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Find Me, Keep Me: A Let Me Go Novel (A Let Me Go series Book 3)

Page 15

by L. L. Akers


  “Olivia, what’s for breakfast?” Rickey asked.

  “It’s well past breakfast. It’s lunch time. But if you want breakfast food, I can make you some cereal, little man.”

  “Mama will make me pancakes. I’ll just wake her up.” Rickey slid off the barstool and headed for the stairs.

  “No, no, no!” Olivia ran to catch up with him, and gently turned him around toward the kitchen. “Remember, we all agreed not to bother them on their first married-nap. Besides, there’s no power yet. We can’t cook without power.”

  Olivia shot Gabby a look over her shoulder. Need some help here...

  Gabby sighed and pulled herself out from under Jake’s arm and dragged herself off the couch.

  Once the impromptu wedding was over, everyone had come home and crashed, needing to catch up on their sleep. They’d been lucky. Their beach house was intact. Emma and Dusty had disappeared upstairs to the master bedroom after a plea to Olivia and Gabby to watch out for Rickey.

  Gabby slid onto a barstool beside Rickey and rubbed her eyes. “I’ll take a bowl, too, Olivia.”

  Olivia poured their cereal, and topped it with fresh sliced strawberries and cream. She slid a bowl in front of each of them. “There you go.”

  Gabby stretched around Rickey to look out the window. “Look. There’s Grayson walking on the beach. Thought he didn’t go near the ocean?”

  Olivia nearly skipped to the window for a peek. Her pulse quickened with just one look at him. She felt like she could just about squee. Wouldn’t that shock Gabby?

  She hadn’t seen him since their return to the house that morning, after the wedding. They’d thought it best for him to go to the crofter as usual and let their family in on their change in status later.

  “Things have changed,” she answered cryptically. “Gabby, will you please watch Rickey? I want to walk with Grayson.”

  Gabby gave her a funny look, but shrugged her shoulders. “Sure. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Olivia ran out the door, feeling light as air.

  “Grayson!” she called, “Wait up!’

  She ran through the sand, dodging the debris: beach balls, clothes, coolers, branches and limbs; the beach was a mess.

  She reached him and grabbed his hand. He smiled, leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips.

  They walked, swinging their clasped hands like a couple of kids.

  “What are you doing out here? Thought you hated the beach?”

  Grayson shook his head. “I’ve never hated the beach. It was the water.” He looked at the ocean. “I used to love it, though. Before Katrina. I just felt like it was time to find some joy in it again. And in other things.” He winked at her.

  Olivia smiled. “I’m glad. I’m really glad for you, Grayson. For me too.” She winked back.

  “When I get home, I’m going to talk to Graysie, too. When she was little, before her mom died, she couldn’t wait to get to the beach. She liked the sand more than she did the water. Spent hours walking and digging, piling up things to take home in her little red bucket. She still has the bucket. It’s sitting in her room full of shells. I’m hoping she might at least forgive the beach, if not the sea.”

  “Maybe you should bring her a new shell. Remind her. That might help.”

  “That’s a good idea. If I find one, I’ll do that.”

  They shuffled through the sand, their flip-flops turning over broken shells, litter and debris until finally Olivia yelled, “Look, a sand-dollar!”

  She brushed it off. It was intact. A rare find. She handed it to Grayson. “I can’t believe I found it. I’ve never found a sand-dollar.”

  Grayson rubbed his thumbs along it, admiring the detail. He held it out to Olivia. “You have to keep it. I’ll find something else.”

  “No. She’ll love it! I want her to have it.” She pushed it away, causing Grayson to drop it.

  They both quickly bent over to retrieve it, hoping the fragile shell hadn’t cracked, and bumped heads. They laughed and fell back onto the sand.

  Olivia stared at his arm. It was the first time she’d seen his tattoo up close in full daylight. She tilted her head and studied it. A heart with a double arrow through it—a very familiar heart with a double arrow through it.

