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Saven Disclosure (The Saven Series Book 2)

Page 27

by Siobhan Davis

  The vehicle inches out onto the gravel-lined path, advancing slowly. The ride is less bumpy as he maneuvers the Autovee onto the asphalt-lined driveway. Vin slows down as we approach the gate, and the soft whirring of the window as it depresses is the only sound in the car. “You heading out, sir?” the guard asks.

  “Yes. I’ve some business to attend to on behalf of my father. I will return in due course.”

  “As you were,” the man says before barking out orders to the guards manning the gate.

  Vin expertly steers the Autovee out onto the road. “Stay down until I tell you it’s okay,” he murmurs through thin lips.

  “We can just teleport now.”

  “No. We need to talk to him. Let’s wait.”

  A few minutes later, the car leaves the main road, turning onto a rough stretch of road that ties my stomach up in knots. Logan winds his hands around my waist, and I clutch his warm fingers in mine.

  “It’s okay to sit up now,” Vin says.

  We crawl onto the seat. Pushing my tousled hair out of my eyes, I focus on our surroundings. Vin is driving on a battered road through the middle of a densely populated forest. Rain-filled clouds hover low in the rapidly darkening sky. He swings the car off road, parking in an inconspicuous spot under the thick, green cover of trees. We all hop out.

  “Thank you.” Logan is earnest in his gratitude.

  An unassuming smile washes over Vin’s face. “I’m glad it was me who discovered you. Things could’ve gotten nasty back there. What were you two up to anyway?” He lounges against the hood of the car.

  Logan casts a furtive look my way. Interpreting it instantly, I know he’s worried about trusting anyone else, but if my hunch is correct, then I think Vin is the exact person we need right now. “Who is your father?”

  “G is my father,” he says without hesitation, verifying my hunch.

  “Can we trust you?” I pin him with a serious look.

  “I hope I’ve just demonstrated that you can trust me. Have I ever done anything to make you doubt me?” Sincerity splays over his earnest face.

  “No. But you’ve got to understand how difficult it is to detect who is genuinely trustworthy. Everyone is trying to use us for their own gain.” I tuck my hair behind my ears. “Your father has made his agenda clear, and he poses a considerable threat to Logan’s life. So why should we trust you with what we know?”

  Vin smiles, and I understand the look. He knows I’m testing him, and he approves. “Just because he’s my father doesn’t mean I blindly follow him. In fact, I don’t share his ideals anymore. I did, initially, when this whole thing kicked off. But now, there is much about his plans that gives rise to grave concern. It’s clear to me that there’s much we don’t know, but Dad is plowing ahead despite not having all the facts.” He dusts his hands.

  “So why do you still follow him?” I ask.

  He eyeballs us directly. “I am all he has in the world. He was an only child, and his mom’s been out of the picture for years. When my mother died ten years ago, about the same time my grandfather went AWOL, something snapped in Dad. These last few years he’s become fanatical. His heart is in the right place, but I’m worried about him. He’s more reckless; his thoughts and actions are less decisive and more of a knee-jerk reaction. If I walked away, I would frankly fear for his sanity and what that would mean for the movement, and ultimately the country. You don’t understand how much the others look up to him. They worship the ground he walks on, and they won’t challenge him. Someone has to try to exercise caution, and I’m one of the few he’ll listen to, though that’s becoming less and less the case.”

  Concern seeps out of his pores. He loves his father, and he’s honestly worried about him. It’s that one trait, above everything else, that tells me he can be trusted. So I open up and tell him everything.

  He listens carefully without interrupting, his gaze never straying from mine. “How long before the Amaretti attack?” he calmly asks when I’ve finished speaking. Reaching into the glove box, he snatches a bottle of water and hands it to me. I gratefully guzzle the cool liquid, and it soothes the raw burn in my throat.

  “I don’t know whether they will attack Saven first or Earth first, or launch a dual attack. Possibly we have a few days, a week at most. But that’s only an educated guess,” Logan says, massaging the back of his head.

  “What’s your next move?” His gaze moves between us.

