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Angel Warrior: The Complete Series

Page 11

by Immortal Angel

  I finger the keyhole, frowning.

  “It is a vibration modifier. It will allow you to enter hell and stay there without disintegrating.”

  A cold sweat breaks out on my skin. Is he actually dragging me to Hell? Images fill my mind, of horned demons tearing me to shreds. Of sharp teeth and tails with spears on the ends.

  I tear at the cuff again. “I don’t believe you. If something like this existed, the angels would have used it to keep me in heaven.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, right. Angels are purists. They believe if you can’t get there and stay there, you should be in whatever dimension you belong.”

  “There has to be another reason.”

  He grins and leans back, crossing his hands behind his head. “You can try to justify it however you want, but either way, the cuff is on you, and you’re going to Hell.”

  If what he says is true, I’m going to change a few things in Heaven when I get back up there.

  I feel the plane set down, and the demon rises and holds out a hand to me.

  I don’t take it. I’m already drawn to him, I don’t want to hold hands with him, too.

  But he ignores my resistance and grabs my hand anyway. A tingle of awareness goes up my arm. I stand and try to pull away, but he holds on tightly, dragging me down the hangar door as it opens. That’s when I realize our difference in size. He must be at least as tall as Brion.

  My teeth clench. The differences between Brion and this man are amazing. My angel would never have forced me to touch him. Or dragged me behind him using his strength against me. If this demon thought he could wedge himself between me and the man I loved, he had another thing coming.

  As we step out into the open, I stop. Stunned. Forgetting for a moment the warm hand that clutches mine.

  Hell looks surprisingly similar to Earth. “Where are we, exactly?”

  “The dimension I live in.” He gestures as we walk around the plane, and the breath leaves my lungs. Before me is one of the most beautiful palaces I have ever seen.

  I hear footsteps behind us and turn to see four other demons emerge from the plane. Of course the prince would have guards. They must have been sitting in the front.

  I realize that the plane engines have stopped, and the roar I can hear is an enormous waterfall that cascades down behind the main cathedral. It emerges under arched bridges in the front of the palace in rivers that continue their journey downward into an ocean I can see in the distance. The waters shimmer with sunlight.

  The palace is made of white stone and many of the walls along the walkway are covered in ivy. Birds sing and chatter in welcome as we approach.

  The demon strides purposefully toward the front entrance, my hand still caught in his. We pass trees, herbs and fragrant flowers planted in immaculately trimmed planters along the walks, and demons of all types bow and smile at him as we pass.

  This doesn’t look like the hell dimension I’d imagined.

  There is a gazebo just before the palace doors, and a long, waiting line of demons.

  “What is that?” I gesture to the lengthy line.

  He glances over. “They’re waiting for a portal to Earth.”

  I stop and he almost trips. “Waiting for a portal to Earth?”

  His lips thin into a line. “Yes.”

  He tried to tug me along again, but I don’t move. “Why?”

  He sighs and tousles the hair between his horns. “Every time a demon goes to Earth, it raises his or her vibration, and they can remember what it’s like to be human.”

  I toss that thought around. “What happens if they don’t go to Earth?”

  “That,” he says gravely, “is what you are about to find out.” He gestures to the palace doors. “But we don’t have to talk about this out here. My father has been… unwell. I’d like to check on him as soon as possible, if you don’t mind.”

  I start. “All right.” As we’re walking, I realize that if he is the prince, his father must be the king. What does one have to do to become the King of Hell?

  We enter through two enormous arches. They must be several stories high. Looking to the left and right, I realize there are doors, but they’re open. Once we enter, the demons behind us go off in different directions.

  But the prince continues straight ahead, across the enormous foyer. White and gold tile matches the white stone staircases leading off in both directions, and the enormous white column which extend upward toward the ceiling in the distance.

  We travel through another set of open double doors. A throne stands at the far end of the room.

  I feel a sense of déjà vu, and realize this room reminds me of the one in heaven, where I’d seen Peter.

  We climb the many, many stairs, but similarly to heaven, I don’t feel tired or even winded.

  At the top, I see a demon who is much, much older. Where the prince’s demon’s horns are still short, this demon’s horns curve out and then arc back gracefully over his head.

  “Father.” The demon beside me speaks gruffly and kneels.

  I incline my head slightly, but remain standing. It doesn’t seem right to kneel to a demon, even if he is the king. Or whatever they call the leader of the hell dimension.

  Before I can even process this new information, the King rises, as well as his son. The King steps forward, a broad smile on his face. “You did it, son. You brought back your bride!”

  “Bride?” I can’t keep the anger from rising in my voice. “You mean prisoner?”

  The king looks taken aback. “When you were being taken around by that angel, did you see yourself as his prisoner?”

  I glare. “He didn’t kidnap me. I wanted to be with him.”

  A flash of anger comes into the old man’s eyes. “Because you have a bias. You believe that he’s good, and we’re evil. If you didn’t, I can guarantee you’d be glad—and honored— to be here with my son.”

  “Your son is a killer. Your armies of demons are vile, and have destroyed my work and tried to kill me. If I do have a bias, it certainly isn’t unfounded.”

