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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

Page 22

by Tiffany Carby

  “Wow, Vichter. It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen a place like this.”

  He led her into an alcove, and then into a courtyard off to the side. The Dynast was there, in dragon form, but the rest of the council and members of the community were in human form.

  “Why aren’t they all dragons?”

  “Because we wouldn’t all fit. Have you ever seen a hundred dragons in one place? We’d cover miles and miles.”

  She blushed, ashamed that it hadn’t dawned on her. It was comforting to see so many human faces in one place, but it was also overshelming to see those stained-glass colors and inner light shining from each person, who smiled at them, welcoming. The eyes that used to cause nightmares for her were now close friends, and even family. Some hugged Vichter, telling him they were glad he was back and how proud they were that he’d kept the Dynast’s egg safe. Vichter was well loved here.

  “Gather around. Please be seated.” The Dynast gestured to the stone benches set up in rows. “Vichter, Ashlyn, please come to the front.”

  Vichter squeezed her hand to assure her all was well. Ashlyn wasn’t afraid of the dragon before her, but she still stared in awe. He was massive, filling almost half of the large courtyard with his sinewy body, scales gleaming. He was ancient and brilliant and fair. And beautiful.

  Once Vichter and Ashlyn were settled on the front bench and everyone else was seated around them, some standing in the back when the benches were full, the Dynast spoke.

  “Recently, Vichter Denarian was tasked with protecting my child on an incubation run. While on that journey, he met his future mate. Although they are still courting, we all know how intense and demanding that time can be for a dragon. However, he still managed, in three days, to court his mate, protect my egg, and bring Miss Ashlyn back to our community in time for the hatching. I am sure it wasn’t easy, and it speaks volumes about his loyalty, determination, and spirit. Rise, Vichter, and accept my promotion. You are no longer Guardian but Advisor.”

  Vichter appeared shocked. Ashlyn wasn’t sure what it meant, but a promotion had to be good. She clapped proudly with the rest of the audience. Vichter stood as a nearby council member placed a necklace over his head. He nodded, tears in his eyes.

  “Thank you.” He looked over at Ashlyn, who was still clapping and smiling. “But I really got all the reward I needed for my efforts. She’s all my dreams come true.”

  Ashlyn blushed, ducking her head. She was embarrassed at such a show of affection, but the audience was clapping thunderously, yelling and whistling. Everyone seemed so happy for Vichter. For them.

  “Miss Ashlyn, would you stand?” the Dynast prompted. She stepped forward. “I understand there was a moment when my egg was in danger. You showed great sacrifice and saved my egg. Is this true?”

  “Kind of. I mean, I did save the egg for Vichter, but it was never really in any danger. And I didn’t give up my life or anything. It was just some money.”

  “For protecting my egg, you have my eternal debt. Is there anything you would ask of the council, anything you need? If it is within our power to grant it, we will.”

  Ashlyn stared at Vichter, so regal in his new position beside the Dynast. Already, she missed his dragon, his true self, that she had gotten to know and love these last few days. She wanted to share that life with him, all of it, for all time.

  “I understand that if I want to be a dragon, another dragon must petition for me. Is that true?” She didn’t look at Vichter, afraid of what she might see in his face.

  “That is true. But I’ve already told Vichter it will be granted if he petitions. You are always welcome here, Ashlyn, and will always be a part of our family, no matter what you choose.”

  “I want to be a dragon.”

  There was a moment of silence, then the entire forest erupted with the sound of roaring dragons, claps, and whoops. Ashlyn looked around in shock as all the dragons and council celebrated. They truly wanted her. And it was humbling.

  Then she saw him. Vichter was leaned up against a pillar, staring at her, reaching out. She went to him, and he crushed her to him, a hug so tight and strong she could barely breathe, but she felt the same way. She was ready to embrace this new life and wanted nothing more than to share forever with Vichter.

  “What’s this promotion that you got?” She looked closely at the medal around his neck. “Does that mean you can stop traveling so much?”

  “There’s only one Advisor, a confidant and partner to the Dynast. It’s a huge honor. But not as much as it was hearing those words from your lips.”

  She didn’t play coy. She knew the words he spoke of and was glad he didn’t seem upset by her eagerness or her break from protocol in asking.

  Vichter lifted her, swinging her in circles as she screamed and laughed, finally able to breathe now that she knew they would be together as they were meant to be. If they came upon obstacles, as they were bound to do, they would face them together. With a dragon army behind them.

  “So … when do I become a dragon?”

  The Dynast, watching them, leaned in and placed a clawed hand on her shoulder. A warmth shuddered through her like a summer storm, gone just as quickly as it came. “It’s already done, my child. Welcome to the family.”


  Octaviana ran in circles, the purple, iridescent bubbles flying around her and popping in her strawberry-blonde curls. She laughed, chasing the bubbles across the grass with the other children.

  As she passed by a large quilt, she stopped, dropped to her knees, and proudly pulled an egg from inside her sweater. “Look what I found!” It was covered in golden lines and rainbow colors in each box and shape. It was stained-glass, beautiful. Octaviana opened it, showing them the tiny porcelain bunny inside.

