A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas Page 14

by Tiffany Carby

  He wrapped his hands around her waist. “I’m going to miss it, too. At least now you’ll know I’m listening while you throw candy at me. But don’t be sad, my darling. At least you’ll know I’m always hard for you.”

  “Bad joke, mister. Really bad.”

  She kissed him, slow. Deep. He moaned and pulled her closer, their tongues dancing. He stood and picked her up, never breaking contact, and carried her to her bed.

  “I want to make love to you, my lady.”

  She undid the first button on her shirt in invitation. “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”

  She shut off her brain as he slowly undressed her, taking ample time to taste and caress her skin. By the time they lay naked, her breath came in pants from want. From need. When he entered her, the stars in her world perfectly aligned with his and they explored the heavens together.


  They woke the next morning wrapped in each other’s arms after a night filled with passion. Pryce reluctantly left his side to get ready for a field trip.

  Guidry dressed also. “I’m going with you.”

  “Are you sure you want to go? It’s your last day.”

  He kissed her quiet. “No place that I’d rather be.”

  Don’t think about it. Enjoy the day, enjoy the time we have left.

  Toby stayed close to Guidry as they entered the petting zoo. She heard the boy explaining the animals lived there because of abuse and neglect and had been saved, like the kids at La Petite.

  I am breaking so many rules letting a complete stranger chaperone a field trip. Or get anywhere near the kids at all. Luckily the teachers all like him so I don’t think anyone is going to bust me. Her brow furrowed. Or he’s using a demon skill and I don’t have to worry about it anyhow.

  Guidry seemed amused when Toby went to feed a goat. “You realize that in my time, kids his age would already be hunting for food. And eating the very thing he’s currently feeding as a pet.”

  She pegged him with a stern look. “No goat barbeques. This is all for fun.”

  “I’m a demon, not a barbarian. I don’t hunt for my own food.”

  “I love you.”

  They searched each other’s eyes. Did he just say what I think I heard?

  He took her hand. “Did you just say—”

  “I love you.”

  Behind them sat a parrot, straight out of a pirate story. Pryce burst out laughing at the expression on Guidry’s face.

  “Blasted bird. I guess next it’ll want a cracker.”

  “I love you.”

  Guidry grinned that sexy smile. “Shut up, beak face.”

  How easy it would be to say.

  Guidry squeezed her hand and winked.

  If reading minds is a demon skill, I’m screwed.

  Pryce glanced back at the goats. Toby no longer fed them. She glanced around, but he was nowhere to be seen. “Now where did that kid go?”

  Guidry left the parrot. “Maybe he went off with the other group.”

  They gathered the kids and hurried after the others. They caught up at the emu pen and Pryce did a head check. Toby was still missing.

  She caught Guidry’s attention. “If he ran away again, so help me.”

  “He had no reason to.”

  “Can you do your little demony thing again?”

  He raised a brow. “Demony thing? Really?”

  He closed his eyes and concentrated. Then frowned. “Shit.”

  Pryce grabbed his arm. “Shit? What’s shit?”

  “He’s in danger. Come with me.”

  She grabbed the nearest teacher to explain, then followed him toward the back of the facility where the barns were located. As they passed the buildings, they saw Toby being dragged by a large man at the far end of the parking lot, about a football field away. The boy struggled but couldn’t free himself from his captor.

  Pryce drew in a sharp breath. “That’s his Uncle Derek.”

  “The one who abused him?”

  She started to run as she dialed 911. “Yeah. That one.”

  The distance seemed to stretch as she ran. She watched Derek attempting to put Toby in a car. Then all of a sudden, Toby was in Guidry’s arms twenty feet away.

  She reached Derek before he recovered enough to challenge Guidry. “What the hell do you think you were doing?”

  “That little brat belongs with me. I’m taking him home.”

  “NO!” Toby cried, before turning his face into Guidry’s neck.

