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Kinky Clinic: The First Day

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by Amber Burns

  Kinky Clinic: The First Day

  By Amber Burns

  Book One of The Kinky Clinic Series

  Copyright © 2014 by Amber Burns

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language.

  All characters in this work are 18 years of age or older.

  The following short story is full of filth, sex and cum.

  See the preview below for a bit of foreplay

  The directness of Dr. Howard set Laura's sex on fire. She stood and bent over the exam table, presenting her begging pussy to him, just as Marcy had been when Laura had barged in. The doctor wasted no time and his tool was pushing at Laura's entrance. She met his thrust with her own, pushing his entire nine inches inside of her. She could feel each inch of him inside of her, penetrating her. She moaned in unison with each thrust of his hips, each smack of flesh. Sparks of pure pleasure traveled up Laura's spine, radiating out to her toes and finger tips leaving a trail of goosebumps along the way. She could feel the inevitable orgasm building inside and she wanted more. With one hand brace against the wall across the exam table, Laura maneuvered her free hand down to her clit, weaving the sensitive flesh between her fingers and, with the tips of her fingers, brushing the cock traversing her pussy.

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  Nurse Laura

  "I'm so excited. It's my first day as a nurse! I can't believe I was so conflicted about applying here."

  Laura Ackerman's round cheeks blushed a crimson red as she caught herself once again speaking her thoughts out loud. Luckily there was nobody around to hear her and start forming first impressions about the crazy lady who talks to herself. It was a cool late winter morning in east Texas and her new XL blue scrubs contained were just enough fabric to keep the colder air at bay. Nursing had always been a passion for Laura ever since her childhood. Her bedroom was routinely lined with dolls laying in makeshift beds whom had contracted various imaginary illnesses. Her older brother Mark would tend to them as the doctor while Laura played nurse making sure they were comfortable and taking care of their medicine.

  Today, however, her boss was not her older brother, but locally famed Dr. John Howard. People from a three county radius signed up for his waiting lists and often waited months, if not years, to become a patient at his practice. Laura still wasn't quite sure how she landed a job with him. As she entered the doors to the clinic, she thought back to the night she found the help wanted ad, and how silly she now felt about it.

  It was a month earlier that she had happened upon the nurses wanted ad while job hunting online. Laura had already been searching for jobs for three months with little success. Almost every office was seeking experienced nurses. Those that seemed "new nurse" friendly rarely even bothered to let her know that her application had been received, much less declined. Finally, this latest wanted ad seemed tailored to Laura. The ad was non-descript and didn't even list what practice or practices were hiring. However, it explicitly stated they were looking for newly graduated, inexperienced nurses.

  "Training Provided!" it read. "Learn from experienced, and friendly co-workers!" The ad continued, "Work for a world class doctor, wanting to train the next generation of nurses."

  Laura couldn't believe what she was reading. It was exactly what she was looking for. Her excitement was building and she was practically dancing in her computer chair as she reached the application requirements. The posting asked for an email with resume, letter of reference, height, weight, body measurements and recent full body nude photos; one from the back, one from the side and one from the front.

  The Application

  "Wait... what?" She said to herself before re-reading the requirements. "...and full body nude photos. Personal information and photos required for health and insurance evaluation purposes."

  Laura's sense of excitement had sunk into a feeling of uneasy frustration and confusion. A million thoughts raced through her mind.

  "Was the post for real?"

  "Is it just some perv collecting nude pictures of women?"

  "What if it's a real job?"

  "Will being a prude cost me my dream job?"

  A pint of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia accompanied Laura's internal struggle through the evening. She had already spent months job hunting with no results. Her rent was soon coming due, and her savings account was drained from student loan payments. This job seemed perfect for her, if she could just submit the application.

  "It's for a doctor's office," she said, talking to herself. "They see naked people every day. Surely it really is just for insurance."

  With a reluctant sigh, Laura flipped on her computer's webcam and stood from her chair. She stripped off her t-shirt revealing her bra-less chest. Her breasts were pert and a bit larger than average. They were her favorite feature and her light pink nipples stood proudly from her large areolas. She pushed them together, producing an ample cleavage in the image staring back at her from the computer screen. Taking her hands away from her tits, Laura hooked her thumbs in her boy shorts (no need for pants when home alone) and pushed them to the floor. Her trimmed, but still womanly, lady garden was easily discernable against her otherwise lily white skin.

  Laura crinkled her nose at the figure on the screen. She was unhappy with the general... roundness of it.

  "Well..." she spoke slowly, "if it is a perv, he won't be happy with these pics."

  Before she could talk herself out of it, Laura had three pictures snapped and attached to the email. The thrill of sending out a job application, coupled with taking and sending nude photos had brought back the excitement she had felt earlier. However, now it was tempered with a bit of sexual energy.

