A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas Page 24

by Tiffany Carby

  “It wouldn’t exactly be fair to you.”

  “I will be fine Frankie. I just want to make you happy.”

  “If you want to make me happy, then I’d want to make you happy.” Oh yeah she was all into those “happy endings”.


  Keldan didn’t wait any longer. He didn’t want to give her a chance to change her mind when he was about to explode. He laid her down gently in the soft grass beneath the black roses that she loved. He began undressing her slowly, starting with the buttons on the top of her gown. He savored every inch of flesh that was exposed.

  She caught her breath as she watched his face. He had the look of a young man on his first date trying to get to second base. All excitement and anxiousness.

  No man had ever looked at her like that.

  Keldan took his time with slow drugging kisses. He moved down her neck leaving little love bites in his wake. While she loved every minute of it she wanted him to hurry and move a little lower.

  Finally, after what seemed an eternity to her, he opened the front of her gown to expose her lush breasts.

  Now we’re getting somewhere.

  He lowered his head to capture one of her nipples in his mouth. Licking, sucking, gently biting before moving onto the other one. He gave her no pause after seeing her reaction to his touch.

  Keldan quickly stripped the rest of the gown off of her until she lay naked in front of him. He sat up to look down at her, taking in all of her beauty.

  He’d never had a woman who excited him the way she did.

  He took off his own clothes and threw them in all directions in his haste to feel all of her lovely bare skin.

  “Won’t we be seen? What if someone comes out here looking for you?”

  “They wouldn’t dare! They all know when I’m with you not to disturb us unless there is

  an emergency.”

  “Then please proceed My Lord King.” Frankie reached her arms up towards him,

  wanting him to come back to her.

  He laughed and lay down on her, fitting his body perfectly against hers. He kissed her again and again while he took her hands in his and raised them over her head. She loved how he felt against her. She spread her thighs letting him settle into place.

  Frankie didn’t need any more foreplay she was ready for him, but he had other ideas.

  Keldan let go of her hands sliding down to her breasts again. When he would have gone further down with his kisses, she twisted under him to stop his progress. She wanted him fully back on top of her. Needed him there.

  “What are you doing?” He was almost panting.

  “I can’t wait Keldan, please. I’m ready for you now.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Frankie.”

  “You won’t. I promise. Just take me.”

  “Frankie… I won’t be able to be gentle with you if I take you now.”

  He desperately needed some time to regain his control.

  “I don’t care damnit! I want you NOW.” She felt herself slipping, losing her control fast, and she wanted him there with her.

  He slipped his hand down until he reached the one spot that he craved to taste, but it would have to wait apparently. He tested her wetness to be sure he wouldn’t hurt her with his size and length. After all, he was a large man in all areas.

  She was hot, slick, and tight. He couldn’t wait another minute to be inside of her, feeling her muscles clenching around him.

  Frankie was out of her mind with want. Her skin felt hot and flushed and she just knew she’d die if he didn’t hurry. She pulled him back up on top of her, loving the feel of all that glorious skin sliding against her own.

  Keldan reached between their bodies to take his cock and aim it at her slick opening before sliding inside, filling her inch by inch. He stopped to catch his breath once he was buried to the balls.

  She gasped for air as he started slowly pumping in and out. He was huge, and she wasn’t used to someone his size. But she wasn’t about to stop him. The slight pain was gone in a heartbeat to be replaced by a pleasure she never knew existed. None of her previous lovers came close to what Keldan was able to do and make her feel.

  Keldan tried his best to take it nice and slow. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done. All he wanted to do was ride her as hard as he could until he exploded inside of her tight, wet heat. But the more he tried to hold back, the more she writhed under him pushing him closer and closer to losing his restraint.

  “Frankie, please slow down.” He took her hands again, which had been grabbing ahold of his ass to try to push his hips faster, and raised them over her head, effectively holding her down. Or so he thought.

  “No. I can’t slow down. I need more… harder.” She twisted and moved under him like a wanton out to destroy him.

  He suddenly lost all control and started pumping her harder giving her exactly what she wanted. What he wanted.

  “Oh my God.” Frankie screamed loudly. Right at that moment, she didn’t care who heard them. It was too good to be quiet.

  “Yesss.” He groaned long and loud as he felt his balls draw up. He was about to explode when he felt her inner muscles rippling around his shaft, and he knew he could let go.

  He felt her orgasm go on and on as he spilled his seed deep inside of her. Her inner walls milked him of every last drop.

  Nothing had ever felt so good. No other woman could compare to the pleasure his Bride had given him, and he knew no one ever would again. He couldn’t let her go no matter what happened. He realized that he was in love with her.

  His outsider Bride had stolen his heart. After all the time he’d spent talking to her, learning every detail of her life in the human world, then sharing his own life stories and dreams for the future he had fallen head over heels.

  When the hell had that happened?

  After several long moments, Keldan felt his cock finally soften enough to slip out of her tight grip. They both moaned at the feeling.