  “We need to speak to the president. Warn him, so that we can at least try to be prepared,” I say, replacing the cap on the bottle as I hand it to Logan.

  “Would your father agree to an alliance?” Logan asks, taking a quick glug. Vin purses his lips while he ponders the question. “If I can rally the Saven on Earth, if the president agrees to work with us, and if your father threw his support behind us, then I think we have a shot at stopping them. But it needs every faction working together.”

  Vin pushes off the car. “I don’t know if I can convince him. Since the Saven arrived, he’s like a man possessed, and he’s become even more unreasonable. But I’ll try to talk sense into him. There are a few on the Inner Council who should support me. If I can get them on board first, and they support the motion when I introduce it, then maybe …”

  “Okay. Then we have an agreement?” Logan extends his hand.

  “We do,” Vin says, accepting his handshake. “But there’s one more thing you should be aware of.” He rubs a hand over his tense jaw. “He’s preparing to attack the Sector Twenty facility.”

  “But there are thousands of people there! Humans and Saven who could get hurt,” I protest.

  “I know, and believe me, I’ve labored that point, but he’s insisting it’s the only way of stopping the conscience transfer. He believes it’s worth sacrificing a few to save the majority.”

  “What is it with these men? All thinking they can play God,” I mutter.

  “Can you at least stall him?” Logan suggests.

  “I’ll do my very best.”

  “We’ll see if the president will agree to disable the program. We’ll contact you directly after we’ve spoken with him. If we can get such an agreement, will that appease your father?” I ask.

  “Maybe.” He shrugs.

  “Right. Then I think it’s time we got to it. We’ll be in contact.” Logan reaches out for me.

  “I was wrong about you,” Vin says. “I hope you can forgive me.”

  Logan claps him on the back. “Nothing to forgive, dude. Let’s just try and stop this before it leads to bloodshed.”

  Haydn and Jarod swamp us the minute we arrive back in the apartment. Logan provides an update, while Haydn attends to my injured cheek and Logan’s busted nose. Jarod visibly pales at the mention of Ella’s condition and the current situation. Distraught eyes meet mine. I guess things have progressed between them while I was gone. “We’ll get her back,” I say with determination. Don’t ask me how, and I can’t dwell on that for fear I’ll dissolve into a sodden heap. But I refuse to give up. I will get my sister out of this mess I’ve created.

  After a quick shower and change of clothes, we convene in the living room. Haydn insists on coming with us to the Presidential Palace. Jarod has already left to speak to his father. He is hoping to persuade him to support Vin when he broaches the issue of a tentative alliance. We briefly discuss how we’ll handle this meeting before we make our move.

  The president is alone when we teleport into his office. I think he damn near passes out, if the look on his face is any judge. Logan succinctly summarizes the purpose of our visit, and the president gives him permission to proceed. Haydn and I remain quiet as Logan explains everything in more detail. It’s somewhat surreal to be here, in the president’s office, meeting the very man himself. The president’s expression grows darker and more and more fretful. Silence fills the space when Logan finishes speaking. The president gets up from his lacquered desk and paces the room. We all share troubled expressions.

  “Come si
t here,” the president requests, moving toward the large open fireplace. He gestures at the two couches in front, and we move over and take seats. Removing his jacket, he turns up his sleeves and sits down beside Haydn, facing us. “Firstly, I’d like to thank you for having the gumption to come and tell me this, Crown Prince. I’ve had my suspicions about Horace Tonnard for some time now. Commissioner Williams too. I gave them far too much control, and that is totally on me. I had also suspected your father was manipulating me. I should never have agreed to the Sector Twenty experiments, and it has greatly troubled me. I’ve always felt it was a step too far, but once it was put into action, it was difficult to backtrack.”

  I’m not shocked to hear such thoughts. The president has never once met with the VP at his offices, and though phone contact was regular, I got the distinct impression there was no love lost between the two men. I only wish the president had had the backbone and the wherewithal to tackle the VP before now. How different might things be if he’d been in more command of his office?