  Self Checkup

  In her haste, Laura had not bothered to turn off her webcam after taking the needed photos; nor had she gotten dressed. Now that her application was sent, the image of her naked body in the corner of the screen caught her eye. Laura had never been happy with her body, yet she had never been particularly unhappy either. She didn't consider herself fat but she definitely had some curves. Her breasts were a decent size she thought, and she had what others called "birthing hips" that continued into a nice round ass.

  As she examined her naked body from the glow of her computer screen, she felt a growing twinge coming from between her legs. Maybe it was the rush from taking naked photos for a stranger to "examine" or maybe it was the sexiness of her own body. Whatever it was, she was getting more turned on than she had been in a long time. Without thinking, she found her hand sliding down her smooth skin towards her waiting pussy. The closer she got the more she could feel the warmth rising from her sex. When her finger tips reached the sensitive skin of her outer lips a spark jumped up her spine causing her to jump and pull her hand away.

  "I'm going to need a toy," she said out-loud, thinking to herself.

  Laura moved from the computer to her bed and rifled through her bedside drawer. A large purple dildo with clit vibrator emerged from the darkness.

  "I hope the batteries still work."

  With a flip of a switch the plastic penis sprung to life, twisting and bouncing and vibrating. Laura's face was plastered in a wide smile, as if she was opening presents on Christmas morning. With the object of pleasure readied in her hand, Laura laid back and spread her legs. Her wetness was already glistening in the light as the plastic reached her hole. She teased it around
her entrance, lubricating the tip before pressing it inside of her. The hard, unyielding tool penetrated Laura, satisfying her urges as it's inches filled her.

  She had already forgotten about the clit vibrator when the dildo was deep enough for it to brush against her engorged nub. She jumped with surprise, but did not pull it away. Instead she pushed it deeper still allowing the vibrating soft plastic to engulf her sensitive organ. Laura writhed in bed, not even bothering to fuck herself with the cock. She was content to let it fill her, stretch her, and tickle her clit.

  Her free hand found it's way to her breast, her fingers massaging the soft flesh. The erect pink nipple at the apex of her mound were flanked by a finger on each side. An occasional squeeze from her fingers added an extra oomph to the already nearly unbearable stimulation her brain was dealing with. Laura knew she was close, but she wanted to hold out only a few more moments, to allow her body a few more seconds of anticipation.

  Despite her determination, the monster was unwavering. The assault on Laura's clit was too much to resist. She could feel the orgasm on it's way and she clamped her aching nipple between her fingers sending the last signal to her body releasing the tidal wave of an orgasm.

  Laura's back arched in a cum fueled contraction. She lost hold of the vibrator and it fell to the bed in a small pool of her wetness. Even though the plastic was no longer inside of her, it still felt as it was assaulting her sex, forcing it's pleasure upon her. Once the intensity of her orgasm finally waned, Laura collapsed back into her bed. She ignored the noisy vibrating pleasure device and basked in the afterglow of her pleasure.

  No Training Required

  Even though it was only 8AM, the clinic was already buzzing with activity. Nurses were rushing through the halls and hurrying patients into rooms. As Laura made her way through the hallways towards Dr. Howard's office she noticed something... amiss. All of the nurses she had observed so far were the complete opposite of her. They were all tall, skinny, big breasted women. Almost as if he only hired super models. However being that she was there, Laura knew that must not be true. She also noticed that the patients being rushed into exam rooms were exclusively male. And not only male, but middle to upper class guys, most of whom were quite handsome.

  Laura's stomach started to turn a bit, and her pussy began to tingle as her brain made subconscious connections about the nature of Dr. Howard's practice. Before she could quite work out what was going on, she reach the doctor's working office and knocked gently.

  "Come in!" came a jovial shout from the other side of the closed door.

  The cold steel door opened into a much warmer and far less clinical room. Instead of white vinyl tiling, the floors were covered in an exotic hardwood. The walls were a rich dark red as opposed to sterile white. There was no smell of harsh chemicals or glare of cold steel equipment. The office was lit softly with sunlight diffusing in from the large windows and the air smelled sweet, almost as if someone was baking in the next room. Laura was taking in the magnificent aroma as a voice rose from the large oak desk situated at the far wall.

  "Ah, Laura!" Dr. Howard's voice was chipper and welcoming. "Good morning and welcome to my practice. Have a seat."

  Laura made her way to Dr. Howard's desk. It was flanked on either side by tall bookcases filled with more medical texts than one person could go through in a lifetime. The wall behind the handsome smiling doctor was adored diplomas, award certificates and photos from community events. Laura felt lucky to have landed a job at such a prestigious practice. She sat down across from Dr. Howard before speaking.

  "Thank you doctor. I'm excited to be here!"

  Dr. Howard leaned forward onto his desk. Laura noticed that her chair seemed to be a bit closer to the ground than a normal chair, and the doctor's desk a bit higher. As he leaned over the desk he seemed to loom over her, making her feel smaller and him more powerful. Her growing feelings of powerlessness and submissiveness were broken by the doctor's pleasant smile and demeanor.

