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Travel, Live, Love - A Contemporary Romance (The Armstrongs Book 5)

Page 6

by Gray, Jessica

  The villagers all started talking in their native language, and Angela didn’t understand a word. A few minutes later, the chief addressed her again: “The gods are angry and the days of vengeance are coming. Terrible things will happen.”

  Angela didn’t ask why the gods were angry. She’d been in enough places to know that most remote peoples were very religious and staunch in their beliefs. If these people thought the gods were angry, they probably also had a fix for the situation.

  She glanced over at Patrick and read in his face that he didn’t believe this stuff, but knew better than to say anything. She became very serious and asked, “You may be right, chief. What do you suggest we do?”

  The chief beamed with pride that she wanted his advice and didn’t deny his statement. Another discussion among the elders took place before he answered, “Nothing can be done. If you open your head and trust in your feeling, you will survive.”

  Angela didn’t know what to say; there was that mention of openness again. She would have to think about that later. She nodded and took a sip of her tea, while the man continued, “Mr. Patrick is a friend, and you are a good woman. Stay away from the big city. There are bad people who do not respect our heritage and therefore the city will be punished more.”

  Patrick thanked them for their hospitality and then took Angela by the arm and led her back outside. Once out of earshot he told her, “These villagers are very firm in their belief that all of nature is a god. To them, the mountains in the Himalayas are holy, and they frown upon the many tourists going up there. They’ve been telling me for a while now that something terrible will happen to punish all bad people. Frankly I don’t believe any of that stuff.”

  Angela searched his eyes, but had to look away when the pain and confusion deep down there brought back all her mixed-up emotions towards him.

  “Let’s get the shots I need while the light is still good.”

  She nodded and followed him, holding his equipment when the need arose, and offering her own suggestions when he asked for them. Watching him work and the way he moved his muscled body sent very inappropriate waves of lust through her body – so much that she had to focus more on keeping from touching him than anything else.

  Several times she was tempted to reach out and touch his strong back or his muscled shoulders, and every time she entered his personal space she could feel the energy radiating from him like a palpable force flowing between them.

  I don’t want a relationship. And certainly not with someone so young. She’d just gotten rid of one nagging man; she didn’t need to replace him right away. Even if he was as gorgeous as Patrick Armstrong and made her yearn for something she’d given up hope for many years ago.

  Chapter 15

  Patrick felt the chemistry between them build while he marveled at how well she blended with the native villagers. They seemed to like her, and even though she didn’t speak their language, she was still able to convey her thoughts and feelings to them.

  But while he wanted to capture her in his arms and have his way with her right there and then, he kept reminding himself that she didn’t want him. Never had. Maybe never would. Friends. You agreed to be friends.

  With her help, he’d been able to finish all of his video shooting shortly after lunch, and the only thing left on his to-do list was to get some still photos of the snow-capped mountain that rose up majestically above the remote village.

  The top of the mountain reached a height of over 23,000 feet, and was perpetually covered in a layer of thick ice and snow. In order to get the shot he envisioned, he needed to get closer. He wanted to capture the landscape in the early morning light; but in order to do that, they would have to hike more than three hours to a place the villagers had suggested and spend the night out in the wilderness.

  He mentioned his plans to Angela, part of him hoping she’d come with him, while the other part believed it would be better not to spend time alone with her.

  Angela acted super excited about the prospect of hiking into the mountains. She rushed over to her backpack and came back with a map, already making plans, mentioning several trails that would take them along the steep eastern ridge of the slope.

  “Whoa! Hey, I’m afraid of heights. Remember? I stick to the normal trails, nothing along steep cliffs.”

  Angela nodded and then remarked, “Oh, yes. Sorry.” While she searched for an alternative route, she looked up at him with a cute frown on her forehead. Before he could get completely lost in her warm, caramel eyes, she asked, “So, why are you even in Nepal then? It’s not like it’s filled with flatlands.”

  Patrick grinned at her and replied, “To meet the sexiest woman in the world.” He’d said the words without thinking and almost regretted them, when she ducked her head.

  “Don’t do that. I’m done with men.”

  Patrick chose to say nothing and instead focused on the map, pointing out the trails that would get them to where they needed to go before dark. “There are no teahouses up there, so we’ll need our tents.”

  “That’s fine. My little pop-up tent will work just fine for me.”

  During their three-hour hike they had to walk one after another for most of the time. Patrick thoroughly enjoyed the vision of Angela’s well-toned body as she walked in front of him. That woman was not only gorgeous, she moved with an ease that spoke of how comfortable she was in her own skin. His hands itched to touch her firm butt and wander from there to any place they wanted. More than once he had force his eyes away from her sinfully sexy body, because his hard-on ached trapped beneath his zipper.

  Every now and then, he paused to stop and take pictures, apologizing to her for the extra delay. “I feel terrible making you wait on me all the time.”

  “No worries. I love the way you pay attention to the details and show me so many beautiful things I’d otherwise miss. It’s a whole different way of traveling, and I like it.”

