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Untainted Magic

Page 6

by Karen DuBose

  “Let’s go find a nice place to have our picnic.” Mom suggests. We walk as I people watch again. There are some teen boys throwing a frisbee around while mothers play with their little ones and dads are chasing their toddlers around. It brings a smile to my face. This is what normal is. Something I have been wishing for a long time. Something I will never get. I have come to terms with that. It’s just nice to see what I’m going to be fighting for.

  We find a spot to lay out the blanket. We set our food down while we get comfortable.

  “This is amazing. Even though we’re practically running for our lives. It’s nice to enjoy some peace,” Lex says while she takes in everything. She is like a sponge. We eat while we enjoy watching everyone around us.

  “Maybe when we get to Tennessee we will be able to enjoy more of this,” Chase says to Lex wrapping her up in his arms. I’ve never been the jealous type, but for some reason I am right this minute. I’ve never been jealous of them. I’ve always been happy. So why now am I?

  I look away from them, letting my senses go just to see if the pull is there. Without realizing why, I’m doing it, I felt his presences closer than I thought. I look in the direction it’s coming from, but I didn’t see him. My heart sank a little. What in the world is going on with me? Why would I even care if he is there or not, and why am I seeking him out?

  I stand up needing to do something anything to get my head on straight. “Let’s go to the Wiccan store, we need to leave soon. As much as I would love to stay here, I don’t want them to find us again.” I wait for them to gather their things to throw away. I couldn’t help but pace a little.

  “Skye, what’s the matter?” Mom whispers as she wraps her arm around my shoulder. Probably to get me to stop fidgeting no doubt.

  “I’m fine. I’m just getting worried that’s all. Who knows if they are here looking for us. I don’t want to stay in one spot for too long.” I hope she believes me. I don’t want to tell her what I just did. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. There is no way I am falling for the one person I was born to destroy. That’s not going happen.

  Lex reaches my side and looks at me. Like she is trying to figure something out. There is nothing to figure out not now not ever. “Are you ready to go?” I say in a chipper tone. For good measure I give her a big smile. I really need to get myself under control.

  Maybe it’s because my time clock is ticking or I’m trying to find a way to get under his skin to defeat him. Those are the only reason I can even think of. I sigh heavily and walk in the direction of the Wiccan store I found yesterday. Hopefully I will be able to find it. I can’t wait to smell all the herbs. Being in a Wiccan shop makes me feel peaceful and at home. I miss that feeling. I can feel my anxiety kicking into full gear.

  “Amber! Wait up.” I hear Lex yell. I didn’t even know how fast I’m walking. Her short legs can’t keep up with me. She may only be 5’2, but she carries herself like she is over 6 foot. I slow my pace down so she can catch up. “Are you ok? Is you-know-who around?” I let out a strange laugh. “Oh, he is here, but he isn’t after us. I just want to get to the Wiccan shop. I miss being in a shop.” There is no way I can tell her what just happened. She wouldn’t understand. Hell, I don’t even understand it.

  “Is he close?” she whispers.

  I feel for the pull to see where he is. This time it’s because I need to know if he is close, not that I’m looking for comfort. When I reached for it, this overwhelming feeling comes over me. It’s between want and need. I couldn’t tell you if it’s my feelings or his. I’ve never felt this before when reaching for the pull. I try not to let it show how much it affects me. “No, he isn’t close.” Is all I could get out.

  My breathing has become labored and it’s hard to breath. My anxiety is at its peak, and I’m getting dizzy from lack of oxygen. I felt arms wrap around me, picking me up. I have no idea who it is. I can’t think or do anything. I faintly hear a voice telling me everything is going to be ok. I can tell it is a man’s voice. I try to slow my breathing and my raging heartbeat. The voice is getting clearer to understand. I hear the concerning tone in it. I don’t recognize it and that made my slowing heartbeat pick up again. It is soothing and husky at the same time. “You’re ok, nothing is going to hurt you. I will protect you. Shh, you’re safe.”

