The Boy Next Door

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The Boy Next Door Page 4

by Heather D'Agostino

  Max frowned and crossed his arms, “No fair, you said you’d play with me.”

  “I’ve been playing with you all day. Go play in your room for awhile, ok?” Patrick pleaded with him.

  “Fine,” Max huffed. “Call me when the pizza gets here.”

  “He’s sweet,” Katie smiled in Patrick’s direction.

  “Most of the time, yes he is,” he moved to sit down next to her.

  He picked up the remote and began thumbing through the channels, “What do you want to watch?”

  “Doesn’t matter to me. I brought a movie for later, like you asked,” she gave him a wicked grin.

  “Why do I have a feeling that I’m going to regret letting you choose?” Patrick groaned as he ran his palms down his face.

  Katie grinned even bigger and stuck her chin in the air. “I seem to remember watching a Matrix marathon with you back at Christmas. You’re exact words were ‘I owe you one’. I’m cashing in my favor.”

  He reached over and grabbed the DVD that she had placed on the coffee table in front of them, “What did you bring?”

  Katie just continued to grin as she watched Patrick’s face contort in misery.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” he shook his head. “Don’t you have this memorized by now?”

  “You said anything other than The Notebook, and I stuck to that,” she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Yeah, but really,” he flashed the DVD box in front of her. “I think I’ve seen this twenty times with you already.”

  “It’s my favorite,” Katie pouted.

  “Seriously, your favorite movie is A Walk To Remember?” he rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah, it is. If you don’t want to watch it, I can always go home and watch it there,” she tried to stand and pretend that she was leaving, only to have Patrick grab her around the waist and pull her back down.

  Katie began to squirm to try to get away from him, but he wasn’t having it. Her legs flailed as he tackled her to the couch and began tickling her sides.

  “Stop, please!” she begged as her breath began to come out in short puffs.

  Patrick chuckled like a naughty boy and continued his relentless assault as she tried with all her might to pull herself from his grasp. When she had dressed for the night, she had decided on a light cotton sundress. It was a soft yellow and came right to her knees. The more she squirmed in Patrick’s grasp, the higher the hem rose. At the moment, it was hitting her mid-thigh, and one of the small spaghetti straps was limply hanging from her shoulder.

  Pressing his advantage, Patrick grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head before pausing to look down at her.

  “Please,” she begged, her chest rising and falling quickly as she tried to catch her breath.

  Patrick’s eyes roamed over her body, taking in their position as a hunger began to blaze between them. Before he could talk himself out of it, he leaned forward, and pressed a kiss to her lips. At first Katie tensed, not expecting it after their playful tickle war. As he ran his tongue along the seam of her lips, she began to relax and kiss him back.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he groaned as he released her hands and moved to cup her cheek.

  Just as the kiss was beginning to heat up, the doorbell rang, causing Katie to startle.

  “I think the pizza might be here,” she giggled.

  “Yeah, I think you’re right,” he sighed. “We’ll finish this later,” he placed a quick kiss to her cheek and pulled himself to a standing position.

  As he went to answer the door, Katie sat up, and began smoothing her dress and hair. Her mind began to spin out of control. What exactly does he want to finish? She tried to calm her nerves as she watched Patrick pay the pizza guy and bring the food in to toss it on the table. He yelled down the hall to Max that the pizza was there, and they made their way to the table to enjoy their dinner.


  Later that evening after Max had gone to bed, Katie and Patrick were snuggled on the couch. Katie had turned the movie on, but she wasn’t really paying attention to it. Patrick had his arm along the back of the couch behind her, and she was leaning into his side. She had pulled her legs up and tucked them underneath her and was resting her head against his ribs.

  As Patrick shifted on the couch, Katie snuggled closer. She moved her hand unconsciously from her lap to his thigh. Patrick’s breath hitched at the movement and became ragged. His eyes darted to hers, before he moved his arm off the back of the couch and down to rest on her shoulders, effectively pulling her into his embrace tighter.

  It was almost as if neither of them realized what they were doing to the other. No eye contact was made, and no words were uttered between them.

  A soft sigh escaped Katie’s lips as she nuzzled her cheek into his chest. Patrick swallowed hard and then tipped his chin down, placing a soft kiss to her shoulder. A shiver ran down her spine and goose bumps rose on her arms. She stiffened slightly as she felt his lips make contact with her skin again. This time the kiss was higher and closer to the spot were her neck met her shoulder. He took his free hand and brushed her hair back out of the way, exposing her neck. She began to relax as he made contact again, trailing kisses up her neck until he reached her jaw.

