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Super Villain Grandpa (Cape High Series Book 15)

Page 14

by R. J. Ross

  “And what of the people she experimented on? There was Cold Steel, I know, but certainly there were others?” Negatia asks.

  “For the most part we’ve returned them to normal with the help of our healers,” Nico says. “Cold Steel was a special case, since his system took to the change so quickly. The normal ones have been returned to their lives, and provided psychological help at our expense. One was… too far gone when we got to him. Others are still slowly recovering and growing accustomed to their new abilities. Mainly they’re D-class, and will return to normal society after they’ve completely recuperated. I don’t plan on bringing any of them into the school at this time.”

  “He’s elitist,” Century says.

  “I have one D-class—”

  “Who is, I believe, technically a Specialized C-class, and can register higher with a simple uniform change?” Mastermental points out.

  “She makes a good school reporter, too,” Nico says shamelessly.

  “I see,” Negatia says. “Then I’m satisfied. Shall we call this hearing finished?”

  “I second the motion,” Isotonic says. “Except how is my daughter doing?”

  “Just fine,” Nico says. “All of the kids are. Our youngest, including Olivia, are making leaps and bounds with their training.”

  “Good to hear.”

  “And the older ones?”

  “Massteria could be getting away even as we speak,” Grandpa interrupts. “So can this parent teacher meeting wait until afterward?”

  “Of course. I apologize,” Isotonic says. “You’re free to begin your parole.”

  “Thank you,” he says before looking at Grandma. “Take Keliah and get her somewhere safe,” he says. “I don’t want her anywhere that Massteria can get to her.”

  “Rocco,” Nico says to the silent teen standing nearby, “we’re going to need your help.”

  “Sure, boss,” Rocco says. “What about Malina?”

  “Malina, you go back to Cape High with Keliah and her grandmother,” he says. “Zoe and the others are doing an Internet search for the other escaped cons, you can help them with it.”

  “You just assume I’m going to take her to—” Grandma starts out.

  “My security is the best in the world,” Nico says. “That’s the safest place she could be right now. I trusted you, Falconess, so trust me.”

  Grandma hesitates, looking around the room. “So the Hall security isn’t as good as the school’s?” she asks.

  “Of course it isn’t,” Century says. “He put a laser bubble around the school.”

  “Highly illegal,” Negatia adds.

  “You bet it is,” Isotonic agrees. “Why else do you think I sent my daughter there?”

  “Then, I suppose we’re going to your school,” Grandma says to me.

  “I want to see what happens with Grandpa,” I protest.

  “We can see it on television,” she says, taking my hand. “Let’s go, Chicklet, your Grandpa’s got work to do.”


  “Tell me,” Mastermental says as he reaches the room that Nico’s confiscated for the external power blocker building, “how much of the conversation you ‘wouldn’t spy on’ did you spy on?”

  Nico looks up from the gutted machines that surround him. Century will probably get irritated with him for the computers, but he ignores that fact. “Why, Double M, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “They’ve really made some progress with computers, haven’t they?” Boombastic asks, staring curiously at the motherboard he just took out of the nearest phone. “I’m impressed. So is that why you got on their cases about not trusting you?” he asks Nico.

  “I’m a technopath,” Nico says. “There are computers everywhere—most of which I programmed. Century brought me in for a few hours a while back to redo his security, remember?”

  “You need to be more careful, Nico,” Mastermental says. He holds up a hand before Nico can go on, “I’m not saying that you shouldn’t spy—I expect it, honestly. In a way you are very right, you DO run a Hall. We all realize it. But allowing the others to get under your skin, and SHOW that they do, well, you open a door that is best left shut.”

  Nico looks over at Bombastic, his expression changing slightly. “You’re right,” he says finally. “I shouldn’t have let the jibe about teaming up get to me. Honestly, I’ve been on edge since Herold.”

  “Understandable,” Mastermental says.

  “What happened with Herold?” Bombastic asks curiously.