  My vision is coming back to me. When it cleared, the man’s face is the first thing I see. He is beautiful. Handsome doesn’t even touch how good he looks. My murky brain tries to find words, but all that came out is, “You’re so beautiful.” He let out a deep laugh and his smile is breath taking. Who is this beautiful man?

  “I’m glad you think so. Are you ok?” I love the sound of his voice. It’s rich with an accent I couldn’t place.

  My brain is finally clearing up. “I think so. Who are you?”

  He sets me down on the ground. I didn’t realize he is still holding me. “I’m glad you are ok. I’m Adrik my friends call me Drik.” I even love his name. I could feel the pull that is always there, but this time it’s like it’s surrounding me in a cocoon. Without even thinking about I pull it closer to me.

  I look into Drik’s eyes and I swear there is need in them. The same need that is coursing through me. I hear someone clear their throat to get my attention. With great will power I turn away from him to see who is interrupting me.

  “Amber are you ok? You scared the crap out of me. Before I could do anything, this man came in like a night and shining armor. Thank you by the way. My name is Marie, this is Alex my fiancé, and this is Amber’s mom Ann.” I’m about to ask her what the hell is wrong with her when I remembered we are using our new names. I’m still not use to it. The pull he had over me is almost too much. His face almost brought me to my knees. How did I get so lucky for this stranger to bring me back from my anxiety attack?

  “I’m fine now thank you and thank you for helping me.”

  “It’s my pleasure. If are truly ok, I need to get going.”

  His voice sounds so familiar to me. I just can’t place where I’ve heard it before.

  “Yes, sorry for making you late for wherever you were headed. I promise I’m ok now.”

  Could I have been anymore lamer? He probably thinks I’m some kind of nut job.

  “It’s a pleasure meeting you. Take care,” he says before walking away from me. The minute he did I felt the familiar pull. There is no way that is the dark source. My heart leaps into my throat. Please Goddess tell me I just didn’t swoon over the dark source.

  There is no way I could tell the others. They will think I’m even more crazier than I am. There has to be another explanation for all of this. The pull must be messing with my head.

  “Are you sure you’re alright? You look a little pale. Do you want to go sit down?” Mom says as she walks over to me and putting her hands on my shoulders. She pushes me at arm’s length and looks at me with a worried stare. I’m trying to look fine on the outside while I’m warring with myself in the inside. What if I do tell them? Would they really make a big deal out of it? There is no way I could keep this in. It will make me go mad. I decided I will tell them when we get back on the road. I really need to figure out a way to tell them.

  “I’m good. Let’s go to the shop. I need my herb fix for the day.” Mom drops her hands and walks beside me. I link my arm around hers and we walk in silence. I’m thankful for that. I need time to think.

  “Do you have any more plans on the way?” Lex asks as she links her arm through my other arm. Poor Chase always gets left to walk behind us. I don’t know how he puts up with it, but he does. I know he loves Lex. I’m starting to think it’s more than love here. I’ve heard about soulmates. I’ve never believed the stories. To me, they were just a fantasy story to make people believe in something more. I’ve never met anyone who found their soulmate. It just making me believe I am right.

  “No, I think after this we just need to get to Tennessee. I hope this pull to be there isn’t going to get us killed.” I
still can’t figure out why I have this need to be in Tennessee. I guess we will find out when we get there.

  “Ok, what is the first thing you want to do when we get there?”

  Lex loves to explore places. To tell you the truth so do I. “It depends on where we go. I hope there is a lot of woods that surround the place. There is something about the woods that draw me in.” I let out a small sigh. I miss the woods in Starburn.

  “I’m sure there will be. I’ve been reading up on Tennessee it’s the home of the Smokey Mountains. The further east we go the better chance of being in them.”

  “Where did you read that?”

  “On the internet.” She shrugs

  One thing I love about her is that she is always prepared for anything. She will do her research on anything. She is almost a walking encyclopedia. She absorbs all the information she reads. Me, on the other hand not so much, unless it came to spells and herbs.

