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Baby Blue_A Father's Day Secret Baby Romance

Page 14

by Juliana Conners

  Between breaths, I muster an explanation. “You make my legs shake. You make me go crazy.”

  An uproariously laugh rips through from the laptop. “Did you just sing Butterfly?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Butterfly by Crazy Town. Come my lady, come come my lady. Be my butterfly, sugar baby. Come my lady, come my pretty lady, I’ll make your legs shake, you make me go crazy.”

  I froze after realizing I accidentally quoted one of the worst songs the early 2000’s had to offer. And then I burst into laughter. “Ugh, then than horrible distorted guitar would come in. I can’t believe that song existed. Or that you just sang it!”

  “You’re the one who brought it up,” he says, still laughing hard.

  We continue joking about the horrible songs that came from our youth while we clean ourselves up. I have to admit, the best part of having sex over Skype is not having to clean up so much afterwards.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  The day is finally here that I get to see the love of my life graduate. In just a matter of moments, the Chief is going to call her name.

  It’s a big day for more than one reason.

  The Chief keeps looking over to me as if it’s time for me to run up onstage with Kayla, but I truly don’t know why. He’s either fucking with me or as nervous as I am about this whole situation. Which makes sense. It’s nerve wracking and he’s the only person who helped me arrange all of this, so seeing him constantly shoot me a worried look only serves to increase my anxiety.

  The last cadet to come up on stage had the surname “Solomon.” It’s almost Kayla’s turn. She’s the fourth person in the continually depleting line. The second she takes the diploma from a veteran police officer’s hand and goes to shakes the Chief’s, I have to make as much noise as humanly possible. For all of those who aren’t here. Like Ford. Like my Ma.

  I still can’t believe how my own mother froze me out. Well, not completely. She responded to all my texts after that one threat I had no intention of ever making good on anyway. But we still haven’t really spoken. After talking with her every damn week since… well, forever. I know Ma, though. She does everything in her own damn time. I just wish she were here today.

  Once I see Kayla take the rolled up certificate from the officer’s hand, I hoot and holler like a drunk on spring break. Kayla’s already headed back to the line with the other uniformed graduates but she turns her head back towards me, beaming so bright. These are good days.

  We’re nearing the end of the proceedings. I see the line of graduates-to-be dwindling. My heart starts to race. I barely hear the Chief’s deep drawl say into the microphone, “Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in congratulating our new officers!”

  I should start making my way down the aisle.

  I wait until the hats are thrown. I see the Chief eye me. After a good long break for celebrating their accomplishment, he leans down to the podium.

  Into the microphone he says, “And now we have a special announcement. Would Officer Kayla Thomas please return to the stage?”

  In the corner of my eye, I see her rise and walk back to the stage. Over on my side of the auditorium, I whiz down the aisle, turning the heads of every graduation attendee I run past.

  Kayla has just taken up her spot, standing next to the Chief, looking happy but unsure. She spots me right as I run out of aisle to sprint through, and jump up onto the stage in an unintended superhero pose beside her.

  “Zach, what are you doing? Get off the stage, or at least stand up,” she begs me.

  “I can’t,” I admit. “I have to remain on one knee to do this properly.”

  From my breast pocket, I remove a small, black, velvet box. I present it to her, and by nudging my head, wordlessly suggest that she open it. When she does, a quick gasp escapes from her body.

  “Are you serious? Right here? Right now?”

  “Kayla Thomas, will you marry me?”

  Save for a few cheers from some bored attendees, the world around us grows quiet. Everyone who is sitting down is hanging from the edge of their seats. The Chief looks almost as worried as I feel inside, but I try to maintain my calm appearance. I look deep into Kayla’s eyes and experience a flash of our shared experiences.

  The time we spent as new siblings, the years we were out of each other’s lives, our short but intense relationship, everything that led up to this moment. In Kayla’s eyes, I see my answer. I just need to hear her say the words.

  “Of course I’ll marry you, Zach.”

  The room erupts with applause. I grab Kayla by the hips and spin her around triumphantly. As we spin, I notice a bunch of flashing coming from people’s smartphones. I didn’t even think to have someone recording but thankfully, I’m covered by society in the advanced technological age we live in. This successful engagement is being recorded by strangers in every angle possible.

  Our spinning is punctuated by a short, tasteful kiss, as I lower her back down onto the stage to shake hands with Chief Douglas and allow the rest of the ceremony to continue.

  Both of us walk off-stage, locking arms with one another.

  “You are certainly know how to surprise a lady, you know that? How long had you been planning that?” she asks.

  “I’ve been planning to marry you from the moment I laid eyes on you,” I tell her. “But The Chief and I arranged this a couple of weeks ago. I figured it’d make a special moment that much more memorable. Was it okay?”

  She rests her head on my shoulder. “Of course it was okay. That was the most romantic thing anybody has ever done for me. You’re always doing the nicest things, and I… I’m so happy to be engaged to somebody so caring.”