  “He was a technopath. He almost took over the White House,” Nico says. “He also caused a lot of destruction by taking out several of the systems. I still haven’t fully recovered the financial system, but let’s be honest, that’s almost as corrupt as the political,” he says dryly. “I have to take a shower after I work on it, every time.”

  “You are not Herold, and we are well aware of it,” Mastermental says, “which is WHY we’re allowing you to fix everything he broke.”

  “If it was just me, I wouldn’t care,” Nico says. “I’ve screwed up in the past—they’re probably right to ask questions like that. But my daughter is innocent,” he says, his eyes gleaming dangerously. “I won’t have them watching her every move—”

  “Of course they do,” Mastermental says, holding up a hand to stop him before he speaks, “your daughter is only sixteen years old and they’re already approaching her about their own branches of the school. They look at Zoe with blatant jealousy of me,” he adds with a smug little smile, “and of Century, regretfully,” he adds after a second. “I was hoping to keep her purely Central, you know. She will be my daughter-in-law soon enough. I’d like to keep her close.”

  “Not that soon,” Nico says, but the tension is draining out of him. “She’s only sixteen. I won’t let her get married until she’s twenty-one.”

  “Eighteen is the legal age in Missouri, fifteen with parental consent, but I agree that that is too young,” Mastermental says.

  “Wait—your daughter is dating Mastermental’s son?” Bombastic asks.

  “It’s a small world, isn’t it?” Nico says. He touches his earbud. “We’re going to need a tailor up here,” he says. “We’re looking for something non-flammable. Thankfully South specializes in that.”

  “Do I really need a uniform?” Bombastic asks.

  “Do you want to burn your pants off again?” Nico asks, not bothering to wait for an answer. “I’ll keep my temper in check, Double M,” he says, “I shouldn’t have gone off on them like that.”

  “Oh, I’m not worried about their feelings,” Mastermental says. “I’m worried about them realizing you have a sore spot that can be exploited. In several ways, Nico, my reputation is tied to yours.”

  “Would they exploit it?” Nico asks curiously.

  “Let’s just say you don’t get to be a Hall Leader by being nice,” Mastermental says.


  "Even with him gone, the general populace is still panicking, sir," the black suit announces as he reaches Century. They're on the roof of the tallest building of the South Branch Theme Park. "We tried to clean up as much of the damage as possible while you stopped time, but it's just going bad again."

  "We need a psychic type," Century says. "I'll talk over the cameras. I'll see if I can't--"

  "We have one," Century hears Trent say over his earbud. "Two, actually, but Emily says she’s not up for something that big."

  "Who’s the other?" Century demands.


  They go silent for a moment as Max lets out a curse over the com. "Do you have any CLUE how much damage my reputation has taken over the past few months?" Max demands. "First that video of me lifting the cars goes viral--do you know they have it in subtitles overseas? Nobody even TALKS and they still slapped subtitles on it! And now you want me to--"

  "Max," Trent says.

  "I know!" Max says angrily. "The greater good and all that, sheesh, I might as well trade in for a freaking
cape," he says, his irritation dripping from the sentence.

  "Thank you, son," Century says.

  "Go ahead and get on the big screen," Max says, taking to the air. Century looks over at him, watching for a second as the teen raises his arms. "Aubrey, we need you working in the background," Max adds.

  "On it," Century hears the healer say.

  "They're already noticing me," Max complains before starting to work. "I'm not as good as my father, so try not to talk to me--I need to concentrate."

  "Understood," Century says, seeing several drones start to surround him--and a few others hovering around Maximum. Poor kid, he thinks with amusement, this will be the final nail in the coffin on his villain career.

  "Ladies and gentlemen!" Century says, his face appearing on every screen in the park. "This is Century speaking! I'd like to thank you for coming to our humble park today and tell you that every single one of you is going to get a free pass to this and every other Hall controlled park for the rest of the season."

