The Boy Next Door

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The Boy Next Door Page 3

by Heather D'Agostino

  “You won’t, talk to him,” she cocked her brow. “When do you plan on seeing him again?”

  “He invited me over to help him baby-sit Max on Memorial Day weekend. Something about his parents having plans…I’m not sure Mom and Dad are going to be ok with that,” she flipped her hand in the air.

  “I think they’ll be ok. How is this any different than going out on a date, or this camping trip that we have planned? I mean, you’re eighteen now Katie, you’re an adult,” Hannah shrugged.

  “Yeah, I know,” Katie rolled her eyes as she flopped back down. “I guess I’m just looking for an excuse not to be alone in a virtually empty house with him.”

  “Talk to him,” Hannah glared. “You are not going to be able to enjoy this if you don’t. He’s going to notice that something’s up too,” Hannah rose up on the bed and moved toward the door. “Night, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Night,” Katie mumbled as she moved to climb into bed.


  The next morning, Katie was roused from her sleep by a knock on her window. She stretched and groaned as she rolled over to see what time it was. “Seven am,” she groaned. “Who is up at seven?”

  She pulled herself up to a sitting position and rubbed her eyes just as the tapping started up again.

  “Ugh!!!” she huffed. “Give me a minute.”

  When she stood and walked over to her window, she smiled at the shadow behind her curtains.

  Whipping open the shear drapes, she grinned. “What are you doing here?”

  “Thought I’d bring you breakfast,” Patrick lifted the paper coffee cup and a Dunkin Donuts bag. “I just got back from my morning run and I wanted to say good morning.”

  Katie blushed as she leaned out the window to grab the bag from his hand. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he leaned in and placed a kiss to her lips. As he tried to deepen it, she pulled away.

  “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet,” she mumbled behind her hand as she slapped it over her mouth.

  “I don’t care,” he smirked. “I haven’t showered yet,” he glanced down at his sweaty clothes and then back up at her.

  “I can see that,” she grinned, bit her lower lip, and allowed her eyes to trail down his body.

  “You keep doing that and I might have to climb in there,” he wagged his brow at her.

  Katie gulped and turned away from him. He was such a flirt. She’d never experienced this side of him.

  “So, about next weekend…are you coming?” he gripped the windowsill and leaned in closer resting his chin on his hands,

  “I guess,” she sighed as she took a sip of the coffee. “Mmmmm, this is so good. How’d you know this was my favorite?”

  “That’s one of the perks of ‘no discovery time’.” He pointed to the cup, “I already knew what kind of coffee you drank. It makes mornings like this easier.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she giggled as she opened the bag and groaned when she saw the jelly-filled donut. “You’re going to make me fat,” she whined.

  “Not possible,” he winked. “On that note,” he backed away from the window, “I gotta go take a shower.” He began to head back toward his yard, “Enjoy your breakfast.”

  Katie smiled and moved to sit on her bed. That was so sweet she thought as she pulled the donut out and took a giant bite. Just then her phone chimed alerting her of a text.

  IceKing: Love seeing you in the morning. Hope you enjoyed your breakfast. Can’t wait for next Friday…

  BoSoxBabe: Thanks, UR the best!!! <3


  “So…breakfast huh?” Matt smirked as he flopped down on a lounge chair by the pool.

  “Yes, I bought her breakfast. Your point?” Patrick groused.

  “I just think it’s funny that you’re so whipped already,” Matt continued to tease.

  “You need to shut it before I make you,” Patrick warned as he glared in Matt’s direction. “I told you…she’s different.”

  “And hot,” Matt declared, his eyes bugged out as he looked over the fence surrounding Patrick’s pool. “Look,” he pointed in the direction of Katie’s backyard.

  Sure enough, Hannah and Katie were both sprawled out on beach towels, sunbathing.

  Patrick gulped as he took in her form. She was on her back with a pair of white-framed sunglasses on. She had on a bright turquoise bikini that tied over the hips. The gold daisy charm that he’d given to her for Christmas years ago glistened in the sun. He smiled to himself as he thought about the fact that he’d never seen her without it. A light sheen covered her body, and he wasn’t sure if it was from sweat or sunscreen. It was a perfect day for lying around the pool, hot with very little breeze.

  “Dude, invite them over here,” Matt brought him out of his thoughts.

  Just then Katie giggled at something Hannah had said to her. She rolled to her side and looked in the direction of where Patrick was standing. Hannah waved her finger between Patrick and Matt and tossed her head back laughing. Patrick could only imagine what was being said about them.

  Before he changed his mind, he cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted, “You wanna swim?”

