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A Paranormal Easter: 14 Paranormal & Fantasy Romance Novellas

Page 60

by Tiffany Carby

  “I was doing it to keep him away from you,” the soft rumble of his voice seeped into her while he spoke. “I know you can handle him, but the thought of leaving you alone with his increasingly violent advances didn’t set well with me Adelaide.” The way he said her name ripped a hole in her chest. It was like she were hearing him say it for the first time.

  She let him tip her face to look at him. The expression he wore was one of unrestrained love and it left her breathless. His lips brushed over hers sending chills down her spine that she felt in her toes and again when he kissed her a second time. His breath smelled sweet as he spoke again and his lips brushing against hers sent more chills through her. “I have loved you since I can remember, Adelaide. It has always been you. I couldn’t let him harm the one I hold dearest to my heart.”

  She swayed when he crushed a kiss against her lips. Lightning streaked across her skin, her body becoming pliant beneath his touch. She ran her hands up his chest to snake her arms around his neck and leaned into the kiss craving more. His hands ran down to her lower back as he fit her against him and lifted her off her feet. She broke the kiss only briefly unable to contain the smile coming to her lips. “You’ve always been a certain kind of magic, Dylan,” a small breathless laugh left her throat before she nipped his bottom lip. “And if I think about it, it’s always called to me in a way others haven’t.”


  She nodded and swallowed hard against the quiet moan that threatened to leave her chest when he kissed her breathless once more. “Of course,” she whispered, “that’s why there’s never been anyone else. That’s why I come running to you first.” The chuckle that left his chest was one Adelaide knew she would always remember. “What’s so funny?” She lifted her eyes to look at him and was met with a mischievous look.

  “Hey if I am the only one naked, that’s not very fair now is it?” The tone in his voice matched the look in his eyes.

  Adelaide blushed deep again just before squeaking as he scooped her up in his arms. “Dammit Dylan, what are you doing?!” She held onto his neck while he moved towards the water. “Don’t you even think about it! I will have your pelt on my wall!”

  Undeterred Dylan kept walking towards the water wearing a smirk on his face.

  “Don’t you do it!” She shrieked just before he arrived at the water’s edge.

  “Do what, Love? Don’t you trust me?” He teased.

  “I just found out you’re a freaking rabbit, what do you,” she was cut off as he unceremoniously dumped her into the lake. His laughter hung in the air when Adelaide came up sputtering. “You mischievous little shit. Get your ass in here with me,” she grumbled, shoving her hair back out of her face and tread water.

  “Or what, Love?”

  Her gaze drifted up his proud frame as he was undaunted by his own nakedness. Her eyes held his while she snuck her hand ever so slowly to grip the foot on his uninjured leg and yanked hard. A yelp echoed off the canyon walls when he slipped down the moss and fell into the lake beside her with an animated splash. Adelaide howled laughing when he came sputtering to the surface. “Or that. What do you think about getting your fur all wet rabbit?” She could not help but laugh at the glare that came her way.

  “The woman has jokes now. What a development,” he droned and she felt his eyes lock on her.

  She giggled seeing the same unimpressed look the rabbit had given her many times before when she made bad jokes. I wonder why I never put it together before. I get that look all the time even though I know he is chuckling on the inside. She continued to tread in the warm water while he swam over to her.

  “That was wholly inappropriate,” he admonished playfully.

  Adelaide scoffed and turned her nose up to the side. “As if you being naked in the presence of a lady isn’t more inappropriate.”

  Dylan chuckled. “Touché, but what man would not be comfortable naked around the woman he intends to call his wife?”

  “You got me there,” Adelaide retorted before his words fully registered in her mind. Shock colored her face while heat rose in her skin, “wait, what?”

  “You heard me. Don’t make me beg,” he teased as he moved close enough to brush a kiss over her lips leaving her wanting more. “You and I both know it’s only been the other since we’ve been children Adelaide. Neither of us has even shown interest in another much less looked appreciatively in another’s direction.”

  “How would you know?” She murmured falling under the spell of his voice. “I could be gallivanting around for all you know.”

  His laugh echoed off the walls several times. “I would be shocked if you were.”

  Adelaide watched out of the corner of her eye while he found a ledge to sit on and pulled her to him. Instinctively she curled into him and felt him press a kiss to her wet hair. She rested her head on his chest and listened to the pattern of his breathing. It was a pattern she knew by heart and yet in the same breath it was like she were hearing it for the first time. His fingers slipped over her skin as she allowed him to tip her face up to him. The look in his eyes and smile on his face left her light headed.

  “What do you say Addy girl?” he started. “I know it’s too soon, and I’ve thrown a lot at you. However, we’ve both known for some time and we aren’t getting any younger. Hell I almost asked you weeks ago, remember?”

  The memory of his asking her to stay with him after Peregrine had left flashed in her mind and it left Adelaide kicking herself for not seeing it earlier. She met his chocolate eyes and studied them for a moment or two longer. “I do remember,” she whispered.

  “So? What will it be, Adelaide?” He leaned down to brush a kiss over her lips. “Want to be together forever?”

