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New Earth One

Page 11

by Lance Powers

  She looked breathless, but said nothing as he pulled away. He was thankful for that and nodded his head sharply before bolting out of the chamber and then the cave. He could tell that she had not been expecting that from him, but she didn’t show any sign of resentment either. Was it possible that she was interested in him after all? Maybe once all of this was over, he would consider talking it over with her. Though he thought his actions would have spoken louder than anything he had to say thereafter. Damn it all. The war that he so sorely wanted to be a part of had come when he would have preferred it the least.


  It was dark outside; by the time he rocketed into the citadel. He did this alone. No ship this time to drop him in over the President’s mansion. Security was super tight all around, and any aircraft not of Earth Gov colors would be instantly shot down. His exo suit, in its enhanced stealth mode, was a different matter. They couldn’t stop what they couldn’t see, or detect on any kind of scanner.

  Doors slid open for him at every level, and he was inside the President’s home once again. He ignored the wing where he detected Cecilia Roberson was. Jillian Orkney would have loved to have the young blonde delivered to her in restraints. But he had other more important things to get done. Getting Roberson’s agenda being the most important one.

  The President was in his private room this time, as the exo suit’s scanner told him. The secure door slid open for him and he stepped inside, invisible to the eye, human and electronic without discrimination. Roberson looked over his shoulder, probably alerted by the door opening and closing. Immediately he keyed in a few commands into his console. He was scanning the room with everything at his disposal, Garth had no doubt. He decided to put the man out of his frenzied misery.

  “Hello, Mister President.” He said, deactivating his cloaking device, only for human detection. “You wanted to see me.”

  “Colonel Evans!” Roberson hid his fear well. The President was, after all, the most intelligent man on New Earth One according to the record books. “How good of you to come.”

  “I never tend to disappoint.” He replied, nodding at the monitors. “Call for all the security you can, Roberson… no one gets in here. I’ve overridden all the controls outside this room.”

  “Yes, so you have.” Roberson gave him a wide grin, “But I’m not going to have anyone else come here. You will surrender to me on your own free will.”

  “Is that why you wanted me here?” Garth stifled the urge to laugh.

  “Well, sort of.” The President shrugged his wide shoulders. “And since my precious Lia came home all by herself, more so the reason for you to surrender, Colonel.”

  “Your delusions of grandeur are staggering.” He shook his head and then pointed out. “You seem to have a call incoming.”

  “What?” Roberson jerked and turned around to look at his console. “That’s way off the schedule.”

  “It’s from your alien pals, Roberson.” Garth clenched his teeth and waved his hand. “I don’t think they have any regard for your schedules and timetables.”

  “What?” The President spun around to face him again with wide eyed astonishment. “How can you know who… unless you’ve been in here before?”

  “Bingo, Mister President.” He replied, cold as steel. “And you’d better take that call… don’t worry, they won’t see or detect me.”

  “Remind me to ask about that tech you’ve developed there, after I see to this call.” Roberson nodded and answered the incoming call.

  “Impertinent human.”The creature Garth had seen the last time he was there filled the little screen. “You have kept me waiting.”

  “Begging you pardon, my lord Muregure.” Roberson bowed low to the screen, much to Garth’s amusement. “I was bodily indisposed for a while. It will not happen again.”

  “You are correct, Rob-Er-Son.” The alien rasped. “That must not happen again.”

  “Yes, your eminence.” Roberson rolled his eyes at Garth.

  “What happens there now?” Muregure demanded. “We have lost partial control of the command module.”

  “A minor technical set back, my lord.” Roberson nodded his head like an obedient schoolboy. “We are working to fix it now as we speak.”

  “An untruth you have uttered, human.” The caller’s voice grew harder. “We detect that control of the command module decreases here and increases there. We are being compromised.”

  “Not at all, your maj…” Roberson had a look of abject fear on his perspiring face.

  “Silence, human.” Muregure growled, leaning in and revealing two pairs of reddish glowing eyes on his dark sloping forehead. “You are in betrayal of our trust. We should never have agreed with your impractical plans.”

  “Muregure, I assure you…” The President was almost on his knees.

  “Naught to assure there is, Rob-Er-Son.” The alien overlord refused to listen to his feeble excuses anymore. “Except the complete annihilation of all humans on this planet.”

  “Eventually, yes… but as you can see, lord Muregu…”

  “Not eventually, human. Immediately. We have dispatched elite death squads. Prepare for your destruction, Rob-Er-Son. We Lunduron take no prisoner.” The image faded and then the screen went blank.

  “Is he bluffing?” Roberson looked like he just stepped off a harrowing roller-coaster ride.

  “Sure didn’t sound like it, Roberson.” Garth spat. “But you know your friends better.”

  “I so freaking do, Colonel.” The President tried to fake his usual confidence unsuccessfully. “That means we have six hours before they hit us.”

  “You brought this on us. How’re you going to get us out of this?”

  “I’m not… but you are, Colonel Evans.” The man gave him an irritatingly sheepish grin.

  “What the fu…” He was almost tempted to draw his handgun and incinerate the imbecile.

