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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

Page 30

by Tiffany Carby

Kyan laughed before Kyler could respond. “Kyllian will be so disappointed you didn’t mention him, brother?”

  Selene’s eyes widened. “Triplets?” Both men laughed. “Wait.” She focused on Kyan. “You heard me?”

  The triplet in question crossed the room to extend his hand. “My skills might not be on par with that of my brother, but I get by. Kyan Everwood, I’m the good looking one.” He bent and kissed the hand she placed in his. “You’re looking better than the last time I saw you.” His eye caught sight of the bruises and he turned to Kyler. “Though perhaps I spoke too soon?”

  Selene pulled back her hand only to have Kyler snatch it up. “It was my fault. I left her alone while I took care of some things and— well never mind. I need you to fix this. If I try, I’ll only make things worse.”

  “So you want me to ‘fix’ fix things?”

  “If Selene agrees, then yes. Sweetheart?”

  “Hmm?” It took Selene a moment to realise they were both watching her check them out. “Shit. I’m so sorry.” Embarrassment enflamed her face.

  Kyan laughed. “It’s all good. A pretty lady never has to apologise for checking me out.”

  If it was at all possible, Selene blushed even harder. “Again, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so obvious about it. It’s just… in art, I’ve learned that no two objects are ever exactly the same.”

  “Here that brother?” Kyan nudged Kyler. “Your girl here thinks I’m art.”

  “That’s not—”

  Kyler pulled Selene against him. “Your inferior telepathic skills are showing. She clearly said arse.”

  “What? No, I—”

  Kyan laughed again, raising his hand. “Don’t sweat it, pretty lady. Big brother is not so subtly telling me to back off.”

  Kyler’s arm held her tighter.

  “C’mon, let’s get to the real reason you guys are here. Follow me.”

  The room Kyan led them into mimicked the style and warmth of the outer one. In the middle of the room, sat a bed similar to most doctors’ rooms.

  Kyan patted the bed. “Take a seat.”

  Selene perched in the middle while Kyler moved round to stand behind her.

  Kyan put on his doctor face and examined her. “So besides here, (her knees) and here (the bruises on her arm), is there anything else I should know about?”

  “Um, well when he pulled on my wrist, pain shot all the up to my shoulder.”

  He sniffed, screwing up his nose and pursed his lips together. “Right.” He raised his hands. “May I?”

  “Um.” It was one thing to witness Kyler use magick o part water and create thunder, but having Kyan use it on her?

  “Hey,” Kyler squeezed her hand, “you don’t have to do this.”

  But she did. If she wanted to be a part of Kyler’s life, she needed to know if she could handle everything that came with that. “Will it hurt?”

  Kyan shook his head. “Not at all. It might feel a little warm, and you may experience a tingling sensation, but that’s all.”

  Easy peasy. She blew out a breath to calm her nerves.

  “Why don’t you lie down? It won’t hurt, but the sensation freaks some people out, others get a little light-headed, so lying down should help you relax.”

  Selene doubted that was true, but did as he asked.

  “Brother, come around here and distract your lady while I work.”

  The brothers switched sides. Kyler dragged a chair to the edge of the bed and took her uninjured hand in his. “So, what did you find?”

  She tried to answer, but there was a weird sensation in her left arm.

  “Hey.” Kyler squeezed her hand to regain her attention. “When you were checking us out, what did you find?”

  Selene licked her lips. “I… um.” When Kyler brushed his fingers across her forehead, the other sensation melted away. “Your eyes. That was the most obvious difference.”

  The brothers shared a look over her. Selene glanced back and forth between them. “What?”

  “Most people miss that detail.”

  “Are you kidding me? Yours are bright green, and Kyan’s are warm amber. How do people not see that?”

  Kyler shrugged. “People see what they want to see. When we’re all together, people see what makes us the same, not what makes us different.”

  “Eyes aren’t the first thing most people notice about us. Or at least with me, it’s not.”

  “No kidding. I’m surprised anyone sees anything besides the size of your ego.”