  He runs a hand through his fine hair, breathing heavily. “Is there any possibility that the Amaretti won’t go through with their planned invasion?”

  “That’s doubtful, sir, but not totally out of the equation.” Logan explains about his friendship with Dali and her quest to try to stop her father.

  “I assume you have some sort of plan in mind?” Logan nods in confirmation. “Let’s hear it.”

  Logan outlines our proposal, and the president asks intelligent questions. They debate the pros and cons, while Haydn and I sit rigidly stiff like mute bystanders. Neither of us has any experience in political negotiation, and we’re more than happy to leave this all up to Logan. I’ve never seen him in this guise before, and I’m so proud of how well he conducts himself. I suppose, in future, this is the sort of thing I’ll have to grow accustomed to.

  “Very well, then,” the president says, rising in his seat. “I’ll get Commissioner Williams picked up, send out a scouting party to track down the VP, and order a halt to all experiments in Sector Twenty. For their safety, everyone will be confined to the facility for now. I’ll notify the head of military operations and the secretary of state so we can begin to make some concrete plans. We’ll cancel all leave and recall all military personnel.”

  “Very well,” Logan says, standing beside him. “I will speak to the Saven here and secure their support. We’ll also touch base with our rebel contact and see if they are prepared to help.”

  “I never thought the day would come when I’d be appealing for help to those opposed to my regime—the very people who have been plotting against me for years.” He sadly shakes his head. “But circumstances mean we must lay our differences aside for the sake of humanity. I’m man enough to agree to it, but I wonder if G is.”

  “I don’t know him personally, so I cannot predict how he will react. But I do know his son, and he is an honorable man. I genuinely believe he wants to do the right thing. Whether he can convince his father is another matter entirely. I will let you know as soon as I have word,” Logan promises.

  “Thank you.”

  Haydn and I stand up. I take a stabilizing breath. “Mr. President? I wonder if it might be a good idea to allow the individuals in Sector Twenty to decide for themselves if they wish to remain in the compound or go home. If the Amaretti attack, and people are away from their loved ones, it will cause more panic in Sector Twenty and in those sectors where people have missing family and friends. Perhaps a coordinated transportation effort can be organized to transfer those who wish to return to their sectors?”

  The president reviews me carefully. “Ms. Owens, I must formally apologize for my lack of manners. I should have properly introduced myself at the outset of this meeting. Perhaps you will understand if I say I was more than a little taken aback by the surprise party.” He smiles wanly. “It is delightful to finally make your acquaintance, though I wish it was under better circumstances.”

  “Me too, sir.”

  “I understand why you would make that request, but I’m concerned if we start moving large groups of people that it offers an easy target. Let me take it under consideration, and I will see what I can do.”

  “Thank you, sir.” His logic is sound, but I still think my proposal is the option most likely to cause the least panic, though I could be splitting hairs. Once the public is aware of this new threat of invasion, mass hysteria will be the order of the day. “Will you make a public announcement?”

  “I will also have to take that under consideration. For now, I will be notifying all sectors of a blanket curfew. It’s safer if people stay in their h—”

  The TV powers to life behind us, commanding our attention. Dante’s solemn features stare out of the screen. Tension radiates off Logan in powerful waves, and apprehension knots my stomach. “My dear comrades,” Dante begins. “I present to you today with some very distressing news. Our beloved king has been cruelly taken from us.” Logan gasps, plopping down onto the couch, a hand covering his mouth. I reach out and take his hand, as I remain focused on the screen. “Ripped from our world by the very species he had committed to helping. Yes, you heard me correctly. Our esteemed sovereign, my father, was killed by a human. And not any ordinary human.”

  Haydn draws a sharp intake of breath as my image fills the width of the screen. “Behold the girl who has killed our king.”