  He rolled over and pulled her with him. She landed with her head on his chest and her breasts pressed tightly into his side.

  She fits perfectly, and she is mine!

  “I think you killed me.”

  He laughed and pulled her tighter against him. “Then I think we both died.”


  “Your Majesty are you out here?”

  Keldan sat up, grabbed his tunic to cover Frankie. He didn’t want any other male to see what belonged to him and him alone. He almost laughed at himself over how possessive he already felt. How much more would he be after years together.

  He stood up, keeping behind the rose bush as he pulled his pants on. He stepped out and revealed himself to his second in command, Bjorn.

  “What do you need? And it had better be life or death important.”

  “Majesty, forgive my interruption, but we just had one of the scouts return to inform us that King Zierok has apparently gone back on the truce you set up.”

  Bjorn kept his eyes on his King’s face, not daring to look down where he could just see, from the corner of his eye, Frankie getting dressed behind the bush.

  “Where is the scout now?”

  “He’s getting food and drink in the great hall as we speak. Waiting to fill you in on all of the details.”

  “Thank you Bjorn. Inform him I’ll be there in a moment.”

  “Yes your majesty.”

  Keldan turned back to find Frankie already dressed and waiting to come out from behind the bushes holding his tunic. He knew instant regret because he would have loved nothing more than to spend the rest of the day making love to her.

  “I’m sorry to cut our time short this evening. I’ll make it up to you I promise.”

  Frankie looked up at his face and saw that wicked gleam in his eyes. She knew in her very bones he’d make good on it.

  “It’s ok Keldan. I know you’re the King, and you have duties. I think I’ll sit out here for a little bit longer while you go talk to your scout.” />
  She had already sat down on the bench and arranged her skirts to be comfortable when she felt herself being lifted into his very large arms. He cradled her close as he turned to sit down on the bench right where she’d just been.

  Keldan hated being parted from her even for a short time. It was as if he craved being near her at all times. How much more intense would these emotions become after the Binding?

  “What are you doing? I thought you had to go inside to speak to your scout.”

  “He can wait. I can not.” He lowered his head and captured her lips with his.

  Oh lord but I love this man’s taste. I can’t get enough.

  When they finally parted and came up for air, he just held her and looked into her eyes, saying nothing. He did not want to break the spell.Finally though he couldn’t put it off any longer, he stood turned and sat her back down on the bench.

  “I’ll be back as soon as this matter is taken care of, and we’ll pick back up where we left off.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” She smiled up at him.

  After Keldan left she sat there contemplating when her mind had changed. She found that she no longer wanted to escape, no longer wanted to return to her old life working for an insurance company. She wanted this life. This man. And by god she’d have them both she decided.

  Frankie sat there till the sun set, not realizing how much time had passed and that Keldan had not returned as promised. She started to get worried so she went inside to look for him.

  She found Jomar first. He stepped out of a side room off the main hall, dressed and ready to go into battle.

  “Jomar. Where is Keldan?”

  “He is upstairs getting ready to ride out My Lady. He told me to come look for you once I was ready to leave with him. He requests your company in his bed chambers.”

  “He’s leaving? Where is he going?”

  “I’m not at liberty to say My Lady. Please follow me. I’ll take you to him where he can explain everything.”

  Frankie’s heart leaped, she’d never been to Keldan’s bedchambers. She followed Jomar and barely noticed how large and exquisitely furnished it was.

  “Keldan, what is going on? Where are you going? How can you leave when we’re supposed to do the Binding ritual in six days for Ostara?”

  Keldan laughed and pulled her into his arms, silencing her questions with a kiss.

  Damn he’s good at that!

  “I have to lead a contingent of my men out to the Alwan Gate where you came through. King Zierok has sent his own group of men out to try taking it from me, but don’t worry, I’ll be back in plenty of time for the ritual.”

  “Why you? Why do you have to go? It’s very unusual for men in charge in my world to go into battle themselves.”

  “I’m not of your world Frankie. As King of the Trolls I have a duty to protect them. It’s a duty I take very seriously.”

  He let go of her to finish belting on his sword. It was one of the most beautiful blades she’d ever seen. It was gold and inlaid with diamonds running from the pommel all the way down the grip, stopping at the guard. It was a blade fit for a King.

  “What am I to do while you’re gone?”

  He turned back to her, placing his hands on her shoulders and looking into her eyes.

  “Frankie, promise me you will stay here within the palace walls where you’ll be safe. Promise me! Now!”

  Keldan felt frantic to extract her word on this. He already knew her well enough to know that if she gave her word not to run she wouldn’t. He had to make sure she stayed. He still needed to sway her into wanting to complete the Binding and become his “Bride” for more than one reason. Once the Binding was complete, his full powers would return, and he would be more effective in battle. But also because he was in love with her.

  “I’ll be here Keldan. Where else would I go?”

  In his haste to leave, he didn’t notice that she never made a promise to stay.


  Days passed while Frankie waited. She was treated very graciously and even found some friends among the women of the palace.

