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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

Page 16

by Tiffany Carby

  “I haven’t ever traveled. Most of my life has been spent within fifty miles of Misty Heights.”

  “Having roots is a good thing. I’d love to settle down in one place someday.”


  Vichter looked up in surprise, on guard. He realized quickly, however, it was only a bubble, the remnants of the pink gum still around her mouth. Ashlyn took in his reaction and smiled. “Sorry. I love the stuff. I’m always chewing and popping bubbles. It’s a habit.”

  He could smell the sweetness, and it reminded him of his own childhood, when he was addicted to candy and treats. He still liked those things but rarely gave into the urge. “No, it just startled me. If you’re going to be addicted to something, bubblegum is a terrific way to go.”

  “Yeah, it doesn’t exactly help with people thinking I’m a teenager.” She blew another big bubble, letting it pop onto her face, then laughed. “Screw it. I’m not going to start drugs and smoking just to look older.”

  Vichter got up from his chair, rubbing his stomach. “That was some of the best food I’ve ever eaten. Thank you.”

  “It’s my late grandmother’s recipes. I enjoyed the chance to cook for someone who appreciates it.” Ashlyn smiled.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d like to look around a little bit, get the lay of the place. It’s the Guardian in me.”

  “That’s a great idea. Let me give you a tour, then we can finish cleaning up our breakfast.” She stood. “There are two floors, and it’s designed as a circle. You saw the utility room, which is off the kitchen.” She led him into the living room. “This is the biggest room and has the only set of inside stairs.” She pointed to another door. “That’s a bathroom. And there’s another door in there that connects back to the utility room, but it’s been nailed shut as long as I can remember.”

  She went up the stairs, and he followed. “Up here, there are three bedrooms and a bunch of closets. This is my room, closest to the stairs. At the end is the master bedroom, which hasn’t been really touched since my parents passed. And over here, I turned my brother’s old room into a guest bedroom, and you can stay there. It’s right across the hall from me. The bathroom is between my room and the master. And all the rooms connect to each other in a circle. There’s also the central landing,” she finished, out of breath. “Did you get all that? Feel free to poke around. There’s nothing really private.”

  “Yeah, I’ll take a look around. I love this old house.”

  “I’d love it more if it wasn’t just me here. It’s too big and too old. Everything’s falling apart, and I can’t fix it right now. Every time something breaks, I usually just try to fix it myself or do without.”

  “I’ll be glad to try to help you with anything around the house while I’m here. I can earn my keep.”

  “I’d take you up on that, but it’s not insufficient ability on my end, it’s mostly a matter of funds. I can’t afford the equipment or parts for most of it. Right now, it’s the water heater. It’s lukewarm at best, even on the highest setting. It needs a new thermocouple, but that’s only a temporary fix. I need to just buy a new one, but that’s out of the question.”

  “You know a lot about houses and electronics?”

  “Everything I know, I’ve learned from YouTube and Google.”

  They went back downstairs, and Vichter cleared the table while Ashlyn washed the dishes. As big as the kitchen was, there was no dishwasher. Now that he looked closer, all the appliances were at least fifty years old.

  “Did your parents buy this house?”

  “No. It’s been passed down through several generations. I think my great-great-grandfather built it in the early 1900s. I wish I knew more about the history, but I haven’t been able to dig up a lot of mementos.”

  Ashlyn disappeared into her own thoughts as she washed the dishes and looked out the window. Vichter took the opportunity to really look at her, watch her.

  He shouldn’t be attracted to her. It was an inconvenience, and he couldn’t remember having such an instant reaction to anyone else. Why did Ashlyn seem so different? For Vichter, being out of control, unable to keep himself in check around her, was unacceptable. He didn’t want her thinking he was going to make advances, or that he wanted more from her than a safe place to sleep. He’d keep the persona of a friendly stranger, someone who’d be leaving as quickly as they came.

  “Thank you for making me feel welcome. I appreciate the food and a warm bed. Most nights, I sleep high in a tree, in the deepest wilderness I can find. I’m a light sleeper, trained to wake at any noise or danger. But I feel safe here.”