  I flop down on the couch beside Logan, copying his stunned expression. Haydn lets loose a colorful string of cusses. I shush him as Dante spews his vitriol. “Those of you who reside on Earth will recognize this girl. Her name is Sadie Owens, and she is the crown prince’s intended Eterno. Yes, it’s true: My brother is betrothed to a human. A human who cannot be trusted to preside over our planet. A human who clearly has ulterior motives and does not have our best interests at heart. Before his death, my father pleaded with my brother to cut all ties with this girl. He arranged a fine pairing with Princess Dalitza of Amara, but Logan refused the marriage, choosing instead to bind himself to this human girl. For that reason, in what turned out to be his final act, my father appointed me as crown prince and his future successor.” Dante holds up an official-looking document, pointing at the signature on the bottom. The royal crest is stamped across the center of the page.

  “That slimy, lying, good-for-nothing son of a bitch,” Haydn fumes.

  Logan and I stare, shell-shocked, at the screen. “From our intelligence, we believe the human girl was acting on instructions from her president. Concerned that the Saven were becoming too influential on Earth, he demanded she kill our adored king.” He briefly hangs his head, doing a pretty good impression of someone who cares. “It is with a heavy heart that I ascend the throne. But know this, good people of Saven, I will honor my father’s legacy and serve you as the leader you deserve.” His defiant eyes burn with malicious intent. “Effective immediately, my brother is banished. Should he dare to step foot on Saven, he will be eliminated. The human girl will be hunted down like the scum she is. And the human race?”

  He wickedly grins. “They will get their comeuppance. I hope you are watching this, Mr. President, because we are coming. And we won’t be alone.” His arrogant grin is the last thing we see as the screen dies.

  Flashing lights and insistent alarms ring out in the office. The president holds up a hand as he clicks on his comm-clip. “Yes, yes. Do that. I’ll meet you there.”

  He ends the call, snagging his jacket off the back of the couch. “I need to meet with my team. Expedite your part of the plan. Go now, and stay in regular contact with me.” He runs to the door, stopping abruptly at the last minute. Whipping his head around, his expression is sincere as he tells Logan, “I’m very sorry for your loss.”

  Logan rises on shaky legs, and the anguish in his eyes guts me. His heartfelt pain shoots through me. I wrap myself around him, hugging him tight. “I’m so sorry, Logan.” Slowly, his arms go around me, and he buries his head in my hair. Haydn
looks down at his feet.

  Logan taps Haydn on the arm. “I need to meet with Rylan. Follow me.” Haydn nods in agreement. I squeeze my eyes shut as Logan teleports us there. You’d think I would be well used to the sensation by now, but it still turns my insides upside down and scares the ever-living crap out of me.

  Fern shrieks when we appear out of thin air in Rylan’s apartment. Rylan stands up and bows. “Crown Prince. Ala Cinerva. Etu sedento.”

  “Thank you, my friend.” Logan claps him on the shoulder. “And it’s simply Logan now.”

  “You will always be my prince, and I am not the only one unhappy at Dante’s ascension. You have way more support than you think.”

  Fern yanks me into a quick hug. “Neve told us about Ella. Are you okay?” she whispers.

  “Barely,” I admit truthfully. “Perhaps Dante outing me was a blessing in disguise,” I whisper in her ear. I don’t wish to seem disrespectful in front of Logan or Rylan, but the fact is this might actually help me get Ella back. The VP wanted the king dead and now he is, apparently at my hands. Is it wrong to allow him to believe it so? I don’t think so, and I don’t think Logan would have any issue with it either, but the news is too raw, and I don’t want to appear insensitive, so I make the decision myself. “Can I borrow your D-pad?”

  “Of course. It’s in the bedroom.” I follow her into the room and tap out a quick message to the VP, asking to meet so he can return my sister to me. I also send a message to Vin confirming that the president is halting the experiments in Sector Twenty.

  Rylan, Haydn, and Logan are locked in conversation when we return to the sitting room. Fern goes to fetch some drinks. “Rylan is going to set up a meeting in Sector Twenty with the Saven,” Logan explains as I take a seat beside him.

  I drape my arm casually around him. “Will we be facing a lynch mob?” I peer around Logan at Rylan.

  “On the contrary, I think the prince will be surprised at the extent of his support. I was just explaining how there’s been a considerable shift on the ground.”


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