  She welcomed his kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I don’t know…,” she teased. “You could have horrific morning breath and make more messes than you’re worth.” His laugh that hung in the air warmed her heart in a way she did not expect. She knew it was a laugh that she would forever cherish.

  “I will take that as a yes then,” he laughed again.

  “Of course it is a yes you daft man,” Adelaide leaned forward to kiss him never wanting to stop. She wanted him and him alone for eternity. Dylan was the one who could make her laugh when she cried. He was the one who held her up when she felt like falling down. He was also the one who laughed at her when she fell flat on her face while he picked her up and kissed her wounded pride. “We never were very good at being patient were we?” She giggled and looked up to him.

  “Nope, we always did get into a lot of trouble together because of that.” He chuckled and nuzzled her nose. Sighing heavily, he scooped her up in his arms once more and stepped out of the water. “You’re going to catch a cold if we don’t get you dried off,” Dylan murmured.

  Adelaide nodded as he sat her on her feet. She bit her lip and blushed deep before she looked up at him. “You could keep me warm while my clothes dry you know. Only the gentlemanly thing to do obviously,” she danced around her request in embarrassment at how her body reacted to his naked form. She envisioned running her hands over him causing fire to lick at every nerve ending in her body.

  “Obviously. Well I wouldn’t want to be rude in front of a lady now would I?” his voice was barely audible as he captured her lips.

  She melted into his kiss and let her hands explore his body. Every muscle seemed to be perfectly formed and left her wondering what they would feel like under her mouth. His arms went around her holding him against him before she felt his hands drift up her back and over her shoulders.

  “Let’s get you warmed up, Love,” he whispered against her lips and his fingers brushed their way down her neck.

  Adelaide nodded shyly before Dylan made quick work of her dress and let it pool around her ankles. Wrapping her back up in his arms she noticed the way he seemed to envelop her entirely. His skin felt warm against hers and she could not help but take pleasure in the way his body tucked itself against hers.
r />   A soft sigh left her chest when his lips traveled down her neck leaving a trail of lightning in their wake that she tried to lean into. “Dylan,” his name left her lips in the form of a sigh when he lifted her into his arms and carried her to a patch of soft moss next to the lake.

  “Can’t have you on the stone,” he whispered and brushed a kiss over her lips.

  Her heart swelled at his thoughtfulness and after he laid her down she reached up to pull his lips to hers. She buried her fingers in his hair and relished in the feel of his weight over her. His hand ran over her body tenderly, caressing every inch of her he could. Soon his lips were following his hands as he kissed his way down her body, pausing to worship her breasts before continuing down her stomach.

  Adelaide moaned when he gently nipped at her hip before kissing his way across her thigh. “What are y…” a deep moan cut her question short when he ran his tongue over her. Her fingers tightened in his hair instinctively pulling him closer as he continued to shower attention on her. A whimper left her throat when he pulled away and shifted to kiss her deeply once more. She tasted herself and a blush stole over her body. However she did not let it deter her from letting her fingers untangle from his thick hair and wrapping her arms around his neck. Her mind drifted and she realized how over the years he had become her everything and her heart reached for his never wanting this moment to pass.

  She was drawn from her thoughts when she felt him press against the opening of her body and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips. He deepened the kiss as he gently entered her and Adelaide felt her body stretch to accommodate his size. Nerves seared to life he traveled ever deeper while continuing to kiss her. She felt like she was finally being completed until he paused.

  “I love you, Adelaide,” he murmured against her lips and planted a passionate kiss on her before pushing to the very back of her.

  A whimper of pain escaped her throat into the kiss while he waited for her body to grow used to him. However it was only a moment before the heat curled in her body, filling her from head to toe. She moaned soft and tightened herself around him. “Never leave me, Dylan,” she said just before he ripped the air from her lungs by beginning to move in her.

  “Never again,” his whisper was husky.

  Adelaide felt him stretch every part of her leaving exquisite flames in his path with each thrust. She arched into him and her hips met his while whimper after whimper of pleasure left her. Leaning into his kisses as he kissed down her neck she tightened her legs around him and lifted her hips trying to take him ever deeper. The heat began coursing through her veins, nerves blazing to life around him. Her hips strained to meet his just before his mouth closed over her nipple and thrust particularly deep.

  She gasped and bit her lip hard. “Dylan…” his name escaped her lips as a moan. She felt him grow within her with each movement, his quiet moans drifting across her. Adelaide closed her eyes and buried her fingers in the wealth of his hair while he continued to lavish attention on her breasts. With each passing moment, she felt her body begin to tense while the inferno surged in her veins. She became acutely aware of the sheen of sweat on his tanned skin as her fingers left his hair to travel over his back. She wanted his mouth back on hers. She wanted him to feel what she felt.

  “Addy…” the sigh that left his chest told her all she needed to know.

  She shivered beneath him when he quickened his pace. When she buried her nails into his back she was delighted at the guttural moan echoing off the walls. His chocolate eyes pinned her down in a way they never had before. The look in his eyes was one she hoped to see many times over their years together.

