A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas Page 13

by Tiffany Carby

  She heard his chuckle after she locked her bedroom door.


  Pryce led Guidry to the courtyard where tents and games had been set up. Her cheeks remained pink as they walked. I knew better than to look at his ass in those jeans. Dayum, he’s hot.

  Children ran helter skelter. Guidry grabbed her hand and held tight as they strolled. “This all looks so different down here than it does from up there.” He pointed at the roof. “The grass is much softer. I need to spend more time enjoying the little things rather than just the...more physical ones.”

  “You know—” she interlocked her fingers through his as another teacher gave him the once over, “—for a demon, you seem like a pretty nice guy.”

  His eyes flashed for a second. “Don’t fool yourself, my lady. I’m using an excessive amount of self-control to abide by your wishes.”

  Raised voices interrupted their exchange. Pryce freed her hand and headed toward the argument, Guidry right on her tail. They broke through a small crowd and found Toby faced off with another boy.

  She placed herself between the boys. “What’s going on?”

  Toby wiped a tear. “He’s cheating.”

  The other boy waved a burlap sack. “I ain’t cheating. I ain’t even raced yet. He’s just mad that he doesn’t have a partner.” He pointed at Toby. “Cause nobody wants to be partners with him.”

  “Grammar, Robbie.” Pryce kneeled. “Run along and I’ll deal with Toby.”

  “Yeah, you always baby him. He never gets in trouble.”

  Toby reared, but Guidry grabbed him by the shoulder. “I ain’t no baby, you little bitch. I’ll show you who’s a baby.”

  Pryce stood with her hands out. “Language, Toby. Come on.”

  “He called me a baby. Ain’t no one calling me a baby and getting away with it.”

  “Enough,” Guidry quietly commanded. He pointed. “Robbie—go play. Toby, we’re going to have a chat.”

  Pryce rose. “I need to talk to your teachers to have extra lessons about not using the word ‘ain’t’.”

  She shoved her fingers through her hair as Guidry led Toby to a nearby picnic table. The boy sat with his shoulders slumped, staring at the ground. For a few minutes, they both sat quietly. Guidry straddled the bench and faced the boy.

  Oh good lord, to be taken for a ride. And here I had the chance and turned him down cold. She shook her head. What the hell. Acting like a whore is not me.

  She hovered in the distance as Guidry leaned in and talked quietly to the boy. Toby nodded now and then, then looked up in surprise. He shook his head yes enthusiastically, then jumped off the bench. Guidry grinned and met her eyes.

  The grin almost proved her undoing. I could drag him up to my room and keep him captive for three days. Who would know? I may not walk for a week, but oh what a memory I’d have.

  Toby ran to the teacher. “I have a partner now. I want to race.”

  Pryce turned to Guidry. “You’re going to sack race? Have you ever done that?”

  “No, but after a while, embarrassment doesn’t bother me anymore.”

  Robbie and his partner stood ready to race as Guidry and Toby lined up. When the signal was given, the pairs raced to the far end of the yard, each with one leg in the sack.

  Guidry and Toby struggled as they tried to find a pace. Just when it seemed they figured it out, one hopped when the other hobbled and they both went down. Pryce ran to them when they didn’t rise. Don’t be hurt. For crying out loud, please don’t be hurt.

  They were both laughing so hard they couldn’t get up. Her heart burst with overflowing emotions at their glee. They kicked off the sack and Pryce handed it to the teacher.

  “Are you going to try again?”

  Toby giggled. “Nah. There’s too much other stuff to do without tying our legs together.”

  Robbie ran back in victory and Pryce braced for another encounter. Her eyes widened in surprise as Toby grabbed the boy’s hand and congratulated him. Robbie stood there looking disappointed as they walked off.

  They made it a competition as they searched for colored eggs. Guidry put his arms in the air and jumped in triumph when he had the most. Pryce sought out the coveted Reese’s peanut butter egg as his prize.

  His eyes rolled back in his head as he took a bite.