  “It’s no problem. It’s not like I have company very often. Well … ever. It feels good to play hostess.”

  He wasn’t going to argue after that; he’d never crush her domestic bliss. “I really appreciate it, thanks. It’s much better than any bed I’ve had in months.”

  “I didn’t realize being a Guardian requires so much—”

  “Sacrifice? Yeah, well, I take my job seriously, and comfort means you’re not paying as much attention. I try not to let myself get too relaxed.”

  “Admirable. But it’s not the best way to live. Comfort is important too.”

  Vichter looked at her. There was something about Ashlyn that was drawing him in, making him want that comfort. Her kind of comfort … a warm bed, hot food, and interesting conversation. Family. Hosting a friend when they needed it. She was … She was mate material. His body had been trying to tell him since he’d first laid eyes on her, but his brain was starting to catch up.

  The thought shocked him. Vichter had never thought about finding a mate; he was too young. He had duties and needed to fulfill his time as a Guardian before he settled down. Of course, most dragons didn’t make it through their entire service before settling down, but he wanted to. When he took a mate, he wanted to devote his time to her, not leave her at home alone for weeks at a time.

  And Ashlyn wasn’t a dragon, so it wasn’t worth thinking about. Not to mention how young she was. She wasn’t in the market for a lifetime commitment to a man, much less a dragon.

  Ashlyn had to run up to the school for a half-day shift in the nurse’s office, so Vichter spent the afternoon exploring the farm. It was long since fallow, but there was an old, picturesque, red barn up on the far hill out back. There was a dried-up garden, with puny stalks that could still be seen coming up through the cracks in the dry clay. The yard itself was beautiful, with deep-green grass and the old oak he had used as cover. The porch was well cared for, with a recent seal on it. The lawn furniture was clean and painted. Small flowerbeds were already planted, even though it was early spring. It was obvious Ashlyn liked the outdoors, even if she couldn’t run the whole farm by herself.

  Ashlyn brought home a pizza that night, and they watched TV. Vichter was unfamiliar with most of the shows, but he enjoyed the experience. Ashlyn was great at knowing what to explain and letting him figure out the rest. It felt good to laugh with someone.

  Ashlyn had changed out of her work clothes into a tank-top and running shorts. It wasn’t flashy or revealing, but it was, again, that symbol of “comfort” which seemed to radiate from her. It distracted him into thinking how good it would be to see her padding through his home, getting things ready to settle down for the night.

  “You ready to hit the hay? I have to warn you, as old as this house is, it can get pretty creepy at night unless you’re used to it.”

  “Sure. I’m scared of a few things in the world, but the dark isn’t one of them.” Vichter followed her to the guest room and sat down on the bed as she set up the egg box on the bedside table. He was surprised at how comfortable the old, brass bed was. “Goodnight, Ash. Thanks for sharing your home with me. I owe you more than you know.”

  “Just don’t kill me in my sleep and we’ll call it even, okay?” she said, laughing.

  “I promise. And I also promise to not let anyone else hurt you. Consider yourself one of my charges. I’m on the job.”r />
  “Okay. But just remember, I’m not one of those kids you babysit.” She gave him a saucy wink.

  She turned out the lantern before she left the room, and he laid there in the dark.

  “Not a problem, Ashlyn, because now I can’t seem to forget that you’re all woman,” he muttered under his breath.



  Ash was trapped. She watched from under the car as scaly feet with claws padded close, hesitating at the rear of her hiding spot. The beast snorted and grunted as it hunted her. The car shifted as the thing moved around it, toward the front. She scooted away, trying to stay hidden. As the feet moved away, she slid further out from the vehicle, ready to run in the opposite direction when she had the chance. She tried to be quiet, but when something grabbed her foot, she kicked out, screaming. She was dragged from under the car and looked up into the face of a different beast, this one hairy, with a snout dripping hot saliva on her face as he held her down. She swung out, hoping against hope to knock the beast off of her. WHAM! She connected, and the beast disappeared, as if made of smoke.

