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Page 6

by Florella Grant

  The flip phone vibrated on the counter. Cassandra threw him a concerned look as he leaped forward to answer it. "Yeah," he said.

  "You need to leave now," the boss informed him. "Their plane just landed." He huffed, sounding annoyed like someone didn't report to him fast enough. "If that's not bad enough, FBI agents down in Mexico didn't find you on that plane and they now assume you're still in the area."

  "Holy shit," Anthony shouted. He turned his back to Cassandra and looked out the glass door as he spoke. "Where should we go?"

  "There's an abandoned warehouse," the boss told him and gave him the address and directions. "I think we might need to revert to Plan B. This will all be over soon, and I have men working on the arrangements now."

  Anthony knew what Plan B was, but knew it was best not to mention it to Cassandra. She wouldn't understand and now that she tugged on his heartstrings, he wasn't sure he wanted to continue with the plan. He didn't have a choice but to agree. "On it," he choked on the words. "I'll alert you when we get there." Anthony flipped the phone closed and shoved it in his pockets.

  "What's happening," she questioned.

  "We don't have much time. Grab something to throw this food into, gather as many things as you can in five minutes; food, toiletries, blankets."

  Cassandra dropped to her knees and fumbled through plastic ware in the cupboard. "Are we going back to the basement?"

  Anthony ran into the garage to grab her phone and came back seconds later. "No, although I'm not sure of the new place's condition so we'll take as many things as we can, but we have to hurry."

  While she went off to gather belongings, Anthony turned her cell phone on and checked her GPS. Everything checked out. He left the phone on and shoved it underneath the couch. Cassandra walked by with two garbage bags full of necessities. "What are you doing?"

  "They'll be here soon," he informed her. He could see the bewilderment look on her face and continued. "Don't ask me how I know, instincts I guess. But, when they track your cell phone, they'll think you're here and will waste time searching the property. It'll give us a little time to get away."

  Anthony grabbed the bags with one hand, and her with the other. They raced out to the garage and Cassandra opened the car door. "No wait," he suggested. "I don't think anyone will look for this car," he said pointing to the BMW. He threw the bags in the trunk while Cassandra ran back inside the house for the keys. When she returned, they jumped in and backed out of the garage. A remote control inside the Beamer shut the door after them.

  He drove down the secluded road and within minutes, heard tires crunching on the gravel. "Son of a bitch," he screamed and pointed to headlights in the distance. "There they are."

  Cassandra cried. Anthony made a wide turn down a service road and did a U-turn to face the main road. He turned the lights off the car, but kept it idling, waiting for their escape. Sure enough, a large black van sped past headed toward the lake house. "Who are they," she breathed, as if they could hear her.

  "I don't know," Anthony answered, "but I don't plan on finding out." As soon as he knew the coast was clear, he put the car in drive and took off. He prayed the detour he set up would work for a little while.

  "I let myself forget," Cassandra bawled. "Being at the lake house was like being on vacation. But, they're back and trying to kill me."

  "Not gonna happen," Anthony said and meant it. They arrived at an abandoned warehouse. She glanced around as he pulled into a back alleyway. Anthony could see the disappointment in her face as if she thought Plan B would be nicer than the basement. He frowned when he thought about it. The boss discussed Plan B with him while he was still in prison. It wasn't anything luxurious, quite the opposite, and he knew the outcome would put a damper on their newfound relationship.

  They each grabbed a bag, along with the pillows and blankets, and snuck into the building. Anthony flipped a switch but there wasn't any electricity. She stood close to him. Anthony found an office with a large broken window. It would provide a little light, just like the night before. He tried to smile, knowing they could get through this.

  Cassandra shrugged. Living on the run had become her new way of life and she grew used to it. "Not as dirty as before," she said sarcastically as she ran her finger along the abandoned furniture.

  Anthony admired her cooperation. She didn't fight or try to get away from him. She got it now, he thought to himself. He pulled her close and kissed her. "I'm hungry," he said as their mouths separated.