  “You’re the best man we have to lead us into war, Colonel.” Roberson quickly put on his snakeoil-salesman act. “You have heart, a cool calculative head, years of disciplined training and the respect of the armed forces.”

  “Respect?” Garth laughed out loud, a dry rasping laugh. “Not any more, thanks to you.”

  “You leave that to me, Colonel.” Roberson went on, waving his hands with enthusiasm. “I’m naming you temporary chief-of-staff with full autonomy on all defense and offense resources and personnel.”

  “Why not Admiral Merle Olson?” Garth leaned back against the wall. “Or General Lexington Ballwin.”

  “Those men are over the hill and with no actual battle experience since the beginning of this century. You’re the man, Evans. Don’t do it for me, do it for New Earth One… do it for the people of this planet.”

  “How am I going to get the troops to follow me… a fugitive of Earth Gov?”

  “That’s easy shit, Colonel.” Roberson rubbed his hands almost gleefully. “You were under Presidential orders to go under cover and root out the rebel leaders. And you did your job so perfectly that we could hit those bastards harder than we anticipated. You’re going to be the hero again, my man. Everyone in the damn navy and army will want to follow your command.”

  “You might be right there, Roberson.” He looked pensive. “But remember, if this is another scam you’re…”

  “It’s not, Colonel.” The President held up his hands in reverence. “I’m not going to fuck around anymore… everything is at stake here. The whole freaking planet… my life… my daughter’s life.”

  “Speaking of which, Cecilia murdered Orkney…” He said with iron in his tone. “…she’ll have to stand trial.”

  Roberson laughed, easing the tension lines on his sweaty face. “It’s war, Colonel. You of all people should know that. My Lia killed her captor, an adversary in a war, and that happened to be the leader of the enemy. She’s as much a hero of Earth Gov as you are.”

  “Fair enough.” He nodded, knowing that Roberson spoke truly for once. “And I want
Doctor Regina Scott exonerated on all charges of treason.”

  “Yes, yes… of course.” Roberson ran his large hand through his thinning hair. “She’s been on the same undercover mission as you have and will receive as much commendation as you will, Colonel.”

  “How much time do we have left?” He exhaled and looked around the room.

  “Um, five hours and forty minutes.” The President checked the system timer.

  “I’m going back to PDZ-18, to convince the remaining rebels to join us and fight the aliens… though I seriously doubt any of them will.”

  “Tell them, those who do will receive a full Presidential pardon and reinstatement, plus rewards.”

  “I doubt any of them will buy that either. I barely do.” He shook his head, frowning. “And if we survive this, you are no longer President.”

  “One thing at a time, my friend.” Roberson laughed nervously. “We have five and a half hours before any of that needs to be done.”

  “I’m leaving. Keep your sniffer dogs off my tail. I’m not compromising the rebel faction positions to you.” Garth said, his voice hard and forewarning. “And when I get back, I want the army, navy and all military personnel at my exclusive disposal.”

  “You got that, Colonel.” The other man nodded like a restaurant headwaiter taking a lunch order. “That’s a Presidential promise.”

  “Somehow that’s the least convincing part.” He growled and activated his exo suit, becoming a ghost to his surroundings once more.


  His high speed run back to the rebel occupied sector PDZ-18 was undetected and uneventful. Roberson had kept up with his end of the bargain and not had him tailed. What he had to do next was probably the hardest task he had ever been set in his eighteen year career. He knew, in his heart and his head, that there was no way in this existence that Jillian Orkney and any of her rebels would even consider hearing the President’s offer. He would have to tell them anyway. A quick notification on the private comm. link would have them all assemble before him outside the command ship.

  Jillian Orkney was the first to arrive, as expected. Then the others reported, most if not all were Earth Gov militia at one time or another. The discipline showed, and besides he had worked with all of them through the years, until they defected.

  “What news, Colonel?” One of them asked him.

  “The worst. Something we have all been preparing for but also praying it never happens.” He told everyone present. “We are going to be under an alien attack in less than five hours.”

  “Aliens?” Jillian looked mildly perplexed. “Earth Gov is using aliens to attack us?”

  “Not just us.” He said flatly. “The aliens are coming in force to wipe out all the humans on the planet.”

  “The aliens that Roberson is allied with?” Orkney’s daughter looked at him with deep frown.

  “Yes, and he’s made us an offer to join Earth Gov to fight the aliens.”

  The following silence was thick enough to cut with a laser blade. Then someone started laughing. Others followed and soon everyone joined in, including Jillian Orkney. Garth clenched his jaw and rode it out. Let them have their little joke, he figured. It won’t last too long.

  “Alright, enough.” The redheaded faction leader held up a hand. “Roberson wants us to join him… after he had most of us killed, including my father.”

  “Yes, to fight the alien invasion.” He nodded half-heartedly.

  “The aliens that he has an alliance with?” His old training partner looked at him intensely. “Are you feeling okay, Garth? You sure don’t sound like the Garth I know.”

  “I am fine, Jillian.” His jaw clenched hard as he struggled to keep calm. “In fact, I now command all of Earth Gov’s forces. You will be under my command not Roberson’s.”

  “What the fuck?” Jillian Orkney threw up her arms in the air. “You sold out on us, Evans.”