  She tried not to watch his tongue lick his lips. “Now remember—let it melt in your mouth, let the warm gooey flow down your throat.”

  He opened his eyes and stared at her, his brows raised. “That was without a doubt, the second-best thing I’ve ever tasted.”

  “Second? What could possibly be the first?”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “You, my lady.”

  Her cheeks flamed as Toby gagged. “Eww, that’s gross.”

  Toby headed to the dinner hall as Guidry feasted on several more peanut butter eggs. He opened the last one in the apartment as she searched for dinner.

  “I could live on these.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure you couldn’t.” She paused. “Well, maybe you actually could.”

  After grilled cheese sandwiches and French fries, Pryce lounged in the shower, letting the warm water relax her muscles. She wrapped herself in a robe and found Guidry sprawled on the couch watching an old episode of Stargate Atlantis. He pulled her on top of him, kissing her fast.

  Desire spiked and coherent thought fled. She ran her hand across his chest and down his abs and stopped at his jeans. He wrapped his hands in her hair and deepened the kiss. Her robe fell open and his hand moved to caress her breasts. His hand slid down her belly and across her hip.

  Sensations long forgotten left a trail of goosebumps across her skin. She shuddered as a fire ignited between her legs, further turned on as he hardened under her. Her nipples hardened under his fingers and his kisses continued their drugging effect.

  He shifted on the couch and his jeans dug into her skin.

  Stop now or you won’t be able to. With great exertion, she rose from the couch. The timing isn’t right. I don’t know him. We can’t do this. Her voice was throaty. “We can’t. I can’t.”

  The expression on Guidry’s face was of need and desire. She knew he could press the situation if he wanted. He didn’t move even though the frustration was palpable.

  “I’m sorry.” She fled to her room, ashamed and aggravated. She crawled under the covers, still feeling the sensations of his hands and lips.

  Why the hell did you pick now to be a nun?


  Pryce tossed and turned, then rose and wandered to the window. Her room faced the opposite side of the building from the balcony. She rubbed her arms at the cool night air caressing her naked body. Sleeping nude had always been her thing. A gargoyle in the house hadn’t changed it.

  The stars beckoned to her, so she wrapped in her comforter and tiptoed out through the quiet apartment. She slipped out onto the balcony, her eyes riveted to the sparkling sky. She hiked up the blanket as she strolled. Shoot for the moon and you’ll land among the stars. Not a bad place to be on a night like this.

  She backed toward her chair without looking away. She was already sitting back in the chair before she realized it had an occupant.

  “Oh, damn.” She squirmed as strong arms surrounded her.

  “Sit still. You’re smashing my man parts.”

  She stilled. That’s a pitiful waste.

  He gently pulled her back against him and they watched the sky.

  “I didn’t realize you were out here.”

  He shifted until they spooned to perfection. “I couldn’t sleep.”

  Is he naked? She clutched the comforter. “Me either.”

  They reclined together in a comfortable silence. Pryce could feel his breath against her ear and willed her body to relax. Enjoy the moment. This is really nice.

  Guidry leaned in and kissed the side of her neck. His arms tightened as he rested his chin on her shoulder. He snuggled her close, but just held her, his face inches from hers.

  She waited for another onslaught of sexual advances, but he didn’t move again. She tilted her head into his, drinking in the sensations of being held. I’m cuddling a gargoyle. Who’d believe me?

  His warmth seeped through the blanket. Her body relaxed of its own accord, molding her closer into him. His spicy male scent filled her senses with his essence. This is the most intimate encounter I’ve ever had and there’s nothing sexual about it. She snuggled closer against him.

  Guidry shifted, jogging her awake. Daylight had broken and she lay curled in a fetal position in his lap with her head on his shoulder. Sometime during the night, the comforter had unwrapped and shifted so it covered both of them. His arms were still around her, but his hands cupped her breasts.

  She smiled as she ran her fingers through the hair on his chest. Is he groping me, or am I groping him? She snuck a peek. Yup, he’s naked. It seemed like the most natural thing she’d ever experienced.