  Feeling brave, Katie turned slightly, and angled her body toward him more. When she turned, Patrick leaned in capturing her lips in a slow, lazy kiss. His hands slid around her, one going to her waist while the other went to her neck. As he cradled her body, he began lowering her backward onto the couch until she was flat. Katie was so caught up in the feelings that Patrick’s kisses were giving her that she didn’t even realize when he moved to lay down beside her effectively pinning her to the couch with his body.

  The hand that was holding her neck moved to support his weight, as the other hand began to trail tentatively up her ribs. When Katie felt him press himself against her, she moaned lightly and pulled her left leg up, bringing him into a more intimate contact.

  Patrick’s breathing was coming out in gasps at this point, and he knew he’d have to stop them soon. Katie wasn’t ready for this. He wanted her, god he wanted her so bad, but he didn’t want her to do something that she’d regret.

  As the kisses became more heated, Katie trailed a hand up to tangle it in Patrick’s hair. The other hand slid down his back. When she reached his waistband, she ran her fingers along it before sliding further down and squeezing his backside.

  When Patrick felt her tentative but firm caress, it all but broke his resolve to stop. He trailed his hand higher and lightly brushed it across her breast.

  “Tell me to stop,” he pleaded. “Please…tell me to stop,” he groaned as he squeezed her breast again.

  Katie reached up and put both hands on his chest pushing lightly, “Stop.”

  “Stop,” she panted.

  When they broke apart, she scurried to the end of the couch, leaving a large amount of space between them. Patrick scrubbed his hands across his face as he huffed trying to get his body under control.

  Before he could say anything, Katie looked down at her watch. “I better go. It’s getting late,” she mumbled.

  “Yeah. Ok,” he sighed and moved to stand offering her his hand.

  He pulled her up and walked her over to the door, pausing to offer her a sheepish glance.

  “I’m sorry if I upset you,” he sighed.

  “You didn’t,” she shook her head. “You didn’t see me backing down, did you?”

  “No, that’s what worries me,” he swallowed and continued on when he saw the horrified look on her face. “Believe me when I tell you that I want you. More than you’ll ever know. I don’t want to rush this, and I think when you get back home you’ll see that I’m right. We have plenty of time for this,” he motioned between them. “I want it to be special for you. You always told me you were going wait,” he nudged her in the shoulder.

  “You make that hard,” she huffed and then blushed a dark shade of red as her eyes lowered to his sti
ll throbbing erection.

  “So do you,” he teased as he opened the door.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, ok?” he mumbled as he leaned in to place a light kiss to her lips.

  “Ok, talk to you tomorrow,” she smiled and skipped down the steps to head home.

  Chapter 5

  July 3rd 2016 - Camping Trip

  “I think I have everything we need,” Katie huffed as she struggled to zip her duffle shut.

  “Well, I’m sure we can go to a store if we need to,” Hannah laughed as she observed the pile of gear piled on the floor.

  “Girls…breakfast,” Melanie called from the kitchen.

  “Coming,” Hannah returned.


  “So I was thinking,” Austin smirked as he approached her from behind. “Maybe we could have a camping trip right here at the house tonight.”

  “Mmmmm, that would be nice,” Melanie murmured absentmindedly as she placed the eggs and toast on the table. “But you’re forgetting that not all of our children are going on this trip.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” he grinned. “You go to work, and when you come home it’ll be just us.”

  “Just us,” she cocked her brow and gave him a crooked smile.

  “Mmmm hmmm,” he nodded.

  As he was leaning in to place a kiss to her lips, Hannah breezed in with Katie right on her heels.

  “Seriously guys, you couldn’t wait until we left?” Hannah rolled her eyes.

  “Why was I opposed to this trip at first again?” Austin huffed as he reached to get the juice out of the fridge.

  Before the conversation could continue, there was a knock at the door. Katie skipped over, carrying a piece of toast. When she opened the door, Patrick, Matt, Anthony, and Sam stood on the steps.

  “Morning,” she smiled as she moved out of the way to let them in.

  “Why are you so chipper?” Sam groaned.

  “Because she gets three days and two nights with me,” Patrick grinned as he kissed Katie on the cheek.

  “Shhhh,” Katie smacked him. “You have to behave right now,” she whispered. Pointing toward the kitchen, she continued, “Parents in the other room.”

  “As soon as we get loaded up, we’re going to head out,” Hannah called as she walked down the hall to grab some of their bags.

  “Don’t you want to finish eating?” Austin scowled.

  “I’m really not that hungry,” she hollered.

  “Suit yourself,” he mumbled as he stuffed a piece of toast in his mouth.

  “I have to go too,” Melanie sighed. “I have a nine o’clock surgery that’s not going to wait on me,” she hugged him and whispered in his ear, “I’m holding you to that promise of a camping trip tonight.”

  Austin groaned, “You can count on it now, woman.”

