Book Read Free

Pretty Little Dreams

Page 7

by Jennifer Miller


  “Yes, of course. The pelvic exam…”

  I just stare at her blankly.

  “Well they will check for STDs and HIV. We will let you know the results.”

  I blink away tears. How could that not even have occurred to me? “Yes, yes of course. Thank you.”

  Katie nods and walks out of my room. I breathe deeply trying to calm my fears and choke on a sob. I force it back when the door to my room opens immediately and Pyper walks in.

  “Is it okay if I come in?”

  I smile to myself because of course she asks this while she is already standing on the side of my bed. “Of course.”

  “How are you feeling?

  “I’m doing okay.” I wish I could tell her the truth. How I feel ashamed, dirty, destroyed…but I can’t. I won’t.

  “Who was that lady that was just in here? What did they want?”

  Shaking my head, I change the subject, “Can you believe these hospital gowns Pyper? What the hell? In all this time they haven’t updated them?”

  Pyper does exactly what I hope she will – she allows the change of subject but not before she gives me a meaningful look, letting me know she is completely aware of what I’m doing. “What’s the problem, Livvie? You don’t like your ass hanging out the back end?”

  “Ha. Very funny. But just for the record, no I don’t.”

  “You may be able to catch the attention of a hot doctor in that gown. Hmm, come to think of it, maybe I should put one on too.”

  I laugh and I hope it sounds genuine, “I think you should. I dare you to put one on and walk around the hospital halls with your ass hanging out. Tell me if it works. It can be a test.”

  “I like this idea. It can be like the movie, How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days, but instead, it’s how to snag a doctor in – hmm – how many walks down the hallway do you think it would take?”

  “For what? How many walks until you get a date with a handsome doctor? Or, how many until you get that sweet ass of yours kicked out of the hospital?”

  “Either or,” she states matter-of-factly.

  I laugh out loud, this time with a lot more feeling. Not only at her response but because at that very moment, she is rummaging through the closet in my room to see if they have any gowns in there.

  Before I even think about what I’m saying I blurt, “It feels good to laugh.”

  Pyper immediately turns towards me and the look on her face is one of sadness, guilt, and anxiety. “Olivia?”

  Even with our fun and games I know she needs to get something off her chest. It will kill her inside until I let her. “Tell me.”

  She walks to my bed and sits. Her mouth opens and she chokes on a sob. She snags some tissues from the side of my bed and I reach my hand over to clasp hers, and wait.

  After a few more deep breaths, Pyper says, “I just want to tell you that I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  “I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep Deacon out of the house that day. He… he rang the doorbell and avoided the peep hole. I opened the door and he forced his way inside.”

  “That is not your fault, Pyper.”

  “Yes it is! Don’t you see?! I never should have opened the door if I didn’t see who was on the other side.”

  “That’s silly. You had no way of knowing Deacon would possibly be on the other side of the door.”

  “It’s my fault, Olivia! All my fault! If I had never opened the door, this may never have happened.”

  Tears are chasing one another down Pyper’s face and her eyes are so full of remorse and sorrow that my eyes fill just from looking in hers. When she sees this, she bows her head. I brush the hair that is shielding her face and tuck it behind her ear. She looks at me again and I take a good look at my friend. Her eyes are red and swollen. Her nose is shiny, her face is flushed, and I swear she’s aged just a little since I’ve seen her last. She could even use a good hair coloring. Gosh, what a pair we make. It’s obvious this has taken a toll on her too, and all I want to do is make her better.

  “Pyper, I don’t blame you. Not even a little. I would have done the same thing. I understand that you feel bad. If the situation were reversed I would feel the same way, but let’s not focus on that, okay? I’m here now. That’s all that matters.”

  “But… are you okay? What did he do to you? I can’t even imagine what it must have been like.”

  I hold back a flinch because I know that would only make her feel worse.

  “I can’t,” I clear my throat and try again, “I am not ready to talk about that yet.”