  It was not long before the coil in her stomach wound tight with each of his long strokes in her brought her closer to the edge. “Dylan please, I need you,” she nearly begged as she clung to him. The words had barely left her mouth before he crushed a kiss against her lips and her world exploded before her eyes ripping a cry from her chest. Her nails once again buried themselves into his back and she was acutely aware of his body filling her while her world slowly came back into focus.

  Dylan kissed her bruised lips over and over never wanting to let her go. Her nails in his back had sent him hurtling over the edge in a way he never expected. He pressed one more kiss to her lips before he rested his weight on her and the side of his head against hers as he tried to catch his breath. “Addy girl,” he whispered into her ear keenly aware of her still pulsing around him, milking him greedily, “you never cease to take my breath away.” Her laugh wound its way around his heart.

  “I would hope so,” she panted and ran her hands over the expanse of his back. “Considering you’re stuck with me forever now. You promised.”

  The tinge of fear coloring her voice broke his heart. Dylan pushed himself up to lean on a wobbly elbow before he looked down at her and ran the backs of his fingers down her cheeks. “Adelaide, we can get married today if you want. We can get married in two weeks, or two years,” he smiled at the crinkled nose she made when he mentioned years. He leaned down and nipped her lip. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ve been hopelessly in love with you since I was a boy.” When she leaned up and kissed him he could not help but sigh inwardly not ever wanting to get used to the feel of her lips on his.

  “Alright,” she murmured in the tone he recognized well. It signaled her mind was slowing down before sleep. “Hold me for a bit, please Dylan.”

  “Of course,” he shifted to lay beside her and was surprised at the bereft feeling that overcame him as he slipped from her body. Will it feel like this every time? He wrapped her up in his arms and she snuggled into his chest. She hooked a leg familiarly over his hip and was asleep before he could say another word. He pressed another kiss to her forehead draping a leg between hers and held her tight. He felt slumber lurking in his mind and just before the darkness overtook him Dylan prayed that when he awoke this would not have just been a dream.


  Dylan awoke to Adelaide easing herself from his arms and diving into the lake. The way her lithe body cut into the water as she dove left his mouth dry. Rubbing his eyes he sat up and watched her swim for a moment before getting up to jump in next to her before she saw him up. He landed beside her in the water and heard her muffled shriek as he pulled her under. He quickly turned her to him and he felt her melt into his embrace when he kissed her deep before allowing her to surface.

  “Jackass,” she smiled at him despite her mock annoyance.

  He reached out to run the back of his fingers down her cheek and smiled. “Sleep well, Love?”

  She nodded and leaned into his touch. “So well I think I will keep you around for a while,” she teased.

  “Well let’s be thankful for that then, because I don’t want to go anywhere else but your arms,” he grinned to her before getting out of the water. Dylan leaned over to hold a hand out to her and wrapped her up tight after helping her out.

  “You know, they are going to wonder where we are. It’s dark after all,” she half-heartedly protested.

  “Let them talk, Love. I don’t care what they think.”

  “Of course you wouldn’t you’re a rabbit,” she poked his side drawing a fake yelp from his chest.

  “They don’t need to know that. Besides, I am the only one in my family who currently possesses the ability to fully shift. I’m not certain they even know that. It isn’t something that has come up,” he let her go to walk over and pick up her now long dry dress. The material he noticed was mended several times and nearing a threadbare state. A frown came to his lip as he helped her into it and changed into his own clothes. “Adelaide,” he started quietly.

  “I know,” she cut him off, embarrassment coloring her voice. “I’ve made do with what I’ve had.”

  He tipped her lips up to his to brush a kiss over them. “I was going to say the stitching on it is amazing to have held up this long. Why not let us get you some more material to make several new dresses?” Dylan knew she was quite
proud of her self-sustaining abilities and was not about to take that from her.

  She answered with a nod. “Where do we go from here, Dylan?”

  He watched her blue-grey eyes peer into his and he could not help but smile. “I would assume home, Love.” He purposely left the statement open ended enough to see disappointment color her face. Before she could speak, he silenced her protest with his finger over her lips. “Not above the shop, Love.” He shook his head and saw the hope fill her eyes. “I would never ask you to give up your childhood home, Adelaide. Let us go to your home,” he paused momentarily and spoke again, “our home. And definitely try that love-making thing again.” He tangled his fingers in hers and dragged them up his lips. “I found it quite enjoyable.”

  “Troublemaker,” she quipped and a blush colored her face.

  He tucked her against him and led her out of the cavern emerging into their field. Dylan found himself instinctively scanning as something set his senses on edge. Unease shot up his spine and his ear attempted to cock behind him when he heard a faint rustle.

  “What is it Dylan?” Adelaide shifted closer to him.

  “I don’t know, Love. Just stay close to me.” He tightened his arm around her as they continued quickly home. He felt eyes boring into his back causing his hackles to raise. Dylan tried to get a sense of which direction behind them the stare was coming from, however even with his animal instincts it was difficult due to the large amount of brush. I don’t like this. He’s there, I know it.

  He barely finished his thought when he was sent flying forward, Peregrine crashing into him from behind. Dylan shifted and was able to turn his body before he hit the ground—using his clothing for padding when he landed on the grass. He managed to free himself from the fabric and shifted back to stand naked before the man.


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