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HIS Series Box Set (Books 4-7)

Page 35

by Sheila Kell

  “I take it he’s okay.”

  “I’m fine,” Trent gritted out. He didn’t want this to be about him.

  “Hang on, let me get Brad,” Jesse said.

  Trent scowled at AJ while they waited and waited and waited. Pacing, he heard Kate murmur something before a door clicked closed. After a knock, a door opened. His blood pressure raged at the delay. Didn’t they understand how important this was? Kelly was in trouble.

  Then the telephone receiver had been covered, or mute enabled because it was too quiet.

  He’d been about to say, “fuck it,” and hang up and do this without them when Brad’s surly voice came across the line. “Trent, you’re going down in the world if you go from a bullet wound to bomb blast to piddly-ass knife slice, and then call for our help.”

  Son of a bitch! If he didn’t need these men, he’d flip them the bird and take Kelly far away from it all. His bullet wound—that he’d earned protecting Megan—happened before he’d become a team member with HIS. Thinking back, he’d not been ready to open his own security business. After losing his partner on that protection detail, joining with the men he’d grown up with had been a wise career move. The only one at the time since they’d ended up saving Megan while he’d convalesced.

  Unable to keep completely silent about the insult, he grumbled, “It wasn’t small.” It’d been said not as much to argue with Brad, but because Trent didn’t want to think about the blast and how it had ruined his back. A meddlesome voice crept into this head and blurted, Maybe that’s why Kelly said no. He had to believe that she wouldn’t be like that.

  If only that voice of self-doubt would disappear.

  “We’re ready,” Jesse stated.

  With all sides of the conversation quiet, Trent remained still and outlined what had happened the prior evening to include his receiving twelve stitches, since Brad wouldn’t let that fucking detail go. Sure it had hurt—still pained him—but not enough to cry to the men about. It didn’t prevent him from doing anything, except maybe sex and heavy lifting. But when would he be doing either of those? Not in the near future. Although when he couldn’t sleep the night before, he’d been thinking of sex with Kelly. Kissing her from head to toe stood high on his list of things to do.

  Jesse broke into his derailed thoughts. “Is Kelly okay?”

  Leaning forward, hands on the table, Trent dropped his head in relief. “Yes.”

  “It’s good you were carrying. Did they give you any shit?” Jesse probed.

  Of course the Baltimore PD officers did, and Jesse well knew they would’ve. Sometimes he thought his oldest brother asked questions, just to hear himself speak. “No. I had my license with me.” He’d never been more thankful for that little piece of paper because, after the break-in, he’d refused to go unarmed around Kelly. She needed his protection.

  “What’s going on?” Devon’s sleepy voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

  Hell, the men in Belize couldn’t just pack up and come back to help him. They had a job to do. Maybe, since Rylee was free, Devon might be on the ball with information gathering.

  “How are things there?” Trent thought if they could capture their target fast, they could get back just as fast.

  “Your dipshit of a brother royally pissed off the local police,” Jesse said in a rather pissed off voice of his own.

  Fucking Brad. Wait, he couldn’t discount it being Devon considering Rylee was involved. Before he could contemplate that or ask a question, it hit him that none of them calling him brother, or he calling them that in his mind, had affected him. Yet, he still didn’t want to be a Hamilton. He wanted to be a McKenzie.

  “Let’s get back to you,” Brad directed. “Are you sure it wasn’t just a mugger?”

  He shook his head and frowned. “No question in my mind. That fucker was after Kelly.” Pushing his hands deep in his pockets, he grimaced. “He just tried to incapacitate me while he went after her.”

  Pulling out a chair to sit, Matt waved them down to empty chairs. “Do you think he planned to kill her or just hurt her? What if he planned to kidnap her or something?”

  AJ poured himself a cup of coffee, then plopped in a chair on Matt’s other side.

  His pulse ratcheted up at what he’d heard. “The asshole said he’d make it quick. With the thefts and break-in, something is definitely going on. She needs protection. Round the clock.”

  Matt toyed with his cup “Do you even know what this is all about?”