  I was hoping that Kayla and I would able to sneak out from the ceremony but many cadets and old co-workers I can actually allow myself to like now rush over to wish us well. While fielding the many questions, quips and jokes, Kayla lovingly plays with my fingers and admires the engagement ring.

  “It’s so beautiful and… exactly what I’ve always wanted from an engagement ring. It’s not too big, but the diamond is gorgeous. It’s like you crept inside my brain and took the ring right out of my mind’s eye. You’re perfect,” she exclaims, never taking her eye off of her new jewelry.

  “Nothing is too good for my girl.”

  Finally, the crowds begin to thin. The ceremony finishes without a hitch and thankfully, our engagement wasn’t upstaged. It was a minor worry of mine. The room disperses quickly, leaving Kayla and I behind, in an odd experience. We wanted to leave first, and end up being pushed to the back of the crowd. I feel a hand land on my shoulder turn me around.

  “Congratulations to you two love birds!” Chief Douglas roars. “I’m glad everything went well, but I do have some… I’ll call it news. Two police officers being married to each other, it’s an unusual situation. Not unheard of, it’s happened here and there, but it’s the first time I’m having to deal with it, as a Chief.”

  My encounters with Chief Douglas always seem to be riddled with unnecessary suspense. He has a habit of making bad news sound like good news and vice versa. That said, he also has a habit of being annoyingly dramatic. So waiting to hear the “news” he has for us has me clenching every muscle in my body.

  “Consider this my wedding present,” he announces, alleviating all of my worries. “Being the puppet master that I am, I will do you two the favor of pulling some more strings to make sure you,” he says pointing at Kayla, “end up at the same precinct as your future husband here.”

  Kayla squeals with happiness and gives Chief Douglas a hug so powerful that it puts his to shame. She nearly lifts the large man off his feet, thanking him over and over.

  “It’s no problem. Zach has been telling me how hard it has been not being able to see each other so often. The least I could do as Chief and friend is make sure that you two are happy and seeing each other as much as you need.”

  I pat Chief on his back. “You�
��re the best. Thank you for everything.”

  Kayla also thanks him and we start making our way towards my car.

  The Chief clears his throat. “Ahem. Zach. Kayla. I’d like to present, if I may—well, there’s someone else who’d like to congratulate you two.” He swivels his body to stand aside, revealing behind him the small yet fierce figure of my dear Ma.

  Her face is rapt with joy. Her eyes are beaming, tears in the corners, as she looks back and forth between Kayla and I. I’m frozen, smiling, eyes just starting to swim a tad when Kayla launches her whole body at Ma in a giant embrace. I’ve never seen a person go from zero to sixty that fast with full-on body-shaking bawling. The two of them are locked together, crying with each other, rocking from side to side.

  Ma raises a hand from Kayla’s back, making an opening for me to get in on the group hug. Kayla breaks off and I reach in to hug my mother so tight, I lift her off the ground.

  Kayla’s still streaming tears. She says to Ma, “I’m so sorry. I know you’re disappointed, Francine—” But she is cut off.

  “No, no, no, no, no, honey. Disappointed is what I was seeing Zach’s tenth grade report card. I needed time, yes. But make no mistake, darlin’, I’m overjoyed.”

  Ma’s voice chokes with emotion. But no emotion could dampen that wit. She lays two hands on Kayla’s cheeks and looks at her square.

  “Kayla, honey, I know we’ve always gotten on great, but I was frankly worried that I’d lose track of you. Now I know we’ll always be in each other’s lives. And I can’t think of a better comeuppance for my uppity son, right now.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “So,” Zach sighs. “In a matter of months, you’re going to be a new person in three ways. You’ll be a police officer, a wife, and a mother. That’s pretty wild, isn’t it?”

  It is wild.

  Life has been a roller coaster up until this point. Most people my age would say something along those lines if they were asked about their lives. But if I think about what’s coming next, I realize that the roller coaster is barely about to reach its initial drop. I’ve never been a mother. I’ve never been someone’s wife. Being a uniformed police officer is the only thing I have any sort of preparation in.

  “You’re right, Zach. I’m scared. But… I’m also ready to take on any challenge. I’ve come a long way since you told me I wasn’t responsible enough to get into a police academy.”

  He interrupts my train of thought. “You are going to let me live that down one day, right?”

  “One day, yes. Just not any day soon. Now, as I was saying, I do think… I’m different now. I’m not just talking out of my ass, I do think I can take anything on now. I’ve already thought about how I’ll go about the next few months of my life. I’ll work on the force until my maternity leave and take some time off until our little baby is old enough to go to daycare. Then I’ll go right back to making my dad proud.”

  As much as I claim that I became a police officer to make my father proud, I’m starting to lean towards the idea that I really did it to make something of myself. I didn’t have very many prospects in my life, social or career-related. My father always had tons of friends and was proud of the life he spent working as a protector. So I can see, now, that my desire to become a police officer was more about wanting to be like him, as opposed to wanting to make him proud posthumously.