  One in particular, Daria, was by her side constantly, even helping her dress each morning. She finally asked her why on the fifth day. They were in the Solar because Frankie discovered that she had a 360 degree view of the palace and surrounding grounds. She could watch for Keldan and his army easily from there.

  “Did Keldan tell you to stick to me like glue while he’s gone?”

  “Yes My Lady. But I enjoy your company and would have anyway.”

  “I rather like your company, too, Daria. So tell me, are you and Jomar married?”

  “Yes we are. Have been for 221 years now.”

  “Good lord how long do you guys live?” Frankie had never thought about how old everyone here could be.

  “Some of our elders are over 2500 years old. How long do your people live?”

  “No way! How is that possible? My people can only live, on average, 80 or so years.”

  “We are born and age naturally until we reach adulthood. Then it slows down greatly.”

  How can I go through with the Binding ritual if I’ll only be able to spend fifty or so years with Keldan?

  Daria seemed to sense Frankie’s mood because she was quick to explain that once the

  Binding was complete, she would be tied to Keldan’s life line and would age slowly like he does.

  Well, that makes me feel better at least. I’d hate to think of leaving him so soon after realizing that I’ve fallen for him.

  They spent the rest of the day, with the exception of meals, in the Solar watching for their men to return and talking. Daria was a fountain of information on the Troll people.

  That night, while everyone was in the great hall eating, a messenger came in panting as

  if he’d run miles to get there.

  “My Lady. Please forgive the interruption, but I have word on our King.”

  “Tell me!”

  “He and the rest of the contingent of men have been captured by King Zierok. Several of

  them were injured.”

  “Oh my god! How badly are the men hurt? Was Keldan one of them? Where does this

  Zierok live? How far away is his kingdom?”

  “My Lady, please calm down. King Zierok will send a ransom letter, and we can get our King and other men back. He’s done this before,” Daria said. She wanted to lighten the situation, so as not to terrify Frankie, but she wasn’t having any of it.

  “Damn it Daria! Don’t you dare try to get me to calm down. This is the man that I love we’re talking about here, and I won’t stand still while he’s sitting in some dungeon.”

  “What can we do My Lady? I will follow any orders you command.” The little messenger stood tall in front of her, giving his support.

  Oh shit. Now all of them are looking to me for guidance and action. Well, ok then, action they’ll get.

  “I’m going to this King Zierok’s palace and will work out a deal to get them back.”

  The great hall exploded with men and women all talking at once. Some offered to go with her in order to provide protection while some told her to stand down and wait for Zierok to contact them for ransom.

  “ENOUGH! I’m not asking any of you to accompany me. I will not put you in danger but know this, I will NOT let our people sit in his dungeons.”

  “You won’t be going alone My Lady. I will go with you.”

  “Daria, I can’t ask you to go with me just in case something happens. I can’t have that on my conscience.”

  “You don’t really have a choice but to take me. You know nothing about our lands or how to get around.” She stood with her hands on her hips as if daring Frankie to deny the truth.

  “Fine. You and I will go alone. It will be easier to get in, scout around to see the situation, then get out fast if we need to and come here for backup.”

  Several of the men in the hall spoke again, offering their swords for protection. She tur
ned them all down. She asked them to stay behind to guard the palace just in case the Ogre king decided to invade while they held Keldan and his army.

  “Daria, go get everything you need, and let’s head out within the hour.”

  “Yes My Lady.”

  They mounted their horses exactly an hour later with enough supplies to last several days.Frankie looked around at the men, women, and children who waited to give their prayers and well wishes for a safe journey.

  Ostara starts in 2 days. I have to bring Keldan back and complete the Binding or these people are in trouble. I have to succeed.

  Their journey took them through some of the most unusual landscapes Frankie had ever seen in her life. Along the trail they followed were those impossibly tall trees and strange colored flowers again. They crossed crystal clear streams filled with beautiful blue fish that looked like miniature mermaids and she could see snow covered mountain peaks in the distance that put Everest to shame. She hoped they wouldn’t have to cross any of them.

  She kept telling herself that she would ask Keldan to bring her back this way on their honeymoon, if all went well with the Ogre King and peace could be reached.

  Do they take honeymoons after the Binding ritual?

  She had no idea, but she would be sure to ask him when she had him safely back home. Frankie used these thoughts to control her rising fear for Keldan and his men. She prayed they were still alive when her and Daria got there.

  The women traveled through a petrified forest which bordered the land where Zierok’s palace was located. She couldn’t believe her eyes. The stone trees were complete and still standing tall. In her world, such trees were in pieces and sometimes so fragmented that you could barely tell the rocks had been living trees at one time.

  They camped just inside the forest, laying out their things quickly in order to do some recon on the guards and layout of the grounds.

  Frankie and Daria crept as close to the palace as they could without being seen in order to watch the comings and goings of everyone. They lay in hiding for hours getting the needed info, then crept back to their campsite.


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