  Frustrated, he finally sat with the men instead of hovering. Matt’s unflappable ability to remain calm, in any situation, must’ve served him well as a Navy SEAL. “I got nothing from the guy last night, so I’m not certain. It could be a story she’s written, or writing. She’s trying to help a convict who claims to be set up, but—” He paused and sighed. “—my gut tells me it has to do with her dead fiancé.”

  Yawning, Matt stretched his arms over his head. Dropping his forearms to the table, he pulled his lips in tight. “Seems awfully coincidental. His death and then everything else.” He nodded. “I’d have to agree it has something to do with him.”

  “So do I,” Jesse, almost forgotten, said from the phone.

  AJ sipped his coffee. “What was he into? I thought he was a rancher.”

  Trent nodded. “Horse breeder mostly, but they have cattle too.” The background Em had pulled had been pretty thorough on the business, which had surprised him. His little sister had her shit together. They’d always underestimated her talents.

  “He is,” Kelly’s voice interjected from the doorway. The men stood, out of respect and ingrained manners, as she, Megan, and Em walked into the room. “But, they also started some type of vacation retreat for sportsmen recently.”

  “You know, Trent,” Devon said, “I did some aerial of Brian’s father’s ranch. It’s not a bad place to hide out until we can get back and help.”

  “We’re not hiding out,” Trent ground out. No way would he sit back and let everyone else solve this mystery around Kelly. He almost snorted out loud. Like she’d allow it to happen with her journalistic curiosity. Yet, part of him needed to see her hidden away with him protecting her so nothing could touch her—not even something as simple as worry. It was a goddamn dilemma he didn’t relish solving. Now he knew why Jesse, AJ, Jake, and Devon had almost lost their shit protecting their now wives.

  “That’s exactly what I was going to say. Mike—Brian’s father—has been after me to visit since he lost his oldest son.” She swallowed hard, and he could’ve sworn a tear came to her eye.

  His gut clenched at her sorrow, and he fought rushing over to hold her in his arms.

  “It’s time I go. Maybe he’ll know something,” she finished.

  “Trent, spending time talking with Brian’s father wouldn’t be wasted. You can make it two-fold—investigate and keep her and that baby safe.” Damn Jesse. He couldn’t help always being the voice of reason.

  With no other option but to agree, he grumbled, “Okay.” Glancing over at Kelly, he caught her bright smile and knew her mind was on investigating. He’d just allowed her to get involved when he’d thought going to Montana safe. Now, he’d have to make her understand that her job was to keep Ashley protected and to let him do his job. How the hell to convince her of that was the million dollar question.

  “Kelly,” Jesse said, “you’ve got to let my brothers handle this. I know it’s in your nature to dive in, but let them do this. You worry about that baby and know they’ll protect you.”

  Thank the fuck for Jesse. She’d agree quicker with Jesse than with him. He’d have to buy his brother a beer, or hell, even a case if she listens, for that one.

  She sighed heavily. “Okay.” Not looking okay with it, Trent almost smirked. He knew his girl. This could get interesting.

  Jesse spoke again. “Matt, you’ve got lead on this. Let us know if things get to be too hot for just the three of you. Jake and his team can’t get there. They’re bare-bones as it is

  “We’ll make do,” Matt said with confidence. “Devon, I need everything you have on this, ASAP.” He turned to his sister. “Em, care to share what you’ve found?”

  How did he lose control so damn fast? This was not happening. Not with Kelly’s life.

  “I’m taking point on this one,” he said loudly enough to stop all side conversations on both ends of the phone call. His heart pounded loudly as he waited for the rebuttal that would surely come. He’d fight for this right. Although he didn’t want it, he’d take the damn partnership if that was what it took to remain in the lead. Anything for Kelly and Ashley.

  “All right,” Jesse said.

  Then all eyes in the room shifted to him, full of expectation. His mind reacted in fear until he pulled himself together to discuss how they’d protect Kelly.