  He saw her looking and rubbed his hand over it. “Yeah, I know. Cliché, huh? One of the most over-used tattoos ever. Not original at all. Got it one night when I’d had a bit too much to drink. My buddies dared me.”

  He laughed. “I like yours, though. I saw that your sisters have the match to it. Is there a story behind the dragonflies?”

  Olivia suddenly felt uncomfortable. And not ready to share her own story with him just yet. The tattoo looked just like FindHerKeepHer’s avatar. But it was probably just a coincidence, she told herself. Like he said, pierced heart tattoos were a dime a dozen.

  She nodded and answered, “There is. Maybe I’ll tell you one day.” She gave him a small smile, hoping he wouldn’t press her on it. “Here. I really do want Graysie to have this.” She tried to give him the sand-dollar once more.

  He shook his head. “Nope. It’ll be our first keepsake. A memory of the storm that brought us together. Besides, finders keepers. You found it. You keep it.”

  He stood up and held out a hand to help her off the sand.

  Olivia’s mouth dropped open. She felt like he’d just thrown ice water on her. It all came together now. What was this, some kind of test?

  “What’s wrong, Olivia? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  Olivia ignored his hand, and stood on her own, dusting the sand from her legs. “I don’t know. For a minute there, I thought you were someone else.”

  Grayson shook his head in confusion. “What? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Seeing clearly now, actually,” she answered in a curt tone.

  “What’s wrong? If you’re going to get upset, I’ll take the sand-dollar to Graysie. I just thought you might want to keep it, to remember this trip,” he said to her back. She was marching toward the beach house.

  “Olivia, wait up!”

  He ran past her and turned around, blocking her way. “Talk to me. What’s wrong?”

  Olivia gave him a hard look. Oh, he’s a master. He has the confused Mr. Innocent-look down pat. “Grayson, I’m not sure what game you’re playing here, but I don’t like to be lied to or made a fool.”

  Grayson lifted his hands and threw his palms out. “What lie? I haven’t lied to you! What are you talking about?”

  “Another lie,” Olivia said and stepped around him. She stomped toward the house.

  “Olivia! I’m not a liar. What are you talking about?” he yelled.

  She ignored him, leaving him standing on the beach. Alone. Exactly the way she was going to be. Forever. She wasn’t into games. She was a grown woman for God’s sake. How dare he? She was furious. She stomped into the house and slammed the door, surprising Gabby and Rickey and startling Ozzie.

  “What’s wrong?” Gabby asked. “Where’s Grayson?”

  “Playing hide and seek!” she yelled and ran up the steps and into the bedroom, where she slammed that door, too.


  Olivia tossed her things into her bags, keeping her back to Gabby. She wished she’d just leave it alone.

  “Just tell me! I want to know what happened.”

  “Gabby, no. Let it be.”

  “You know I won’t. I saw you two out there. I saw the kiss. I saw you holding hands. And then you come in mad. I want to know what’s going on.”

  Olivia spun around and faced her.

  “Duplicity. Dishonesty. That’s all I’m saying. I thought I wanted a relationship with him, but I don’t. He’s not who I thought he was. I mean... I didn’t know he...” She shook her head. No use telling Gabby the specifics and have her go off half-cocked, like she knew she would.

  “I just don’t need another man behind a mask. I think I had enough of that with Billy. You do r
emember Billy, don’t you?”

  “Oh my God, Olivia. He’s not even close to a Billy. Calm down. I’ve talked to Dusty, and he finally told me a little bit about Grayson...more than we knew. But I think you should go talk to Grayson. He should tell you himself.”

  “That’s right! He should tell me! And he’s had plenty of chances. But he didn’t. So you see, Gabby? He’s not who I thought he was. He’s a farce!” she yelled, then jerked the zipper closed on her bag.

  Gabby scoffed. “I don’t think it’s that bad. I think you’re tilting at windmills, to be honest. You fell into a relationship, and now you’re panicking. Looking for any reason to run right back out of it. Admit it.”

  “Tilting at windmills? Seriously? You’re okay with all this? You think I should just let it slide?” She threw her hands up in the air and paced the room, furious.

