by Jean Findlay
Lawrence, Guy
Le Figaro
Leadbeater, Charles
Leavis, F. R.
Lees-Milne, James
Lenin, V. I.
Les Antibes
The Letters of Abelard and Heloïse
Leverson, Ada
Lewis, Grace Sinclair
Lewis, (Harry) Sinclair
Lewis, Wells Sinclair
Lister House (Edinburgh)
Literary Review
Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Palace Hotel
Lloyd George, David
Boodles Club
Carlton House Terrace
Du Cane Road Special Surgical Hospital (Hammersmith)
Hatchards (bookshop, Piccadilly)
Imperial War Museum
London Library
Lyceum Club
Lyric Theatre (Hammersmith)
Poetry Bookshop
RAC Club
Reform Club
Ritz Hotel
St Paul’s Cathedral
Savile Club
Wormwood Scrubs (Hammersmith)
London Association (advertising firm)
London Mercury
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Louis XIV
Lucas, E. V.
Lunn, Charles
Lunn, Constance
Lunn, Lucy
Lunn, Susan
Lyra Sacra
Macarthy, Desmond
Macartney (journalist for The Times)
MacCarthy, Desmond
McHardy, adjutant
Machin, Lionel
Mackenzie (Chief Passport Officer)
Mackenzie, Compton
as member of the Savile Club
dislikes portrait painted by E. S. Mercer
comment on the Secret service
attends Charles’s farewell birthday lunch
description of
as director of Aegean Intelligence service
as Stendhal scholar
invites Charles to stay on Capri
Extraordinary Women
Water on the Brain
Mackenzie, Faith
Mackenzie family
Mackenzie, Holden
Mackenzie, Ian
Forgotten Places
Mackenzie, James Stewart
Mackenzie, Kenneth
Mackenzie, Monty
Mackinnon, Katherine
Macleod, Neil
Macmillan, Harold
Macrae, John
The Man Who Stayed at Home (play) (Lechmere Worrall)
Manchester Regiment
Manning, Henry
Manzoni, Alessandro
I promessi sposi
Marcel Proust: An English Tribute (1922)
Mariani, Mario, Meditazioni d’un Pazzo
Marriage, Ellen
Marsh, Edward
as patron of the arts
at Robert Graves’s wedding
correspondence with Charles
close friendship with Charles
interest in typographical errors
description of
receives naughty limerick from Charles
attends Charles’s farewell birthday lunch
as Private Secretary to Churchill
sends copy of his translation of La Fontaine to Charles
Forty-Two Fables of La Fontaine
Marvell, Andrew, ‘The Garden’
Mary, Queen of Scots
Masefield, John
Mason, William, The Poems of Mr Gray
Masters, Edgar Lee
The Great Valley
Spoon River Anthology
Mather, Father
Maupassant, Guy de
Maurois, André, Ariel
Maxwell, James Clerk
Maxwell, Lady
Meiklejohn, Roderick
Melville, Harry
Melville, Herman, Moby Dick
Melville, James
Melville, Ruby see Nadi, Ruby Melville
Mercer, Edward Stanley
Millard, Christopher Sclater
imprisoned for homosexual offences
character and description
possible lover of Charles
asked if Charles has ‘reformed’
Charles writes critical verses on
told by Ross that Charles was becoming tiresome and boring
sends Charles box of chocolates
learns of Charles’s escapades in Venice
death of
defended by Charles in court
Milton, John
‘Ode on the Morning of Christ’s Nativity’
Paradise Lost
Moberly, Bishop of Winchester
Molly (bulldog)
Moncrieff, Sir Matthew de
Moncrieff, Ramerus
Moncrieff, William
Moncrieffe, Madeleine
Moncrieffe, William
Les Aventures de Zeloïde et Amanzarifdine
Monet, Claude
Monro, Harold
Monro, Hector Hugh (Saki)
Monro, Ion
Moore, George
Morand, Paul, Ouvert la nuit
Morning Post
Morselli, Guido
Mr Punch’s History of the Great War
Mucci, Renato
Munro, Dr
Muriel, Countess de la Warr
Murray, Earl of
Murry, John Middleton
The Muse in Arms (ed. E. B. Osborn)
Mussolini, Benito
Nadi, Aldo
Nadi, Ruby Melville
The Narrative of James Nimmo (17th century)
Nash, Gabriel
Nash, John
Nash, Paul
Nash, Sir Philip
Nathan, Estelle
The Nation and Athenaeum
National Portrait Gallery of Scotland
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Nesbit, Edith
Nebsitt, Cathleen
Nevinson, C. R.