  Hannah looked at Katie as they decided what to do before answering. Katie was shrugging and laughing at the same time. Finally Hannah looked back at them, “Sure, we’ll be right there.”

  Katie and Hannah sat up and gathered their flip flops and towels as they made their way over to the gate that led up to the pool. Matt grinned as the girls approached the gate. He’d never really thought of Hannah as pretty, but she did look good in the black and gold bikini she was sporting.

  “You are already dating someone,” Patrick nudged him, bringing him out of his thoughts.

  “Yeah, but we’re not exclusive,” he mumbled.

  “That’s her sister though. If you ruin this for me, I’ll kill you,” Patrick warned.

  Once they walked through the gate, Patrick approached Katie, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “Nice of you to join us after all that teasing,” he placed a quick kiss to her cheek.

  “Teasing, what teasing?” she quipped.

  “This,” he ran his finger down the tie that went around her neck holding her top in place, “Teasing.”

  “I lay out all the time, and I’ve had this suit since last summer,” she gave him a crooked grin as she moved to walk over to a lounge, intending to toss her towel on it.

  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her so her back was flush with his chest as he mumbled into her ear, “Well, I must have been blind not to notice.”

  Heat surged between her legs as a shiver made its way up her spine. How was she ever going to stop him if he put the moves on her again? He was too good at this, and he knew it.

  “So are we going to swim, or what?” Matt grinned at Patrick as they silently agreed to pull the ultimate guy move.

  “I was thinking I’d get some more sun,” Hannah tossed her towel to the side and moved to sit down.

  “Nah, I think we’ll swim,” Matt grabbed her around the waist and tossed her in the pool. “Yep, time to swim,” he grinned as he launched himself in a flip into the water.

  Katie laughed as Hannah’s head broke the surface.

  “I don’t know what’s so funny,” Hannah huffed as she swam in the direction of the side.

  Before she could she react, Patrick picked Katie up bridal style and jumped over the side, effectively dunking them both. When she broke the surface, she scowled at him as she smoothed her hair back from her face.

  “What was that for?” she pouted.

  “Needed to cool off,” he shrugged as he backed away from her. “You’re not mad are you?”

  “No, not mad,” she grinned as she moved closer to him.

  “What are you doing?” he stared at her in wonderment as she continued to get closer.

  When she got right in front of him, she slowly placed her hands on his shoulders as if she were going to
give him a kiss, then quickly pushed down as hard as she could. As he went under the water, she shouted, “Getting even!”

  Laughing, she swam away from him as fast as she could.


  The four of them continued to splash and play in the water for most of the afternoon. By the time evening approached, Matt explained that he needed to get home, uttering something about a hot date and needing to conserve his energy. Hannah left soon after, as she was starting to feel like a third wheel and wanted to give Katie some time alone with Patrick.

  “So,” Patrick grinned once she was out of earshot as he moved closer to Katie. “I’m kinda glad they left.”

  “Really,” she smiled crookedly.

  “Yeah, really.” He moved to stand right in front of her. “Have I told you how good you look in this?” he ran his eyes down her body.

  “Not recently,” she mumbled as he crept closer.

  Even though they were still in the pool, the fire that was burning between them was keeping away any chill that they might feel from the water.

  “You are so beautiful,” Patrick whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up.

  When he picked her up, she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist as her hands went around his neck. He leaned in and placed a kiss to her lips. It was soft at first, but then became stronger. His hands trailed down her back, one stopping at her waist, but the other continuing down to cup her rear. Katie groaned when she felt him squeeze her backside softly. She arched her chest into him and deepened the kiss.

  Soon her hands left his neck. One trailed down his chest as the other went up to tangle in his hair. She could feel his erection hardening under her as she squeezed his waist tighter with her thighs.

  “Oh god, what are you doing to me?” he moaned as he broke the kiss.

  She used the hand that was griping his hair to push his head forward so she could meld her mouth with his again. The hand at her waist began to move up her side. When his fingers brushed across her ribs, she trembled.

  “Patrick,” she whispered breathily, “I’m not okay with this going any further.”

  “Relax,” he groaned. “We’re not going to.”

  The tenseness that had crept into her back left as quickly as it had appeared. She sighed as she leaned into him and skimmed her hands down his chest.

  When the kiss ended, she loosened the grip her legs had on him and let her body slide down until her feet touched the bottom of the pool. She couldn’t help but brush up against his erection as she descended.

  She turned in the direction of the steps and mumbled, “I need to get home.”

  “Stay,” Patrick begged. “I’ve got the house to myself tonight.”

  “No, I really think I should get home before I do something I’m clearly not ready for,” she shook her head.

  “Katie, you do trust me right?” he moved closer and placed his hand on her shoulder stopping her movement. Turning her to face him, he continued, “I would never do anything to make you uncomfortable. I promise.”