  “Ashlyn!” Someone was calling her name. Her scream had alerted the first beast, the lizard man, and he was headed toward her now. She screamed again.

  Vichter was suddenly in front of her, holding out his hand. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” He helped her stand, then pushed her behind him, brandishing a giant sword at the approaching lizard man. He turned to her. “Ash, listen to me. You have to wake up.”

  What? She was conscious. She was standing. The hairy monster hadn’t hurt her. “I’m okay.” She looked around for the other monsters. There were always more.

  “Wake up!” Vichter’s voice begged. Ashlyn clung to his arm, scared he was going to leave her. This didn’t make any sense.

  “Ashlyn? What’s wrong? Are you dreaming?”

  Vichter’s voice became reality, and she awoke, finally. Embarrassed, she pulled the covers over her head. “Not again. Geez, I get so tired of these stupid, childish nightmares!”

  Her embarrassment just fueled her anger. It wasn’t fair that her head was full of monsters. That those same monsters had cost her any hope of a family and a future. Her sanity, even.

  Vichter was leaning over her, and she sat up suddenly, their heads connecting with a crack. He was sent sprawling backward onto the floor. There was blood on his mouth, probably from her headbutt.

  Vichter licked the side of his mouth, reaching up to wipe at the blood. He must have turned on the bedside lamp when he came in.

  “You’re bleeding! Did I do that with my head?”

  “Actually, no. That would have been that nasty right hook you have.” He stood and sat next to her on the bed. “What were you dreaming about? You were whimpering. And breathing fast.”

  “I should help you clean that up.” She stood and grabbed a first aid kit from the bathroom and crawled back into bed. “Man, I can’t believe I hit you. I was totally asleep and forgot you were even here.”

  “It’s good to know you can protect yourself. You’ve got quite a swing on that arm,” he teased. “Were you dreaming of the past? Something that happened to you?” He seemed determined to get answers. Answers she didn’t have.

  “Yeah, well … I guess we all have our monsters. I don’t really know what I was dreaming about tonight, but scary dreams are common for me. Always have been. I’m used to them.” Ashlyn sat in front of him, scooting into the V of his legs to get closer. She used some gauze and antiseptic to clean the blood from the corner of his mouth. “It wasn’t as bad as it looked, just a scratch, not a busted lip. At least I didn’t scar you for life.”

  “It feels fine, Ashlyn. Don’t worry about it.” Vichter swallowed hard, drawing her attention to his mouth. She stared at his lips, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. Just once.

  What would he think if he knew how attracted she was? She knew next to nothing about men. She was pretty sheltered in that department. It’s hard to date when everyone thinks you’re crazy. But when she looked at Vichter, she didn’t see a stranger. She saw a man. Someone she wanted explore, to figure out. She wanted him to stay.

  Knowing he would eventually leave didn’t calm her desire. If anything, it flared hotter, thinking she had a chance to have a fling. To her, he was her protection, saving her from demons and monsters, both real and dreamt.

  Bringing herself out of her thoughts, she realized she was still staring. She blushed but didn’t look away. Bracing her hands on his thighs, she didn’t have words for what she wanted, but maybe he was worldly enough to get the hint.

  “Ash? Are you sure you’re okay?” Vichter’s voice was soft, almost a whisper, and he cleared his throat. “You’re not acting like yourself.”

  “How would you know?”

  A look of shock crossed his face, but she didn’t care. Her dream had left her out-of-sorts, and that was even more reason to welcome Vichter as a perfect distraction.

  Reaching up, Ashlyn ran her fingers down his face. His stubble made her wonder if the dragon was hidden somewhere inside the man. Vichter grabbed her hand, but she didn’t pull away. He froze, holding her hand, not sure what to do, so she made the decision for him. Leaning forward, she quickly placed her lips on his before he could tell her no.

