me, beautiful?”

  “Please may I come, Sir?” she shrieked as I circled my hips against her tortured sex. Her whimpers wracked through her as I held her trembling body.

  “That’s a proper request,” I said, knowing praise would soothe her.

  Her wild eyes met mine, and another plea fell from her lips. “Please kiss me. Oh God, kiss me, Smith.”

  My mouth collided with hers. She hadn’t asked. She hadn’t begged. Still the desperation in the request plucked a string in my heart I’d thought was out of tune. Instead the note rang through me, vibrating at a pitch I’d forgotten. Her heels dug into my sides and pushed down my boxers, freeing my cock. In one smooth motion, I lifted her ass and slid inside her.

  A strangled cry—half pleasure, half agony—ripped through her. I smothered her anguish with another kiss. Her hand slipped from my hair down to the nape of my neck as she clung to me. I straightened up, refusing to break the kiss, and her legs encircled my waist. Keeping one hand on the small of her back, I held her steady as she lifted her ass up and then plunged it back down.

  I wanted to whisper dirty things in her ear and watch as her body reacted but not as much as I wanted my lips on hers. My tongue forced itself deeper into her open mouth. Every fibre of my being longed to fill her. My cock. My mouth. It wasn’t enough. I needed more than her body. I coveted her soul.

  Sensing her muscles tense, I thrust harder, hammering her toward devastation. She fell apart in my arms, crumbling into a wreckage of sobs and screams that exhorted my own climax. I cracked open at the core, erupting inside her until all that was left was a tangle of sweaty limbs. I held her there, unwilling to extricate my body from hers.

  Because I no longer knew where I ended and she began.

  I’d never considered having two sinks in my master bath an asset until this morning, but as Belle poked through the drawer looking for a spare toothbrush, the space felt like it had been made for the two of us. The white tiles on the walls and floor reflected the light from the windows, making the room as light and airy as her presence made me feel.

  I grabbed my shaving brush and lathered my face before I slid open my straight razor. The method took a precision that I appreciated. One wrong move and I’d cut the hell out of myself. Belle paused and watched me intently.

  “That looks dangerous,” she commented as I rinsed the blade so I could continue.

  “I prefer a close shave,” I told her, flipping the straight razor closed and holding it out to her.

  She took it cautiously and smiled shyly. “I rather like when you have a little stubble.”

  “Why is that?” I moved closer until our bodies lightly brushed one another’s.

  “What did you call it earlier? Friction?” There was a playful tone to her words. She’d become giddy at the memory of our kitchen encounter. If I had it my way, she’d look at every room in this house and feel the same exhilaration.

  “It grows fast, beautiful,” I promised her. “I’ll show you just how fast tomorrow morning. But for now, finish this for me.”

  “Me?” She tried to push the razor back into my hands. “I don’t know the first thing about how to use that. What if I miss and slit your throat?”

  “Then I will die a happy man.” I took her arm and guided her to the toilet. Sinking onto its lid, I tilted my face to expose the area still covered in shave soap. “Just like this.”

  I opened the razor and placed her fingers in the correct positions, noting that her hand was trembling. “Don’t be scared. I’m not.”

  “You aren’t the one wielding an eighteenth century street weapon.” She sighed and held the blade closer to my face.

  Turning her wrist so that it was at the proper angle, I guided her hand down, enjoying the slight tug as the blade swept over my skin.

  “Your turn,” I told her.
  She moved the razor over and hesitated before pressing it gently against my face and repeating the motion I’d shown her.

  “And I’m still alive,” I teased her softly.

  “Careful, Price,” she warned me. “I’m still the one with the sharp object.”

  I lifted my chin, exposing the much more delicate skin of my neck. The wrong angle or a moment of panic and that would be the end of her shaving career. “Let the razor guide you,” I advised.

  She approached the task with more confidence this time, drawing the blade swiftly down until it was finished. I started to stand, but her hand pressed on my shoulder. “Wait. I missed a spot over here.”