  Vichter turned to Ashlyn. “She’s just like her momma. Always finding the treasure.”

  “At least she hasn’t fallen in the creek yet.”

  “True. I’m not going anywhere near Cargo Creek this trip. Not with Little Vic on board.” He patted his chest, where a tell-tale bulge was hidden beneath a windbreaker.

  “You mean Vichtoriana?” Ashlyn teased.

  “I’m so glad the Dynast gave you a vacation this year. I never really thought about how hard it is to allow a Guardian to take your child away from you during incubation. With Octaviana, I was going nuts. I couldn’t do that again.”

  “Love, I will always be your Guardian. Yours, Octaviana’s, and Little Vic’s … and all the rest.”

  “All the rest? How many little dragons do you want?”

  “How many will you give me?”

  “Twenty-seven! I want twenty-seven!” Octaviana shouted as she stood to go play with the other kids.

  “Don’t even think about it!” Ashlyn laughed, laying her head on Vichter’s shoulder. She loved coming back to Texas every Easter, but she was mostly looking forward to the flight home with her family.


  I would not be an author if it wasn’t for Anne Conley, Deena Rae Harrison Schoenfeldt, Tiffany Fox and the rest of the BaBBs. For every push, every pull, every laugh and every rant… you Bitches are EVERYTHING. Thank you to my husband Jason for making sure that life didn’t keep me from making this happen, and for being the best Dungeon Master an elven ranger could ask for.

  About the Author

  Brandy McIntosh was born in Texas, and will always be a Texan, even while she’s displaced in Kansas, Nebraska, and New Mexico. Married to a beautiful English professor, they have 2 wonderful children. Stained-Glass Heart is her first publication, but she has many more paranormal books waiting to go live any day. Please feel free to e-mail her at and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

  * * *

  Follow Brandy on social media:

  Twitter: @VampVixenAuthor

  Instagram: vampvixenauthor

  Trail Binding

  T. Eliza
beth Guthrie


  Keldan stood on the balcony of the palace overlooking an incredible waterfall, lush greenery, and mountains topped with snowy peaks. He loved this time of day where it wasn’t quite daybreak or night. It was the time of in between, and it was his time.

  He had just finished ‘the Calling’ in his meditation routine and hoped it would reach the woman it was meant to since his powers were a hit or miss right now. He was growing increasingly concerned about how much energy it took to do the simplest things and often wondered if it was worth using so much power to do the spell. He had plenty of females to choose from within his own people but for some reason, the Moirai, also known as the Three Fates, decreed his Bride would come from the outside world.

  He wouldn’t have gone deep into the swamp to see the Priestess had he not been desperate. It was said she obtained her information directly from the Moirai much like the Oracles of the Gods. She informed Keldan that his Bride was from the human world and that she would save him and his people. But only if he completed the ritual Binding ceremony at Ostara.

  He was at his wit’s end about the continuing battle with King Zierok and Keldan felt tired after all the fighting lately. Being a king was hard enough but being one who always led his own armies was taking a toll.

  And all over the Alwan Door between worlds. He had been its protector and caretaker for most of his life as had his father before him.

  His people, the Trolls, had been fighting the Ogre’s for a year now. He tried numerous times to get a truce in place, to spare his people from any more loss, but the Ogre king refused.

  He needed to find his Bride in order to regain his full powers, which were waning with age. He was over eight hundred years old after all.

  His Bride, once the Priestess completed the Binding, would bring back all of his powers and increase them three fold. He would be nearly invincible. Nothing would be able to hurt him or his people again. Once he had his powers back. Once he found his Bride and bound her to him and to the people.

  Roanoke Virginia

  Frankie hopped off the train at the station house and went inside the building to collect her luggage. It took two days to make the trip, but she had a wonderful ride from Milwaukee to Roanoke on Amtrak.

  It had been an adventure all it’s own, and she couldn’t wait to take it back home. Although a part of her didn’t want to return home. Didn’t want to return to her old boring life as an insurance agent.

  She shook herself to get rid of the maudlin thoughts.

  Stop that! I’m here to have some fun.

  The company she’d hired to set up this whole vacation, Trails R US, booked her into Hotel Roanoke and had a cab waiting on her. The cabbie stood just outside the door holding a sign with her name.She happily hopped inside the car while he put her luggage in the trunk.

  The drive to Hotel Roanoke was a fairly short one, but traffic was backed up every route he took. She wanted to get to her room and write everything from her train adventure in her journal, so she wouldn’t forget a single detail.

  Her room was fairly simple but luxurious, and she loved it just for the simple fact of having time to herself with no worries. She decided to just relax for the rest of the afternoon, write in her journal, then go to bed early. Her day tomorrow would start at 4 A.M.

  She ordered room service after showering then settled in to watch an old favorite movie with Johnny saying “nobody puts Baby in the corner”.

  Frankie laid down after the show and instantly fell asleep.

  She was dreaming. She had to be.

  The surrounding area was incredibly lush. Bright green grass soft underfoot. Deep blue sky overhead. She could hear a waterfall in the not too far distance.