  Temper sparked. “He will never live with you again. Maybe you’ll find a punching bag in prison more your size.”

  He pushed her out of his way. “Screw you.” He advanced on Guidry. “Give me the kid.”

  Derek flew backwards and landed on the hood of his car.

  She nodded at Guidry with admiration. “You got skills.”

  Sirens sounded in the distance. Derek groaned, then slid from the car. Before she could move, he grabbed her and put a knife to her throat.

  “I ain’t going to jail, you bitch. I’m taking that kid, and you’ll never see us again.”

  She caught Guidry’s eye. “I got this.”

  She stomped on Derek’s foot and shoved his elbow, pushing the knife away from her neck. At the same time, she headed butted him with the back of her head. He cried out as she spun around and punched him right in the face, doing further damage to his nose. He went down, whimpering as blood poured through his hands that cupped his face.

  Guidry moved next to her, still holding Toby. “Nice work, Ms. McIntyre.”

  “Your demon skills are handy, but sometimes it’s more satisfying to get your hands dirty.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “You are quite a woman, my love.”

  She smirked as warmth flowed from her heart. My love. If only he meant it that way.

  Toby watched the flashing lights approach. “I told him you’d come.”

  Pryce tousled his hair. “I always have your back.”

  “I know you do, Ms. Pryce, but I meant him.” He poked Guidry in the shoulder.

  “You knew I’d come?”

  “Yeah. Cause you’re a demon and know stuff.”

  “Ah, right. My demony thing.”

  They both laughed as Toby said, “yeah, that.

  The first cop pulled up and loaded Derek into the back seat after providing a roll of paper towels. Pryce gave her statement, as well as Toby.

  So much for not getting busted having Guidry around.

  Law enforcement pulled out without interviewing him. He winked over Toby’s head.

  Demony thing. Got it.

  Toby walked between them. He reached up and took Guidry’s hand. “Thank you for saving me. I was really scared.”

  “Any time, buddy.”

  They were almost to the barns when the air ahead of them turned hazy and misty.

  Before Pryce could say anything, Guidry stopped. “Well, sonofabitch.”


  When the mist cleared, a beautiful, lithe woman dressed in a black cat suit and stiletto boots faced them, arms crossed, a finger tapping her blood red lips. She smirked as she strolled to Guidry and pulled him into a deep kiss.

  Really, bitch? Pryce cleared her throat and threw her shoulder in Guidry’s. The woman stepped back at the jolt, and grinned.

  “You must be something to tame a demon.”

  “Clarissa, enough.” He turned to Pryce. “Remember that sanctimonious witch I told you about? Well here you go.”

  I’m about to become a frog. “Kiss him again and you’re going to realize just how much of a witch I can be, too.”

  Clarissa’s jaw dropped, then she threw her head back and howled in laughter. “Good job, Gargoyle boy. I actually like her.”

  Toby challenged the woman. “Don’t you make Ms. Pryce mad. I’ve seen her be a bitch before.”

  They spoke together. “Toby - language!”

  The witch tapped her toe. “Well look at you. Already acting like parents. Isn�
�t that cute.”

  Guidry sighed. “What are you doing here? I still have several hours and…” he paused. “Wait a minute. I didn’t hurt that guy. I never actually touched him.”

  “And that, my dear rock, is precisely why I’m here. It seems our young man here is a direct descendant of the guy that got you imprisoned in the first place. By saving his life, because trust me on this, that uncle of his was going to kill him, you righted your wrong.”

  Pryce looked at Guidry. “So that means--”

  He kept his eyes on Clarissa. “Are you saying what I think?”

  She winked at him. “I am indeed. You, my pet rock, are now off your leash. You are free to move about the mortal world as you please.”

  He nodded to her. “Thank you.”

  “I don’t expect to see you again.” She blew him a kiss. “Quite the shame.”

  With a snap of her fingers, she disappeared.

  Toby whistled through his teeth. “She really was a witch.”

