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Panther Defender_BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance

Page 5

by Ruby Shae

  Ivy barely registered the whir of the tattoo machine filtering out of one of the open doors, as she glanced at the phone screen again. The second picture was of the passenger side, and the light was better. She could make out another ugly spray-painted word, and the background behind the car. She knew the location, and suddenly, she also knew the vehicle.

  “Wait! Is that my car?”

  Without waiting for an answer, she rushed toward the back door of the building.

  “Ivy! Wait!”

  Xander called after her, and when she didn’t stop, he followed her.

  She burst through the door, and stopped short at the sight of her small, black car covered in neon pink spray-paint. She stared at the word across the driver’s side door, and then walked around the hood to see the other side. The hood was clear, but the trunk and license plate were also vandalized with a word she’d never heard before.

  Xander had followed her around the car, also inspecting the damage, and she glanced up at him.

  “Do you know what that means?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he nodded. “The same as the others.”

  He gently wrapped his hand around her bicep.

  “Let’s go inside.”

  Ivy glanced around the parking lot, and a sudden jolt of fear raced down her spine. Had Xander somehow done this? Or Grayson? What about Nox? She didn’t really know these men at all, and this could all be some sick joke to them.

  “I don’t think so,” she said, shrugging off his hold. “I need to call the police.”

  “I’ve already called,” Grayson said. “They’re on their way.”

  She narrowed her eyes Grayson, not caring about propriety.

  “Did you do this?” she snapped.

  He steeled his features, and his onyx eyes bored into her, but he didn’t say a word. Guilt assaulted her immediately, but she didn’t back down, and neither did Grayson.

  “Gray, go inside, and arrange a cleaning crew. We’ll be in in a few minutes.”

  Grayson nodded, and left without another word.

  Xander and Ivy stared after him until the door to the shop closed, but before she could apologize for lashing out at his brother, blue and red lights flickered off the building.

  “Grayson didn’t vandalize your car,” Xander said, gently. “I think I know who did, but I’m going to let the police do their jobs, and not play detective. After they leave, I need to talk to you privately.”

  She couldn’t detect any anger in his voice, but she knew he was disappointed in her. She’d lashed out at his brother for no good reason except for the obvious. He’d been in the right place at the right time, and he looked the part.

  That didn’t mean he would vandalize her car, though. In fact, she didn’t really believe that he would. Even though he was quiet, and darker than Xander and Nox, she knew he respected his brothers.

  She needed to apologize to Grayson as soon as possible, but she knew it would have to wait until the police left. Hopefully Xander wouldn’t dump her for the mistake, but the possibility was there, and she knew she deserved whatever punishment he doled out.

  An hour and a half later, the police car left, and Xander wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and guided her back into the building. The paperwork she’d had to fill out wasn’t horrible, but it also seemed excessive. Especially when she knew these types of incidents usually went unsolved.

  Once they were inside the building, Ivy stopped at the closed door leading to Grayson’s office, and glanced up at Xander.

  “I need a minute.”

  He nodded once, and smiled down at her.

  “I’ll wait for you in my office.”

  Xander strolled down the hall, and Ivy knocked on Grayson’s door.


  She took that as an invitation, and entered the room.

  “What do you want?” Grayson growled impatiently.

  “I want to apologize,” she said. “I was upset, and you were convenient, but I know you didn’t do that to my car. I knew it then, too, but you were an easy target, and I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m sorry I lashed out at you—it won’t happen again—and I hope you can forgive me.”

  “No big deal,” Grayson shrugged. “You did what most people would do, and I can’t fault you for that.”


  “Apology accepted.”

  He stared at her with that look of murderous intent again, and she nodded, knowing their conversation was over. She left the room, closing the door behind her, and walked down the hall to Xander’s office.

  He was leaning against his desk talking to his brother, Nox, and both men smiled when she entered the room.

  She hadn’t really looked around Grayson’s office—she didn’t want to make any more mistakes with him—but she did notice Xander’s space was much bigger than his brother’s.

  A small desk sat against one wall in the center of the room, presumably so he could watch the door as he sat behind it, and there was a drafting table in the opposite corner. Lots of drawings were taped to the table and the wall above it, and she recognized his distinct style from the samples she’d seen in the lobby.

  In front of the desk were padded chairs, a cushioned chair with wheels, and a large tattoo chair that looked like an upscaled massage table. There was enough space that the padded chairs could seat two onlookers comfortably, and the chair with wheels still had ample room to move around the tattoo bed.

  The furniture in the room matched the pretty dark woods and browns from the lobby, and the same vanilla paint coated the walls. The color scheme was soothing, and she liked the space even more than she liked the entrance.

  “How did it go?” Xander asked.

  “As expected, I think,” she said. “He accepted my apology.”

  “Well, that’s something,” Nox said. “Don’t worry about it, Ivy. He’ll come around.” He walked toward the door, and nodded at Xander. “I’m going to take off, but text me the details.”

  “I will,” Xander said. “See you later.”

  “See you.”

