A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas Page 23

by Tiffany Carby

  I’m a dream slut no doubt about it. She smiled.

  “What are you thinking right now that would make you smile like that?”

  “Nothing I intend to tell you.”

  “I could make you tell me. I have my ways.”

  “Oh Goddess, I’m sure you could.”

  “You do realize we will meet soon. Once I have you in my posession you’ll never be free again.”

  “Ummm you do realize that’s called kidnapping.”

  “You can’t call it kidnapping if you don’t want to leave, and I promise when I’m done with you, you won’t want to leave.”

  With that he bent his head down again and kissed her long and hard. He worked his way down her jaw and onto her neck where she could feel him leaving what she thought was a hickey.

  “Soon!” He said lifting his head. He was gone a second later.


  The sun rose way too early the next morning. Frankie woke up groggy and a bit disoriented though not sure why other than dreaming all night. She fixed coffee and oatmeal to get her brain and body working correctly before setting off for the last 11 miles or so to the rendezvous point.

  Frankie had only gone a short distance when she came upon some unusual looking rocks. They didn’t seem to fit into the landscape as something natural. More like manmade but she knew from brochures that nothing in the area should be anything other than natural.

  She decided to check them out.

  At first glance it looked like giant boulders leaning against each other. Upon closer inspection they weren’t leaning but carefully propped against each other.

  She walked into the circle and instantly felt a little strange. She looked around and saw another opening, but she was getting incredibly dizzy. She decided to go back out to see if the feeling persisted.

  When she stepped out, she noticed everything around her was covered in a thick fog.

  Where the heck did this come from? It wasn’t here when I walked inside of that crazy rock formation.

  Frankie turned around, looking in all directions but could see nothing for the fog. She started getting a little worried but was relieved that at least the strange feelings had left. Forgetting about the rocks she started back out onto the trail. A few minutes later she walked past the same formation a second time.

  Now she knew something was wrong. Very wrong.

  Not sure what else to do, she walked back into the stone circle to see what would happen.


  She walked out again and back into the fog. This time when she went inside the circle, she walked out the other side.

  The sky was crystal clear, and no fog obscured the trial leading away from the stone circle. Frankie also noticed it was in the wrong direction from where she needed to be heading,

  and when she looked at the GPS to confirm her suspicion, she saw that it wasn’t working at all.

  Now what?

  She couldn’t go back out the other side of the circle. Since it was so foggy, she’d lose her way for sure and probably fall off the ridge to her death. What else could she do? She would have to follow the new trail till she got to a spot where the emergency part of the GPS worked and someone from TRU could come get her.

  Ok so I’m not going to worry. Too much. I have plenty of food and water. I have my tent for shelter, my sleeping bag for warmth if it gets colder for some reason.

  She set off down the trail, hoping to find a good spot for the GPS to send out its emergency signal.

  Frankie felt like she’d been walking for days. Her legs started feeling a little rubbery, so she decided to stop for the night.

  After she set up camp, she leaned against a large tree and ate a power bar. That’s when she noticed some anomalies. Like the trees around her were much larger around and taller than anything else she’d seen on the trail and while she couldn’t put her finger on it, everything just ‘felt and looked’ different.

  She sat up and took a really long look at her surroundings and realized just how strange things looked. She noticed that trees were much taller and she had no idea what half of them were. She’d grown up playing in the forests and thought she could identify most of the common types but these stumped her. The smaller flowers were colors that definitely was not in any color charts she’d ever seen. There was no wildlife either now that she thought about it. She hadn’t seen the first rabbit or deer since starting on this side trail.

  Frankie heard a sound coming from behind her. She stood up to see what made such an odd noise and saw something that looked like a ladybug on the roof of the tent. It was singing or signaling and sounded a lot like a crow.

  What the hell? There’s something seriously wrong here.

  She was so distracted by the singing ladybug that she didn’t hear the two large men sneaking up behind her until it was too late.

  One of them grabbed her in his large arms and held tight while she fought like a wildcat and screamed at the top of her lungs.

  “Goddess but she is a fighter. Bjorn, hand me the cordage so I can tie her hands and feet.”

  “What’s the matter Jomar? You can’t hold onto one little female? Wait till I tell everyone in the barracks.”

  “If you think you can do a better job, I’ll let her go, and you can recapture her and hold her while we head home. Besides, we don’t want her getting hurt by trying to run while we’re on our way, do we?”

  Bjorn grumbled something but handed him the cordage and helped tie her for traveling.

  “The king should reward us greatly for finding her so fast.” Jomar was almost patting himself on the back while Bjorn was spending the bonus gold they’d been promised.

  Both men cleaned up her campsite, leaving no sign that she’d ever been there.

  Bjorn gave the singing ladybug a treat for the heads up on the female’s whereabouts, and the men, along with Frankie slung over one of their backs, headed for home.

  Oh my goddess what am I going to do? Where are they taking me? Who are they? I have to get loose and try to find my way back.