  The crowds slow down, but they don't look very happy about his offer. Well of course they wouldn't be, he thinks. They were just traumatized for no reason. "I'd also like to offer you each a signed picture of the southern hero of your choice. All you need to do is take your ticket stub to the Hall sometime and we'll get it for you. I have no doubt that poor Voltdrain's hand will be numb from signing pictures for days--"

  They're calming down slightly, so he jumps on it. "And, as a one-time deal, only, I will do my very best to get signed pictures from THE Skystep. I will, of course, have to capture her to do so, but for you good people, I'm willing to deal with that for a few days."

  "You can't do that to Skystep!" someone yells at him. "She needs to be free!"

  "I can't? Well, sugar, she DID rob the Museum of Super Villainy just the other day, so I would say I have justifiable cause," he says. There's a bit of laughter, and the threat of violence has calmed down so much that he allows himself to smile. "Have I told you that she's getting partners?" he asks. “We have pictures that have yet to be released to the public of them.”

  "What? Who?!"

  "Skystep doesn't need partners!"

  "Are they male or female?"

  "Well, ladies and gentlemen, that will be another rare item you can trade your ticket stub for. You have the opportunity to be the first to see Skystep's new team. Now, if you're missing any children, or other family members, you will find them in this building, here. We didn't want them to be trampled in the little fracas, so our very own Hypersonic Rainbow rescued them--where is Hy-Bo?" he asks, looking around.

  "She's playing with the kids," Trent calls over to him. "I think they're playing tag."

  The ones that are still looking panicked in the crowd calm down slightly and rush for the building doors. The sound of children's laughter fills the air as the doors swing open automatically. "I do hope you forgive us for that," Century adds. Mentally he's debating how many lawsuits he'll be facing for all of this. He doesn't look forward to it.

  "We've got them calm, now," he hears Max say over the earbud. "I'm going to leave--there are far too many people recording me right now." Century waves, sending the drones surrounding him away before replying.

  "Thank you, son, when you do go hero, my door is always open."

  "Century, if I ever go hero, I'm going to skip the leveling and aim straight for the top," Max says.

  "Does your father know?" Century asks.

  "He's a mind reader, of course he does," Max says.

  "And you're dating Nico's little princess, aren't you?"

  "I am."

  "I see," Century says, shaking his head slightly. "It sounds like we have a very interesting future ahead of us."


  "I wish he had sent Rocco with us," Malina says quietly as we stop and land outside of a little town. "This would be a lot quicker."

  "Are you worried?" Grandma asks as she lets go of her. "We'll be fine. You have two full grown heroes with you right now."

  "I know, it’s just that this would be a lot faster with Rocco," Malina says. "But I understand why he kept him--Rocco can find anyone."

  "I'm starving," I say. "Can we get some food?"

  "I’m afraid we’re going to have to. I haven’t eaten in days," Mom admits. "I can only fly so far without food."

  "Oh!" I say, remembering something. "Mom! My tattoo is starting to show!"

  "It is?" she asks, the first smile I've seen for a while crossing her face. "Well congratulations, sweetie. I can't wait to see it!"

  "Technically I haven't seen it, either," I admit. "Grandpa checked. He said he always wondered if that had something to do with Grandma's powers."

  "He checked?" Mom asks.

  "Yeah," I say. "I'm not going to be able to wear swimsuits for a while, huh?"

  "Not in public, no," Mom says. "Did he hurt you? In any way?" she asks as we walk towards the only restaurant in the tiny town.

  "Nope! Well, nothing worth mentioning," I say. Why does everyone worry that Grandpa hurt me? Well, you know, other than the fact that he's an ex-con and can blow things up with a touch. "Other than trying to convince me forty-year-old Twinkies are still edible, that is."

  "Ew," Mom says, making a face.

  "Exactly, right?" We follow the lady that meets us at the door to a table, sitting down and picking up our menus. "Oh!" I say. "Malina, can you call Carla and see if she's okay?" I ask.

  "Of course I can--but don't you think she'd like it if you did the calling?" she asks with a little smile. "I mean, if you two want to become friends, that's definitely a good first step."

  I hesitate as she holds her phone out to me. "Are you sure she won't mind?" I ask.

  "Are you kidding? She'd LOVE it if you called."