  I turned my face, allowing her access. The blade glided over the curve of my jawline smoothly until it caught, sending a sharp twinge of pain ringing through my flesh. Belle startled away from me as apologies spilled from her lips. “I’m so sorry. Oh my God, you’re bleeding.”

  “It’s nothing. I’ve cut myself before.” The sting had already dulled.

  “But I haven’t cut you,” she whispered. Leaning down, she brushed a kiss over the wound. I watched her, mesmerized, as she licked the small smear of my blood from her lips.

  Taking the straight razor from her, I snapped it closed and threw it into the sink. I reached for her, but she bounced away, breaking the hypnotic spell of the act.

  “Uh-uh.” She wagged her index finger in my direction. “I have a lunch date with your favorite person.”


  “Edward, so I need to get in the shower.” There was a mixture of finality and challenge in her tone.

  “He’s important to you,” I surmised, which meant I needed to get a hold on my feelings about her being around other men. “We should have dinner with him.”

  “Are you going to hit him?” she asked in a dry voice.

  I shrugged noncommittally and grinned. “Only if he deserves it.”

  “We could invite his fiancé, so you feel less threatened.” Belle’s eyes glinted with amusement. “But before we do any of that, I need to shower!”

  I sprang to my feet and pounced on her. Backing her into the wall, I trailed a string of kisses along her jaw. “We’ll both get in the shower,” I suggested. “I’ll wash you.”

  “The point of a shower is to come out cleaner.” But she giggled, and I knew it was a done deal.

  Stepping away from her, I held up my hands in surrender. “Get in the shower. I’ll put on some music.”

  “Music, huh?” She scurried over and turned on the water.

  “Music soothes my savage side. It’s your best chance at controlling me if you’re going to be naked and wet within a ten mile radius.” Unlocking my phone, I accessed the house’s sound system and chose a playlist. A few seconds later, a bluesy rhythm filled the air as Mick Jagger began to croon.

  “The Stones?” she asked. “I pegged you as more of a classical listener.”

  “Beautiful, this is classical. I grew up with the Stones.”

  “God, for a second I thought you were going to tell me you’re their lawyer.”

  “I’m not. “ I winked at her. “But I know their lawyers.”

  “Of course you do.” She brushed her lips over my shoulder. It was a relatively chaste kiss, but that didn’t matter to my dick.

  I swatted her ass, shooing her under the water. “Get in before I change my mind about joining you.”

  Returning to the sink, I splashed cool water on my face to rinse away any remaining residue. I fully intended to behave myself, but the reflection of Belle in the mirror gave me other ideas. She twisted under the shower stream, tilting her head back so the water washed down her hair. Steam had begun to fog the room when I slid open the glass door and joined her.

  “I thought this was my shower,” she called, blinking water from her eyes.

  “It’s a double shower. You’re not the only one who needs to get cleaned up.” I smirked as I switched on the set of shower heads on the opposite side. Leaning back into the warm stream, I reached for my dick and began to pump it with my fist. My eyes hooded lustily as I watched her soap up her tits.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” she called, lathering the flat plane of her stomach. Her fingers dipped between her legs, washing her pussy a bit too thoroughly.

  “Are you?” I asked, massaging my balls as I continued to stroke myself off.

  She shrugged and turned her back to me, rubbing lather over her round ass. I was definitely enjoying the show, but it seemed some audience participation was in order. I hooked my right arm around her waist and pulled her against me, guiding my cock to her slippery entrance. Pushing the crown barely inside her, I paused.

  “Isn’t it better to get dirty now when cleanup is so easy?” I said in a gruff voice, pistoning deeper into her channel.

  She leaned into me, allowing my left arm to snake between her breasts. I shoved my cock fully into her, lifting her feet from the ground as she cried out.

  “This is admittedly a bit slippery,” I whispered in her ear.

  She took the cue as I lowered her to the balls of her feet and bent forward, pressing her palms to the tiled shower wall.