  Pryce scoffed. “A little too ‘Bewitched’ for me. Wearing too much makeup.”


  Guidry ruffled the boy’s hair. “A show before your time.” He turned to Pryce and kissed her softly. “Green isn’t your color, my love. And I’ll be needing an extension on my guest room services.”

  Emotion sent chills up her arms. “Are you sure? You’re free now and I don’t want to hold you back.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “I’m a demon. You can’t make me do anything.” He chuckled. “Actually, you’ve made me do more in the last couple days than anyone in the last couple centuries.”

  She slapped his shoulder. “I didn’t make you do anything.”

  He whispered in her ear. “You made me sleep in my own bed.”

  Heat colored her cheeks. “That was my own stupidity.”

  “Hey, guys. I’m down here. Remember me? The kid you’re supposed to be watching?”

  She lifted him up and kissed his cheek. “You mean the kid that keeps getting in trouble?”

  “Gross. Put me down, woman.”

  Guidry laughed. “My woman, little man. Mine.”

  The possessive tone made her heartbeat soar. “What exactly happens now? You’re a demon, I’m not. How does that work?”

  He shrugged. “Now that I’m in human form permanently, I’ll start aging just as you do.”

  “But you can still do the demony stuff?”

  He swung her around. “Yes, you crazy lady. I can still do the demony stuff. For good or bad, you just remember that.” He winked at her.

  They headed back toward the school group. Toby ran ahead, but not too far. Guidry threw his arm around her shoulders as they walked.

  “I think I’m going to like this new life.”

  She kissed his cheek. “I hope so. And, umm, how about that procreation stuff you mentioned?”

  He stopped. “I hadn’t thought about that.”

  Oh, shit. Too soon? Way to go, dumbass. “I didn’t mean, I mean, I wasn’t implying.” Shut up. Just shut the hell up.

  He kissed her until she floated on a cloud of bliss. He stepped back and took her hand. “I highly suggest we start practicing as soon as humanly possible.”

  Her heart exploded in happiness. “Practice makes perfect.”

  One Year Later.

  Pryce sat in her hammock chair, watching the stars. A bag of jelly beans sat in her lap as she enjoyed the quiet.

  She grabbed a handful of the candy and sorted through it. Always the damned pink ones.

  “Don’t even think about tossing that at me”

  She grinned. “Nah, I wouldn’t do that.” She threw it over the railing.

  “Now some little kid is going to get hit in the head with a flying jelly bean.”

  She stood and wrapped her arms around him. “It’s almost midnight. If the kids are out, they won’t dare make a peep.”

  He rubbed her belly with a gentle touch. “How’s our little lady doing?”

  “She doesn’t like pink jelly beans either.”

  “Smart ass.” He kissed her deeply. “I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of kissing you.”

  “Good thing now that we’re hitched. You can’t get rid of me if you want.”

  He held her close. She listened to his heartbeat and relaxed. Life is good.

  “You ready for tomorrow?”

  His voice sounded rumbly in her ear. “I’m going to miss this place.”

  He tightened his embrace. “At least we have a big deck at the new place.”

  “I know. We just have a lot of memories here.” The new house sat at the edge of the city on a large piece of land, perfect for a growing family.

  “Once the little missus gets here and Toby takes on all of his eagerly anticipated big brother duties, we’ll have plenty of new memories. And a dog. We mustn’t forget his dog.”

  “He won’t let us forget we promised him a dog. I just hope this little demoness isn’t as hard to handle as he was.” She squeezed him tight. “I can’t wait until the adoption is final next week and he’s our son. He’s so excited.”

  Guidry stepped back and pulled out his cell phone. “I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I think this will make you feel better about leaving here.”

  She watched him scroll through his photos until he held it up. A large gargoyle stood on a pedestal near the open deck on their new home.

  Tears sprang to her eyes. “It’s awesome. But it’s not a tomb, right?”