  I reach out, taking the phone a bit awkwardly. "Thank you. Um... it’s pretty noisy in here, so I’ll try calling her from the restroom.” I see Grandma nod at Mom, but don’t actually register it.

  I get up and head for the restroom, my mind whirling as I try to figure out what to say. What if she's busy? She might still be working at the theme park, trying to help everyone calm down, right? If I interrupt that, will she get mad? I don't know! I don't know Carla well enough to tell. But--but I'd like to, a deceptive little voice whispers. I want to be friends with her. I want to be friends with a lot of people, actually.

  I look at Mom, who’s right behind me. “I’ll just be out here,” she says, stepping next to the restroom door. I nod and head in.

  I felt so cut off when I was out with Grandpa. I'm not saying I didn't love spending time with him, but we were all alone. Now that I’m back in society I realize just how little interaction I’ve had for the past few days. I stop in front of the mirror and tap on the phone, my hand trembling with nerves. It’s the first name on the list. Oh… Carla and Malina are really close, right? I think? If they’re best friends, maybe me trying to become friends with Carla is—

  The phone rings and I almost jump out of my skin. I rush to tap the answer button, and then realize I should have taken it back inside to Malina, since it’s her phone. “He—Hello?” I say, bringing it to my ear. I’ll just tell whoever it is that I’ll have her call them back.

  “Malina! Malina, I need help!” I hear Carla say.

  “No—um—this is Keliah. I was borrowing her phone. But I was going to call and ask—”

  “I need help!” Carla says urgently. “He’s going to kill me, Keliah! I need your help, please!”

  “What? Who’s going to kill you?” I ask, starting to panic. “Where are you? How can I get there?”

  “It’s Deathblow! He’s going to kill me! I need—NO! STOP, PLEASE—” It cuts off with a scream and I hear a crushing sound. He must have gotten close enough to break her phone. If he’s close enough to break her phone, that means he’s close enough to break her, too! I need to focus. I should—I should—I don’t know what I should do! I don’t have time to figure it out, either! Carla needs me NOW! If I t
ake too long, it might be too late!

  I look around for the nearest exit. There’s a window on the far wall. I’m pretty sure it leads to the yard behind the restaurant. If I try to go through the restaurant I might wind up running over innocents in my haste. I can’t risk taking that much time. I need to save Carla!


  “That was easier than I imagined,” Massteria says, shaking his head as he sees the girl racing down the street. “She’s on the move, go get her,” he tells Deathblow, but Deathblow is already gone. He turns, watching as the girl is grabbed by the large man. She struggles, almost screaming before a hand covers her mouth.

  “Playing with little girls, now, Massteria?” someone asks from behind him.

  Massteria jerks, a cold chill rushing through him. There, casually sitting on the water tower above him, is someone he did NOT expect to see. “How long?” he asks, starting to tremble with fear.

  “Since the beginning,” Mimic says, dropping down in front of him. “I was originally aiming for D.B. but, well, you have such an interesting ability,” he says. “I think I’m going to enjoy this.”


  All of a sudden, it’s like the world snaps back into place. My mind clears and I suddenly wonder what the heck I was thinking. I mean, I just jumped out of a window of a building where Mom AND Grandma were, and they are way more qualified to—

  I can’t breathe. Someone’s holding me with their hand over my mouth and nose. “Hello, girl,” an unfamiliar voice says right next to my ear. “If you want to live, nod.”

  I nod, since I DO want to live. That doesn’t mean I have to go along with whatever he tells me. I squirm, kicking back and trying to head-butt him in the jaw, but all he does is laugh. That would work on a norm, right? I’m actually feeling dizzy from hitting my head against his jaw, but he’s laughing.

  That leaves me to conclude, reluctantly, that he’s either a really hardheaded norm or a cape. With my luck, he’s a cape. I’m pretty sure I’m strong enough to get free from a norm, adult male or not. “Now, little Boombastic brat,” he says, “you’re going to help me get a hold of your granddaddy, understand? Now you just nod again, got it?”


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