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H.A.L.O. Undone (Broken HALO Book 1): A Broken HALO Novel (Broken H.A.L.O.)

Page 24

by Jillian Neal

  She let go of a shaky breath and skimmed her hand higher. Her blinks extended. Those long eyelashes fluttered closed. Pure lust built a fire at the base of my cock as she brushed her fingers over me. The heat of her hand was exquisite. She gave me a dedicated grope, and I damn near lost what was left of my mind. “Can we just go?” The heat of her whisper raced over my jaw. “I need you.”

  Denying her anything at all was laughable. Denying her me wasn’t even a remote possibility. “Hell yeah, sweetheart. Just give me a minute to run some baseball stats through my head so I can fucking walk out of here.”

  That coy grin only served to make me harder, rigid with hunger now. I’d never get enough. I’d made her several promises about that night, and I might keep shit from people but I never, not one single time, ever broke my word.

  I made a show of awkwardly standing from the table. “Leg’s cramped,” I explained to Hannah loud enough for everyone at the table to hear me. I had to live with the damned thing for the rest of my life might as well make it work for me on occasion.

  She cringed. “You’ve been sitting too long. Let’s go back to the room and you can stretch out.”

  Mathis shook his head at us. “Old injury or new cobra strike?” Army had done right by him on the training, clearly. He knew I was lying.

  Hannah rolled her eyes. She’d heard all of the military slang for a boner.

  Normally, if someone wanted to involve themselves in my personal shit I’d tell them to shove their face up their own ass and give it a good lick, but I owed the guy. “Both.”

  “Figured that.” He gave me an envious smirk.

  I escorted Hannah the hell away from the deranged Andrews Sisters-wannabes. Just having her out of their clutches, my breaths came easier. The desire to throw her over my shoulder and sprint her back to the suite took siege of my better judgment. The erection center of my brain had overrun all rational thought. Damn thing needed some kind of emergency kill switch.

  The crowds had gathered around the waterfall outside the doors leaving the hallway relatively vacant. I was thankful for every second I could gain. Rushing her through the suite doors, I damn near ran over Fred.

  “How was your dinner?” He smiled politely.

  “One of the oddest things I’ve ever seen in my life, and I once watched three camels hump,” I informed him. Hannah shook her head at me but couldn’t quite hide her laughter. “That’s God’s honest truth.”

  “Would you shut up?” she ordered.

  “Not ’til I get you in the room.”

  “Have a lovely night. Can I get you anything before you retire?” Fred’s smirk said at least he thought my story was humorous.

  “Actually, yeah, I’d like some ice cream. Can the kitchen here do that?”

  “Certainly, sir. What flavor?”

  All sense of humor vanished from Hannah’s beautiful face. Intrigue danced in her eyes. Her favorite flavor was strawberry.

  “Vanilla,” I informed Fred. Her lungs gave a quick shuddered breath.

  “Cone or cup and any toppings?” Fred asked.

  “Cup, no toppings, and only one spoon.”

  “I’ll have it delivered soon.”

  “Good man.”

  I had her in our room a half-second later.

  “Why do I have a feeling it won’t be me spilling that ice cream on myself this time?” Her husky tone dripped with need.

  “Because you’re an incredibly intelligent woman, and you know how starved I am for you.”

  “Before we get to you eating ice cream off of me, I want to know what’s on that paper in your pocket.” Determination rolled off her. I wasn’t getting out of this for sex or anything else.

  I pulled the paper from my shorts. “I don’t want to scare you, baby. I would never let anything happen to you.”

  “I know that. I’m not scared, but I want to know what you know.”

  The words I was about to say clogged in my throat. Utter hatred flooded my bloodstream. I unfolded the computer printout. “You’re their mark.”

  “What?” She rushed to my side and studied the spreadsheet of the people who’d donated the most money to Homefront Heroes in the last five years. Four names had been highlighted. Three had been struck through. Hers was the only one that remained. “How did Victoria get that? It had to have been stolen from Homefront Heroes.”

  “Megan Mallory would have access to this wouldn’t she?”