  Where in another world am I?

  She knew it was nowhere she’d ever been. Nothing in the waking world was this vibrant with colors.

  Frankie heard a sound behind her. She turned slowly hoping it wasn’t going to change into a nightmare.

  She just stood there gaping at the large beautiful man walking towards her in nothing more than a black pair of pants that reminded her of soft leather.

  Nope. No nightmare here.

  No man could be that beautiful and look at her the way this one did. It just confirmed to her that she was indeed in a dream, which meant that it could still go either way, happy ending or nightmare.

  Frankie knew she was plain looking, a little on the larger side being a healthy size 16 with mousy brown hair and hazel eyes.

  Her dream man stood well over six feet and was packed with muscles. Or at least the parts she could see were all muscley. He had the most intense blue eyes of anyone or anything she’d ever seen. Even huskies had nothing on this man. He had dirty blonde hair with a goatee to match and a chest that she desperately wanted to run her tongue all over, tracing those delicious looking muscles.

  Can we say yum boys and girls?

  He slowly walked towards her with a predator’s stride. Saying nothing.

  Her heartbeat sped up. Her eyes widened at the intent look on his face. While she was slightly scared, she was also more excited than she’d ever been in her life.

  He stopped just in front of her, reached out, touched her hair. He slid his large hand down to her neck, cupping it, pulling her closer, causing her to shiver. Her eyes slid closed. She knew he was going to kiss her. She waited for it and poof.

  The alarm was shrieking in her ear.


  Frankie woke up pissed. She just knew she’d been about to have one of ‘those’ dreams and hated being interrupted. Sighing and grumbling, she headed to the shower to wake up.

  It wasn’t long before the taxi arrived to deliver her to TRU headquarters where she

  would be taken to the trail head on Catawba Mountain. She couldn’t wait to finally start her real adventure in the mountains.

  The TRU headquarters looked typical of the old brick buildings in Roanoke with the exception of its location near the Roanoke River and didn’t register as anything special.Frankie climbed out of the cab and instantly heard the water rushing past. She couldn’t see much of it but the sound was beautiful and soothing.

  Finally her nerves were calmed down after her rude awakening earlier.

  The men from TRU loaded up several passengers on a small bus, after each one had

  given their trail names for the log books, and they were off. Each one of the hikers would be taken to different locations along the trail depending on how far they were going.

  She was the first to be let off. Her guide gave her some additional instructions and a GPS unit in case of emergencies. Since she was only hiking a twenty to twenty one mile stretch, he told her he’d be at the rendezvous point at Daleville in two days. He assured her that she could go about ten miles each day as long as she took her time and stayed steady.

  Frankie, aka Trail Mouse, waved goodbye and headed out across Rt. 311 to start her journey.

  The first day she made good time and met up with a few people. One of them was going in her direction but further along the Trail. He was walking faster than her so he was out of sight rather quickly. The other couple was heading back the way she’d just come.

  The sky was clear, and the temperatures were on the cool side which made for perfect hiking weather. She was able to make it nine and a half miles before dark, so she decided to find a spot just off the trail to pitch her tent and cook some food. She was starving.

  After eating the ramen noodles she’d brought along, she figured she’d go find the stream or creek she could hear from her camping spot.

  I’d love a bath.

  She grabbed a towel and soap before heading up the hill behind her tent.

  There had been nobody else on the trail with her for the last couple of miles so she wasn’t worried about anything getting stolen since she’d camped off the main path and in behind a clump of large bushes which hid her completely from any passerby.

  Frankie found the creek in no time. It
was large enough to bathe in. Since the moon had come up and was extemely full, she could easily see everything. Nobody would be able to sneak up on her.

  She stripped and waded into the water. It definitely held a chill but since she’d warmed up from the hike and setting up camp it felt good on her skin.

  As she was soaping up she could almost feel eyes on her. She quickly looked around but saw nothing and chalked it up to being out here all alone. Her senses were playing tricks on her.

  She returned to her bath but finished quickly just in case.

  Frankie made it back to camp and slipped into her sleeping bag inside the zippered tent. She was asleep in no time.

  The dream came again. It was the same as the previous night, but this time it went a bit further.

  She saw the same lush green grass. Heard the same tinkling water off in the distance. She saw the same tall, sexy male coming towards her, that predatory stride making her all hot and tingly again.

  He reached out to touch her hair, cup her neck, and lean down to kiss her, but this time nothing interrupted him from taking what he wanted.

  His kiss burned across her senses. It was, without a doubt, better and hotter than any kiss she’d ever had in real life. She never wanted it to end, but she did want it to move onto other things.

  He pulled away and just stood staring into her eyes.

  “You are more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself big guy.”

  He laughed, the sound sliding across her skin like a caress.

  This is one hell of a dream. I hope I don’t wake up before I get lucky this time.

  She could feel his erection pressing against her stomach as he continued to hold her.

  She wanted him. She wanted to feel him touching her, kissing her again, laying her down on the grass and making love to her. She wanted to feel that huge erection sliding in and out, making her crazy for the pleasure she knew he’d give her.


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