  “Not at all, Jil…”

  “You must be kidding yourself, fella.” The redhead growled as she rounded on him. “Don’t you see that Roberson is trying another one of his cons? And you’re walking right into it.”

  “It’s legit, Jill.” He replied stiffly, even though he had expected this reaction well in advance. “I was there when the aliens turned on him and threatened to end all human life here.”

  “Wait a minute.” Jillian Orkney’s green eyes went wide. “I see it now, the whole thing was a ruse, on us… your defection, joining us, and kidnapping that little bitch… you were in on it from the beginning.”

  “That’s not true.” He said, almost defensively. “Though that’s what Roberson is selling to the Earth Gov troops for them to follow me.”

  “And you’re ready to go with it.” Her rough laughter grated his nerves. “And let’s say you save the world, then what? I’ll tell you what. Roberson is going to pull that rug out from under you once more and you’ll be sitting hard on your sorry ass all over again.”

  “Not this time, Jill.” He told her sternly. “Now align your troops to join up with me and Earth Gov or leave this place.”

  “I will not ask any of them to do that.” Jillian Orkney looked around at all her officers. “I won’t stop them either. I leave it up to them.”

  Garth stood still as a statue and watched her turn and walk away from him. Every one of her officers did the same, some even throwing a glare or two his way. He had expected as much, and would have been surprised if they agreed. He was sure by now every other active rebel faction member would know of this, though he still doubted any would want to flip over.

  “Hey, Colonel.” A husky voice made him turn to the side. Eileen Icelander stood there. Just her. She wasn’t officially marked as a defector in the Earth Gov files. Only he knew about the double game she played. So she could waltz back into the naval fleet and no one would know a damn thing.

  “You come to join me, Ice?” He asked her softly.

  “You know, I always join you, boss.” He appreciated her honesty, but her tone was a bit unsettling. “But this time, what’s in it for me?”

  “For you?” He jerked back. “We get to save the world, and everyone we know and are yet to know. That’s what is in it… for all of us.”

  “I never liked Earth Gov, Colonel.” She stepped up closer, a little too close, and her haunting blue eyes sent a strange sensation all through him. “But I like you, Garth, a lot… that’s why I skirted around with the rebels but still stayed with Earth Gov, because of you. And that’s why I told you about allying with the rebel faction when you were a bit lost on your own…”

  “Yes, I appreciate all of that.” He exhaled impatiently. “And I could use your skills as a pilot now, to fight the aliens.”

  “And I’ll love doing all of that, for you, Garth.” She was almost pressing against him now and he had to step back. “All I want from you is a little quality time.”

  “This neither is the time nor the place, Miss Icelander, and I have never had or expected any of this from you.”

  “Why, because I’m not a smart little scientist?”

  “What?” His lips tightened. “You’re out of line, Captain.”

  “And you’re totally out of the living, Colonel.” She tossed her dark hair and laughed. “Do you know how many women would kill for a man like you? Count me as a dozen of them.”

  “I’m sorry if I ever led you on, Ice… but I can’t… we can’t…”

  “You didn’t have to, Garth…” She whispered impishly. “You’re a natural babe magnet. The more you repel us, the more we get attracted.”

  “Well, yes. Be that it may.” He told her in a flat tone. “I must be honest with you, Ice. I admire your skills, dedication and exuberance, but beyond that I see nothing of interest to me.”

  “That’s what I mean, Garthie.” She purred like a cat. “You’re pushing me away, and that’s drawing me even closer to you.”

  “It’s all in your mind… and, er… bodily needs.” He told her. “As your superior,
I command you to get back to duty.”

  “You can’t do that, Colonel.” She stuck out her lower lip at him. “You see, I’m still undecided to join the rebel-faction full time, or go back to Earth Gov and dance with the aliens.”

  “I would strongly suggest you do the latter.”

  “And what’s in it for me?”

  “Nothing from me.” He hardened his voice. “But the President will probably give you a promotion and a possible reward.”

  “Hmmpf, yeah?”

  “Yeah. So can I get you to suit up and get the ship ready? We have four hours.”

  “Sure, sure, Colonel. I can do that…” Her laughter was derisive. “Right after you go fuck yourself.”

  She turned around too sharply to see the anger flash in his cold eyes. He knew women like her. There were many who expressed similar needs from him. Though not in so forthright a manner. Not that Eileen Icelander wasn’t pleasing to the eye, she was in fact quite beautiful, and almost resembled Regina. The same soft features, dark velvet hair and blue eyes. Though Regina’s eyes were not so haunting, but instead like inviting pools of bliss and kindness.

  Regina. The thought of her made his heart beat faster. She was still inside the cave, working away at reversing the machinery to repair the damage. A whole day more is what she said was needed to get the codes deciphered before she could take control of the command core. But they only had four hours or less. The rebels were going to move out. Where they would go was a guess he couldn’t bother with now. He had to get Regina out of there and safe with him. But would she listen to him? He would have to make her.


  “But I’m almost there, Garth.” She protested as he had expected. “Look, ninety one percent complete.”

  “And how long will the remaining nine percent take?” He asked her.


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