New Field
New Statesman
The New Witness
New Zealand Tunnelling Company
Newman, John Henry
Red Cross Convalescent Home for British Officers
Nichols, Beverley
Nichols, Robert
Ardours and Endurances
Nicholson, Ben
Nicholson, Nancy
Nieuwe Rotterdamsche
Nimmo, Elizabeth
Nimmo, James
Northern Meeting Society
Nouvelle Revue Française
Obscene Publications Act (1857)
Oliphant, Margaret
Omega Workshops
Order of the Mass
Orioli, Giuseppe ‘Pino’
O’Riordan, Conal
Osborn, E. B.
The Muse in Arms
Osborne House (Isle of Wight)
O’Shaughnessy, Arthur
Music and Moonlight
Owen, Wilfred
meets Charles at Robert Graves’s wedding
suffers from shell shock
family background
meets Bainbrigge in Scarborough
encourages Charles in his translation of Chanson de Roland
friendship with Charles
love sonnets from Charles
sends poems to Charles for advice
Charles tries to get him a home posting
death of
spends last night with Charles before returning to the Front
influence on Charles
is told of the deaths of Ross and Bainbrigge
recommended for the Mili
tary Cross
rumours concerning his seduction by Charles
seen as heroic by Charles
dedicatory poem by Charles
review of his poems
article on
‘The Deranged’ (or ‘Aliens’)
‘Hospital Barge’
‘I am the Ghost of Shadwell Stair’
‘Page Eglantine’
‘Strange Meeting’
The Oxford Book of English Verse
Oxford (city)
Oxford Movement
Oxford University
Exeter College
King’s College
Magdalen College
New College
Queen’s College
St Hugh’s College
St John’s College
Trinity College
Painter, George
Paradis de Moncrif, François-Augustin
Père Lachaise
Paris Peace Conference (1919)
Parker, Michael
Parkes (flatmate)
Parkhill House (Falkirk)
Parkinson, Major
Pascal, Blaise, Mémoire
Pasternak, Boris, Notes of a Translator
Pater, Walter, Renaissance
Patrologiae Cursus Completus
Pattison, Andrew Seth Pringle
Pavlova, Anna
Payen de Payne, James Bertrand de Vinceles
Pearson cousins
Pearson, Lucy
Peel, Sir Robert
Pellizzi, Camillo
Penguin publishers
Peter (cat)
The Phoenix Society
Picasso, Pablo
Pierrefus, de (friend of Proust)
Pirandello, Luigi
description of
Charles’s comments on
friendship with Charles
receives the Nobel Prize
Cosi e
I Vecchi e i giovani (Generations of Men; The Old and the Young)
Il Fu Matteo Pascale
Lazzarro (Though One Rose)
The Rules of the Game
Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore (Six Characters in Search of an Author)
Si Gira! (Shoot!)
Uno per l’anno
Pirates of Penzance (Gilbert & Sullivan)
Hotel Nettuno
Pisano, Giovanni
Pittigrilli (Dino Segre), Cocaina
Pius XI, Pope
Plato, Symposium
Portland Bill
Pound, Ezra
Prayer of Richard de Castre
Prentice, Charles Harold
description of
as director of Chatto and Windus
asked to send translations to certain people
asked when Proust acknowledges receipt of translation
learns of Charles’s translating blunder
asked to deal with contract details
hears about Charles’s commitment to family
informed of Italian fascist government by Charles
is told of Charles’s exasperation concerning Norman Douglas
translations of Stendhal proposed
learns that Charles will be staying in Rapallo then Rome
Wolfe suggested as cover illustrator for Within a Budding Grove
friendship with the Schiffs
receives translation of Guermantes II
learns of Charles’s difficulty in learning Italian
not convinced of merits of Pirandello
sends Charles finished version of Within a Budding Grove
learns of Charles’s acquisition of an owl
book proposal combining travel-writing, memoir, social criticism from Charles
learns of the death of Charles’s owl
receives acrostic poem on Proust from Charles
meets Dr Robert Proust
hears about Charles’s growing acquaintance with Pirandello
agrees to publish Pirandello
is thanked by Anna for transfer of money from Charles
learns of Charles’s exhaustion
as Charles’s confidante
asked if it was worth continuing the translation of Proust
told of the difficulties with spelling of names and places
correspondence with Charles, learns of Shaw’s interest in fascist experiment
learns of Charles’s indignation concerning lesbianism
unable to publish Cities of the Plain
sends Charles the latest novels
learns of Charles’s illness
Princip, Gavrilo
Pringle, Alexander
Pringle, Mary Ann
Pringle, Susan
Proust, Marcel
translations by Charles
on holiday at Cabourg
description of
health of
death and funeral of
book of tributes to
‘Proust meal’ suggested by Charles
Charles’s letter to
À la Recherche du temps perdu (Remembrance of Things Past)
À l’Ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs (Within a Budding Grove vol2)
Contre Sainte-Beuve
Du Côté de chez Swann (Swann’s Way volI)
La Fugitive or Albertine Disparue (The Sweet Cheat Gone vol6)
La mort des cathédrales
La Prisonnière (vol5)
Le Côté de Guermantes I & II (The Guermantes Way vol3)
Le Temps retrouvé (Time Regained vol7)
Pastiches et Mélanges
Sodome et Gomorrhe I & II (Cities of the Plain vol4)
Proust, Dr Robert
Prussian Guards
Public Schools Act (1868)
Puccini, Giacomo
Punch magazine
Pyatt, Fanny
Pyatt, Henry
Quakers (Society of Friends)
Queensberry, Lord
Randall, Alec
Ransome, Arthur
Ray, Washington ‘Tony’
admiration for Meg
marries Mary Scott Moncrieff
as inspirational teacher
builds and runs Alton Burn school
takes tea at the Lyceum Club with Charles and Ross
Red Cross
Reid, W. B. J.
