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HIS Series Box Set (Books 4-7)

Page 43

by Sheila Kell

  “Oh, she’ll stay with you all right. You’d best do the proposal up right, though. Women like that kind of thing.”

  After thinking for a long moment about what he could do, what he hoped would be a brilliant thought came to mind. While not original, he’d heard someone’s friend of a friend had done it; he liked it for Kelly. Trent smiled. “Mind if I add to the headcount here?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  Trent told him and Mike slapped him on the back in approval.

  When he arrived back at the barn, after learning to put away his horse and brush him down, he snuck into a corner and made a call. He dialed Jesse’s number, knowing Jesse and Kate were still gone. “Mrs. K., I need a favor.”

  IN NOTHING BUT his underwear, Trent surprised Kelly when she snuck into his room by meeting her at the door and pulling her into his arms. Clasping his hands on her butt, he pulled her close and covered her lips with his in a demanding and needy kiss. Exactly how he felt about his need to make love to her.

  Turning her head, she fell into the kiss and gave as good as he did. Their tongues fought for domination, battling for control over the other. They were definitely made for each other.

  Reaching down, he grabbed the hem of her nightgown and pulled it over her head. Without warning, he scooped her into his arms, balancing himself with her extra pregnancy weight. Not that he cared. He loved all of her, just as she was.

  With great care, he lay her on the bed where he’d already pulled down the covers. Her hair spread across the pillow, and her luscious body splayed for his viewing pleasure. As his erection strained against his underwear, he stood there and gazed at the beautiful woman who was his.

  Soon she’d know it for truth.

  Christ, he loved she wasn’t wearing panties… again. He’d have to keep her that way. Before joining her, he slid his underwear off. His cock jutted out, ready to take her. Telling himself that while it might be a bit painful to wait, he had work to do to pleasure her. Tasting her essence was paramount. The little tantalizing lick he’d had before hadn’t been enough to satisfy him.

  On his side, he leaned in and kissed her, but only briefly. He immediately began a trek down her throat, placing kisses along the way.

  “Did you have fun with Mike today?” she all but whispered.

  He lifted his head to look at her. To evaluate her reaction. “I enjoyed myself. I like it here.”

  Closing her eyes, she smiled and arched her neck again.

  It took him a moment to realize, but Kelly was rubbing his back like any lover would, without cringing or pulling away. That innocent act had his love for her soaring.

  He dropped his head and drew one of her nipples between his lips and laved it with his tongue. Her throaty moan fired his already burning need for her.

  While he explored her breasts with his mouth and tongue, he moved his hand slowly down her stomach, over the sexy baby bump, to slide his fingers through the curls covering her mound. Finding what he considered a slice of heaven, he split her folds and sank a finger into her heat. He groaned at the shot of urgency that went to his stiff cock. In no way would he ever tire of this woman in his bed.

  “I have to have more. The one small taste of you only intensified my need to be between your thighs.”

  With a throaty laughter, she said, “I’m not stopping you.”

  Shifting himself down, he climbed over her then slid down between her thighs so his eyes were level with her sweet core. When she tried to move, he lay a hand on her thigh.

  “Just lie still, angel. My turn to pleasure you. I’ve been waiting for this since the first time we made love.”

  With his first lick at her center, he felt precum on the tip of his erection. Ambrosia. That word best described her taste. He’d never tasted better. And since she’d be the only woman he was with his remaining days, he’d never taste better.

  After a couple of strokes, he took her hard nub between his lips, sucked and tugged.

  On a long, sensual moan, Kelly arched her back off the bed.

  To add to her pleasure, he slipped a finger inside her.

  In response, she threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling his head closer to her core. Her reaction drove him harder.

  Mimicking the movements he planned to do with her shortly, he slid his finger in and out of her, adding a second one along the way. His mouth continued to torture her clit with pleasure.

  “Let go, angel,” he breathed against her core.

  In a few short minutes, Kelly came apart on his mouth. The erotic noise and movement she made had his balls drawing up. He had to be inside her. Now.

  Kissing her belly, he continued his movement upward until he rested with his cock at her slick entrance. Their lips locked, he slid inside in one swift stroke. Stopping to keep from coming, he pulled back from the kiss and rested his forehead on hers. “Good God, Kelly, you drive me crazy.”

  She moved erotically beneath him, and he snapped, unable to stay still a moment longer. They made love, hot and frenzied, and when pressure built at the base of his spine, he knew he had to rush things along. Shifting his movements, he barely held back until she came once more in his arms.

  Before her cry of pleasure ceased, an orgasm ripped through him, and as he spilled himself into her, he understood when people said they saw stars when they came.

  Exhausted and sated, he remembered to roll to the side instead of collapsing on top of her. Breathing heavily, he ran a hand over her body, then kissed her slow and sensually. God, he loved this woman.

  “That was the best,” Kelly said as her hand played mindlessly in his hair.

  “It was.”

  “You’re just saying that. I can’t compete with all the women you’ve had.”

  “Hush. First of all, I wasn’t just saying that. That was the best sex I’ve ever had. Second, there is no competition. You are, without a doubt, the leader.”