  Nox left the room, and Xander moved to close the door behind him.

  “Thank you for apologizing to my brother,” Xander said.

  “Xander, I’m sorry. I—”

  “I know you are,” he said, cutting her off. “It was a logical assumption, and I know deep down you didn’t really believe that it was him. I’m not angry at you, kitten, but I am proud of you for trying to rectify the situation. Nox is right, Grayson will warm up to you eventually, and you guys might even become friends.”

  “I’d like that,” she said.

  “Me, too,” he smiled. “Now, about your car…”

  He sat down in the chair next to her.

  “There’s an auto-body shop a couple of blocks from here, and I trust the workers there. They’re going to discreetly tow your car to their shop, give you a new paint job, and detail the inside. They’re also going to do a full inspection to make sure the vehicle is performing as it should, and fix any problems under the hood. As long there’s nothing major happening, and the car is safe, you’ll have it back in a couple of days.”

  She didn’t argue because she regularly serviced her car, so she didn’t expect any huge expenses, and she didn’t know the first thing about how to get the outside cleaned up, anyway. Oh, she could have figured it out on her own, but she liked the idea of Xander taking care of those details for her.

  “That sounds good. Thank you. Who do you think did this?”

  “There are a couple of possibilities,” he said. “But I think it was your ex.”

  “That’s not possible,” she laughed. “He isn’t a violent or destructive man, and I haven’t even seen or heard from him in six months. Plus, what would be his motivation? He ended our relationship, and got exactly what he wanted. Why would he suddenly turn aggressive?”

  “I’m not sure, but he seemed pretty aggressive when he approached us earlier.”

  Xander was right,
her ex had seemed aggressive, but that didn’t mean he was capable of vandalism. And why would he bother anyway? He was the one who’d dumped her, and as she’d told him earlier, they weren’t even friends.

  She wouldn’t rule out the possibility completely, but she wanted to hear Xander’s other ideas.

  “Okay,” she nodded. “I supposed there is a very small—minute—possibility it could have been my ex, but you said there were other possibilities. So, let’s hear those. If it wasn’t my ex, then who do you think it was?”

  Chapter Six

  Xander took a deep breath, and quickly tried to arrange his thoughts.

  He could wait, and tell Ivy about his animal later, but that would only prolong the inevitable. Besides, he hated keeping a part of himself from her, and once she knew his secret, it would be easier to protect her.

  God, had he ever told anyone about his panther?

  He honestly couldn’t remember a time when he’d shared that secret with anyone, and the proper way to begin escaped him. One look at Ivy told him it didn’t matter how he said the words, though, only that he said them.

  She was his mate, and he wanted her to know.

  That was enough.

  “I know this might sound crazy,” he started, “but please keep an open mind, and hear me out, okay?”

  “Okay,” she answered, tentatively.

  He took another deep breath, and jumped in with both feet.

  “I’m a panther shifter,” he said. “Meaning I can shift into a panther. My brothers can too, as can all of the members of my pride. Up until about a year ago, my father was alpha, but he was a very bad man, and leading us down a dark path. He led with hate, fear and violence, and for a long time, it was easier for me to look the other way instead of standing up to him and doing the right thing…until one day it wasn’t. I had a responsibility to the pride, and to myself, so about a year ago, I challenged my father for the position of alpha.”

  Xander pushed the bad memories of that day away and continued.

  “It was a challenge to the death, and while most of the pride was happy, a few were not. Some moved on, but others have stuck around and tried to continue my father’s legacy. Nox, Grayson, and I have been weeding out those loyal to my father, but it hasn’t been without consequences. I haven’t dated anyone in a long time—literally years—and if I were a smart man, I never would have asked you out knowing the threats I face, but…you’re my mate, Ivy, the one woman created just for me, and I could never let you go.”

  “Grayson didn’t scent any shifters nearby, but your car could have been targeted by one of my enemies. Whoever it was, I’m pretty sure they will strike again, and soon, and I don’t want you to be alone. I want to stay with you tonight, so I can keep you safe.”

  When he stopped talking, silence stretched between them as Ivy stared at him, and seemingly processed his words. He wished he could know what she was thinking, but unfortunately, even their mating bond wouldn’t give him that ability.

  “I…I don’t understand this,” she said, finally. “I don’t know why you would make up this incredible story, but I’m definitely not going to sleep with you.” She stood as if to leave. “I can’t believe I trusted you.”

  The whispered words were so full of pain, his cat nearly forced a shift.

  God damn!

  His girl, his mate, completely owned him, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. A shifter, especially an alpha, was always better once they found their mate, and he wasn’t about to let her go without a fight.

  “You can trust me,” he said, standing and blocking her path to the door. “Don’t be afraid.”

  He allowed his cat to take over.

  The change was instant, and literally took no time at all. One minute he was standing in front of her as a man, and the next he was on all fours in his panther form. He knew he was huge compared to most natural born animals of his kind, but being faced with any wild animal with no barrier was enough to frighten anyone.

  Luckily, he didn’t sense any fear coming off his mate.

