by Jean Findlay
20. To Sprott, 13.10.28. King’s College Archive
21. To mother, 19.9.28. FC
22. To mother, 19.9.28. FC
23. To Prentice, March 1928. CA
24. To VBH, 21.2.29. HRC
25. Ernst Curtius to JMSM, 1931. M&L
26. Ibid.
27. To mother, 20.10.28. FC
28. To mother, 12.10.28. FC
29. To mother, 20.10.28. FC
30. To mother, 29.10.28. FC
31. TLS, 21.3.29
32. To Helen Stephen, 17.3.29. M&L, 189
33. Ibid.
34. To VBH, Aug. 1929. HRC
35. Ibid.
36. Ibid.
37. Glasgow Herald, 4.1.32
38. To mother, 9.6.29. M&L, 191
39. To Prentice, 24.9.28. CA
40. To Mrs Pearson, Oct. 1928. M&L, 182
41. To VBH, 5.9.29. HRC (s.a.w. was their code for oral sex. There are now medical links between oral sex and oesophageal cancer.)
42. To Helen Stephen, Dec. 1929. M&L, 195
43. To Eliot, 2.12.29. FF
44. Inscribed in a copy of The Captive published by Knopf in 1929, given to Payen de Payne. From CKSM, Calvary Hospital, Rome, St Andrew’s Day.
45. Gale, 458
46. Ibid.
47. Ibid.
48. To Eliot, 2.12.29. FF
49. From Eliot, 12.12.29. Letters vol. IV
50. Ibid.
51. To Eliot, 26.12.29. FF
52. London Mercury, May 1930
53. To VBH, 14.11.29. HRC
54. To VBH, 14.2.30. HRC
55. To Eliot, 29.1.30. FF
56. Dec. 1929. M&L, 196
57. To VBH, 14.2.30. HRC
58. M&L, 202
1. Daily Telegraph, 15.12.31
2. To VBH, 24.12.25, HRC
3. M&L, 25
4. F. Scott Fitzgerald, in a letter to his daughter, Scottie, 1939
5. Jerry Farber, Scott Moncrieff’s Way: Proust in Translation, March 1997
6. Robert Douglas-Fairhurst, Observer, 2002
7. John Ruskin, The Works of John Ruskin, vol. 24, 371
The index that appears in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
3rd Battalion
5th Dragoon Guards
9th Infantry Brigade
13th Field Ambulance
16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment
87th Infantry Brigade
Abba, Marta
Abelard, Peter
Abercrombie, Lascelles
Académie Française
Academy journal
Acton, Arthur
Acton, Harold
Memoirs of an Aesthete
Acton, Hortense
Adam, Robert
Adey, More
Aegean Intelligence service
Agata, Suora (nun)
Agate, James
Ajanta Frescoes (ballet)
Albreche brothers
Aldington, Richard
reviews Song of Roland
comment on Prentice
supposed to be looking after Charles but goes to Italy instead
entertained by Acton in Italy
description of
asks Charles to translate two eighteenth-century French memoirs
receives letter from D. H. Lawrence on Charles
requests Charles to see Pirandello
stays with Charles in Italy
bids farewell to Charles in hospital
Alembert, Jean le Rond d’
Alexander the Fierce
Alexander II of Scotland
Alfred, King
Allan, Maud
Allenby, General Edmund
Allingham, William, ‘In a Budding Grove’
Allison (groom)
Alton Burn school (Nairn)
Arc, Jeanne d’
Armstrong, William
Army Cadet Force
Army Remount Department
Arnold, Matthew
Arts and Letters
Ashton (Canadian singer)
Asquith, Charles
Asquith, Cyril
Asquith, Herbert
Asquith, Margot
Astley Cooper, Evangeline
Astley Cooper, Stephen
Aumont, Duc d’
Austen, Jane
Sense and Sensibility
Avalanche Memorial Church (Portland)
Bad Kissingen
Bainbrigge, Philip
close friendship with Charles
description of
clerihew by
liking for ‘authocracy’
spends time with Charles in Edinburgh
becomes friends with Wilfred Owen
enlists in the Lancashire Fusiliers
death of
parody of Rupert Brooke poem
dedicatory poem by Charles
Latin dialogue by
Balfour, Arthur
Balfour Declaration (1917)
Ball, Richard Reynolds
Ballard, Joanna
Balzac, Honoré de
Lost Illusions
Banff Castle
Barbusse, Henri, Under Fire
Baring, Maurice
Bassi, Ugo
Bathurst, Lord
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre
Bayley Jones, Norah
Beach, Sylvia
Beardsley, Aubrey
Beddington, Violet see Schiff, Violet Beddington
Beerbohm, Max
Bell, Clive
Benignus, Sister (of Lanark)
Bennett, Arnold
Benson, E. F., The Challoners
Benson, Frank
Benson, Hugh
Bentley, E. C.