  Melanie hugged the girls goodbye and kissed Joey on the head. “Be good for Daddy today,” she smiled as she walked toward the door.

  “We’re outta here, Dad. See you Sunday night,” Hannah called as the group headed out the door. “I have my phone if you need to get in touch with us this weekend and I’ll call you once we’re checked in.”

  “Have fun and be careful,” Austin hugged Hannah and then Katie. “We love you.”


  “So I’ll drop him off on my way home from the store if that’s alright with you,” Austin chirped into the phone.

  “Sure, I’m sure my sister is going to love whatever you have planned,” Claire returned. “I wish Robert were spontaneous like this.”

  “Well, she knows that I’m planning this, so I’m not that spontaneous, but I’m taking care of all the details,” he couldn’t hide the excitement in his voice.

  “Well, just call me before you get here, so I’ll be ready,” Claire disconnected the call and Austin began to set his plan in motion.


  Later that day, Austin took stock of everything he’d done and what he still needed to do. He’d dropped Joey off at Claire’s for the night, been by the grocery store, picked up supplies for the outdoor fire pit, and stopped by the storage unit that still held everything he’d owned that wouldn’t fit into the brownstone, so he could find some sleeping bags.

  Melanie was due home any minute, and he wanted to get dinner cooking before she got there and distracted him. He stood by the counter in the kitchen forming hamburger patties and humming to himself. Within minutes he heard the front door open.

  “I’m home,” he heard her call from the family room.

  “Back here,” he returned. “Come keep me company while I cook.”

  Melanie ambled back in the direction of the kitchen, only stopping to glance at herself in the mirror as she passed through the dining space.

  “What is all this?” she pointed to the fire pit that was blazing on the porch.

  “Our campout,” he smirked at her.

  “You did all this for me?” she scanned the table that was set up with dinner minus the burgers.

  “Yeah,” he shrugged. “I promised you a campout, and that’s what you’re getting.”

  “I thought you were just teasing,” she gasped.

  “Why would I do that?” he moved toward the grill and placed the patties on to cook.

  “Well, if I have a few minutes, I would like to go change into something more comfortable,” she looked down at her scrubs and back up at him.

  “Sure, but if you take too long, I might have to come in there and help you,” he teased.

  “Careful what you say there Mr. Montgomery, I might take you up on that,” she winked.

  “You’re going to make me burn dinner,” he groaned.

  “Too bad,” she giggled as she sauntered back into the house, putting a little extra sway in her hips.


  Later that night after the sun had set, Austin and Melanie lay cuddled up together on a lounger. The crickets were chirping and the fireflies glowed around them.

  “It’s so peaceful out here tonight,” she mused.

  “Yeah, no one to bother us,” he mumbled as he placed a kiss to her neck.

  Melanie yawned as she turned on her side in the lounger. She snuggled into Austin’s side and placed a hand on his chest. She could feel the thundering cadence of his heart under her palm, and it brought with it desire to be closer.

  “It’s pretty dark out here,” she glanced around scanning their surroundings.

  “Yeah, the McKinley’s are away on their own vacation this weekend,” Austin mumbled. “Nobody’s around.”

  “Mmmmm,” she shifted and propped herself up on her elbow beside him, causing the blanket they were wrapped in to slide off her shoulder. “You know, we haven’t been very adventurous lately,” she grinned at him.

  “What are you getting at?” he cocked his head to the side.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” she smiled as she slid her leg over his lap and moved to straddle him.

  “Melanie, you do realize we’re outside, right?” Austin’s eyes went wide as she shifted her hips on his lap.

  “As you put it, we’re all alone and the neighbors are out of town,” she whispered as she leaned forward to capture his lips in a fiery kiss.

  “Mmmmmm,” he groaned. “Are you sure about this?” he gasped.

  “Yes,” she replied breathily. “Keep the blanket over us. My hormones are going crazy right now with this pregnancy…I need you,” she moaned as she kissed him again, this one deeper than the last.

  Austin didn’t need any more encouragement, and he reached under the blanket to tug down her shorts. She’d been wearing a lot of loose cotton garments lately. She was getting too big to fit into her normal clothes but not big enough to need maternity things yet. There was no baby bump in the way yet but her breasts had already become quite tender and large.

  “What brought this on?” he groaned as he raised his hips to slide down the mesh athletic shorts he was wearing.

  “I told you,” she panted in his ear, “pregnancy hormones and w
e haven’t been together in a few days.”

  “You’ve been busy with work. I didn’t want to push the issue,” he groaned again as she slid herself further down the front of him, capturing his cock right at the apex of her thighs.

  “Austin?” she moaned.

  “Hmmm,” he fought to focus.

  “Shut up and make love to me,” she lifted herself up and slid down on him, gasping as she made her decent.


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