  She always knows just the right thing to say. Patrick was falling for her each mile they walked. She hadn’t lied; she did enjoy the hike so much that she started to sing, and she was more dancing than walking along the broad path. Goosebumps spread across his body when he listened to her sexy voice humming along and he sped up his steps to get nearer to her. His body heated up another notch – and not just because the temperature had reached the nineties while they walked out in the open with no shadows to help break up the heat of the day.

  He was sweating with his exertions, and lusting after her with his mind. As they walked, his mind took a side trip as he imagined them both stopping to cool off in one of the refreshing subglacial streams running across the landscape. They’d cool down in the icy water just enough, then warm each other up and give in to the desire that was racing through his body.

  But she wants to be friends!

  They reached their destination well before darkness set in, and quickly located a flat place to pitch their tents. They found a space that was fairly flat, and located next to a stream of crystal-clear water that flowed into a small pond. The water would make a great resource for bathing and cooking.

  Their chosen location had just one problem – it was only big enough for one of the tents. An awkward silence emerged, and Patrick was pondering whether they should continue to search for another place when Angela spoke up, “Well, I guess we’ll get to share a tent after all. I mean, we’re both adults and have our own sleeping bags. It shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Patrick grinned at her; maybe fate was on his side after all? “Your tent or mine?”

  She threw him a half-amused, half-indignant glance and said, “Mine’s too small.”

  “Okay. Mine’s easily big enough for two people. Help me set it up?”

  Chapter 16

  Angela nodded, ignoring the voices in her head which told her this was a bad idea, and yet a great one. I’m a grownup. He’s a grownup. We can handle this situation!

  She helped Patrick get the tent set up and anchored to the ground, feeling
his frequent glances in her direction. She’d grown unusually quiet after acknowledging that sharing a tent was their only option, and she could feel his unspoken questions as to why.

  Because she felt uncomfortable. Not extremely so, but nonetheless, she was feeling out of sorts. Her body longed for Patrick, and the longer she spent in his presence, the more she doubted her ability to behave herself.

  While they set up camp, she secretly watched him whenever she believed he didn’t notice notice. That man was hot. Truly hot. He’d been sweating from the walk and his dripping wet t-shirt clung to his body, making each and every one of his rippled muscles visible. She almost started to drool over the sight before her eyes, and had difficulties in tearing her eyes away when he looked her way.

  The tension between them was becoming unbearable, and when his body accidentally touched hers, she felt her own go up in flames. Why the hell should I resist this? Why can’t I be more like Willow and just forget my doubts to have terrific sex with that hunk of a man? Patrick and I would be good together; I just know it.

  But she wasn’t looking for another man right now. She’d broken up with Jasper because she wanted to pursue her dreams. Not so that she could hook up with the next available guy mere hours later. And he’s much too young anyways. And… she could probably think of a million reasons why Patrick was not for her.

  But in fact, the more she thought about it, she couldn’t think of even one good reason why she should stay away from him. Plain and simple, he was the man of her dreams. His body, his mind, his soul. Everything.

  She was so busy with her doubts, she didn’t see Patrick observing her, nor was she prepared when he took her by the shoulders, and spun her around to look into her face. His deep and sensual eyes with the incredibly warm and loving look caught hers, and she got drawn right into them. The steel-blue color mirrored the sky above them, and her body suddenly reached boiling point.

  Without wanting to, she opened her lips slightly and shuddered when he pulled her close and kissed her. His warm lips lingered on hers, making goosebumps trail all the way down to her toes. This was too much to resist. Her mind went blissfully blank and she didn’t want to resist him anymore. After all, she was a free woman and he a free man. Why shouldn’t they have some fun?

  Patrick still held her by the shoulders, exploring every corner of her mouth with his sweet tongue. She feverishly absorbed his earthy-sweet taste mixed with salt. His tongue in her mouth gave her tingling sensations that rushed across her body, heating up each and every cell. The tingling intensified when he used his big hands to caress her back and press her into him. After an eternity, when both were breathless, he let go of her to inhale some much-needed oxygen.

  She opened her mouth to say something. Anything. But Patrick stalled her with a finger on her lips, “Shhhh. I won’t take no as an answer. Not today. You want me just as much as I want you.”

  Angela had to grin, knowing he was right; and even though she still wasn’t completely sure, a part of her was rejoicing.

  “Look, this can’t work for so many reasons.”

  He interrupted her. “Why don’t we try it just until we get back to Kathmandu, and then we can worry if this will work or not? We don’t have to commit to forever just now.”

  She nodded – he was right – but she wasn’t sure she could do that. “I have to tell you something…”


  “No. This is important.” She stared at him and when he nodded, she pulled him over to a grouping of rocks and sat down, leaning against him and loving the feeling of his arm wrapped around her.

  “I need you to know why I broke up with my boyfriend. It’s not that he wasn’t a nice guy, but he just didn’t get me. He hated my traveling and never even read one of my blog posts. I guess I was more afraid of being alone than I was of giving up my dreams. I got so caught up in his lies and demands, I almost let go of my own dreams to marry him.”

  “What changed?” Patrick asked softly.

