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In Your Honor

Page 9

by Heidi Hutchinson

  Today Lucy's song choice for the band was another classic, Lynyrd Skynyrd's “Don't Ask Me No Questions.” Lenny peeked an eye open and felt one side of her mouth pull up as she saw the crew begin to gravitate to the stage. Lucy was frolicking about and being as cheesy as possible, but her vocals rang out loud and clear. Soon, she had the growing audience singing along. That girl could make anything happen when she was on stage.

  “Girl can frickin' sing,” Greg nodded in admiration as the song bled into another. This time it was Stevie Nicks' “Stop Dragging My Heart Around.”

  Lenny thought the captivated crew was going to bust. Lucy had them in the palm of her hand. Taylor had joined her on stage and was singing Tom Petty's vocals, but the show was all Lucy. She was positively glowing.

  They were playful with one another on stage, and as the lyrics registered in Lenny's head she wondered if this song had any significant meaning to Lucy. Probably. The girl wore her heart on her sleeve. Everything she did had significance.


  Blake took in a deep breath as he watched Lucy and Taylor share a microphone. She was so frickin' amazing. He felt an ember of jealousy burn low in his gut as he watched the chemistry of the two singers before him. He liked Taylor well enough, he just didn't want him standing that close to Lucy. Was that so bad? It didn't help that it reminded him of all the times they had shared duets at Red's. Including this very song.

  But it wasn't even on the same level as what he had pulled a week ago with “Here Comes My Girl.” She had every right to smack him after that performance.

  He had promised Kendra that he would tone down the crazy, and she had reminded him of that every time he said something that seemed to indicate he might be heading back down that path. He had asked Lucy to be his friend. And he was determined to honor that request to the best of his ability. That meant losing the jealousy, pride and arrogance that had driven her away in the first place. Long before things had broken between them, she had been his very best friend. If he could return to that, and leave out the crazy... well then maybe... He was too afraid to finish that thought.

  “Lurking in the shadows doesn't make you look like a creeper at all, by the way.” Sway came up next to him and bumped his shoulder with his fist.

  Blake rubbed his unshaven jaw and smirked. “I know. I'm still trying to figure out a good middle ground.”

  “For what, exactly?” Sway asked as he pulled his hair into a short ponytail.

  “I don't know,” Blake chuckled when Sway nodded sarcastically with overly wide eyes.

  “C'mon. Let's get something to eat. Your ex is sexy and all, but it makes me feel weird staring at her with you right next to me.” Sway grinned when Blake reacted with a narrowing of his eyes. “I'm only kind of kidding. You know she scares me half to death. There's no way I'd even think of her during my alone time. I'm too scared she'd find out.”

  “You're more scared of her than me?” Blake asked with amusement as he followed Sway towards the exit.

  “Hell, yeah. That sweet, southern girl on the outside is all an act. I know it. She's got a wild side that's unpredictable,” Sway said over his shoulder.

  Blake chuckled. “You've never spent more than five minutes with her. How would you even know that?”

  “Because she's the only woman I've ever seen bring you to your knees. And you're the meanest sonofabitch I know.”

  Blake just grinned.


  The shows had been Lucy's favorite part. Out of everything so far, all the places she'd seen, the people she'd met, the food she'd eaten... the shows were the best.

  The lights were hot, the crowds were loud and the music was perfection. She could feel her body start to buzz with anticipation a couple of hours before sound check each day. She would try to burn off the extra energy by running, at Lenny's suggestion. But that didn't seem to do much other than make her thirsty. When their set was done, she was ready to keep going. She didn't burn out until way after the buses had hit the road and she was left alone in the quiet of her bunk.

  “Have you been writing at all?” Her dad's voice came through the receiver end of the cellphone as she flopped herself on the floor of the main lounge of the bus.

  Lucy kicked her legs out and flexed her bare feet towards the ceiling for a moment before lowering them back to the bus floor. Chad pretended to step on her on his way to the kitchenette.

  “A little. Nothing I'm ready to share yet.” She waved off Taylor's offer of a bottle of water.