  “Well that is great to know. Hopefully that is where the pull takes us. Have I told you lately how much I love you and I’m so glad you are here with me.”

  She squeezes the arm she is holding. “Nope, but I know you love me. I’m glad I’m here to. I love you back.”

  Mom squeeze my other arm. I couldn’t have done this without either of them by my side. I just hope they don’t abandon me when I tell them what happen between me and Drik. I guess it’s time to call him by his real name.

  The shop came into view, and I get giddy. I practically drag Lex and Mom with me. I open the door. The smell of all the herbs smack me in the face and I’m instantly at peace. It takes away all the fear I have. I drift into the shop. I hear mom giggle at me.

  “She really does need her herb fix daily doesn’t she.” I hear Chase ask.

  “Yes, yes she does.” Lex says giggling. I didn’t pay them any attention. I close my eyes just smelling everything I could. It will be awhile before I get to go into another shop. Opening my eyes, I walk around looking at everything. I want to buy it all, but I know I can’t. I did grab some sage and Hogwarts. They are common in almost all spells. I also grab some candles and some other herbs just so I can have the mixture of the smells with me. I don’t think I can go that long again.

  “Would you like a basket?” I hear a woman ask. I turn around and see an elder lady holding out a basket.

  I smile and take it from her. “Thank you.”

  “You aren’t from around here.” She says as a fact.

  “No, ma’am. I’m just a wanderer right this minute.”

  She nods her head like she is answering a question. “I see. What is your name, sweets?”

  “Sk…. Amber ma’am.” I almost messed up. I really need to get a grip.

  “It’s nice to meet you Amber. My name is Jolena. If you need any help come find me.”

  That’s sweet of her. “Thank you, I will.”

  The shop isn’t all that big, but it still took me a minute to find Mom and Lex. They are sitting on some cushions that are on the floor reading some old books.

  Mom looks up when I approach. “Did you get what you need?”

  “I think so. I should make one more round. Will you be here?”

  “Yep, I found some really old spell books that I’m going to buy.”

  “Ok, I will be back soon.”

  She nods her head and goes back to reading. Lex never even takes her eyes from what she is reading. I go over to the books and see if anything catches my eye. There are several old spell books along with new ones. Nothing catches my eye until I look down at the bottom shelf. The book is so old the binding is pulling away from the spine. I pick it up as gently as I could. When I opened it, I’m lost to the spell that surround it. It drew me into the memories of the book. I saw all the witches and warlocks who have owned it through the years. I watch how they used it and wrote down new spells. The memories fade away and I’m back to the present. Jolena is standing there with a small smile.

  “That book only shows other witches of its bloodline it’s memories. The book calls to you. Take it, it’s your right to have it.”

  “What do you mean bloodline? All my bloodline died back in Starburn.”

  “Just because they died there, doesn’t mean they didn’t leave a piece of themselves with others.”

  I’m so confused. Who had this book before me? The book warms in my hands like a caress. There’s no way I could leave it, could I? She is right it does call to me.

  “Thank you.” That’s all I could think to say. She nods her head and walks away, not even giving me a second glance. I walk over to Mom and Lex. I still don’t understand how this book is part of my bloodline. Maybe it has to do with my dad. He died a few months after my third birthday, But I swear my mom said he is human. Could she be lying to me?

  “What do you have there, sweetheart?” I look up when I hear my mom’s voice. I have been staring at the book cover not realizing it. I turn it in my hands, so they could get a good look at it.

  My mom gasp loudly. “Where did you get that?” She says as she rushes over to me. The moment she tried to touch the book, there’s an electric current surrounding it. Mom must have felt it right before she tries to touch it. I’m guessing it don’t want her anywhere near it.

  “I found it on the bookshelves over there.” I point behind me. “When I picked it up, I got these weird memories. None of them make sense.” Mom just stares at me like she don’t know me.

  “What does this mean, what is this book? The lady who runs this store said it’s a part of my bloodline. If that is the case than you would have had it with you.”