  Angela started sobbing and couldn’t seem to quit. I met you. “Here, in the mountains, I realized that I would be miserable for the rest of my life if I went back and married him. All we did the last several months was fight, and he always made me feel badly about myself. I finally acknowledged that I don’t need a man to tell me what to do, or how to be happy. I already know that.”

  Patrick pulled her tighter into his arms and soothed her with soft sounds and the gentle pressure of his hands moving over her back. She half expected him to kiss her again, but he didn’t even try, which confused the heck out of her.

  After a few minutes, he pushed her away and took her hands in his own. “You have to live the life you love. It’s your only one. Never, ever, ever, give up on what’s important to you.”

  How should she respond when a man said something so sweet?

  When she didn’t say anything, he put her palms over his beating heart and said, “I would never expect you to give up your dreams for me.“

  She nodded.

  Patrick must have seen the confusion in her eyes, because he stood up and then pulled her up beside him. “I’m going to go rinse off in the pond and then I’ll get some dinner going for us. Take a few moments for yourself.”

  She watched him saunter off and felt emptiness inside her. What now? I just bared my soul to him and he leaves?

  For a moment she was tempted to follow him to the pond and skinny-dip in that cold water with him, but then she realized he wanted to give her some space. His intention was not to pressure her with his presence, and for that she was thankful.

  Angela started unpacking her stuff and setting it in the tent, keeping her hands busy and her mind from overthinking the situation.

  Chapter 17

  Patrick submerged himself in the ice-cold water. It was refreshing after the humid heat, and both his body and his libido needed cooling down. His emotions were still running high from Angela’s story, and he needed the space as much as she did.

  It had cost him everything not to shout out in agony when she’d shared the story about her ex-soon-to-be-husband. So this was the reason she had been so distant at times. He despised that man for making her miserable, for demanding she give up her dreams. But at the same time he was thankful for it, because now she was free – for him.

  While he was relieved that she’d broken up with that man, he was also worried. She was on the rebound and struggling to feel confident in her own choices. He didn’t want to make things worse for her by pushing for a romantic side to their relationship before she was ready, but he didn’t know how much longer he could just be her friend. He wanted her badly. He wanted to live their dreams together. Forever.

  Patrick stayed in the pond for much longer than he’d intended, for the simple reason that he had no idea what to do next. When his teeth were chattering and he was nearing hypothermia, he finally climbed from the pond and pulled his boxer briefs back on. In his hurry to get away from her, he’d forgotten to grab his pack before he went to the pond.

  When he arrived back at the tent, she was on her knees exposing her beautiful backside to him. The cold shivers from seconds ago transformed into white-hot shudders that threatened to sweep him away. He grabbed hold of a tree and called to her in a loud voice, “The water was great. You should go check it out while I cook.”

  She turned around and he could hear how she sucked in a breath when she eyed him. Suddenly he felt very naked and exposed dressed only in his boxer briefs, water drops still running down his body. Now that Angela’s eyes were piercing him, he could feel his erection stirring. Shoot, now was not the time for his manhood to start having its own way.

  He tossed over his shoulder, “Go ahead. Take the plunge while I cook,” and quickly disappeared into the tent.

  His body had been on overdrive since the first moment he’d met her, but now that they’d kissed again, there was no going back to pretending to just be friends. He couldn’t do it. He wanted her, badly. And she wanted him just as bad
ly, he had felt it, even as she tried find reasons why it couldn’t work. To hell with logic! To hell with being only the gap-filler. He didn’t care. If he could have her only for a few days it was better than never to have her at all.

  He stayed in the tent until he heard her footsteps fade away, and then emerged wearing a fresh t-shirt and a pair of shorts. He tried his best not to look toward the little pond where he knew she was bathing, fully naked. Just the idea of her being naked caused his erection to grow again and he chided himself to stop thinking that way of her. He didn’t want to be too obvious.

  When she came back, dressed in a fresh white tank shirt that enhanced her perky breasts and her slim abdomen, and her khaki zip pants without the legs, he couldn’t hold back a low whistle. Fortunately, she didn’t hear him. Or if she had, she didn’t let on.

  “You were right, it was fantastic. I feel like a new person.”

  He grinned at her. “For an old lady you sure look terrific!”

  He saw her blush and then turn away. God, she’s sexy when she blushes. Clearing his throat, he told her, “Dinner is almost ready.”

  She sniffed the air and said, “It smells terrific. I’m starving.”

  Then she dropped to sit cross-legged on the grass and took the plate he offered her. Dinner wasn’t anything fancy, just prepackaged noodles and sauce, but after their hike, everything tasted good.

  After dinner, she gave him a teasing smile and disappeared into the tent with the words, “Dessert is on me.”

  Patrick appreciated her wonderful backside when she crawled into the tent, and wouldn’t mind one bit having her for dessert. When she re-emerged moments later, she carried two chocolate-covered granola bars in her hands and offered him one.

  “Do you always carry chocolate with you?”

  “Always. I can’t exist without. Especially when I’m nervous.”

  “Am I making you nervous?”


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