  “You're staying out of trouble?” he asked with fatherly concern.

  “Of course, Daddy.” Lucy smiled.

  “I used to have your job... I know what can happen on tour,” he said with restrained trepidation.

  “Yes, I seem to recall something about that,” she teased through the phone. “I promise, I'm being good.”

  “I have an early appointment tomorrow so I need to be getting to bed.” There was something in his voice that seemed a bit off.

  “Is everything okay?” Lucy frowned and rolled over onto her stomach.

  “Yes, yes, of course,” he reassured her. “Just some paperwork downtown.”

  “Okay...” She bit the inside of her cheek. “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you too, Sweet Bit.” She could tell he was smiling and she chewed on her lower lip to keep from getting emotional.

  After she hung up, she laid her head on her arms and closed her eyes.

  “Homesick?” Taylor nudged her with the toe of his boot and she cracked one eye open to look up at him.

  “Sometimes,” she mumbled. She sighed and rolled onto her back again.

  “Why do you lie on the floor?” he asked curiously.

  “I like to be closer to the road. It feels good.” She had given up trying to get people to understand her long ago. Now, she just answered their questions and let them draw their own conclusions. They would anyway.

  “You're a weird girl.” He shook his bald head and reclined against the sofa cushions.

  Lucy smiled, closed her eyes and stretched her fingers towards her toes along the floor. The bus swayed and bumped along and she could feel the movement in the pit of her stomach.

  “Luke thinks we should add another song to the set,” Taylor said, breaking into her drifting thoughts. She didn't open her eyes, unsure if he was speaking to her or to Chad, who had sat in the chair to her right. She was pretty sure that was Chad, based on the smell of nachos he brought with him from the kitchenette. And Stuart had been playing video games in the back lounge since they hit the road.

  Taylor continued, “I was thinking about adding a cover with you as lead.” That brought her eyes open.

  “Huh?” She frowned up at the ceiling, not sure if she had understood him correctly.

  “I'm not an idiot, Newton,” Taylor chuckled softly. “I know I wouldn't be in the position I am without you... I owe you.”

  Lucy swiveled her head to look up at him. “You don't owe me anything, Tay.” She had no idea where this was coming from. A friend had asked for help, she had been available, nothing more. “Your success is all you. I'm just along for the ride.”

  Taylor smirked at her, as if he knew something she didn't. “Fine, then as the one who calls the shots, I want to add that Stevie Nicks cover you did during sound check today.”

  Lucy felt the smile spread across her face. “That's a fun song, isn't it?”

  “You did a helluva job.” He tugged on his beard, not breaking eye contact with her. “I think it's just a matter of time before you get taken away from this group.”

  “Don't talk crazy, Taylor.” Lucy rolled her eyes. “I have no ambitions.” She winked at him to ease his mind, but he pursed his lips without responding.

  “I like it,” Chad spoke up finally. “I mean, I like the variety and change of pace. I wouldn't mind playing some of the new stuff you're working on too.” He nodded in Taylor's direction.

  “It's not ready yet.” Taylor took a deep breath a
nd stood up. “I'm going to bed. See you two tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight, Tay.” Lucy tried not to be worried about his abrupt departure. Taylor had a habit of being moody and it almost never had anything to do with what was happening in the present. His mind was always in the music and she couldn't fault him for that.

  “So I was thinking about asking Kendra out.” Chad slipped off the chair and sat on the floor next to her. Lucy pushed herself up on an elbow and snagged a nacho off the plate he held out to her.

  “I think that might be disastrous,” she couldn't help teasing. “That girl really doesn't like you.”

  “I know,” Chad groaned forlornly.

  “Maybe you shouldn't try to come on so strong,” Lucy suggested, making a face at him that made him laugh.

  “Strong is the only way I know.” He chuckled. “I'm a drummer, remember? We tend to be kind of—”

  “Annoying?” she finished helpfully.

  “I was going to say intense. But yeah, annoying works too.” He grinned at her, setting the plate in between them.