  Her shock and awe, however, filled the room, and she plopped back down in her chair as if her legs gave out and she had no choice but to sit. If she tried to run, he honestly didn’t know what he would do, but this he could handle.

  She could stare at him all night if she wanted.

  He sat down on his hind legs, and waited.

  “Can you understand me?” she asked. “Do you know who I am?”

  He nodded once to answer both questions.

  “Can I touch you?”

  He nodded again, and slowly walked toward her. When he was close enough that she could reach out and stroke his coat, he sat again, and waited. A second later, his mate smoothed a hand down his back, and he closed his eyes and purred.

  Her small gasp let him know she recognized the small vibrations from their hug on the street, and she pet him again.

  “You’re amazing,” she said, continuing to touch him. “Your fur is softer than I thought it would be, and I can feel all of your muscles beneath your coat. You’re powerful—in both forms—and I really love all of the sounds you make. Change back.”

  Xander followed her command, and instantly changed back into his human form. Confident she wouldn’t try to run, he sat down in the seat next to her, and waited. It wasn’t long before she spoke again.

  “You said I was your mate…but what, exactly, does that mean?”

  “It means we’re meant to be together. A mate is the one person in the world created to be a perfect match for a shifter. When I met you, I knew in my soul we were meant to be together, and if you decide to mate with me—stay with me—then I will mark you and complete the mating bond. Doing so will turn you into a panther like me, and we will be together for the rest of our lives.”

  “But…I’m nothing special.”

  “You’re kidding me, right, kitten?” he laughed. “You’re the perfect package. You’re sexy and smart, and a good person. You were kind to Grayson, when usually no one else is, and you have a good business mind. The ideas for your cafe are progressive, and that’s the kind of thinking a good alpha needs. Also, you’re sexy as hell. My cat wants to get tangled up in your hair, and your curves have kept me in a semi-hard state since we met. When you’re ready, I can’t wait to sink my cock into your perfect pussy, but until then, I just like being with you. You’re everything I could have hoped for in a mate, and I know we’ll make a great team.”

  “That all sounds so wonderful,” she said, “but I’m scared.”

  “Of me?”

  She couldn’t be…could she?

  “No,” she whispered. “Of not being a good mate for you. What if I… I look different without any clothes on. What if you take one look at me naked and change your mind?”

  He would have laughed if she wasn’t so serious. Her concern was a tangible thing, and he could almost taste her fear. Fear of his ridicule and scorn. The fact that she thought something so ridiculous could be possible shed a lot of light on the missing parts to the story of how her ex had left. The man had broken her down, and left her in pieces.

  Xander wanted blood, but instead, he silently vowed to spend the rest of his life making her whole again.

  Because she’d allowed his touch before, he took a chance, and grabbed her hand. When she didn’t pull away, he kissed the back of her hand, and smiled gently.

  “That’s just not possible, kitten. I’ve seen the way your jeans mold to your delicious, round ass, and when I hugged you, I felt all of your soft, mouth-watering curves pressed up against me. I love the way you look, and I want you. With or without clothes, that isn’t going to change.”

  “I want to believe you, but I’m still afraid.”

  “That’s understandable,” he said, “but it doesn’t change the fact that someone targeted you, and that you could be in danger. This isn’t about sex, it’s about protecting you from your ex, or whoever is after you. You don’t have to make any life changing decisions
about me tonight—we have plenty of time—but let me stay with you so I can keep you safe.”

  She nodded before she spoke.



  Ivy sat down on the couch next to Xander, and handed him the remote.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she smiled. “I couldn’t sleep right now even if I wanted to.”

  She didn’t want to, though.

  He nodded, and used the remote to find the movie they’d agreed on. She leaned into his side, laid her head on his shoulder, and laced her fingers with his. She liked being able to touch him whenever she wanted, and she liked that he seemed to like touching her, too.

  After she’d agreed to let Xander stay with her, he’d texted his brothers, and driven her home. He’d made it a point to leave his car on the street in front of her house, visible to everyone, so her vandal would know she wasn’t alone.

  That was the reason he’d wanted to stay with her instead of the other way around. Xander was sure whoever had targeted her would strike again—sooner than later—and he’d wanted to make it easy for them.

  Nox and Grayson were outside patrolling the area, and it felt odd to be inside, alone with Grayson, while they watched over her. It also made doing anything physical nearly impossible.

  Which, of course, was all she could think about.

  The fact that Xander found her attractive went a long way toward silencing her ex’s words in her head, and after he’d made so many revelations in his office, including the fact that she was his mate, and that he’d been semi-hard since they’d met, she’d wanted more.

  Of course, her worries weren’t completely dissolved, but the logical part of her brain had recognized the lies from her ex early on…it was the emotional side that had held onto the fact that there might have been some truth to the painful remarks.

  She understood now how stupid she’d been.

  For whatever reason, her ex had tried to destroy her—and she’d allowed it. The fear of rejection from Xander was still buried deep inside, but the feeling was small, and buried under a massive amount of hope.


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