  He laughed. “Nope. This one is just a rock, to protect you and the kids. I thought maybe you needed someone to talk to. Or throw candy at.”

  “As long as it doesn’t come to life when the stars perfectly align.”

  He pulled her close again and cradled her against him. “Baby, when the stars aligned this last time, it was as perfect as it could ever get.”

  About the Author

  Lorah Jaiyn’s debut romance novel, “Whisper of an Angel”, released earlier this year. Her short stories have been featured in several anthologies, and she has much more in the works. Her mood dictates genre blend from magic to vigilante justice. She lives in Central Florida and credits her Jack Russell as both her muse and biggest distraction. Lorah enjoys creating with polymer clay and volunteers with a wildlife rescue. She loves exploring the great outdoors and is also totally addicted to the Hallmark Channel. She can be found on Facebook at www.facebook.com/lorahjaiyn.

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  Stained-Glass Heart

  Brandy McIntosh

  To my Dad, who taught me I could do anything I wanted, even marry a dragon.



  Ashlyn took her coffee out to the wraparound porch. The sunrise was still in shades of purple and pink, her favorite time of morning. Sitting in the lounge chair near the back door, she was ready to watch the early birds grab their breakfast from her feeders.

  When she looked up at her large oak, however, it was not a bird she saw. It was a dragon, and it was looking right at her.

  Ashlyn had seen lots of monsters and creatures from fairy tales that she was sure other people didn’t see, but a dragon in her back yard was a first. She froze, too afraid to move.

  She stared at the massive creature for several minutes as it curled around the five-foot base of the tree. Bronze in color, it almost blended into the bark. It tried to stand up, and she braced herself to run, but it only sank back down on its stomach, as if sick or exhausted. She relaxed a fraction but still didn’t move.

  You can see me.

  Ashlyn narrowed her eyes. The voice in her head was deep and gravelly but not threatening.

  If you’re trying to talk to me, you’ll have to speak out loud. I can’t hear you telepathically.

  “You’re in my back yard,” she called out to the drag

  I’m sorry. I’ll leave soon. You don’t have to fear me, I mean you no harm. What are you?

  “What am I? You’re a dragon and you’re asking me what I am?”

  You can see me.

  “Um, yeah. You’re a thirty-foot dragon trying to hide behind an oak tree. Epic fail, dude.”

  I’ve never met a human who can see me when I’m in my dragon form.

  “I’m crazy. I see all sorts of things. You’re my first dragon though.”

  She’d been told her whole life she was one “episode” shy of an extended stay at the insane asylum, so she made sarcastic jokes about it. Call it a defense mechanism.

  When he didn’t respond, Ashlyn figured he was reevaluating his decision to befriend her, which was common enough. She picked up her coffee to sip it, expecting the dragon to fly off. Or eat her. That was still a possibility.

  Are you here alone?

  “Nope. I have a whole brood of brothers in here ready to attack if you hurt me.” She was proud she kept a straight face. Her parents had died years ago, leaving her and her brother the house, but Stephyn hadn’t been seen in five years, since her eighteenth birthday. He’d run as soon as he could.

  I’m smarter than I look, girl. You’re lying.

  “I’m not a girl. I’m twenty-three years old.” She blushed, clearly not liking his misjudgment of her age, but she was somewhat resigned, as if she were used to it. “This is my home.” She stared at him defiantly, daring him to hurt her or take advantage. “And I can defend it, and myself, if I need to.”

  You’re the one who has me at a disadvantage. I’m hurt, and I can’t fly. I need a place to stay for a few days. I’d normally never admit such a disadvantage, but I have no choice. Tell me, woman … can I trust you?

  “It’s Ashlyn. Most people call me Ash.”

  And I am called Vichter.

  She hesitated, then gave up. “You can stay here … just for a while … but I’m in charge. And don’t let anyone else see you. Everyone already thinks I’m nuts. I don’t need them thinking I’m a dragon too. They’d come at me with pitchforks and torches.”


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