  She lets out a slow breath. “It’s a part of your father’s bloodline. He was a Sorcerer. I had to keep it quiet. If the Coven knew who your dad really was. They would have locked you away a long time ago. They know the prophecy had to do with a white witch and sorcerer having a baby. That baby would be the key to all magic. They would have never let you be as free as you were if they knew. You would have never seen the light of day until you turn twenty-one.” I could see my mom shaking, she is trying to hold in a sob. “Let’s talk about this later. We need to go. I don’t know if the magic that was released from the book can alert the Coven or not. I don’t want to stay and find out.”

  I go to the front to play for the things in my basket. I’m hoping Jolena is at the front, so I can ask her more about the book, but when we reach the front there is a young man at the register. Disappointment ways on me. There is so much I wanted to ask her about the book. Once we pay for our stuff we rush out the store and back to the hotel.

  This is a great way to find out you are more powerful than you thought. I wonder what else I will learn in the future about myself. I don’t blame my mom hiding it from me. If I was her I would have done the same to protect my child.

  Chapter 11

  We have been driving for three days now. Only stopping long enough to get gas and junk food. I can seriously say I’m getting tired of junk food. If this keeps up for another day, I’m going to scream. I miss home cooked meals and fresh fruit and veggies. It’s the first thing we are doing when we get settled in-- cooking. If I never see junk food again it will be too soon. I drive as fast as I can without bringing attention to us. So far, we haven’t had any more trouble. I’ve thanked the Goddesses for that.

  I still haven’t told them about what happened between Drik and me. I haven’t had the courage. I can face enemies but telling the people I love something that would make them hate me scares me more than any enemy could even think about. I keep telling myself to just blurt it out, but every time I’m about to, I choke on the words. I can’t lose them, and I really don’t want them to hate me.

  “Why do you have a worried look on your face?” Lex asks, pulling me out of the war I’m in.

  I look over at her, giving her my best grin. “Nothing really, I’m thinking if I have to eat junk food for one more day I’m going to scream. I’m ready for a home cooked me.” I can tell she is trying to tell if I’m telling her th
e truth.

  “Are you sure that is all that is on your mind?”

  Shrugging my shoulder. “What else would I be worried about? Everything will work out soon. We haven’t had any more problems so far. I’m just ready to be out of this car. I miss a real bed to.”

  She isn’t buying it. I can tell. There is no way I can tell her, not now. I need to be out of this car before I tell them. I need to be on my feet to deal with the heartache I know will follow once I do tell them.

  He hasn’t pulled me in to his realm since the last time. I wonder if he has the same feeling I do or is this one of his ways to get my guard down. I can’t afford to let myself feel this way for him. It will destroy the world, but to be honest, there has been am ache in my chest since we left Idaho. I’m going to need my family to help me stay focus.

  Lex reaches over to me and places her hand on my shoulder. “Spill it Skye, I know that look and you’re worried about something. I’m not going to stop asking until you do.”

  You know what? It’s time to suck it up. The longer I keep them in the dark the worse it will be when I tell them. “Do you remember that guy at the park who helped me out of my anxiety attack?”

  Her eyes never leave my face as I ask her. “Of course, I remember him. He practically took you from us without a word. I thought he was going to kidnap you or something.”

  I still don’t know what happened exactly I was out of it and haven’t had the guts to ask. “Well, I think he is the dark source. The sad thing about all of this, is I felt safe and cared for when he held me. The pull to him is so strong it wrapped me up like a cocoon. What the hell is wrong with me Lex?”

  Her eyes are wide, along with her mouth that is hanging open, but that wasn’t what made me jump out of my seat and making me swerve the car, it’s Chase who yells from the back seat. “Are you kidding me, you’re falling in love with the one person that is set to destroy the world?”

  My heart squeezes at his accusation. This is what I have been afraid of this whole time. Lex looks back at Chases, her words surprise me. “Chase, shut up. You don’t even know what is going on. You can’t sit here and accuse her of anything if you don’t know the whole story. I thought you would have better sense than that.” She turns back to me, letting me know she is ready to hear the rest of it.


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