  “Ford would be so proud of you,” Zach says, dropping my father’s name nonchalantly.

  Ford. Dad. The man I owe my life to.

  I look up at Zach for reassurance. “You really think so?”

  “Of course. I’m proud of you. Ma’s proud of you. I’m sure wherever he is, he’s crying tears of joy, proud to have a daughter doing so much with her life in such a short amount of time. Kayla, it’s been half a year, and you’ve got a really rewarding career, a baby on the way, a new home, new husband. That’s insane. Your dad would have thought the same. He’s proud of you,” he assures me. “He’s proud.”

  “You know, I wouldn’t be here without you. And I mean that in more ways that one”, I joke, holding my slightly extended belly. I look to Zach to see if I got a reaction out of him and see him trying to hold back some laughter. “Really though, honey. I’m going to be the wife of a wonderful husband, father, and soon-to-be detective. I don’t have a single doubt about that.”

  Zach grabs a hold of my hand and helps me into his car. We drive to his apartment to take an early break from the busy and significant day we’ve had together.

  Everything seems different now.

  The way Zach moves and interacts with me is much less sexually charged and more lovingly. It seems as though he’s floating on air. When we arrive at our destination, he effortlessly whisks me up from the passenger’s seat.

  With my body finally feeling pregnant, walking up all of the stairs it takes to get to Zach’s apartment seems like a tiring task, but the stairs seems to disappear around us, leaving us to float up to the third floor. Zach leads me up through the air to the third floor where he delicately helps me stay flat on my feet.

  I follow him to his bedroom where he sits me down on the giant bed I’ve missed so much. Without even asking him to, he takes my shoes off and starts massaging my sore feet.

  “I hope you’re ready for daily foot rubs, darlin’, ” he comments as he kisses my knee.

  “I can definitely get used to this.”

  His fingers dig deep into my body, and start to crawl up past my feet, up my uniformed pants leg. I feel Zach’s hands move up to my zipper, unbuttoning the pants and pulling them off easily. Now those hands are on my knees and his lips softly landing in my inner thighs.

  My mouth stretches to a delighted smile and opens to give my dear Zach some directions. “Help me get totally naked.”

  Zach gets up from his knees and undresses me carefully. He runs his hands down each part of my body that he disrobes, leaving soft kisses as he desires. Once I’m fully stripped, I move up on the bed and turn on my left side.

  “Come spoon me.”

  Before joining me in bed, Zach gets naked and takes out some lubricant from his bedside table.

  “Is this okay,” he asks.

  I nod gleefully, turned on by his enthusiasm and eagerness to enter me. I raise my right leg and gently play with myself while Zach strokes his cock with a good amount of lubricant. He uses the remaining lube to open my pussy and slide two fingers in. It’s heaven.

  It’s been weeks since Zach has been inside me. Maybe it’s his new title as my fiancé that revs my motors up, but with just two fingers, Zach is able to turn me on enough to deem the lube useless. My body is ready for him. It’s been ready for him for months.

  He enters me slowly and pulls me closer with his hands on my hips. Having gone this long without his cock inside me, the initial penetration was painful even with all of the lube that was used. I ask him to go as deep as he possibly can and stay there motionless, in an attempt to get used to the girth of his cock once again.

  “Let me know if you need me to stop,” he offers.

  “Just be gentle with me. There’s a baby on board,” I joke.

  I hear him chuckle and then take a deep sniff of the back of my neck. As he does this, he pushes his cock so deep into me that I feel his balls pressing tightly against my pussy. He makes blood flow to his cock, making it engorge and stretch the walls of vagina.

  I feel complete with his penis buried in me. The intensity I feel emanating from his crotch makes my heart beat so quickly and so hard that I notice it being forceful enough to make my tits bounce ever so slightly with each beat of my heart.

  “You can fuck me, you know. I’m only in my first trimester.”

  With pleasure, Zach starts sliding his cock out of me and shoving it back in. My pussy gripped him in such a heavenly way, almost conforming perfectly to his veiny shaft. I ask him to fuck me harder and he enthusiastically obliges. I feel a shiver shoot up my spine, making my hole tighten aro
und him even more. Zach grabs a handful of my hair and starts to fuck me at his usual savage pace. With his free hand, I feel Zach grab a hold of my tits.

  “Damn. How is it possible these became even more amazing?”

  I hadn’t thought about it much, but it is typical for breasts to grow during pregnancy. They certainly look bigger in Zach’s hands now than they did before. His grasp on my tit grows tighter, as he fucks me as if he’d never get another chance to.

  His hands move from my chest down to my stomach. I look down and, for a moment, feel a sense of wonder. My pregnant belly is just now showing; the skin beginning to stretch and grow tight, just slightly reaching out past the confines of my body. But this wave of distraction wears off quickly. The impact of Zach’s hips repeatedly slamming against mine shakes me from my trance.


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