  She laid blankets on the floor, then opened the fish container. The stench burned their noses, but they ate it anyway. It hadn't been more than a few hours since he cooked it. Anthony reached into the bag for a can of soda for them to share. He didn't know how long they'd be there and he wanted to make sure their supplies lasted.

  After swallowing some food, he reached into his pocket for the flip phone and texted the boss. "We're safe in the warehouse."

  "Alright. I'll be in touch."

  Chapter 15

  Once again, fear consumed Cassandra's mind. The bad guys were hot on their heels and she knew it. She pushed her food around the paper plate and choked on her emotions. Anthony reached over and held her hand. Cassandra knew if it weren't for him, she'd go crazy. More than ever, she craved her medication, but understood why she couldn't have it. That girl was gone, somehow, she changed, and it scared her shitless.

  "Now what?" she asked in hopes of answers. He knew much more than she did, and yet she knew someone out there knew more than he did. It confused her.

  "We wait," he answered.

  Anthony laid on the blankets. Cassandra crawled toward him and nestled herself into his arms. She closed her eyes and could still smell the lake all over their skin. She remembered jumping back into the water, naked, after their sex ended. A smile stretched across her face.

  He turned and faced her. His fingers traced her nose and trailed down her jawline. Anthony brushed the hair out of her eyes before he leaned over and kissed her. Heat filled Cassandra. There was no way she could lose her virginity and die in the same day, she thought. She now lived a nightmare, everything scared her, except him.

  "You look pretty comfortable for a kidnapped girl," he joked.

  He pulled her closer to him and she laughed. "If it makes you feel better," she suggested, "you can always tie me up." Cassandra giggled, but then stopped. She wondered how she could flirt when her life was on the line.

  Anthony pushed her away and stood up. "You want it rough, huh?" He sounded harsh, but his grin gave him away.

  "No. But, I am getting a little too comfy for a hostage."

  "You're not a hostage, girl," his eyes sparkled in the moonlight as he spoke. "You're my slave. My sex-slave."

  Cassandra blushed and batted her lashes. Excitement rushed through her bones at the thought. She licked her lips then blew him a kiss. Anthony rummaged through the abandoned office. His laughter echoed through the room, and she wondered what he found.

  He stood in front of her and pulled her to her feet. "What are you doing?"

  Anthony held Cassandra's face and kissed her. His lips pressed hard into hers. His tongue jammed down her throat, almost choking her. She coughed, and he smiled. "Take your clothes off," Anthony demanded.

  She sensed the authority in his voice but knew she wouldn't obey if he truly tortured her. "No," she said as she planted her feet on the floor and crossed her arms.

  "What was that? Listen bitch," he couldn't control his laughter. "I said take your clothes off."

  Cassandra stood still. He reached for the gun hoisted in his jeans and her clothes quickly fell off. He pulled her into him and unfastened her bra. His warm fingers gave her goosebumps. Cassandra slid her fingers between her flesh and the trim of her panties. Anthony's breath burned on her neck and the panties dropped. Cassandra stood naked, just like he requested.

  Anthony pulled something out of his pocket. She couldn't see in the darkness, but a cloth of some sort covered her eyes. Her nipples
stood erect. He took her hands and pulled them behind her. Anthony tied her wrists together, and the rope itched her already raw skin.

  He licked her lips and she responded by opening her mouth. Cassandra felt his thumb move up her chin and into her mouth. It was salty, but she sucked it. Anthony pushed her to her knees. His clothing brushed against her as they fell to the floor.

  His hand reached behind her head and held it in place. Anthony's dick rubbed against Cassandra's lips, and just like his thumb, she accepted it. He tilted her head back, "Open up as wide as you can," he instructed her.

  She'd never done that before. As scary as it was, it thrilled her at the same time. Moisture built up between her legs as he thrust himself down her throat. Cassandra coughed for real. She tried to speak but couldn't.

  His hands cuffed her face and his stomach pressed against her nose. Tears dripped down onto his hands, and drool spilled out of her mouth. Cassandra choked on his erection, her breasts were so hard they hurt.