  Hannah slunk downward. Her cute ass landed on the sofa. “So, they planned this whole thing to steal my credit cards or something?”

  “I haven’t put all of the pieces together yet, but I’m thinking they wanted more than your credit cards. They’re after a much bigger payoff from you. Clearly, they’re very comfortable putting on fake identities. Yours would’ve gotten them a long way, and identity thieves are next to impossible to catch. They were targeting donors who make the most money. See, Ashley Kilgore and Karen Winston’s names were highlighted and then scratched through. You were the only donor who showed last night. That’s probably what that argument you overheard was about. Megan Mallory promised them an A-list event filled with wealthy people. She didn’t provide that.”

  “Wow.” Her head fell into her hands. My heart sank right along with it. “I can’t believe I was so stupid.”

  “Hey, you are not stupid. How would you have known that’s what she was up to when she asked you to participate in this? And let me tell you something, baby, this”—I held up the list, the first piece of evidence—“is a declaration of war. I’ll burn them to the ground and piss on their ashes before I’d ever let anyone hurt you.”

  “I should never have agreed to participate because I started scheming as soon as she explained the event to me. I can’t think when we’re apart. I can barely breathe much less make rational decisions. All I could think was that it was a chance for us to really spend some time together, for me to convince you that us staying apart is hurting both of us. I need to call the other board members. She needs to be arrested.”

  “You could probably get her thrown off of the board, but she hasn’t technically done anything illegal yet. I need to figure out if the money from the auction is really going to the foundation. If it isn’t, then we’ve got her on fraud and misappropriation. The police are going to need a motive to make either of those charges stick, and I have to come up with some way for us to know this without us having to confess to breaking and entering. Plus, my own sick curiosity is getting to me. Why would she do this? She had good standing with the board before this and what’s with all of those rules she was so nuts about? It’s driving me crazy that I can’t figure this out.”

  “I should never have done any of this. I jeopardized my company, everything I’ve worked so hard for. I got T to help me trick you. I basically just completely fucked over every single relationship in my life that means the most to me.”

  “Stop.” The rough scrape of my voice had her sealing those gorgeous lips. “Every single day I get to spend with you, Hannah, I swear it becomes the best fucking day of my life. I already know tomorrow will be even better than today was because I get to fall asleep and wake up with you right there in my arms. So, we have a little distraction. We’ll get it figured out. But nothing will keep me from taking care of every single thing my baby needs from me. Did you hear what you just said? You jeopardized everything that means anything at all to you and, my God honey, you did it all for me. I’m the one that was stupid, not you. Never you. Trying to keep you in one world and the rest of the shit I just exist with in another. I won’t do it anymore. I can’t breathe without you either. I try. Jesus Christ, I try and it feels like inhaling fire. I told you I’d figure out some way to explain all of this to Smith, and I meant that.”

  Hesitant hope flickered in her eyes. “We’ll tell him together. Him and Daddy.”

  “Let’s climb one mountain at a time, okay?” I couldn’t go there tonight. I couldn’t stomach the general.

  “I really am so
rry about all of this,” she whispered.

  “I’m not. All of this bullshit with Homefront and the wicked stepsisters it’s just a thing. And you, baby, you are every thing.”

  “There were only two wicked stepsisters.” Her teeth scraped over her bottom lip trying to conceal her grin and I was done for.

  Sexy little minx. “Guess we better catch them soon. I’m all out of famous trios.”

  “Tomorrow,” she breathed the single word.

  “Yeah, maybe. Tonight, I’ve got a few things I intend to take excellent care of.” A knock on the door interrupted the arc of electricity passing between us. “Sounds like my ice cream is here.”

  “Better get that.”



  I accepted the silver bowl full of vanilla ice cream complete with a mint leaf and a strawberry from Fred. Setting it on the table near the couch I tried to gauge my baby. Her nostrils flared, and her quick breaths swayed her breasts in a mesmerizing dance. Her hungry gaze never abandoned mine. If I hadn’t memorized every detail of her, hadn’t allowed those memories to fuel my very existence for the last seven years, I might not have noticed the hint of nerves evident in the nibble of her bottom lip and harsh swallow of her throat.