  “Well, when you are, I’m here for you. I hope you know that.”

  “How could I forget?” I attempt a smile.

  Pyper smiles enough for both of us, and it is a sight to behold. My friend is beautiful, and her smile makes me finally produce a smile in return. She stands up and opens the closet once again and pulls out a hospital gown, “So, about that dare…”




  My sides ache from laughter. I feel my eyes widen when Pyper walks into the bathroom to change into a hospital gown. As I am thinking that there is no way that she will really go through with it, she proves me wrong as she walks out of the bathroom fully changed into a gown. As she proudly struts out of my room with her perky ass hanging out, I start laughing so hard, I’m pretty sure my laugh sounds more like wailing because my poor mom comes flying into my room in a panic. “What’s going on? Olivia? Are you alright?”

  She runs straight past Pyper, not even paying attention initially, until I point to Pyper because I’m too choked up to speak. My mom’s head whips around in Pyper’s direction, and upon getting a look at her, one eyebrow raises in question. With her face flaming as red as her hair, Pyper does a little twirl for my mom. The look she gives Pyper is hysterical. “I don’t even want to know.”

  Pyper reappears, and with speed that makes me giggle, she goes into the bathroom, apparently to change back into her clothes. My mom looks to me for an explanation, but I just shake my head and shrug my shoulders. Mom comes to the side of my bed, and takes my hand, totally encapsulating it in hers. As she closes both hands around mine, she offers a soft, reassuring smile, overflowing with love and concern – expanding on my response to Pyper’s antics. It’s then I become aware of her bloodshot eyes, rimmed in dark, nearly black circles, unhidden, despite an attempt to use concealer. She looks so tired and weary, and I know I’m to blame.

  “How are you feeling?” She gently inquires while brushing the hair back from my face, her hand lingering at my cheek for a moment before pulling away.

  “I’m doing okay. I think the pain meds are helping because I’m not feeling any discomfort.”

  “Good. What can I do for you? What do you need?”

  “All I really want is to go home.”

  “I know, honey, I’m sure you do. You won’t have to be here much longer. They said 48 hours at the most. They don’t seem to keep patients long these days.”

  “Thanks goodness for that, because home is just where I want to be. With Luke. Speaking of Luke,” my eyes dart towards the door and back to my mom again, “where is he?”

  My mother smiles at my question, “I’m not sure. We went to get coffee, and he was gone when we came back. I’m sure he just went for a breather. He hasn’t left your side since we’ve been here.”

  I nod at her but I can’t help feeling like something is off. It isn’t like him to leave and not say a word to anyone about it. But, I’m sure she’s right – he probably just needed a break.

  Having let go of my hand, I notice my mom is wringing her hands subconsciously and I know she just wants to do something to feel useful, to feel like she’s fixing something that we both know is not fixable. “Can you adjust the pillow under my leg, mom? It’s a little uncomfortable.”

  “Sure!” She goes to my other side quickly and starts fluffing and moving the pillow. “Is that better?”

p; “Yes, thank you. I would love some water, or juice.”

  “You have some right here,” she grabs the cup I already saw from the table next to my bed, and holds the bendy straw to my lips. I’m certainly capable of holding it myself and feel somewhat ridiculous, but I indulge her, and take a sip.

  “Better, thank you.”

  When she turns back to me, I see the sad look in her eyes. I know we need to have this conversation, but I don’t want to. She cups the side of my face and I turn my head into her hand just a bit, accepting the comfort and warmth it brings. “You know I’m here for you, right? If you want to talk about what happened, or need a shoulder to cry on,” her eyes fill with tears, “or if you just want to rant and rage at the unfairness of it all, just remember I’m here for you. Always.”

  “I know that mom. Really, I do.”

  “Olivia, are you… are you okay? I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, and I don’t know how to help you.”

  My eyes fill with tears, “I bet they don’t teach this kind of thing in the parenting 101 classes, do they mom?”