  Her quiet worried him, but he couldn’t have this discussion now. He had a plan and if he talked too much mushy crap, he might ask her without waiting for it. That couldn’t happen.

  Groaning, he lifted himself and stepped to the bathroom to get a cloth to clean up. Coming back to bed, he caught himself whistling. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d whistled without thinking. Happiness. It was within his grasp.

  Both clean and back in bed, Trent pulled her close, relieved their lovemaking hadn’t bothered his incision. “Mike knows you’ve been sneaking in here.”

  Her head snapped up from his chest to look at him with frightful eyes. “Oh no.”

  “It’s okay. I told you before he knew about us. Didn’t you notice him smile when I held your hand or kissed you?”

  She blew a strand of blonde hair from her face. “Honestly, no. I was too uptight at you for doing it. It’s got to bother him. I mean, not long ago I was to marry his son.”

  “Maybe you should talk to him about it. Put your mind at ease. He’s given me the green light to pursue you. Says Brian would be happy.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really?”

  Nodding, he smiled, then touched his forefinger to the tip of her nose. “Yes, angel.”

  She snuggled back onto his chest and hummed. “I like when you call me that.”

  Trent tested the waters. He didn’t get a read on her earlier when he’d told her he liked it here. Hell, he really hadn’t been thinking of anything but getting his dick deep inside her. “Are you enjoying yourself here in Montana?”

  Her hair rubbed his chest as she nodded. “Especially since things are good with my parents.”

  So maybe she’d like to stay. That possibility had him wanting to leap for joy. Okay, not that exactly, but it poured hope and excitement into his veins. The thought of running this ranch with Mike sounded more and more appealing each time he turned it over in his mind.

  Running a ranch had been Les’s dream. Nope. He slammed that thought shut. He would not go there. Instead, he talked to Les, Buddy, this will be th
e last time. It’s not that I won’t forget you, I must move my life forward. Mike made me realize you’d want that. I’ve asked many times why you put yourself so close to the bomber urging me to remain close to Amber. I’ve tried to complicate the answer, but I guess it’s as simple as that’s where we ended up when the need arose.

  Kelly’s even breathing told him she’d fallen asleep. He smiled at her curled up next to him, her leg and arm tossed across him and her belly poking him in the hip.

  Les, she’s special to me, and we’re going to be a family. I have to let go of the guilt for her and the baby she’s carrying. I know you’d approve. Tomorrow I’m asking her to marry me, and this time, she’ll say yes.

  SETTLED IN THE glider chair Mike had assured her was perfect for helping a baby go to sleep, Kelly rested her hand on her belly. It was probably more like Nate had convinced him since he hadn’t had a little one in the house when gliders became more popular over rocking chairs. Either way, Mike was thinking ahead and would make an excellent grandfather. Looking around the den with its warm, rustic look, Kelly didn’t regret her decision to stay in Montana and raise Ashley here. Having a big family around would mean the world to a child growing up. It’d mean the world to her also.

  A trip to Baltimore would be necessary to wrap up things with her job and home, plus she owed Adrian and needed to see what she could do for him. He deserved that much from her. And she needed to do it right away before it was too late to fly. She didn’t know the cutoff date, but it had to be done, and she wouldn’t drive two thousand miles to get there.

  Thank goodness Paul had noticed where the box of transcripts that had flown from her arms landed and had collected it for her. Reading them gave her something to do while she pretended to take frequent naps. She wasn’t sure how Trent would handle her investigating on her own after she’d promised to stay out of it. Granted, she was only reading and searching for clues, not running the streets trying to collect them. Maybe something was there—

  On the small table beside her chair, her cell phone rang. A Baltimore number. She answered it with a curious, “Hello,” that sounded more like a question.

  “Kelly, it’s Paul Lintz. I meant to call you, but time kept slipping away. I thought you might want to know that Jason Brock died the other day.”

  “How did he die?” Kelly queried, unease settling in her stomach. The man had spilled his guts and then died.

  “Apparent suicide.”

  Shit. “How?”

  A heavy sigh reached her from the other end of the line. “Kelly, you know I can’t go into all of this until it’s released.”

  “Just tell me one thing, Paul. Why did you say apparent since by now it’s been determined?”

  Paul groaned. “Dammit. Okay, but it best not end up in print or our friendship is over. It appears he put up a small fight, but that could’ve been from something earlier that we haven’t determined. I gotta go. Your buddy Adrian has asked for you.”

  “Tell him that I haven’t forgotten him.” Admittedly, she had from time to time living in her little dream world. She had to get serious. No, he needed to hire an investigator. He needed HIS. They’d work with him financially for her since she couldn’t do anything from here.

  “Paul, tell Adrian that I said I want him to call Hamilton Investigation & Security. They’ll understand his financial situation and work something out with him since once he’s free, he’ll have his money restored by the insurance companies. Tell them I referred him. They won’t turn him down.” At least she hoped. She’d best speak with Trent fast about it.

  “All right. Are you coming home soon?”

  She was home. “I’ll see you soon. Make sure to tell him, Paul.”