  Anthony released her, and she took a deep breath. He yanked her elbows and forced her to stand and walk with him. He lowered Cassandra's torso onto the desk. "Spread your legs for me," he said.

  Anthony adjusted her defenseless body. His finger slipped inside her folds, pulling her juices out. "Mmm," she moaned. He continued, in and out as she burned with desire. He didn't warn or tease her, but Anthony thrusted his large cock deep and fast. "Ouch," she cried out.

  "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I forgot you're not used to this." He didn't let up, just inched further and further. Cassandra took another deep breath as the pain eased.

  Anthony reached around and aroused her button. The room spun, and she felt lightheaded. Something amazing happened, her first orgasm. She felt his hand on her back. "Oh my God," she whimpered.

  He wasn't finished yet. Anthony released himself from her and whipped off her blindfold. He spun her around and sat her on the desk. Her ass neared the edge. Cassandra feared falling off, but his strong arms held onto her.

  Anthony dipped in again, slowly at first, then building speed. Her breast heaved in excitement. Cassandra leaned against her fists. He pulled her waist into him and his explosion caused her body to shake.

  Cassandra shivered as Anthony carried her over to the blanket and laid her down. She assumed it was over, but he remained between her shaky legs. After violently kissing her, Anthony lowered himself.

  He kissed her inner thighs and scooted his hands beneath her, lifting her ass off the floor. He raised her vagina to his mouth. Anthony's tongue caressed every inch of her. She arched her back and felt herself come again.

  They rested for a moment, but Anthony still hovered over her. Their breathing was the only sound in the room. Anthony adjusted himself and teased her with the head of his dick. "Please," she begged.

  He pushed into Cassandra once again. Her legs wrapped around his back. They rocked back and forth for what seemed like an eternity until they both exploded. Anthony collapsed beside her. Cassandra tried to speak but the weight of the day, and the euphoria of their sex, caused her eyes to close. Sleep found them both.

  Chapter 16

  Anthony woke before Cassandra. Her naked body cuddled against his as he watched her chest rise and fall while she breathed. She looked fragile, which reminded him he had a job to do. Both their lives depended on him protecting her, and he set out to do that. Anthony slipped his arm out from under her and gently lowered Cassandra back onto the blankets.

  He'd been as quiet as he could while dressing, but the sound of his zipper woke her. "Where are you going?" Cassandra sat up and rubbed her eyes.

  Anthony slipped into his sneakers and hoisted the gun in his jeans. "I need to check out the property." He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. Cassandra trembled which caused him to harden, his anger not guided at her but toward those who wanted to hurt her. He turned to leave but knew he wouldn't have to lock her inside this time. Cassandra understood, which made his job a little easier. "Don't open this for anyone." She nodded, and he continued to walk outside.

  Factories neighbored the warehouse. Anthony thought there would be more of a hustle in the morning, but it appeared none of them were operational. He saw nothing unusual and checked out the inside of the warehouse. As Anthony peered down hallways and searched other offices, the flip phone vibrated.

  "Yeah," he answered, already knowing who the caller was.

  The boss snapped. "You're surrounded. Get her out of there, now!"

  "What?" Anthony replied. Sweat beads formed on his forehead as his heart pounded in his chest. "How did this happen?" The coast was clear just moments before, he thought.

  "You! You, dumb shit," the boss screamed. Anthony heard traffic in the background and knew if the boss was driving, then crap was getting real. "What the fuck were you thinking? You took the BMW?"

  Anthony swallowed with guilt. "I wanted them to think she was on the property. Figured, with the old car there, they'd…" he stopped in mid-sentence. Holy fuck, he thought to himself, it was his fault. "There's a tracker installed, isn't there?" He ran his fingers through his hair as he recalled looking for flashing lights upon their arrival to the lake house. He didn't go through the interior of the car and wondered if the device hid in the glove box.

  "Yes. And now he's there."

  "He?" Anthony questioned the boss but knew who he spoke of.