  He pulled his arms back and arched his back in an awkward stretch. “Sorry love, but I’m starting to feel a little cramped.”

  She kissed his jaw as she rose, pulling the comforter up with her. Her cheeks heated as his long form lay exposed.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” He rose and stretched, unabashed at his nakedness.

  She hurried into the apartment. “You are staying here for a bit. I have some case files to go over, a home visit for an adoption, and then lunch duty.”

  He chuckled as he followed. “You do realize that I’ve been around a lot longer than you. I’m perfectly capable of leaving the apartment and entertaining myself.”

  “I can’t have you going in and out of my apartment. I don’t want a lot of unnecessary explanation.”

  He headed to the spare room. “No one will see me. They never have.”

  She hesitated. “Why have we never seen you around the building before? I worked here a long time before the apartment opened up. Surely the stars have aligned before now.”

  “I’m not human, remember? I do have a few—err—demon tricks. If I don’t want to be seen, I’m not.”

  She turned to where he had been, but he’d disappeared. “Well don’t get lost.”

  “You don’t have to yell.”

  She shrieked. He stood in front of her, kissed her quick, then vanished again. Moments later, he walked out of the bedroom, fully dressed.

  Her brows raised. “Damn.”

  “Have a nice morning. I’ll be back after lunch.” He disappeared.

  Jealousy flushed her cheeks as she dressed. Who’s he going to see? He told me about all those easy bimbos. Is that where he went? I meet my first demon and he’s a whore. It figures.

  She caught sight of herself in the mirror and burst out laughing. “You idiot. You turn him down flat, then get pissed because he might be going to get some. Get a grip, lady.”

  In her office, she lost herself in paperwork until time for the home inspection. Pleased it seemed the adoption would be a success, Pryce stopped at Starbucks for a latte. She caught herself searching the crowd for the handsome gargoyle.

  She stopped at the park down the street from the home. Ducks strutted around seeking handouts, while others floated on the water. She stared over the water as the sunlight seeped into her bones.

  What’s he doing right now? Who’s he with? She shifted on the bench. Why do you care? Tomorrow night, he’s gone. For who knows how long. Don’t get attached.

  Her heart skipped a beat and she stiffened. You ass. You already have. You fell for a gargoyle, for Christ’s sake. A friggin demon. What were you thinking?

  An embrace. A meeting of the souls under the stars with no expectations.

  No, that was just—nice. It didn’t mean anything. Just because I enjoyed a cuddle doesn’t mean I fell in love.

  A duck quacked.

  Does it?

  A couple walked by and nodded in her direction. She blushed, as if they heard her internal battle. Her phone beeped.

  The display read La Petite.

  Toby’s missing.

  She dropped her latte and ran.


  Staff members met her at the door.

  She tried to control her panic. “What happened?”

  A teacher stepped forward. “Toby got into a fight with Robbie again about the festival yesterday. Robbie said the only reason people did stuff with Toby was because they felt sorry for him. And—” She hesitated, looking at Pryce.


  The teacher continued. “And that Toby acts like a little bitch because you baby him so much.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. I give him extra attention because he’s always in trouble.”

  “Language, Ms. McIntyre.”

  She spun around to find Guidry behind her, brow raised. “That’s the least of my worries right now.” She looked back at the teachers. “Does anyone have any idea where he went?”

  “According to the others, Toby disappeared on his way to art class. Since that classroom is in the wing closest to the woods, that’s our best guess. We just didn’t want to start searching until you got back.”

  “Have you called the authorities?”

  A nervous shuffle. “No, we waited for you.”

  Relief washed over her. As long we find him, that’ll save me a whole lot of paperwork. “Okay, everyone take a wing and search it. He may just be hiding, daring us to find him. I’m going out to the woods.”

  Guidry followed. “I’m going with you, of course.”

  Pryce ignored the questioning glances from the staff. She waved her phone. “Call or text if you find him.”