  Gabby shook her head in confusion. “What’s the big deal? I guess you know, so let’s talk about it. So we all thought he was divorced. He’s not. He’s a widower. How is that worse than divorce?”

  Olivia stopped and looked at her. So she didn’t know. She had it all wrong. Dusty had it all wrong. She couldn’t care less whether he was widowed or divorced. But maybe it was best to let them think that’s all this was. If Gabby knew the truth, she’d probably give Grayson a piece of her mind. And she didn’t need Gabby and Emma finding out the truth about ‘her girls’ either. The dirty bird had all her secrets in the palm of his hand.

  They just needed to get off this island and go their separate ways.

  She took in a deep breath and let it out. “I’m just saying, Gabby, if he was the right guy, he’d move mountains for me...not hide behind them.”

  “Well, I don’t understand at all. You’re the one making a mountain out of a molehill—and this coming from someone who’s been hiding their own locked heart for years? You need to try again. Dusty said Grayson is so upset. He really likes you, Olivia. You were so close to moving on with your life. Just open your heart again...just a little, please?”

  “No. I’m done here. Is everybody ready?”


  Grayson sat on the top step of the crofter, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hand.

  “Women...” He sighed loudly.

  “Ding just made it to the next round, brutha!” Dusty answered.

  Grayson gave him a look that could kill. “Stop it. That’s not funny. This isn’t a game and I have no intention of playing with that woman’s emotions any more than I already have.”

  “Then whatever you did...fix it.”

  “That’s just it, I don’t know what I did. She accused me of being a liar. I’ve never told that woman a lie!”

  Dusty clenched his teeth and pulled his head back, getting out of the line of fire. He held both hands up, palms out. “Can’t help you, bro. You know how women get when they’re convinced they aren’t getting the truth about something.”

  Grayson shrugged one shoulder. “That’s fine. I wasn’t ready for a relationship anyway. Just remember, it was her choice.”

  He stood up and grabbed his stuff. “Is everybody ready?”

  Dusty stood and put his hand on Grayson’s shoulder. “Wait. Are you sure you’re telling me everything?”

  “What the hell? You accusing me of being a liar now, too?”

  “No! No...I’m just trying to help you figure this out. We’ve got to be missing something. This doesn’t add up. Tell me about the conversation on the beach again.”

  “I’m not going through it again. As a matter of fact, I’m not going through any of this again. I knew better than to get my heart involved. It’s already been broken once. I can’t handle it again. I’m not ready.”

  “Pfft. You are ready. It’s time. And a broken heart is good for you to start a new relationship with. If it’s got cracks in it, then maybe something else can finally seep through.”

  Grayson shakes his head. “Too late. It’s over—before it really began. Maybe another time...another woman.”

  “Okay. I’ll leave it alone. For now. But first, I’m telling you, Grayson, I think you need to keep pursuing this woman. Olivia. I know her. I know her sisters. These women are special; all three of them—like jewels. You won’t find another like her.”

  Grayson huffed, his honor still feeling kicked around. He was a lot of things, but not a liar. He’d tried to talk to her. She walked away. Twice. He didn’t need the heartache.

  “Jewels made of brass maybe. Because that woman is more like a bullet. A bullet to the bone.” Grayson said. He shook his head and stomped down the stairs. “If I let her in again, she’ll shatter me.”


  Olivia stroked Ozzie’s neck. “Good boy.”

  “He has been good. I see you left the muzzle off of him this time,” Dusty said.

  “Yeah. I think he’s fine. He’s even warmed up to you and Jake.”

  Ozzie took that moment to lay his big blocky head on Dusty’s knee. Dusty scratched his ears. “What are you going to do with him when you get home?”

  “I don’t know. I think Ember may have been asking me to keep him. I couldn’t hear her. But I do need to talk to you about a message she left me when we get home and get settled in. Might be something you need to know about—and I need your help. As a cop, not a brother-in-law.”

  “Is everything okay? Let’s talk about it now.”