  She smiles and chuckles just a bit, which was my goal. “No, they certainly don’t.”

  “I’m okay, mom. It will take some time, but I will be better before you know it.”

  “I know you will. You’re my strong girl, you always have been, even when you didn’t know it yourself. But honey, you can’t do it alone.”

  I smile at her, “I know. I just can’t talk about it right now. I… I’ve never been so scared mom. I started to lose hope.” I choke on a sob. Again. I’m turning into a regular cry baby these days.

  My mom just strokes my hair and my face to soothe me and lets me cry, all the while wiping my tears away with a tissue. “It’s okay baby, let it out.”

  Eventually, Pyper joins us and sits close to us, offering silent support. My tears and the emotions held within them, make me tire quickly. I smile gently at my mom, close my eyes, and drift off.

  I wake up to the doctor coming in and checking on me. Pyper is sitting next to me reading a fashion magazine. She politely excuses herself.

  “How are you feeling, Olivia?”

  “Okay right now.”

  “Good. I see no reason why you can’t go home tomorrow or the next day at the latest.”

  “Oh, that makes me so happy. I just want to go home.”

  He smiles, “I’m sure you do. I also wanted to let you know that the results came back from your blood tests and exam.” My stomach drops. Is that a sympathetic smile I see? Is the news bad? He doesn’t leave me long to fear, “The results are all negative. There are no diseases, or other concerns.”

  “Oh, thank God.” I feel like I can breathe a little more now. Like maybe some of the weight that has been on my chest is relieved just a little.

  “In these kinds of circumstances the tests get a priority status in the lab. I knew you would want to know the results right away.”

  “You’re right. Thank you so much.”

  He gives me another smile and this time, I know it’s because he’s a kind and caring man. “You’re very welcome. Now get some more rest. When you get home, lots of rest will be on the agenda there too. You need to let those bones heal, okay?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Okay then.”

  The doctor leaves and Pyper quickly walks back in the room. She’s looking at me intently like she’s expecting me to break down on her watch or something. “Everything okay?”

  I smile at her, seeing her visibly relax when I do, “Everything is fine. I get to go home tomorrow or the day after at the latest.”

  “That’s great!”

  “I know!” I look around the room even though I already know Luke is still nowhere to be seen. I’m not sure how much time has passed, “What time is it? It feels like I slept the day away.”

  “You did for the most part, but the doctor said that is normal, your body needs the rest so it can heal.”

  “Why thank you for the feedback, Dr. Pyper.”

  “You are most welcome, my smart ass best friend.”

  “Oh come on, you know you love me.”

  “Too true.” She grins.

  “I’m so excited. I want to go home so bad!”

  “I know you do! The nurse was in here while you slept and she left you some fancy shmancy crutches.” She gestures to the crutches already leaning against the wall in the corner of the room. “She said someone from physical therapy will be here to be sure you know how to use them.”

  “Yuck. That is not going to be fun.” I look at them with a frown. I’m clumsy as hell already, this is not going to be good.

  Pyper gives me a wink, “We will make them work! I already have a thought about that.” Oh great, that statement could mean so many things.

  “Why does that not give me comfort?”

  “Oh relax, I promise it won’t be painful or anything.”

  I look around the room again and finally ask the question that’s been on my mind since I woke up, “Where is Luke?”

  “Why? My company isn’t good enough?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “I know you didn’t, I’m teasing you. I’m not sure where he is. My guess is he is getting some much needed rest. Your parents went back to their hotel to do the same. I bet you he spoke to them.”

  Hmmmm. I remember that before I fell asleep my mom hadn’t spoken to him, but that was hours ago. Is he okay? I push it from my mind, I’m sure I’m being silly. “What are you reading?”

  “Oh, just the latest, and greatest in the spa world.” She turns her Spa Me magazine towards me so I can see what she’s reading.

  “Must be fascinating.”