  Kyan laughed. “Ego? That’s what we’re calling it now brother?”

  Selene closed her eyes, biting down on her lip as the tingling sensation commenced in her knees.

  “So you noticed our eyes. What else?”

  “Um,” she forced herself to concentrate on the fingers touching her head. “Your hands. You work outdoors, so they’re more callused and rough.”

  “I told you I have a cream for that.”

  They both ignored the interruption.

  “What else?”

  She freed her hand, lifting it to Kyler’s face and traced arcs on either side of his mouth. “Your brother has lines here. I assume because he smiles or laughs a lot. But you,” she traced a line across his forehead. “You have lines here. You get a crease in your brow when you worry about stuff. About me, work, even the world in general. These lines show how much you care about things you have in your life.”

  Kyler kissed her palm. “I am grateful to have people and things in my life worth worrying about. Others aren’t as fortunate.”

  “The more I focus on the differences, the less alike you both appear.” She swung her head to look at them both. “Is that wrong?”

  “Pretty lady, not only is more than okay, it’s downright refreshing for someone to notice us as individuals, rather than a carbon copy of someone else.” Though he was smiling, there was a hint of pain in Kyan’s voice. “Okay, I’m done.”

  “What? Already?” Selene lifted her left hand. All traces of the bruises, gone She rotated her wrist. Not a twinge. “Wow, that’s amazing. Thank you.”

  Kyan bowed. “You’re welcome, pretty lady. I’d recommend taking it easy for the rest of the day. Your body will need a few hours to regain its equilibrium, but after that, you should be fine. Magick can do wondrous things, but there is always a price, not just for you, but the magick wielder too. The faster I heal you, the more it drains me. Show a little restraint and it evens things out.”

  Magick had a cost. Selene hadn’t considered that before but it made sense. Another piece of information for her journey into Magick 101.

  Kyler got to his feet. “Thanks, little brother. I owe you.”

  “Nah, you get this one the house.” Kyan returned his attention to Selene still lying on the bed. “Hey, pretty lady, you okay?”

  She had to ask before she chickened out. “The day my parents died in a car accident, I stopped talking. That was twenty years ago. For one reason or another, I never resumed talking. But now… now I guess I want to know if… if it might be possible?”

  The doctor’s mask was back. “Sit up for me?” Kyan placed his hands on her neck, just as Kyler had done. The familiar tingling sensation returned. Finished, he crossed the room and pulled a vial from the shelf.

  “Tilt your head back and open your mouth.” Three drops of liquid slid down her throat. “Right, so here’s the thing. I can’t wave a wand, or give you a magick potion that will restore your voice. These drops are a mix of muscle relaxants, painkillers and lubricant. After years of lying dormant, your voice won’t return overnight but given some time, and some exercises, it should be possible for you to speak again. At least physically, anyhow.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Kyan took her hands. “I could have healed you physically here and now, but by letting it progress at a slower pace will give you time to work through things. As a child, you made a conscious decision to stop speaking. At any time you could have started again, but
for whatever reason, you didn’t. Only you can move past those reasons to start again.”

  Trust Kyan to see right to the heart of her fear.

  Talking had cost her her parents. Not talking hadn’t prevented her from losing Emme. If she started again, would the cycle continue? Would regaining her voice mean losing Kyler? Things happened in threes, didn’t they? Was it a risk she was willing to take?


  Selene walked from the clinic with her arms wrapped around Kyler’s bicep. People snuck glances at them as they strode along the main street. In the past, she’d always rushed, her chin tucked to avoid making eye contact, never wanting to see their pitied looks, or how they crossed the street to avoid speaking to her. Today, with Kyler at her side, Selene held her head aloft, even nodding at some of the faces she recognised. Although she’d come to Red River four years ago, it was like seeing it for the first time. What else had she missed with her eyes always fixed on the ground?

  “Do you mind if we stopped to grab a cup of coffee before we head back? I’m in need of a special kind of magick that only comes from the Cafe’s apple cinnamon hot cross buns.”