  It was awkward, mostly because she’d never kissed anyone and had no idea what to do next. The heat from his lips was intense, and she pressed harder, wanting to feel more. Vichter tilted his head, putting his hand in her hair and pulling her toward him. Ashlyn laid sideways against him, her cheek against his shoulder, as he tasted her lips with the tip of his tongue. She gasped, and the opening gave him the chance to explore further. Instinct took over, and she wrapped her tongue around his, feeling the edges of his teeth. He tasted like coffee, dark and sweet. Vichter moaned into her mouth, sending a lance of fire from her heart down to her core, where it exploded. Ashlyn gasped, unsure what was happening but loving it. She wanted more. She grabbed his face, afraid he would stop. He took her hand, lacing his fingers through hers, and pulled it down to the bulge in his pants. Resting her hand there, she had no idea what to do.

  Vichter pulled away from the kiss, both of them gasping for air. “Why don’t you touch me?”

  The question confused her. She was touching him, wasn’t she? He had reacted to her kiss, had held her. He wanted her … at least at first. Maybe she couldn’t give him what he needed or wanted—she didn’t know how. Vichter released her when she stood quickly.

  “Yeah, we should probably get back to sleep while we can. I have somewhere I have to be tomorrow. I don’t want to oversleep.” Ashlyn was babbling and avoiding his gaze. She couldn’t face him now. Just to look busy, she dug around in a drawer.

  “Ash? Are you okay?” Vichter stood, as if to come to her, and she panicked.

  Ashlyn dashed past him to the bed and turned out the light, plunging them into inky darkness. She realized how stupid that was as soon as she did it, but she was too afraid to move.

  “Goodnight. Thanks for checking on me.”

  Vichter fumbled to the door and across the hall. Tears of frustration and embarrassment coated her cheeks. She’d never felt younger or so naïve in her life.


  * * *


  Vichter laid in the dark, stunned and unable to comprehend his luck. Ashlyn had kissed him. Her lips were like heaven, and he’d fallen down the rabbit hole with everything he had. He wasn’t sure why he’d gone so far so fast, except that it had felt right in the moment.

  Gritting his teeth, he fought against a hunger and need so intense it was painful. Just the brush of his own hand had him sweating and almost moaning. He’d never been this hard in his life.

  But more importantly, he wondered if Ash was okay. Her reaction baffled him— so hot one second, so cold the next. And he was sure he had done something to upset her. Maybe she just came to her senses and realized she was kissing a monster and didn’t want to start anything in the f
irst place. Danger will do that, even if it’s in the form of a bad dream. If she saw him as someone who’d saved her from the nightmare, it could make her temporarily overly attracted. Too temporarily.

  Vichter was on fire. It must be true what they say: you want most what you can’t have. And he’d sell his soul to be in Ashlyn’s arms right now, to have her clinging and begging him for more.

  Her skin was pale but flawless, with a delicate scatter of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her brown eyes had flecks of gold and green in them, accented well by her light-auburn hair with natural highlights from the Texas sun.

  Vichter, unable to stop himself, ran his hand up and down his length, a gentle pressure that relieved some of the discomfort of his need. He pretended it was her hand.

  He could smell her everywhere—in the room and on the blankets he had kicked aside. She smelled of bubblegum and honeysuckle. Not perfume, but a natural sweetness with an underlying woodsy smell. A child of nature.

  He reminded himself she was no child. He’d never pleasured himself so close to someone else, especially when that person was the cause of his desire and could discover what he was doing. Vichter wanted to touch her, to crawl into her pile of blankets and hold her to him so tightly, they’d both forget to breathe.

  Finding his release against his own hands, hot and fast, Vichter moaned quietly at the strength of his orgasm. He cleaned himself with magic, just a thought, and situated his clothes again.

  He had to find out what had made Ashlyn push him away and fix it. If he didn’t have her soon, it would be the death of him.



  By the time Vichter woke the next morning, Ashlyn was already up. He checked his wounds, which were healing faster than he really wanted them to, then gathered the egg and went to find her.

  “Ash?” At first, there was no answer, but as he came downstairs, she replied from the kitchen.


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