  “This sure as fuck isn’t the first time we’ve made love, baby. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong.” Her head shook as if that would dispel the lie she’d just told.

  Moving to her in a few quick steps, I cradled her face in my hands. “Come on. Don’t lie to me.”

  Her gaze attempted an evasive maneuver as she stared out the backdoors instead of at me.

  “Hannah, come on.”

  “Three crazy ladies are trying to steal my identity. That kind of sucks,” she placated.

  “Yeah, but you know I’m not going to let that happen. You’re shaking. Talk to me.”

  I got a genuine smile. We were getting somewhere. “I still can’t believe you let me win today.”

  A slight chuckle I hadn’t expected escaped my mouth. “Trust me, honey, this isn’t a sacrifice. Seems to me you like to hear what I want from you. And it seemed like maybe you needed someone to tell you that it’s okay if you want that. That it’s perfectly natural to want to give up control to a man who knows how to take it. To give it to someone you trust.”

  She locked her eyes on mine with that statement. “Not just trust, Griff. Someone I love. Someone I want to spend the rest of my life exploring this with.”

  “The rest of our life starts right now. You sure you’re ready for this?” My challenge hung in the air for one beat too long. “Hannah?”

  A deep breath lifted her chest like she was trying to inhale courage. It fucking crushed me. If she didn’t want this, that was perfectly fine. “There are silk tie-ups in the bedroom. It’s just…standing here… I want to touch you so much.” She wrung her hands. “I don’t want to not be able to touch you.” Shame set up camp in her eyes. She tried to shrug it away. So that was it.

  “Baby, I have no intention of tying you up. Every centimeter of my skin that your fingers brush over, I swear, it feels like you erase whatever scar happens to be there. I’m not strong enough to deny myself that, honestly. Only people I’ve ever tied up have been insurgents, and I’m not looking for those memories tonight, okay? We’re gonna work out every single flavor of your kinks in my bed, but I don’t think that’s one of them.”

  Relief washed through her. She melted against me, soft gentleness against my broken fragments and metal fixtures. I wrapped her up in my arms. The contentment, I only ever found in her, sated my soul. She lifted her head. The blue pools of her eyes stirred with waves of curiosity and need. I’d answer every single question.

  “Let’s see some of this lingerie you bought for this trip. Something naughty, baby. Something all for me. Something that’s gonna make me want to paddle your delectable little ass for how bad you make me want you.”

  “Oh God, yes.” She spun out of my arms and rushed to the bedroom. A cocky smirk formed on my features. I knew precisely what she wanted to hear. I knew my girl.

  Grabbing the ice cream, I tossed the strawberry and mint leaf in the trash before I trailed after her. There was one thing I had to set straight before we got this party started.

  She shook her head at me. “I can’t dress up for you if you’re in here.”

  “The closet is the size of most people’s two bedroom apartments,” I pointed out. “I need you to see something first anyway.” I dug deep into my duffle and produced the pallet load of condoms Voodoo had provided. “I did not buy these.”

  Her mouth hung open for the few seconds it took for fury to narrow those cool blue eyes. “You didn’t know I was going to be here, but it looks like you certainly had plans to get some this week.”

  Women constantly complain that men don’t listen. I get it. We don’t, but we’re not the only ones. “Hannah, what did I just say?”

  She paused for a moment to review. “That you didn’t buy them. Then who did?”

  “Take a wild guess.”



  Her adorable nose wrinkled. “Please tell me Smith did not buy those for you.”

  “Oh, hell no. If he had, I would’ve bought a different box while we were out today. Come on. Who would’ve bought seventy-two Trojans and thought it was a good idea?”

  “Voodoo.” She laughed and rolled her eyes.

  “Once a medic with a sick sense of humor always a medic with a sick sense of humor.”

  “You never know. Maybe we’ll be sending him a thank you note by the end of the week.”