  Lucy reached over and ruffled his shaggy hair. He had quickly turned into the equivalent of her kid brother. “Do you want me to talk to her for you?”

  “No.” He snorted under his breath. “I don't think it's that bad yet. But I'll definitely come running to you if it goes south.”

  “You're gonna ask her then?” She didn't hide the surprise in her question.

  “Soon,” Chad nodded confidently. “Maybe when we get to New York. I can take her on one of those carriage rides or something. She seems like a classy girl who would enjoy shit like that.”

  “Maybe.” Lucy bit into another nacho.

  “What about you and Blake?” Chad's eyebrows waggled and Lucy smiled.

  “Uh-uh,” she shook her head at him. “My love life is off limits for discussion.” She pushed herself up onto her feet and brushed her hands on her jean shorts. “It's about time to go to bed, don't you think?”

  Chad watched her from the floor with a peculiar expression on his face.

  “What?” Lucy frowned down at him.

  “Who said anything about love?” He smiled broadly and laced his fingers behind his head.

  Lucy closed her eyes as he let out a hearty laugh. She turned away from him, not responding, and his laughter increased.

  “Kinda told me everything I was wondering,” he teased.

  Lucy wanted to kick herself. She didn't know why she had said that. Okay, she did know why she had said that, she just didn't know why she had said it out loud. To Chad, of all people. He probably wouldn't let it go for weeks.

  “Don't worry, Lucy,” Chad called after her. “Your secret is safe with me.”


  “How does it work? You being friends with your ex-boyfriend? Is it weird?” Lucy asked as she tried to keep her balance in her seat on the subway. This was a whole new experience for her. She'd never been in a city as massive as New York and as such, had also never ridden the public transportation that seemed to be the norm here. The closest thing she could compare it to was the school bus in middle school. So not the same thing.

  “I guess I don't think about it like that.” Lenny frowned softly at the question. “He's so different from the guy I dated, the transition to friend was relatively easy. Besides, he's more Luke's friend now than mine. Why do you ask?”

  “Just curious, I guess,” Lucy mumbled. Curious was one way to put it. Things had been fairly tame with Blake all week, ever since they decided that being friends was an acceptable evolution of their previous relationship. She wanted desperately to regain that bond they used to share, so she was willing to work through the awkward parts. As long as she knew there was something worthy at the end of it.

  Lenny gripped her elbow as the subway lurched to a stop. She hustled Lucy through the doors and quickly up into the city.

  “Shane said he'd have lunch for us at his office if that's okay,” Lenny said as she guided her through the fast moving crowds. Lucy was in awe of Lenny's ability to never get overwhelmed or distracted. She felt like a little kid lost in a department store. If it weren't for Lenny's vigilance, she'd probably still be on the subway and almost to Brooklyn.

  “Yeah, sure. I'm just along for the ride.” Lucy grinned at her counterpart. She loved it when Lenny let her tag along outside of the venues.

  Luke was keeping Taylor very busy and very high profile. Today both bands were doing radio interviews. Chad had gone along, but Stuart was feeling ill and had stayed behind to get some rest before the show. That left Lucy with a choice, and she opted to see the city with Lenny.

  Lucy barely had time for her brain to register the massive building they had entered before Lenny had yanked her into the elevator.

  “Sorry,” she snickered an apology. “I guess I got distracted.”

  “Not a problem.” Lenny smiled at her and moved over as more people pressed into the lift.

  When they exited on the floor they needed, Lucy couldn't help but feel like she had gotten lost. The doors opened to a large open and well-lit... art exhibit? This can't be right. Lucy shook her head and looked back at the closing doors of the elevator. She spun back to question Lenny, but the blonde was already across the room and hugging a very tall, very athletic man.

  “Lucy, this is my friend, Shane Brookings.” Lucy did a little skip-jog across the room with her arm sticking out to shake his hand. She was pretty sure she looked like an idiot, but what else was new?

  “Lucy plays guitar in the opening band touring with us,” Lenny explained, and Lucy smiled dumbly at the attractive man before her. She recognized him from her short Google search the night before, when Lenny told her who her meeting was with today. But Google didn't tell her how tall he was, or that what she had assumed was a GQ spread was actually his regular appearance.