  The King nods. “I understand how you feel. Please accept my apologies, but we can’t let you go. We need time to show you the truth.”

  I stand up straighter, hoping they don’t notice the way my knees shake. “So I’m your prisoner?”

  “Our guest,” the prince asserts.

  Crossing my arms in front of my chest, I stare at the tall ceiling. “Don’t kid yourselves.”

  “Why don’t we get you settled? My son can show you to your suite, and your new lab. I think you will find it useful.”

  Are they kidding? They can’t honestly think I’m going to go along with this like a caged bird. Or that they can buy me with a lab.

  The prince beams proudly and steps forward to grab my hand again.

  “I’m not going anywhere. Take me back home, now.”

  They exchange a glance. Then suddenly, the King’s eyes turn red and his teeth become pointed. When he speaks, his voice is enraged. “We both know there is no way we’re letting you leave, so we can either do things the easy way, or the hard way.”

  The Prince steps forward and puts a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll take care of this, Father. You need to use the portal. “

  His father hisses, his face contorting into a frightening mask.

  My legs tremble as I inch backwards.

  “Damn human,” he growls. One of his hands reach out to me, long claws extend from his fingertips.

  “Father!” The prince circles in front of him, shaking his shoulders.

  The old man snarls.

  “It’s me. Your son. Father!”

  The red glow fades from his eyes and the king shakes his head. “I’m—sorry. I don’t—don’t know what came over me.”

  His son clenches his fists, taking a step back. “Use the portal. Today. You can’t put it off any longer.”

  The king meets his gaze, an emotionless mask falling into place. “There are too many waiting who need
it more than I do. I can hold off a little longer. I’m just… tired is all.”

  His father turns back to face me. “Well, my lady, should my son show you your new suite?”

  I can’t seem to find my voice.

  A glint of red comes back to his eyes. “You don’t truly want to chose the hard way, do you?”

  My bravo falters. What just happened to him? And do I want to know what the hard way is?

  “Please, just let me go home. I’m not going to be able to give you what you want.”

  “Let me handle this.” The prince gently urges his father to sit back on the throne.

  The prince turns to me, and there’s fire in his eyes. Uh-oh. I turn to run but only make it three steps before he catches me. He lifts me off my feet with a growl and spins me in the air so I land hard over his shoulder.

  “What the hell? Put me down—now!” I beat at his shoulders with my fists.

  He strides out of the throne room and down a long hall. Demons in gray uniforms scatter, disappearing through different doors.

  “What crawled up your ass?” I scream, angry and embarrassed.

  “That’s not how a lady speaks.”He smacks my ass, hard. “That one was for how disrespectful you were to my father.”

  I shriek, kicking him hard in the stomach.

  He smacks me again. “And that one is because I think you liked my hand on your ass.”

  Screaming, I kick harder.

  He ignores my struggles and his large palm covers the area he just hit, rubbing it and running his large palm slowly along the curve. “This ass is perfect for spanking,” he growls. “And you’ve just been begging me to do it from the first time I laid eyes on you.”

  I don’t even know what to say so I shriek again, trying to twist my hips out of his grip.

  Abruptly, he slides me down his body and covers my mouth with his hand. “You’re going to learn to keep that little mouth shut, princess.”

  I try to slap him, but he catches my hand. “I’m not a princess!”

  He backs me against the wall hard enough that I lose my breath. One of his hands comes up to caress my face. “I know you’re not.” He says silkily. “A princess would have better manners.”

  I try to hit him again.

  He grabs first one arm, then the other, and forcibly pins both my fists against the wall above my head. “Did that wimpy little angel take all of this lip?”

  I turn my face away.

  “Was he sweet?” he growls. “Gentle?” One of his fingers traces a line between my breasts down to my stomach.

  I strain against him, but he has me pinned. Movement is impossible.

  He lets his finger slide beneath the top of my jeans. “Did he charm these little jeans and panties off of you?”

  ”Get away, damn it!”

  “That’s right.” He grins, and something hot sparks between us. “I knew there was a spitfire under there.”

  He releases me and I just stand there, frozen in place. He’s taken me to a place of confusion, anger, and… heat. Brion never made me feel this way. Embarrassed and hot and angry. I hate him.

  He walks away without looking back. “Follow me if you want to see your lab.”

  Maybe I can make something to get even with him. Hell, at this point I’ll even explode this dimension with me in it.

  I hurry to catch up. He turns to the left, following a plush gold and red carpet runner to the end of the hall. He opens a door and invites me in with a regal gesture, and I comply.

  But after stepping in, I stare hesitantly. Surprised. The lab is easily twice as large as my former lab. I walk toward one of the long tables in the center off the room. Telescopes of varying sizes point out a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows. There is a view of the waterfall and the mountain behind the palace. A dozen rainbows grace its misty droplets. It would be beyond beautiful in any other time, but I feel nothing.

  I look around the laboratory. Microscopes, wave detectors, measurers, beakers, magnets, electronic parts, and instruments of all shapes and sizes stare back at me. For a moment, I’m dazed. It’s magnificent. It would be every scientist’s dream. But at what price? The only reason I need a new lab is that his minions destroyed the other one.