  "Well Laura, I'm sure I will be satisfied by your performance. However, I'm afraid today isn't going to be much of a training day. As you may have noticed on your way in, we are booked solid today and I cannot spare anyone for training."

  Laura only nodded, unable to think of a meaningful response.

  Dr. Howard continued, "It's going to be a bit of trial by fire. Find Marcy at the nurses station, she has your list of patients for today. I'll see you again later this afternoon."

  The doctor didn't move once he finished speaking and his tall form continued to tower over Laura from his oversized desk. His sweet smile seemed frozen across his hard jawline. Laura only managed to squeak out a faint "Okay" before scurrying out and back into the sterile clinical environment. She wandered through the maze like halls searching for the nurse's station. Just as she had seen on her way in, the halls were alive with activity. She passed numerous patients, still all males, being led to rooms by the supermodel nurses. Finally, she stumbled upon the nurses station. As expected, it was manned by another tall and busty woman, this time a red head. Her name tag read "Marcy".

  "Of course..." Laura mumbled to herself.

  "Sorry, did you say something? Can I help you?" Marcy said in a tone indicating she thought Laura might be lost.

  "Oh um, no..." Laura stammered while mentally kicking herself for thinking out loud again. "I'm Laura. I just started today. Dr. Howard said I should come see you for my patient list."

  Marcy was visibly taken back, and confused. She looked Laura up and down, as if she was checking Laura out.

  "Um.... ok." Marcy's voice and hesitation reinforced her body language. "Here is your patient list. Mr. Lowe is already here waiting in an exam room. He is in room 3B."

  Patient Revelations

  Something seemed off about Laura's new job, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Was it Dr. Howard, the nurses, the building... or was it was all in her head?

  "It has to be me," she said, speaking to herself. "Dr. Howard is a respected and popular doctor. It must be my inexperience in an actual practice."

  With her self confidence shaken, Laura reached room 3B. She took a deep breath and entered, determined to do a good job with her first patient.

  "OH MY GOD!" She screamed, before freezing in the half opened door.

  She was unable to move as she stared at her apparent patient, Mr. Lowe, sitting on the exam table. He was naked and sporting an impressive erection; which he was stroking as Laura stood dumfounded. After what seemed like hours, Laura regained enough composure to slip inside and slam the door behind her.

  "What are you doing?" She questioned, practically yelling at Mr. Lowe.

  "I... I'm here for my weekly checkup." Mr. Lowe replied while looking around confused. "Are you my nurse? You don't look like my normal nurses. Where is the tall blond?"

  Laura was at a loss for words. Her eyes flitted between her patients erection, which he was still stroking vigorously, and his confused, but hungry eyes. Finally the uneasiness she had felt all day was adding up. The supermodel nurses, the doctor's popularity, the naked patient... she was working at a brothel. Laura's revelation had an unforeseen effect on her body. Her mind was screaming for her to run away but her body was more turned on than she had ever been before. Her heart was racing and her pussy was hot and wet with a rush of excitement. Her body begged her to walk over to the man only feet away and take his cock into her mouth, fill herself with its hardness. Despite the urges that were attempting to overtake her, Laura's logic managed to take control long enough for her to race from the room. She took off down the hall, leaving the bewildered patient behind with his erection.

  Without thinking what or who may be behind the door, Laura burst through a closed door into an exam room. All she wanted to do was get away and be alone for a minute to collect her thoughts. Instead she was only feet away from Dr. Howard, who was balls deep inside of the tall redhead Marcy. Laura's intrusion gave the couple pause, but only for a moment. The tall, sturdy doctor'
s hips resumed their rhythmic thrusting; burying his nine inch long cock completely within Marcy with each satisfying smack. Marcy was bent over the exam table, her scrubs top still on as the good doctor took her from behind. She almost seemed disinterested as her hole was being filled, lazily resting her head in her hands, waiting for him to finish and taking no notice of the new guest watching them.

  Not knowing what else to do, Laura stood and watched his employer and co-worker fuck right in front of her, her eyes locked on the massive cock continually disappearing into the bored redhead. The urges that had arisen in Mr. Lowe's room returned, but she dared not speak or leave. The only movement came from her hand, as her pussy called out, aching to be touched. Slowly it crept between her legs and lightly stroked her lips through her clothing. Dr. Howard watched Laura's hand as it closed in on her pussy and as she touched herself he pushed deeply into Marcy before announcing his arriving orgasm with a loud grunt.

  Once he had emptied his load into Marcy, Dr. Howard withdrew his member from her, pulled up his pants and smacked Marcy on the ass. She also dressed herself and then left the room without uttering a word. Laura had not moved from the spot she had frozen in after entering the room. Her hand was still cupped to her pussy, which she quickly pulled away when she noticed the doctors eyes glued to her lady garden.


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