  It figured that this would be Lenny's ex.

  It's not that Shane Brookings was just attractive or simply good-looking. No, he was hot. Not, “check out that guy” hot. But stop breathing, hurt your eyes to look at him gorgeous. And that was before he smiled.

  “Pleasure to meet you.” Shane's hand was warm as it grasped hers, and Lucy was suddenly afraid that her palms might be sweaty. She had forgotten to check before letting him touch her.

  “You too,” she managed to say evenly, like she knew what she was doing. She didn't.

  “How is the tour treating you so far? The guys being nice to you?” Shane smiled at her and she couldn't help but notice the tiny flecks of gold in his amber eyes.

  “Um, yeah,” she nodded, sticking her hands in the back pockets of her jeans. You are so smooth, Newton. Lenny's not embarrassed of you one bit. She bit the inside of her cheek as Lenny and Shane continued with their pleasantries. She wasn't even sure what this meeting was all about, so she felt a little awkward when their conversation took on a more business-like tone.

  They weren't talking to her, so she took the opportunity to let her gaze wander around the room. Her feet soon followed. All along the walls were beautiful pictures of snowboarders and surfers doing amazing things in exotic locations. She didn't know even half of them, but the photography was breathtaking.

  The room stirred with relaxed activity. The people working around her were dressed casually, and the standard desks and cubicles were absent. Instead, there were long couches, fluffy chairs, and vending machines filled with energy drinks.

  Lucy paused in front of a poster-size photo that showed Shane holding up a gold medal and beaming at the camera. Again, she noticed the little flecks of gold in his eyes and she sighed with envy for a moment. Her eyes had no flecks of anything, they were plain, boring brown. He had a thick goatee in this one and there was snow sticking out of his hair. She couldn't help but smile in response to his obvious elation in the picture.

  “You should see my headquarters in SoCal.” Shane came up next to her, startling her slightly. His large frame dwarfed hers.

  “I thought this was your headquarte
rs.” Lucy frowned over at him, noting the perfect amount of stubble on his jaw and the clean but disheveled look about his clothes. Like he had rolled out of bed that put together.

  “No, this is just the East Coast office. Hoping we can move it out of the city eventually.” He put his hand on the small of her back and guided her to the floor-to-ceiling windows that faced the skyline. She was a little afraid that the heat from his hand might start her shirt on fire but she didn't move away. “The city is amazing but I feel a little trapped here, don't you?” He looked down into her face and she nodded in agreement. Growing up on the prairie where everything was wide open, she knew exactly what he meant.

  “This place is pretty cool,” Lucy said positively, looking around the room and then back to Shane. “What's different about the headquarters?”

  “It's much bigger.” His eyes twinkled at her as he chuckled. “It's a huge, standalone building near the beach so the employees can surf or whatever all day.”

  “You're a pretty relaxed boss,” Lucy teased. He removed his hand from her back and she immediately missed it. He leaned against a railing that lined the windows, facing her.

  Shane dipped his head in embarrassment. “It's still weird for me to think of myself as anyone's boss.” The corner of his mouth crooked up as he met her eyes again. “I'm just a regular guy following a dream.”

  Lucy's fingers played with the stack of handmade bracelets on her wrist as she acknowledged the thudding in her ribcage at his close proximity. He smelled good, like leather and fresh laundry. It was vastly different from her own smell, Essence of Bus, which she hoped he couldn't smell but knew he probably could.

  He reached over and touched the top of her hand, causing her to stop breathing for a moment as she tried to understand what he was doing. “C'mon,” he grinned at her as if he knew exactly what he was doing and he was amused by it. “Let's have lunch with my new business partner.”

  Lucy's confusion must have been obvious because he chuckled as he led her back to where Lenny was sitting at a table. The pizza was waiting in the middle, and Lenny was signing the last of a stack of documents. She looked up at them as they approached and raised a curious eyebrow at Lucy.


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