  “No. It can wait. I’d rather get some rest first. My head is so fuzzy. And I need to figure out what to do with Ozzie when we get home. The biggest problem is him being cooped up in the apartment when I’m working. That would be cruel—to Ozzie.”

  “—Then let me take him,” Grayson said.

  Olivia looked up in surprise. She hadn’t spoken to him since their spat on the beach. Once on the ferry, he’d gone below to the passenger cabin as he had when they’d come over. She guessed he was over his fear of water.

  Her pulse beat erratically. She wished he didn’t have the power to do that to her. She didn’t want to want him anymore. Or maybe it was anger?

  “What are you going to do with him?”

  “I’ve got lots of room on that homestead. He can come in and out as he pleases. And I work mostly from home. He can stay with me and Graysie until your friend comes back to get him. Or indefinitely. Whichever comes first.”

  Olivia was taken aback. He wants to keep him?

  Ozzie jumped up on Grayson, ecstatic to see him. It was obvious the dog loved him. Grayson pushed him away and then gently lifted up on his neck with one hand while he pushed down on his hind quarters. Ozzie easily dropped into a sitting positon. Olivia was amazed at the way the dog took instruction from him.

  “I guess...that’s fine. He’ll have room to run there. But when Ember wants him back, you have to let him go.” Olivia made sure to emphasize Ember’s name. It rattled her cage that Grayson acted as though he didn’t know her name. FindHerKeepHer was well aware of Ember’s name.

  Dusty threw his two cents in. “That’s a great idea. Graysie will love having him around. She’ll be thrilled,” he said in a cheerful tone, doing his best to ease the tension between them.

  Both of them ignored Dusty. They stared at each other for a long, uncomfortable minute. Neither willing to say what they really wanted to.

  Olivia reluctantly handed Grayson the leash, and once again, their hands touched, just as they had on the ferry ride over. Nothing had changed. Olivia still felt a jolt that reached to her toes. From his reaction, he felt it too.

  Grayson’s eyes widened and he didn’t pull his hand back. But she pulled hers away with a hard look in her eyes.

  He sadly shook his head and turned, guiding Ozzie away, without another word, and Olivia sighed.

  Dusty put his arm around her and squeezed. “I think you two can work this out, Olivia. Really, you haven’t spent much time getting to know each other. There’s bound to be some misunderstandings. I’ve known Grayson...well, all my life.” He laughed. “Never known him to lie.
Really. He’s a stand-up guy.”

  Olivia raised an eyebrow at him. Okay, two can play that game. If Dusty’s willing to go to bat for his big brother, maybe I can get him to answer a few questions.

  “You’re right. We don’t know each other well. What does Grayson do for a living from home?”

  Dusty pulled his arm back and scratched his head. “He uh...he...did you ask him what his job was?” he answered evasively.

  “I’m asking you. If Grayson has nothing to hide, surely he won’t mind you telling me?”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s just that...well, he does computer work.”

  “Really? Repair of equipment, and stuff like that?”

  “No...more of an end-user gig.”

  Olivia looked confused. “So he troubleshoots software? Develops it?”

  “No. Well, yeah. He does troubleshoot, but not the kind you’re talking about. He spends a lot of time on social media. Research...and...well...provides support, I guess you’d say.”

  Olivia raised both eyebrows and nodded her head. Makes complete sense. He provides support, eh? Exactly as FindHerKeepHer had supported her?

  But that wasn’t a job. That was just being social. Why was Dusty being so secretive? And why wouldn’t Grayson just admit he was FindHerKeepHer?

  It reeked of dishonesty...and she wasn’t having any of it. That was no way to start a relationship. Sadly, she realized now she was even more alone that she had been to start with...she’d also lost her online chat buddy. She couldn’t talk to FindHerKeepHer a.k.a. Grayson again.

  Not unless he was willing to pull back the curtain.


  Olivia stretched.

  She’d gone straight to bed without unpacking once she’d arrived home. Four hours of napping. Now she was wide awake and it was nearly nine-o’clock. She probably wouldn’t get a wink of sleep tonight.


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