  “I can’t decide which view I prefer,” I said in a husky voice. “Your gorgeous cunt stretched over my cock or the look on your face when you come.” I slid inside her, relishing how the velvet smooth walls of her pussy squeezed my shaft. It was good, but I needed more. Withdrawing, I spun her around and pinned her against the wall. In a swift motion, I’d hoisted her against the tile and thrust back inside her. Her arms splayed across the wall as I continued my relentless assault. In the background, a new song began to play, and I matched the tempo as water spilled across us.

  “Tell me what you want,” I growled, pounding roughly into her.

  Her arm lashed out and grabbed my face. “You. I want you.”

  “Fuck, beautiful. I’m yours.” We crashed into one another, our bodies sliding in frantic unison as we searched for release together. When her hold on me tightened, I captured her mouth, sucking the sounds of her climax into me. I felt her pleasure flooding through my veins as I unleashed my own, emptying myself into her tight cunt.

  I helped her gently to her feet, keeping a hold on her so she wouldn’t slip. She blinked at me, still lost in a haze of bliss, as I found the bar of soap. Reaching between her thighs, I ran it along her folds, washing away the cum spilling from her. She clung to me as I rinsed the lather off. I didn’t release her as we stepped out of the shower. Wrapping a thick towel around her, I rubbed it roughly across her skin until it glowed pink.

  I took her hand to help her into the bedroom, but she shook her head. “I think I can walk.”

  “I won’t be satisfied until you can’t,” I warned her.

  She disappeared through the door, swaying her ass saucily the whole way.

  “Are you sure you have to meet Edward?” I called in to her. “If you stay here, I can make it worth your while.”

  The thought I’d be without her, even for a short period, made me want to bend her over the sink and fuck her until she begged to stay. I’d endured our separation this week, sensing that she needed space. Now that she no longer required that, it was difficult to give her any.

  Pausing in the doorway, I watched as she unwadded her gown from last night and studied it.

  “I wasn’t planning to do the walk of shame,” she admitted with a grin. “And no knickers to boot.”

  “I’d prefer you wear knickers when you go to lunch with another man, even a gay man.” I crossed to my closet and flipped on the light. “Come here, beautiful.”

  “I don’t think I can fit in your shorts,” she said dryly, but the sarcasm faded from her voice as she spotted the dress in my hands.

  “I had a few things delivered here,” I explained, stepping aside to display a rack of clothing selected by her stylist at Harrods. “Shoes are over there.”

  Her feet belonged in Louboutins, and I’d made certain she would have no
shortage at her disposal. A dozen pairs in varying styles from sky-high to demure lined the shelf. She pranced over to them, trailing her fingers over the leather.

  “I only forgave you yesterday afternoon.” She rounded on me. “When did you order these?”


  “You’re awfully sure of yourself.” Her eyes narrowed, and I sensed she was struggling between annoyance and delight.

  “I hoped you would come back.” I went to her and ran my knuckles down her jawline. “And if you didn’t, I was going to drag you back here.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a bit of a cave man?” she said, her lips twitching with a suppressed smile.

  “Beautiful, I’d be a happy man if I only had to fuck and eat,” I admitted, angling my face to bite her shoulder.

  “I think you also had to hunt and find shelter,” she said, pushing me away and grabbing a pair of heels.

  “I already have the biggest cave, and”—I grabbed my dick—“the best tool.”

  “Later, you can show me how to use it, but now I’m getting dressed!” She swiped the closest garment and dashed out.

  When I’d finally picked out a casual pair of trousers and a tailored button down, I emerged after her. She was slipping a heel on, bent in a graceful position that was the very definition of sensual femininity. She straightened up and shot me a warning look.

  “I’m going to dry my hair,” she informed.

  I grabbed her as she tried to pass me and kissed her. “Come back to my bed tonight.”

  “Wild horses,” she whispered. I released her, smiling at the reference. I couldn’t be dragged away either.

  My mobile buzzed on the nightstand, and I realized that wasn’t quite true.

  “This is Price,” I answered. My light mood vanished like clouds stealing across the sun. I listened intently as my mind started sorting through options.


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