  Kyler frowned. “So you weren’t kidding about being obsessed then?”

  She leaned her head on his shoulder, smiling. “Were you kidding about being naked?”

  He grinned. “Touché, sweetheart. Buns it is.”

  A woman with pale skin, cherry red hair and matching rosebud lips, stood behind the cafe counter. Ana Collins was the only person Selene could call a friend in Red River. Until she’d arrived, Ana had borne the title of ‘town freak’ on her own, though she’d welcomed Selene into the exclusive club on day one. But where Selene shied away from the label, Ana, embraced it.

  Eight years ago, Ana’s family died in a fire that destroyed their home. She’d been outside when the gas leak ignited. The force blew out the downstairs windows and knocked her clear of the house. No one understood how she’d survived.

  Ana’s left side had taken the brunt of the explosion. All along her arm, and side of her face, she’d suffered burns from the flames and cuts from the shattered glass. Six years ago she’d moved here for a fresh start, wearing her scars like a badge of honour. With her dark red hair and matching lips, smoky eyes and pale skin, she couldn’t help from drawing attention to herself, but that was the point.

  “People will stare anyway, Sel,” she’d said. “Might as well make it worth their while.”

  “Oh, my gosh, Selene. How are you girl?” Ana leaned over the counter to hug her. “I haven’t seen you in here for ages.”

  “I’ve been busy.” Selene signed.

  Like Kyler, Ana had assumed Selene was deaf the first time she’d come into the cafe. When she’d explained signing wasn’t necessary, Ana had brushed her off. “Yeah, but don’t you think it’s kinda cool? I mean we can talk about anything, and nobody has any idea what we’re saying. Like spies talking in code, right under everybody’s noses.”

  Ana reminded her so much of Emme. Her sense of humour, her tenacity, her ‘bring it on’ attitude for the challenges life tossed in her path. And as much as she admired all those things about her, it was another reason Selene still held her at arm’s length, even after four years. To her credit, even without explanation, Ana had understood.

  “When are you not? So, what can I get you?”

  “We’d like a latte, a green tea and two apple cinnamon hot cross buns please.”

  Until he’d spoken, Ana hadn’t noticed Kyler standing behind her. But she ran her eyes over him now she had, signing as she did. “Is Man Candy here the reason you’ve been so busy of late?”

  Selene’s flushed skin answered for her.

  Kyler thrust out a hand. “Kyler Everwood, or Man Candy if you prefer, I answer to both.”

  Ana gaped before she burst out laughing. “Well, that’ll teach me.” She shook the offered hand. “Ana Collins pleased to meet you MC.”


  “And you,” she pointed at Selene, “how about a heads up next time?”

  “Sorry.” She signed, but Ana waved off her apology.

  “Nah, s’all good. Totally made my day. Go take a seat and I’ll bring your order out in a sec.”

  Selene led Kyler towards her usual table in the far corner, by the window, which was still empty. The usual lunchtime crowd filled most of the others, including the one taking pride of place in the centre of the window.

  Victoria Hughes, self-appointed town princess and resident mean girl, lounged in a high back winged chair, with the rest of her mean girl entourage, Jackie Phillips and Angela Westwood. She scowled as she noticed Selene. “O.M.G. Ding, ding, ding. Freak alert.”

  Jackie and Angela snickered.

  Victoria made the same lame comment every time. Selene had long since learned not to react, but as she continued towards her seat, her hand shot out to grab Kyler’s wrist and forced him to do the same.

  The gesture did not go unnoticed.

  “Geez, what’s wrong with the men in this town?” Several heads swung in Victoria’s direction. “First my brother hires scarface over there, and now McHotty here hooks up with Little Miss Chatty. I mean shit, what the hell’s the freak got that I don’t?”

  Throughout the room, customers focused on their food, but Kyler moved his hand out of the way as Selene reached for him, and approached the other table.

  Victoria faked surprise to see him standing at her table. “Well, hello there gorgeous.” She twirled a lock of hair, batting her baby blue eyes at him. “I’m—”

  “A shallow, self-centred, little bitch.”