  “What are you thinking?” his gaze is oddly penetrating.

  “I’m thinking it would be beautiful, except that I’m unable to leave.”

  He pauses, and I can tell he’s trying to decide whether to fight with me again. “I meant, what are you thinking of making?”

  “Want me to make you a gravity wave reverser, do you?”

  His large body gives a shudder. “No. And I hope after your visit here that you won’t want to build another one, either.”

  “You’re not exactly endearing me to this place.”

  He clenches his jaw in irritation. “I’m trying my best. You’re even worse than the angels I’ve had to entertain.” For a moment, I can see a flash of helplessness in his eyes.

  Maybe I should try to find out what I can. Right now I have an inside view… I’ll bet even the angels don’t have this kind of access to Hell.

  He takes a deep breath. “Are you thirsty?”

  “No.” Even though I am.

  He laughs and gestures to a wall with a counter and overhead cupboards that run along it, and I follow him to it. “There is a refrigerator, water, food, snacks, and a warmer. Feel free to use anything you want.” He grabs a glass from inside the cupboard and fills it from the water spout.

  Reluctantly, I reach for the glass and our fingers brush together for a moment. A shiver runs up my spine.

  When I’m finished, I lower the glass and lick my parched lips.

  He gazes at me hungrily. He leans toward me and I take a step back.

  But rather than pursue me, he stands up abruptly. “What would you like to make?” He looks around the room with interest. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a lab.”

  Great. Now he’s going to watch me work? What can I make? My heart aches for Brion. I wish I could talk to him. Wait—maybe I can talk to him. I can make a transmitter and receiver, if I have enough power it might reach through to him.

  “That’s it!” I say excitedly.

  “What did you think of?” My eyes refocus on the prince’s wide grin, and my elation vanishes.

  His grin falters.

  “I want to make a transmitter and receiver to talk to Keith.”

  “Keith?” he asks, putting his hand on the small of my back and leading me to the far side of the room.

  “My roommate on earth.” I hate that he’s touching me, but I want to make this device as soon as possible. Fighting solves nothing.

  He’s brought me to the part of the lab that holds electronics. As I start grabbing parts, to my surprise, he grabs other parts that will be useful. “You know how to build electronic devices?”

  “Some.” He give a shrug, then looks at me pointedly. “I did receive an education, you know.”

  “I didn’t mean to imply…” Am I apologizing to a demon? I shake my head. “What’s your name?”

  He looks startled for a moment. “My name is Xion.”

  “Xion. Give me that soldering iron, please.”

  He hands it over with easy grace and our fingers touch again.

  I grit my teeth. It’s going to be a long afternoon.



  “You were expecting me?”

  Uriel rises and walks around his desk to clasp my arm. His stark white hair has grown longer since I saw him last, easily passing his waist. He takes off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose. “Of course. You’re mated to The One. It makes sense you’d show up here sooner or later for information.” He looks down at his watch. “But I must admit, I’d expected sooner.”

  I shake my head once to clear it. Couldn’t you just have called over the communicator or something? “Look. Sorry I’m late. But demons have Gillian and I need to find out how to get her back.”

��She’s been taken?” His bushy white eyebrows draw together.


  “Dammit.” He goes to a bookcase and pulls out a book with symbols that match the tattoos of the archangels.

  Knowledge is power. Now that I’ve been with Gillian, I wish I’d learned a lot more about the archangels before now. About Celeron. But honestly, my relationship with most of the archangels has been strained at best. So I hadn’t really given a damn.

  “Then I’m afraid there’s only one angel who can get her back. And I don’t think he’ll want to.”

  “Something tells me that angel is Michael.”

  He looks startled. “How did you know?”

  “Just a lucky guess.” I grimace.

  “Well, if you know anything about Michael, he isn’t going to want to help you unless there’s something in it for him.”

  I think of the USB in Gillian’s pocket. “You know what? Something tells me he will.”

  Thirty Earth minutes later, I’m on my way to gather Zakiel and Cas from the infirmary. Uriel explained the basics of getting to Celeron to me. But it doesn’t just require knowing how to get there. It requires having someone who’s been there before to lead you there.

  It’s similar to the hell dimension, which is why we need Michael. He’s the only one who’s been to the hell dimension and returned to tell about it.

  Even if we do get Michael, there are still four archdemons with him. And you only have one archangel.

  Uriel said he would put out a call for help. And I hope a lot more angels answer, because I don’t see how the four of us can take on four archdemons.

  We take a special portal to Celeron, and Zakiel holds the vision of the planet when it opens. We step into it and emerge in midair, far above the surface.

  “Are you all right?” Zak’s voice finds me, and I swoop around to see him holding onto Cas.

  “I’m fine.” I grimace. “You all right there, Cas?”

  He nods. “It just needs time. But I didn’t want to miss this. Fun times.” He grins weakly.

  Zakiel’s lips thin into a line. “We need to figure out where all these Galadrian daggers are coming from.”


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