  The boss screamed as Anthony ran through the warehouse. He knew he fucked up. "Yes, he wants to make sure the job gets done this time. Our only hope is there are more exits than there are men. Find one they're not watching and send her here. Now!"

  "I'm on it," he responded to the demand. He was about to flip the phone shut, but the sound of his boss saying something else, stopped him.

  "He assumes you're the one responsible for hiding Cassandra. The Feds are on their way too. He will pin this murder on you. He's prepared to say you escaped to finish what you left behind all those years ago."

  Anthony backed into a wall and brought his fist down as hard as he could. "There will be no murder," he shouted into the phone and flipped it shut. In the distance, he heard a feminine scream. Anthony took off again and prayed he could get to her in time.

  Chapter 17

  Cassandra straightened out the blankets and pillows. They were hiding in an awful place, but she grew used to it. The sun shined through the window and onto the desk. Her nipples stood erect thinking of what he did to her on it. The room wasn't as bad as the basement hideout, and she didn't mind being there with him if she remained his sex-slave.

  Her back was toward the door when she heard it open. Tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and she didn't understand why. She heard footsteps headed her way and assumed the perimeter checked out. "I hear you baby," she whispered seductively.

  "Where is the son-of-a-bitch?"

  Cassandra's father stood before her. All fears of dying faded, thinking he would send her off to a safe place and have his security team watch over her. "Daddy, thank God you're here." She realized he would assume Anthony was out to hurt her and needed to explain before anything happened. "This isn't what it looks like."

  He didn't embrace her and the hairs on her neck rose again. Cassandra's instincts told her something was wrong as he stepped closer to her. The cold nose of a gun pressed into the side of her head.

  "Daddy?" She bawled. "What are you doing?"

  "I always hated when you called me that." He growled.

  Do you realize what you've done? Anthony's words echoed in her head. Everything made sense, Anthony's anger when she attempted to call her father, not once but twice. She wondered why Anthony never told her who the real killer was, not that she would have believed him.

  Cassandra couldn't breathe. Her father couldn't have killed her mother, her memory recalled he was out of town on business that night. She squeezed her eyes shut, expecting to die at any moment, but he hadn't pulled the trigger. Yet.

  "I should have done this long ago. If you didn't escape
, you would have died the same night as your mother. She was nothing but a whore." William Frame watched her pop her eyes open and then he followed them down to the makeshift bed on the floor. "Looks like the apple didn't fall too far from the tree." He paused and shuffled his feet to get a better stance. "You're not my daughter, Cassandra. She tried to hide that from me, but I found out."

  Cassandra needed to be braver than she'd ever had. Even when Anthony portrayed himself as an abductor, she always sensed the good in him. Her father didn't give her the same impression. He raised her, she thought. Even if what he said was true, he must have loved her. "You killed Mama?"

  "Shut up," his voice growled harsher than Anthony's ever did. "I didn't do it myself and you got away. I can't have the same mistake happen again."

  "Why?" she cried, trying to buy herself time. "That was fifteen years ago. Why do you want me dead now?"

  Cassandra dared to look in his direction. She wanted to believe he would not hurt her. "Now?" he mocked. "I planned this for years. I've always wanted you dead. When you got away that fateful night, I had to act like I cared. Oh, my poor baby girl," he taunted. "Thank God she's safe."

  Cassandra shook her head in disbelief. Her mouth opened to speak, but no sounds came out.

  "If anyone killed you shortly after, it would have set off red flags. I have a business and reputation to withhold. So, I sent you away, as often as I could. Now, you've inherited your grandmother's millions." Cassandra's eyes widened. The inheritance wasn't a surprise, knowing he wanted the money more than her, was. "Now it's time for you to die."

  The gun pressed further into her skull and she closed her eyes. Instead of hearing the trigger, Cassandra heard a loud thug and heard the gun hit the floor. Cassandra opened her eyes and found Anthony standing over her father's body. "Is he dead?" she cried hysterically as she noticed the bloody brick in Anthony's hand.


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