Rendall, Montague
Reynolds, Sian
Rice, Spring
Rivers, Dr W. H. R.
Rivière, Jacques
RMS Virginian
Robertson, Dr
Robertson, John
Robinson, Janet
Rolfe, Frederic, Hadrian VII
Baptistry of San Giovanni Laterano
British School
Caffé Aragno
Calvary Hospital
Convent of St Joseph
St Peter’s
San Stefano Rotondo
Scots College
Spanish Steps
Trevi fountain
Rome Conference (1927)
Rooke, Lionel
Rosebery, Lord
Rosetti, Helen
Rosmini, Antonio
Ross, Sir Denison
Ross, Robert
dedicated friend of Wilde
friendship with Charles
London home as salon for poets, writers and critics
entertains Charles in London
asks if Charles has ‘reformed’
declares Charles to be tiresome and a bore
visits Charles at Carlton House Terrace
meets Wilfred Owen
lets Owen use flat above his at Half Moon Street
as friend of E. S. Mercer
Rossetti, William
Rothschild, Hannah de
p; Rouen Cathedral
Royal Engineers
Royal Scots Regiment
Ruskin, John
The Lamp of Memory
Seven Lamps of Architecture
St Francis of Assisi
St Margaret of Scotland
Saintsbury, George
History of Elizabethan Literature
Sassoon, Philip
Sassoon, Siegfried
considered a ‘Georgian’ poet
contributor to The Muse in Arms
bad review of his poems by Charles
description of
comments on Owen’s poems
sent to Craiglockhart
hero-worshipped by Owen
meets Nöel Coward
ceases communication with Charles
reaction to Charles’s satirical verse
Counter Attack
The Old Huntsman and Other Poems
‘Rear Guard’
Saturday Review
Saturday Westminster
Scarfoglio, Antonio
Schiff, Sydney
Richard, Myrtle and I
Schiff, Violet Beddington
Schlieffen, Alfred, Count von
Scots Observer
Scotsman Weekly
Scott, John
Scott Moncrieff, Anna Wood (sister-in-law)
Scott Moncrieff, Catherine (cousin)
Scott Moncrieff, Charles Kenneth (1889–1930)
family background and ancestry
correspondence with friends
takes up translation work
health of
birth and childhood
love of literature and poetry
character and descriptions of
religious practice and beliefs
at Winchester
letters home from school
as member of the Cadet Force
devotion to his mother
importance of family
schoolboy crushes and love affairs
female friendships
founder of New Field
fails to get into Oxford
at Edinburgh University
University crushes and love affairs
incident of the oranges
interest in politics
influences on
visits National Exhibition in Canada
applies for and is awarded the Patterson Bursary in Anglo-Saxon
as amateur actor
joins the King’s Own Scottish Borderers
sent to France
letters home from the front
invalided out of the army
promoted to captain
suffers from trench fever
returns to the front
treats war experience with a certain gaiety
comment on birds and animals in wartime
joins a tunnelling company
conversion to Catholicism
asked to command whole Battalion
celebrates his 26th birthday in Bray-sur-Somme
spends Christmas 1915 away from the family
returns to Edgemoor
spends time with Ross in London
leads a double life
as journalist and critic
put in command of prisoner of war company
injured and invalided out of the army
awarded the Military Cross
convalescence in London
becomes interested in translation