  “I know,” she huffed. “It’s not you I’m worried about.”

  “Well, what is it?” he brushed a wet strand of hair off her forehead.

  “Patrick,” she averted her eyes. “I’ve wanted this,” she motioned between them, “for awhile. I just don’t want to go too fast, that’s all.”

  “I get that, but you need to know that if you tell me no or to stop, I’m gonna listen to you,” he placed his finger under her chin and lifted it so she’d look in his eyes. “I’m not gonna lie, I want to be with you. But, I’m not going to make you do anything that you don’t want to. You need to trust me on that.”

  “I do,” she offered a tentative smile. “But I do need to go home.”

  “Alright, at least let me walk you,” he kissed her on the cheek and waited for her to climb the ladder to get out of the pool.

  After drying off, he grabbed her hand and began walking with her toward her back porch. When they arrived at the steps, he placed a light kiss to her lips before whispering, “I had fun today. I’ll call you tonight and we can talk before you go to bed, then you can have sweet dreams of me.”

  She giggled and blushed, “I had fun too. I’ll talk to you later.”

  She turned and made her way through the back door as Patrick headed back to his own yard. A few moments later she heard a big splash and glanced over to see him shaking water from his hair as he broke the surface. She giggled to herself, wondering why he had gotten back in the pool. Bet he needed to cool down she thought as she made her way to her room to change.

  Chapter 4

  Memorial Day 2016 - Baby-sitting

  “So, how late do you think you’ll be over there tonight?” Melanie called from the kitchen.

  “I’m not sure. Patrick said his parents would be home late. Do I need to be back by a certain time?” Katie called back from the family room.

  “No, I was just wondering if I should wait up,” Melanie rounded the corner just as Katie was slipping on her flip-flops.

  “Mom, what’s this really about?” Katie scrunched her nose up.

  “I’m just not used to letting go of you yet. It’s harder than you think. Wait till you’re a parent,” Melanie sighed.

  “Mom, I’m just going next door. You know Patrick’s parents, it’s not like we’re going to be all over town,” Katie rolled her eyes.

  “Yes, but this is the first time you’re going over there as his girlfriend,” Melanie smiled.

  “I know, isn’t it great?” Katie grinned and stood up from the couch. “I have my phone if you need me,” she headed toward door.

  “Alright. Have fun and behave,” Melanie wagged her finger at Katie as she watched her disappear through the door.


  “Listen you little jokester, when Katie gets here you better behave,” Patrick pointed a finger at Max in warning.

  “Yes, boss,” Max teased. “Do I have to stay in my room all night?”

  “If you leave us alone, no,” Patrick reached down and ruffled his hair.

  “You’re not going to kiss her are you?” Max stuck his finger in his mouth and made a gagging noise, “That’s just gross.”

  “Maybe to you, but I have it on good authority that you’ll change your mind when you’re older,” Patrick chuckled. “Alright, how about you clean up some of these toys in here,” he pointed to the family room floor, “and I’ll make us some dinner.”

  “You mean you’ll order pizza,” Max chimed in. “You can’t cook.”

  “Enough! Go clean up. Katie will be here any minute,” Patrick pointed to the mess on the floor and then turned to head into the kitchen to dig out the takeout menus.


  Soon there was a soft knock at the door.

  “Got it,” Max yelled from the family room.

  “Ask who it is first,” Patrick called after him.

  “I can see her through the window silly. It’s Katie,” Max giggled as he pulled the door open.

  “Hey Max,” Katie smiled down at him as she ruffled his hair.

  Max reached up and smoothed it down as she passed by him, “Why do people always do that to me?”

  “Do you not like it?” Katie frowned slightly.

  “No, I’m not a baby,” Max whined.

  “Ok, well how about you be my little man? Is that better?” she smiled.

  Just then Patrick came waltzing into the room, “Can I be your big man, then?”

  Katie blushed as Patrick came closer and placed a light kiss to her cheek.

  “Ewww gross,” Max made another gagging noise beside Katie.

  Patrick chuckled and whispered in her ear, “Ignore him.”

  Changing the subject, Katie looked at Patrick, “What’s for dinner?”

  “Pizza,” Max squealed as Patrick moved to close the front door.

  “Sounds good,” Katie grinned.

  “He can’t cook,” Max pointed his thumb over his shoulder in P
atrick’s direction. “You need to teach ‘im.”

  “Maybe I will,” Katie winked at him, “some other time.”

  Patrick cleared his throat behind them, “Pizza should be here in about twenty minutes. Wanna watch some tv?”

  “Sure,” Katie moved to take a seat at one end of the couch.


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