  She felt herself getting disoriented and dizzy from being held upside down and bouncing along as the two large men walked into the treeline away from the trail.

  “Please, you have to put me down, or I’m going to be sick all over your backside.”

  “Jomar, she does look a little green. I think you better listen to her before it’s too late.”

  “Bjorn, mind your own business. She will be fine until we reach the horses.”

  Frankie felt like her insides were about to give up when she suddenly found herself on her butt in the dirt. She watched as the one called Bjorn loaded her backpack onto his horse and tied it down. Then, he turned toward her, hauled her to her feet long enough to get her about the waist, and handed her up to Jomar. He arranged her to sit side saddle across his thighs so each arm was securely around her waist. This way he could hold her safely while they rode back to the palace.


  Frankie was still shaking and in order to keep focused and not completely lose her mind, she kept going over escape plans, when she was brought out of her reverie by the sudden stop of the horse and a shift in her captor’s arms. He handed her down to someone on the ground.

  “Lokar, can you let the King know that we’re back with the item he had us go find.” Bjorn spoke to another large man while he held her in his arms.

  The one known as Jomar was busy sweeping a beautiful woman off her feet and swirling her through the air. Both laughed happily.

  It was while watching this, in Bjorn’s arms, that she began to notice the differences between herself and the crowd that had gathered.

  Their faces were absolutely beautiful. They had slightly pointy ears but nothing so noticeable that they couldn’t blend into any crowd. While the women had lush rosy mouths, the men had those plump bottom lips made for long, drugging kisses and tilted exotic eyes rounded out their facial features. Their bodies were perfection too. How had she not noticed any of this
with the two men who kidnapped her?

  Oh shit, I should be struggling, not standing here staring at these people.

  She started fighting against the arms holding her and the cables that bound her arms. She screamed to be set free and that it was a federal offense to kidnap an innocent woman off the trail.

  Several heads turned her way, checking out all the commotion. Frankie screamed louder, begging for someone’s help.


  The large arms holding her immediately let loose as Bjorn stepped back.

  She turned her head toward the loud commanding voice and froze in shock. Coming towards her was the one man she never thought she’d see in real life. It was the man from her dreams. She stood frozen in place. All of the air left her lungs. She felt her legs go rubbery as he reached out and caught her.

  Keldans heart sped up. He realized that the men had found his Bride. He’d been afraid the Moirai wouldn’t let it happen in time.

  “Are you alright? Have you been harmed in any way?”

  She had no idea where her voice went, but she managed to shake her head no. She leaned into him, staring up at his face. She couldn’t believe what she saw.

  All eyes were on the two of them, watching with curiosity.

  Bjorn stepped forward to report on the hunt. He tried to reassure the King that Frankie had not been hurt. They had only tied her up so she wouldn’t come to any harm while they brought her to him.

  He didn’t say a word to either man, but he was pissed. He swept Frankie into his arms and carried her back towards the palace doors. He didn’t stop until he gently laid her down on a reclining chaise in front of a large roaring fireplace. He left the cables tied to her hands.

  The two men followed him inside but stayed at a discreet distance behind them. They had no intentions of incurring any more of his displeasure now that they were home safely with the prize.

  “Stay put!” He said to her and turned back to Bjorn and Joram. Keldan found his anger dissipating now that he saw Frankie here at the palace in person.

  “Thank you both. I know this was a semi dangerous mission, what with the Ogre patrols all over the place, but I couldn’t do it myself. I did get a temporary truce with King Zierok. How long it will last is anyone’s guess.”

  Even though her hands and arms were beginning to hurt from being tied, Frankie couldn’t help but watch in fascination as the three men stood talking around a cluttered desk.

  She still couldn’t get over how gorgeous they all were. Or the fact that one of them was the man from her dreams.

  She suddenly remembered the last one. He had pressed a rather large erection against her stomach. She blushed wondering if it was that big in reality or if it was the usual dream sham. She was jarred out of her thoughts by Bjorn answering some order from the King.

  “Yes your majesty.” The two men turned as one and left. Joram closed the door behind them.

  The dream man walked over to stand between her and the fireplace As he looked down at her, she had the sudden feeling that she was being sized up as a meal for a hungry predator. She wasn’t sure that was such a bad thing.

  “If you promise not to try escaping, I will untie you.”

  Frankie murmured an appropriate response, and he set about taking the cables off of her hands and then rubbing her wrists to restore the circulation.

  “Thank you.” She was raised with manners after all, but she did pull her hands out of his grasp.

  “Are you hungry or thirsty?” He was still kneeling at her feet holding the piece of rope in one hand. He watched her every move. Her every facial expression.

  “Water would be appreciated.”

  He stood up, walked over to his desk, poured her a glass, and then returned it to her. “Do you remember me?”

  “Yes you’re the man from my dreams. But how is this possible? Where am I? Why did you have those men kidnap me and bring me here? What are you going to do to me? How do you know my name?”