  Suddenly I have a thought hit me out of nowhere and it makes me gasp, “Oh my God!”

  Pyper jumps at the sound of my gasp, “What?” I really need to stop doing that to her.

  “My blog! Pyper, I haven’t blogged in ages. I had articles that were due for magazines that had hired me. Shit! The key to a good blog is consistency. It’s going to take me ages to get caught up.”

  “Olivia, calm down. I blogged for you.”

  “Um, what?” I really do make an effort to pick my mouth up off the floor.

  “Oh, don’t look so panicked. It isn’t anything special. I can’t do what you do, but I posted an announcement online about what happened. We used it, in part, as a way to have people help us find you. Your readers are wide spread so we posted your picture on the blog, and tried to use it as a tool. I would post updates as to the progress, so your readers know what’s been going on.”

  “Wow,” I stare at her stunned.

  “There was nothing we wouldn’t do or try, in order to find you.”

  I nod my head, and look away, “Well it seems to me there is only one thing to do then.”

  Pyper’s brows scrunch, “What’s that?

  “I need a paper and pen. We need to start making a list of potential blog posts. I’m not letting a stupid cast get in my way. I’ve got to get back on the ball! Who knows what trends have already come and gone in four weeks’ time!”

  Pyper snorts at that comment, but then she gives me a serious look, “Olivia, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. You need to rest, get your strength-“

  “You’re wrong.”

  Pyper stops mid-sentence and stares at me. “Getting back to normal, as much as possible is exactly what I need,” I insist.

  Staring at me for another moment, like she’d like to object more, she sighs and gives me a slight nod. “I have a pad of paper and pen in my purse,” she says as she starts rummaging around in her ginormous designer bag. “A-ha!” She holds it up like a trophy and hands them to me.

  “Thanks! Help me make a list!”

  By the time we are done, I’m thrilled with my blog topic ideas. Everything from the new fall makeup colors to the gorgeous lace trend in clothing. We even have articles about what to do to help keep your body in shape, since technic
ally that’s related to beauty too.

  I catch Pyper yawning out of the corner of my eye. She’s trying to make herself all comfortable on a couch pull out, and I know that’s not going to work. “Hey, why don’t you go to your hotel? I’m sure you’re just as exhausted as everyone else. You need to get some rest.”

  “No, I’m not leaving you alone. I’ll be fine right here.”

  I have to admit the thought of being alone terrifies me right now. Part of me wouldn’t mind her leaving because when Luke comes back, we can have some one-on-one time. But, while I mean what I say, about Pyper getting rest, I don’t want her to go either.

  “Are you sure?” I ask quietly, unsure about my wish for her to stay too.

  She looks me straight in the eyes, and I can see the sincerity in them, “I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Besides, I’ve missed my roommate.”

  I smile, “Me too.”

  I use my good arm to place the notepad and pen on the table next to me, and then pull the blanket up to my shoulder. I know I just woke up not long ago, but I’m tired again. My mind once again wanders to Luke, and how it has been hours since I’ve seen him. I wish I could tell him good night and give him a kiss and hug. I don’t want to be clingy girlfriend, but I missed him so much. I thought I would never see him again, and all I want to do is hold him close and never let him go. I also can’t help but feel a little angry – where is he?

  “What’s wrong?” Pyper interrupts my thoughts with her question. I look at her and I realize she was watching my emotions play out over my face while I was thinking of Luke.

  “Honestly, I’m feeling a little hurt that Luke isn’t here. I mean, I wasn’t sure I would ever see him again. I wasn’t sure if I would see any of you again,” I involuntarily shudder at the thought, “I just want to be close to you all right now, I guess. I’m trying not to be selfish, but it’s really hard.”

  Pyper sighs and looks away. The problem with that is I know her as well as she knows me, “What is it? Why do I get the feeling you aren’t telling me something?”

  “Because I’m not, but I’m not sure that I’m the one that should tell you.”


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