Berenson, Bernard
Besant, Annie
Billing, Noel Pemberton
Birdwood, General
Birrell, Francis
Bismarck, Count Herbert
Bismarck, Otto von
Black and Tans
Blackwood’s Magazine
Blair, Eric (aka George Orwell)
Blair Lodge School
Blavatsky, Madame
Isis Unveiled
The Secret Doctrine
Bloch, Jean Richard, Et Cie
Bloomsbury Group
Boccacio, Giovanni
Bonar Law, Andrew
Bonar Law, Charles
Boni (Albert and Charles) (US publishers)
A Book of Verse on the Great War (ed. R. Wheeler)
Borghese, Prince
Boulestin, Marcel
Brahan Castle (Ross-shire)
Bramston, Trant
Brett-Young, Francis
Bridges, Robert
British Grand Fleet
British Passport Office
Brooke, Rupert
‘The Soldier’
‘If I should die’
Brown, Vincent, The Sacred Cup
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, Robert
Bruno (owner of Deene Park)
Buchanan, William
Bullen, F. T.
Bullitt, William
Burge, J. M.
Burlington Magazine
Burnaby (translator)
Byron, Lord George Gordon
Cadell, Jean
Cambridge University
Canadian National Exhibition (1912)
Canmore, Malcolm
Carmichael, Montgomery
Carnarvon, Lady
Carson, Lord
Carson, Sir Edward
Carswell, Catherine
br /> Cassini, Armando
Cavell, Edith
Cayme Press
Challoner, J. M.
Chamberlain, Austen
Chanson de Roland
Chapman, Guy
Chapman and Hall
Chatto and Windus
Chaucer, Geoffrey, Canterbury Tales
Chearelli, Luigi
Checkov, Anton
Tales of Chekhov
Chesterton, Cecil
Chesterton, G. K.
The Club of Queer Trades
Cheston, Dorothy
Chisholm-Batten, John
Christie, Douglas
Christie, Louis
intelligence work
close friendship with Charles
returns to Italy
meets Charles in Rome
in Pisa with Charles
in Rome
attacked by unknown assailant
Christies brothers
Churchill, Valerie
Churchill, Winston
Cities of the Plain (Proust)
Clapperton, Mgr William
Claudel, Paul, ‘Hymne à SS Agnès’
Clermont-Tonerre, Duchesse de
Clutterbuck, David
Cobham, Alan
Cochran, Charles B.
Compton, Vicar of
Conrad, Joseph
Constable & Co.
Cooper, Lady Diana
Corriere della sera
Corvo, Baron, Hadrian the Seventh
Country Life
Coward, Nöel
as intimate friend of Charles
writes parodies and satires on the Sitwells
introduces Charles to his theatrical friends
as close friend of Evangeline Astley Cooper
entertains invalids at Hambleton Hall during the war
attends Charles’s farewell birthday
names his cat Proust
success of
published by Benn not Chatto
his mother finds a room for Charles to stay
Present Indicative
Easy Virtue
London Calling
Craigie, Violet
Craiglockhart War Hospital (Edinburgh)
Crawford, Sir Ronald
Creal family
The Criterion
Cunard family
Currie, John
Curse of the Brahan Seer
Curtis Brown (literary agents)
Curtius, Ernst
Cutty Sark
Daily Mail
Dalyell, Amy
Dalyell, Gladys (d.1920)
Dalyell, Lily
Dalyell, Theodore
D’Annunzio, Gabrielle, Il Fuoco
Dansey, Claude
Dante Alighieri
Daphne, Miss
Davie, J. M.
Davis, Lydia
De la Mare, Walter
Deene Park (Hertfordshire)
Dent, E. J.
Dickens, Charles
Bleak House
Dido (mongrel dog)
Douglas, Alfred
Douglas family
Douglas, Gavin
The Palice of Honour
Douglas, Norman
Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert
Draper, Ruth
Dreyfus, Alfred
Dudgeon, Colonel
Durie (Fife)
Dutton & Co. (publishers)
Edgemoore house (Lanark)
Orphan Hospital
New Club
Edward, Prince of Wales (later Duke of Windsor)
Edward VII (formerly Prince of Wales)
Egoist periodical
Elie Castle
Eliot, George
Adam Bede
Eliot, T. S.
The Waste Land
Elizabeth I
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Erik (Lady Seaforth’s nephew)
Winchester-Eton Cricket Match (1904)
Evans, Consul
Evans, Dame Edith
Evening Standard
The Eye Witness journal
Fane, Lady Augusta
Farber, Jerry
Farquarson, Robert
Fenzi, Douglas
Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone, Destiny
Finlay, Viscount
First World War
build up to
life in the trenches
Messines Ridge
officer casualties due to moustaches and uniforms
the Piper of Loos
Armistice Day
Flecker, James E.