  “Stop! Take a deep breath and calm down. I’m not going to hurt you Frankie.”

  He sat down on the end of the chaise. Frankie moved her feet and tried to crawl up the chair as close to the back as possible to put some distance between them. It bothered him greatly.

  “My name is Keldan. I’m the King of the Troll Empire. And yes, I’m the man from your dreams, which is how I know your name.”

  “Troll Empire? What did your men slip me? Or you for that matter?”

  “We gave you nothing. Haven’t you noticed there are ‘differences’ between my people and yourself?”

  “Well yes, I did, but then maybe you guys are all bodybuilders. The women, too.”

  “Do you believe that? Because if you do, then I guess I’ll just have to prove to you that we’re very different.”

  “No you don’t have to prove anything. Really!”

  Keldan laughed as he stood. He could see it was time to change tactics. He looked back to Frankie and asked if she’d like a bath and change of clothing before dinner.

  Frankie realized how grimy she felt. She must look terrible, she thought, so she agreed that it would be nice to freshen up. She was already running various plans through her head to escape.


  The next several days found her wanting to escape less and less. Keldan was proving to be a most attentive host. Just because all of his attentiveness ended with him trying to seduce her didn’t mean anything. He was definitely single minded and she was pretty sure that she liked it. A lot.

  Keldan took Frankie on long walks around the palace grounds. He explained why he couldn’t take her riding out into the countryside to show her around his lands due to the war with the Ogres.

  He asked questions about her life growing up in the human world, family, friends, customs, holidays and all things in between. He wanted to learn everything about her.

  He showed her the entire palace from the top floor Solar, a room made entirely of windows that gave an unobstructed view in all directions down to the underground dungeon rooms and told her wonderful stories from his childhood. Even scary tales of fighting the Ogres. Stories about the history of his people. How the palace had been built by his five times Great Grandfather, from a strange stone, Crazy Lace Agate, found only in her world.

  He revealed to her about the Moirai and how they predicted his need to find his Bride and what she would come to mean to him and his people.

  He told her about the Binding and how it would be a marriage, yet more. Told her that the ritual would have to take place on Ostara, an ancient Pagan version of her Easter. Keldan held nothing back. He confessed almost everything, praying that she would want to stay.

  He fed her the most exotic foods and drinks while they talked. One drink in particular she kept turning down. He’d told her how it would increase her desires.

  As if I needed any help with that one. The more I’m with Keldan, the more I want him.

  He took them back into one of the lovely gardens where all of the roses were black. She loved this spot best of all.

  “Keldan. Why are you doing all of this? Why me?”

  “What do you mean why you? You’re beautiful, smart, and sexy as hell.”

  He reached for her. Wanting another kiss. Needing to touch her in any way she’d let him. He ached from the want. It was almost time to tell her the complete story, but he’d been enjoying himself so much these last few days that he hated doing it.

  “No, no more kisses till we talk. There’s something else here. Men like you don’t usually want women like me.”

  “Then the men of your world are idiots. Do you have any idea just how sexy you are? Do you know how I see you?”

  “I can’t imagine how you see me. But I know how I see myself. I’m short, overweight, and have mousy brown hair. There is nothing attractive about me unless you need a plow horse.”

  “Don’t you EVER talk like that again. You are none of those things, and I will not hear you speak like that.�
� Keldan couldn’t believe his ears. How in the world could this stunning woman see herself as anything less.

  “Let me show you how I see you.” He turned her around so that his front was touching her back, and then conjured a tall mirror to stand in front of them so she could see herself. “You are the perfect height. You fit right under my chin where I can hold you tightly in my arms and lean down to kiss the top of your head.” He enfolded her in his arms to show her how perfectly they fit.

  “You are lucious and curvy. Perfect for love making. You were made for me to ride all night after a hard day of being King, offering me solace from difficult days between those sweet round thighs.” He reached down to slide his hand along her waist and down over said sweet thighs making her go hot all over.

  “Your hair is the most beautiful shade of brown I’ve ever seen. It matches your eyes perfectly. I could get lost staring into those eyes. Lying face to face while I stroke deep inside of you.”

  He pulled her hair aside and leaned down to look eye level with her in the mirror.

  “And your breasts are the perfect size for my hands.”

  He slowly raised them to cup her. She hadn’t realized how large his hands were until now. She also hadn’t realized just how turned on she was until he ran his thumbs over her nipples, making them hard and aching.

  Keldan was dying inside. He desperately wanted to strip Frankie, lay her down in the grass and ride her until the moon rose a good five hours away. He didn’t think he’d ever get enough of her.

  “Keldan you’re killing me with this.” She leaned her head back onto his chest.

  “Then let me touch you. Let me taste you. I can ease your ache and will not breach you if you so wish.”

  He hoped she’d say no, and he hoped she’d say yes.

  “You’d do that for me?”

  “Yes. Just let me have you.”


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