  I bit back a comment about having to get her some chafing cream if we used seventy condoms in a few days’ time to avoid completely wrecking the mood. “Believe you were supposed to be dressing up for me, honey. Not going to lie to you. I’m tired of waiting.”

  Her tongue darted over those lush pink lips. “Yes, sir.” Those two words lit through me. Nothing but sinking myself deep inside of her would quell the choke of arousal my cock was barely surviving.



  The ribbon hook on the gown slipped out of my hand for the second time as I tried to fasten the damn thing. I glared down at my nipples. Was one of them more narrow than the other all of a sudden? Focus Hannah. I made another attempt with the strap.

  “So fucking gorgeous,” rumbled from Griff. I spun in the massive closet and there he stood in all of his naked perfection. Not like those sculptures of Greek gods, no, he’d been chiseled and honed by the American military. All rippled muscle, sinew, tattoos, and scars. The Greek gods had nothing on Griff Haywood. “Need some help, baby?” spilled from his lips in a coaxing rumble.

  My gaze tracked down the ropes of muscles constructing his abdomen to the trail of black hair that led directly to his long, solid length. Thick veins protruded along his shaft, crowned with his smooth head fully engorged and all for me. The scars resided there as well, deep purple grooves against heated flesh. Fissures where I could pour in the love I longed to give him. Anticipation tangled me in knots.

  His substantial thighs were covered in scalpel markings and shrapnel penetration points. His bulging arms were proof of his raw power and yet, with me, he was gentle.

  He palmed his cock. “Have no clue why you like what you see, but I sure as hell love that hungry look in your eyes when you’re staring at me.” The low gravel of his voice loosed something primal deep within my core.

  He tugged and a whimpered moan shook from my lungs. I flung the nightie away and stepped toward him. My fingertips followed after his palm as he gave another pull. An eager grunt filled the air between us. I made another exploratory path with my hand over his slit this time. A drop of pearly need clung there now.

  Leaning, I spun my tongue over his crown, steeping my senses in his masculine scent and his flavors. I wanted to be completely immersed in him. The glimmer of heat in his eyes served as my only warning. “You want a taste
? Then you get on your knees like a good girl.”

  A hot blast of pure desire flooded through me from his gruff command. God, yes, this was what I’d craved from him for so long. My pulse fluttered in my throat.

  I sank to my knees letting my fingernails trace over the pillows of firm muscle that comprised his chest and abs as I made my descent. The thick carpeting in the closet cushioned my fall, scraping against my knees. Awareness sharpened my focus.

  “Now, lick every inch of me.” I brushed a tender kiss on his sack instead. His hand threaded through my hair. He gripped a fistful. “I said lick me.” Every nerve ending in my scalp rejoiced at his force. Compliant now, I ran my tongue from his root to his tip. He was better than any ice cream cone I’d ever indulged in. God, I wanted to suck, but I was no longer in control and that knowledge assured me that we, together, were finally fully alive. Letting my tongue dance at his slit, I reversed course and inhaled his salty flavors all the way back down his shaft. “I taught you to do that so good, didn’t I baby?”

  “God, yes.” And he had. In his apartment on post, I’d been given explicit instructions. I knew precisely how he wanted to be taken in, how he wanted to be consumed.

  “Suck me,” came from him in a rasping order.

  “I was worried you’d never ask.” I let my hot breath fan over his cock, watching as it throbbed out his need.

  “I don’t plan on asking for anything, baby. Tonight, I’m taking what I want. Now suck me.”

  “Yes,” breathed from me as I lapped at his head and drew him in. I hollowed my cheeks and drew him deeper.

  Glancing upward, I watched his head fall back in unadulterated pleasure. “Jesus, that’s good,” scraped from his throat. “Take more. Let me hear how good I taste.”

  I released him with a pop and then let him guide my head back down. I sucked in earnest now. My hungry moans vibrated down his shaft. His rasping curses and craving groans filled me, surging liquid heat between my legs. Releasing him again, I brushed suckled kisses and teasing strokes of my tongue over the scars that ran along the left side of his cock. The masculine scent of him and his flavors filled my senses. I returned to my work before he made another demand that I do so.


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