Fletcher, Wing-Commander
Flodden, Battle of
Florence City Library
Foligno, Professor
Foreign Office
Forster, E. M.
Fortnightly Review
France, Anatole
France, Peter
Franklin Expedition (1847)
Franz Ferdinand, archduke of Austria
Franz Josef, Emperor
Frascani, Iacopi
Frascani, Signor
French Army
Frezzan, Federico
Fry, Roger
Fussell, Paul
Gallimard, Gaston
Gandhi, Mahatma
Garnett, Constance
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Geikie, Archibald, Scottish Reminiscences
George V
Georgian poets
Georgian Poets (1911–1922)
Gertler, Mark
Gibbs, Philip
Gibson, Robert
Gibson, Violet
Gibson, Wilfrid
Gide, André
Giles, E.
Gillespie, Tom
Gillon, Stair
Gilroy, George
Gilroy, Tom
Glasgow Herald
Glasgow International Exhibition (1901)
Glasgow Repertory Theatre
Glasgow Veterinary School
Golden Treasury
Golding, Louis
Gordon Highlanders
Gosse, Edmund
Grand Hotel (Cabourg)
Grant, Duncan
Grant, J.
Graves, Robert
considered a ‘Georgian’ poet
contributor to The Muse in Arms anthology
wedding of
asks Charles for advice on publication of poems
description of
transfers from 3rd Battalion to 16th as Cadet Trainer
ceases correspondence with Charles
article on
Country Sentiment
Fairies and Fusiliers
Goliath and David
Goodby to All That
Over the Brazier
Gray, Thomas, Elegy
Grenfell, Julian
Haig, Douglas
Hall, Radclyffe, The Well of Loneliness
Hambleton Hall (Rutland)
Hamilton, Helen, The Compleat Schoolmarm
Handel, Friedrich
Hardy, Thomas
The Dynasts
A Pair of Blue Eyes
Return of the Native
Harmsworth, Alfred, Lord Northcliffe
Hartmann, Cardinal
Haweis, Stephen
Hay, Ian, The Oppressed English
Haynes, Celia
Haynes, Edmund ‘Ted’
Haynes, E. S. P.
Haynes, Gloriana
Haynes, Oriana
description of
sent translation of Proust by Charles
tolerance of Charles’s innuendos
told apocryphal story concerning a wheelbarrow and money
visits Charles in Italy
illness of
encourages Charles’s satirical wit
visited by Charles at Tortworth
correspondence with Charles
learns of Charles’s illness
Haynes, Renée
Neapolitan Ice
Heinemann, William
Hemingway, Ernest
Herbert, A. P.
Herbert, George
Herries, Alexander
Hess, A. G.
Hewlett, Maurice, The Road in Tuscany
Hill, Canon Erskine
Hill, Lady
Hitler, Adolf
Holland, Cyril
Holland, Vyvyan
correspondence with Charles
description of
death of his wife
meets Charles at Amiens
visits Charles at Carlton House Terrace
portrait painted by E. S. Mercer
lives with Stanley Mercer
teased by Charles
HBV as pet name for
visits Charles in Italy
offers to help find Charles a place to live in Italy
involvement with Mrs Melville
lets Charles stay for a short while
receives wicked limerick from Charles
letters destroyed by Charles
told of Charles’s gonorrhea
told of the ‘Vagina Phallus Hotel’ in Stresa
told of Charles’s secret mission to Bellinzona
asked for advice concerning possible marriage of Charles and Lucy Lunn
arranges for Charles to to hospital
recalls Charles’s final, bitter Sitwell moment
Holt, Henry
Hôtel du Petit Paradis (Langrune, Normandy)
Houghton, Claude
Housman, A. E., A Shropshire Lad
Housman, Laurence, Cloak of Friendship
Howe (publisher)
Hunt, Violet
Huxley, Aldous
Antic Hay
Huxley, Maria
Inverness College
Inverness Formula (1921)
Irish Free State
Irving, Henry
Isola san Giovanni
Italian Mail
James, Henry
The Turn of the Screw
The Wings of the Dove
Jorlund (Danish singer)
Journal des débats
Joyce, James
Finnegans Wake
Joynson-Hicks, Sir William
Keats, John
Kempis, Thomas à, The Way of the Cross
King’s Own Scottish Borderers
King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Kitchener, Horatio
The Knight of the Burning Pestle (play)
Knopf, Alfred
Knox, Ronald
Spiritual Aeneid
Kraut, William
Krishnamurti, Jiddu
La Stampa
Ladies Own journal
Lanark Moor
Lancashire Fusiliers
Lang, Andrew
Lauzun, Armand Louis de Gontaut, duc de, Mémoires du duc de Lauzun
Law, Bonar
Law, Charles
Lawrence, D. H.
Aaron’s Rod
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Lawrence, Frieda
Lawrence, Gertrude