  A nature trail ran through the wooded section of land. She called to the boy, then stopped. “If he’s out here, he’s going to hide. He certainly isn’t going to answer. He likes making it a long, drawn out game.”

  “As you’ve told me before. Let me give it a go.” He stilled and closed his eyes. His face went slack and his eyelids twitched.

  “There’s a waterfall nearby?”

  “A small one, if you can even call it a waterfall.”

  Guidry headed down the path. “That’s where he’s at.”

  She hurried to keep up. “You have some pretty impressive skills.”

  He glanced sideways at her. “If I had a demon card, it would be revoked. My ‘skills’, aren’t usually used for good. Hell, I’m not usually so good. Or restrained.”

  In a fluid motion, he stopped and grabbed her shoulders. He kissed her hard and deep, demanding. She instinctively responded, shocked and aroused all at once. With a will power she didn’t know she possessed, she stepped away.

  “We can’t be standing here making out when a child is missing.”

  Guidry ran a hand through his thick hair. “He’s fine. An extra minute won’t hurt him.”

  She walked away. “While I appreciate your help and your skills, and while I do—enjoy—your—umm, kisses, we need to get Toby back as soon as possible.”

  He laughed at her back. “Enjoy them, huh? Good to know.”

  She mumbled. “No shit, sherlock.”

  “Sherlock Holmes was a great man.”

  “Oh, great, so bionic hearing is another demon trait? Or just a learned ability from being a rock for so long?”

  His laughter echoed in her ears as he took the lead. He led her straight to the clearing where Toby sat next to the creek.

  Pryce sat next to him as she texted the all clear. “Whatcha doing?”

  He scoffed. “Fishing. I was hungry so I’m catching dinner.”

  “Always the wise guy, hmm? Care to tell me why you ran away?”

  Instead of the normal cocky bravado, Toby burst into tears. She started to put her arm around him, but Guidry motioned to her to stop. He sat next to the crying boy.

  Guidry tossed a rock in the water. “Why are you crying?”

  Toby hiccupped. “I hate people.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “You do?”

  “Yep. Life
is unfair, people treat me like crap, I’m sick of it.”

  Toby wore a guarded expression. “You a shrink?”

  “Nope. Worse. I’m a demon.”

  “That’s okay. Shrinks are the worst.”

  Pryce stifled a giggle. A demon is perfectly normal for him, but shrinks are evil. Gotta love kids.

  “One thing I’ve learned in all my demon years is that people are always going to suck. Family, friends, strangers - all suck at one time or another, or all the time. You have to be responsible for you and not give a damn what others are doing.”

  Toby wiped his tears. “What do you mean?”

  Guidry shrugged. “Well, like running away. The other kid pissed you off, so you ran away. Why? Did it help you gain anything? No. Did it make you feel better? I highly doubt it. And I promise you, Robbie doesn’t care. He just sits there in his little group and gossips about the little bitch that ran away.”

  Language, Mr. Gargoyle. I should really tell him to watch his mouth, but he actually seems to be getting through.

  Toby sat quiet for a minute. “So what should I have done when he told me I was a little bitch?”

  “Me, personally? I would have just told him to suck it if he was jealous. And then gone on to art class and created something I enjoyed making. You control you, Toby. Unfortunately, and yes, I’ve had to learn the hard way, you can’t control anyone except you.”

  Toby jumped up and threw his arms around Guidry’s neck and buried his face in his shoulder. He did the same to Pryce. “I’m sorry, Ms. Pryce. I’ll try to do what he says.”

  They walked Toby back to class, then went up to the apartment. Pryce opened the refrigerator. “If nothing else, I got out of lunch duty.”

  Guidry sat at the small kitchen island. “Always look for a silver lining, no matter how slight it may be.”

  “You were fantastic with Toby. Did you have kids—back when?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve always loved kids, but demons don’t really procreate much. Especially with humans. It dilutes the blood lines, and female demons are just straight up bitches.”

  She walked around and took his face in her hands. “Thank you. And just so you know, I’m going to miss you in this form.”


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