  Coffee shot out of Angela’s nose.

  “What did you say?”

  “The answer to your question: what is it she has that you don’t? She isn’t a shallow, self-centred, little bitch.”

  Utter silence fell over the cafe as every jaw hit the floor, including Victoria’s. It didn’t stay down for long. She shot to her feet, eyes blazing. “How dare you?”

  Kyler ignored her. “Oh, and to answer your other question, there’s nothing wrong with the men in this town. We just happen to prefer women who aren’t bottle-blonde bullies with ah,” he grabbed at his chest, “fake assets.”

  Food flew out of mouths, as laughter attempted to burst forth. Jackie and Angela wore matching expressions of horror, while Victoria’s filled with fury. She elbowed her way past Angela to face Kyler toe to toe, the extra eight inches he had on her, not intimidating her in the least. “Listen here arsehole; do you know who I am?”

  Kyler bent till their faces were mere inches apart. “Do I look like I care?”

  Victoria recoiled. A man unprepared to cower or fawn over her, let game enough to outright insult her, was clearly not something she was used to. She glanced back over her shoulder. “Let’s go, girls. All the losers in here have ruined my appetite.” While the other girls scrambled to collect their belongings, Victoria poked a finger at Kyler’s chest. “Don’t think this is over. I’ll see you, and your little freaks, banned from here for good.”

  Kyler had other ideas. He stood in her way as she attempted to leave. “Is that so? Perhaps I’ll do the town a favour and buy it right out from under dear old dad. Be a far more pleasant dining experience with you on the other side of the door.”

  A collective gasp sounded around the room. Point made, he stepped aside as Victoria stormed out, her minions scrambling to keep up. Kyler bowed at the spontaneous round of applause, before returning to his seat. He needn’t have bothered.

  “I’d like to go home now.” Selene didn’t wait to hear his response before heading for the counter.

  Ana was already wrapping everything as they arrived. Selene took the buns and her drink and headed to the door. He tried to pay but Ana refused. “It’s on the house. Now go.”

  He snatched up his tea and hurried after Selene.

  Outside the cafe doors, Penelope Peterson, Red River’s oldest citizen and longest-serving mayor, blocked Selene’s path. The woman�
�s gopher took up the entire width of the footpath. Behind her, Victoria and her posse threw dirty looks in their direction. But even Victoria wasn’t stupid enough to make a scene in front of Penelope. The woman’s mind was sharper than most, despite having celebrated her one-hundredth birthday last April. Little went on in this town Penelope didn’t see or know about.

  Selene knew Kyler had joined her the moment Penelope’s eyes shifted away from her, and settled on him, scrutinising every detail. She offered her hand when he didn’t register in her memories.

  “Young man, I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure, Penelope Peterson.”

  The muscles in his shoulders tensed, but he took her hand in his. “Kyler Everwood, ma’am.”

  Penelope pulled her hand back, a puzzled look on her face. “Everwood? Why do I know that name?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Kyler’s words didn’t ring sincere.

  “I live across the river on the old Everwood Estate. Perhaps that’s what you remember?”

  “Everwood? Yes, that—” Penelope’s eyes glazed over.

  Nothing could have prepared either of them for what came next.

  “My mother said, that I never should,

  Cross the river to Everwood.

  Witches, demons, monsters too,

  Lie in wait to murder you.

  In for a penny, in for a pound,

  Grab your pitchfork, hunt them down.

  Locked up tight, inside the hall,

  We’ve set a trap to catch them all.

  Set the fire, watch it burn,

  Heed the lesson you must learn.

  Witches, magick are not good,

  So speak no more of Everwood.”

  Visions of children playing jump rope as they chanted those words filled Selene’s mind. The words carried a message she wasn’t sure she understood.

  But Kyler did. He was oblivious to the hot tea spilling over his hand, as he crushed the cup holding it.

  Penelope’s eyes came back into focus. “My goodness, I don’t know what came over me.” She caught the anguish on Kyler’s face. “Oh my poor boy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”


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