  DID TRENT REALLY think it was his idea to go to Montana? As she’d told Megan, Kelly had already decided she would be going. The trip would’ve been with or without him. She’d be safe at Brian’s home. With Mike and the few ranch hands, she’d rarely find herself alone, if at all.

  In Trent’s infinite wisdom, he’d agreed with Devon that the place would be a good hideout while also finding out more about what Brian was involved in from his father. She’d rolled her eyes when he’d said that. Men were sometimes clueless.

  A bitter taste still rested on her tongue after agreeing to let them do the investigation. Well, she wouldn’t push it, but she’d learn everything. One way or another. Truth be told, she didn’t think Trent would keep anything from her. So, she’d put her trust in him.

  Unlike her, who felt the many people on the ranch would be enough to watch over them, Trent corralled AJ and Matt into accompanying them. She’d guiltily smiled at Megan as they’d finished up the meeting for taking her husband away for an indefinite period. Well, the meeting the women were allowed to participate in. The men met again, on the sly. They thought they were so smart. They had no idea women were smarter.

  With his brothers there, any privacy between the two of them went out the window. Not that she’d expected another kiss or anything, but the chances were going to be slim.

  She’d wanted to be involved in the planning in any way she could so he’d allowed her to make the hotel reservations. Hoping for something bigger, she’d settled for that task anyway as she had to do something, plus it was her hometown.

  When she hit a roadblock, she called Brian’s father. “Hello, Mike. It’s Kelly.”

  “Kelly, it’s so good to hear from you. How’s that grandbaby of mine doing?”

  Chuckling, she answered, “She’s as active as ever.”


  “Yes.” She placed her hand on her belly. “I’m naming her Ashley.”

  A moment of silence ensued. “After my late wife.” Mike’s choked up voice brought a mist to Kelly’s eyes. That had been Brian’s wish, and she hadn’t been able to back out of it. It’d meant too much to him. And by the emotion in Mike’s voice, it meant that much to him also.

  “Yes,” she said softly.

  “She would’ve loved that.”

  Clearing her throat to dispel the sadness welling within, Kelly said, “Mike, I’m coming to visit and am trying to book accommodations, but I can’t find a working number of the historic hotel downtown?”

  “It closed, but you don’t need a hotel. You can stay here.”

  “Well—” She swallowed nervously. “I’m bringing a few… friends.”

  Pause. “I see. And will these friends need their own rooms?”

  Had she been that transparent that he’d realized at least one was a “he”? “Yes.”

  “Then, you’ll stay here.”

  After a bit more discussion, Kelly ended the call, a bit exhausted at her worry of what Mike would think when she brought the Hamiltons with her. She’d promised not to mention why they were visiting and that ate at her. Trent said he’d tell Mike when they arrived, but she’d wanted Brian’s father to be prepared.

  Mike had pushed her to contact her folks, but she still didn’t know how to explain, even though she knew she’d have to. What would she say to them? She’d be a disappointment to them. Plain and simple.

  Even if she stayed at Mike’s ranch, someone would talk about her visiting. Inevitably, her family would find out. The town was too small for her to slip in and out without their finding out. So, she’d need to figure out what she’d say to them before that happened.

  Trent approached her desk in her apartment. “Are you okay?”

  Smiling, she nodded. He didn’t need to know her family problem. With problems of his own, he didn’t need more of hers. “I’m fine.”

  Hands on hips, his sweatpants hanging low, he made a handsome picture. “It’s getting late and we’ve got an early flight. Are you finished packing?”

  “Yes, except for my stuff in the morning.” She stood and with her hands at the small of her back, stretched. The baby was becoming more and more uncomfortable. She caught Trent staring at her belly and blanched. What did he really think of her being a single mother? Well, he thinks you need to marry. That’s what he thinks. “I’ll turn in now.”

  Leaving him to the couch, she made her way to her bedroom. While changing and preparing for bed, the vision of Trent standing before her at the desk made her libido come alive. Geez, she became horny at the worst times. She’d ignore it like always. Well, sometimes she took care of it, but not with Trent in the other room. Maybe he’d…. No, he wouldn’t.

  After slipping into bed, everything began crashing together in her mind, and she started to tremble. What if whoever had almost hit her followed them? What if it was the same person who killed Brian? What if the guy with the knife came to Montana? They might or might not be the same person.

  The thought of finding Brian’s killer sent adrenaline slipping through her system, but the fact it might not have been an accident sent fear sliding right behind it. People killed to keep things secret. Remember the arsonist in Adrian’s case? That brought her up short. How would she handle Adrian’s investigation if she was out of town? He’d just have to wait unless she could figure something out for him. Someone needed to be on his side.

  Crossing her arms over her chest and pulling her knees up, Kelly hugged herself as best as she could. Things had to go right in Reed Point. They just had to. Tossing and turning, unable to calm and comfort herself, she gave up and left the bed for the living room.

  She meant to ask Trent to hold her until her fears subsided like in the old days. Instead, she whispered, “Make love to me.”

  SHOCKED beyond measure, Trent found himself speechless. Part of him wanted to jump up and carry her to bed, but part of him worried about what she’d say when she saw his back. He couldn’t handle pity or revulsion from Kelly. Sure his mind kept returning to the fact that she wouldn’t do that, but somewhere in his mind, he doubted.

  Clearing his throat to find his voice, he observed her in her flannel pajamas, which looked sexy as hell on her shapely body. The baby bump caught his attention, and his mind halted. “We shouldn’t.”

  She shrugged. “Then if not, please come hold me like you used to. All of this is getting to me, and I’m a little scared.”

  Hold her? In the past, he’d curled up, holding her in a spoon fashion, but his growing erection could be a serious problem. But, at least in that position she wouldn’t see or feel his back. “Is it that bad?”

  A tear glistened in the moonlight as it rolled down her cheek. “I keep thinking how someone came at me with a knife to hurt me, maybe even kill me, and I can’t shake the fear. I just need comfort, Trent.”

  With the knowledge that he could do nothing else, he nodded. “Give me a minute and I’ll be in.”

  She hesitated. “Thank you.” Then she slipped back into the hallway.

  Chastising himself for being every kind of fool, he checked to make sure his dick wasn’t tenting his sweatpants and put on his T-shirt and made his way to her bedroom. He
could sleep beside her and not make love to her. He’d done it plenty of times before. But, before, you weren’t falling in love with her.

  He stopped in his tracks and grimaced. Sure, he wanted to fall in love with her, but he didn’t think it was actually happening. The strange mix of feelings he had, had to be because danger targeted her, and he wanted to be the one to protect her from it all. That was all.

  While standing at Kelly’s bedroom door, he took a deep breath and then entered. Although dark, enough moonlight spilled into the room for him to find his spot on her bed. His spot? Maybe he’d done this too many times.

  After crawling into the bed under the covers, he rolled to Kelly, who faced away from him. They slid toward each other—front to back—and she rested her head on his left arm. A sigh escaped her as she wiggled to get closer.

  Trent gritted his teeth as her butt slid back and forth over his crotch. “Enough,” he ground out.

  She turned her head toward him. “Thanks for being here.” She turned back away, and her body relaxed into him.

  Wrapping his right arm around her, his hand rested on her belly. He almost snatched it back, feeling like that privilege should be private to the baby’s parents, but then he felt a slight movement and his heart leapt as intrigue filled him.

  “She’s active tonight,” Kelly informed him. Her hand covered his, and she moved them across her stomach.

  The thump hit his hand hard, and he jerked back in surprise. How could Kelly endure that?

  Kelly giggled. “That’s nothing.”

  He lifted his head to see her better. “Does it… hurt?” How could it not? The kid was trying to kick its way free.

  “Hmm. I wouldn’t call it hurt, but uncomfortable fits nicely.”

  Fascinated, he asked, “How much bigger will she get?”

  “Oh, hopefully not much bigger. I’m already quite round for the end of my second trimester.”

  Having no idea what that word meant but realizing it had to do with her pregnancy, he had to know more. “How many of these trimester things do you have?”


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