  “Okay, Kelly. My wife says hi and to stop in and see her when you return.”



  She made a mental note to discuss it with Trent. Surely HIS would do the work on a commission basis. She’d been wrong when the fires had first happened, and she no longer thought Adrian had been to blame. With two deaths in the mix, something really fishy was going on, and it went beyond what she wanted to deal with now that she had Ashley to consider. Before her baby, she’d have been all over it. That told her the decision to move here and give up her job was the right one.

  Rubbing the spot where Ashley kicked, she smiled with excitement. Then she winced in discomfort. “Well, my baby girl, it’s just us. We do have your father’s family, and my family, thank goodness. I don’t think I could do this alone.” Yet even with Mike and her parents and siblings, she still felt alone. If only Trent stayed with her, all would be right in her world.

  It sucked to realize on St. Valentine’s Day, of all days, she’d failed and she’d be alone. How could she have expected him to suddenly fall in love with her enough to marry her? Sex was a pleasant pastime with him, and she’d fallen right into it. Amazing, mind-blowing sex, so she couldn’t complain. It explained why women chased him once he’d left them. She wouldn’t be one of them. Couldn’t be one. She was to be a mother and even though she wished differently with all she had, this wasn’t Trent’s child. The two of them weren’t his responsibility.

  Besides, he probably wouldn’t want to live out here. He’d been a bit saddle sore yesterday, and Mike had only taken him on a short ride. Besides, what would he do? It’d be too inconvenient and expensive to fly to Baltimore every time HIS had a mission, not that she’d want him in such a dangerous job. Sure, he blew off the danger, but he carried a gun when he worked, so that made it dangerous in her mind.

  Maybe he’d learn to ranch.

  She raised her brow in surprise when a small Dalmatian puppy with a cute pink collar stumbled over its large feet in a rush toward her. With a whine, she—Kelly assumed it was a girl with the collar color—lifted its front paws on the chair with something one could call a jump to get into Kelly’s lap. Laughing at the too-cute-to-ignore animal, Kelly picked the spotted puppy up into her arms and settled it over her belly as best she could, allowing it to frantically lick her face while its tail wagged like it was trying to generate wind power.

  Her face thoroughly wet, Kelly pulled the puppy back and cooed to it. “You are such a sweet one.” Where had she come from? There weren’t any Dalmatians hanging around the ranch. A herding dog and a couple of mutts made up the brood here. Barn cats, on the other hand, were plentiful.

  Trent walked into the room, smiling. Joy surged through her at the sight of him. Something in that smile sent warmth radiating from her belly outward to her limbs, leaving her fingers and toes tingling in delight. “I had her flown in from B-More. She’s one of Dottie’s new litter.” Nodding to the puppy, he added, “I think her name is on the collar.”

  Instead of asking why he’d done this, because even though it was a simple question, she was too afraid to ask, she swallowed and asked, “She’s yours?”

  He shook his head. “She’s yours. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  Her heart soared. “Oh, Trent.” Her eyes watered. Damn pregnancy hormones. “That was so sweet.” He’d said she’d needed a pet, but she’d expected to claim one of the next litter of kittens. This was much better. “What’s her name?” Did Kate name them before sending them off? Probably not, then again, Kate just might with an expectation her dog’s pups were handled properly.

  “Check her tag.”

  Still a bit stunned that he’d remembered Valentine’s Day while they’d been holed away and somehow ordered her this cute pup, she sniffed and with shaking fingers, she reached around the collar in search of a tag. When her hand snagged something that wasn’t a dog tag, her movement froze. Holding her breath, Kelly fingered the object to make sure it was what she thought.

  In answer to her silent questions, Trent settled down on one knee, and her heart swelled to monumental proportions. “Kelly, you’ve always been perfect for me. It just took me a while to figure that out. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  Her fingers held
tight around the engagement ring on the puppy’s collar. Her life had been her dream since she’d met Trent. She’d told him not to propose unless he was in love with her so her heart soared with hope that it had happened even though she wasn’t turning him down.

  But… “Trent, are you sure?” At the devastated look on his face, she hurried to explain, “I mean, I’m having another man’s baby. I was supposed to marry him not too long ago.”

  “And she’ll know about her father. I’ll love her as if she were mine. In fact, in my mind, she is mine.”

  A lone tear slid down her face at his words. Could this man be more perfect for her?

  His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “Do you still love me?”

  “Of course, I do.”

  “Good. Now, I can’t guarantee we’ll always be happy. Marriage can sometimes be a trial. But I am in love with you, Kelly Williams. Heart and soul. Now, will you marry me?”

  The puppy resumed the face licking, and Kelly moved her onto what remained of her lap. Her heart pounded. “You’re— You’re in love with me?”

  Nodding, his smile grew, and his face lit up in delight. Even Ashley bumped her in glee. “Yes, I’ll marry you.” Tears rolled down her face.

  Trent reached for the puppy. “Hand her to me.”

  She did, and Trent fumbled with the puppy’s collar before retrieving the engagement ring he’d stashed there. Such a cute idea, it’d be a great story to tell their children. Their children. She liked the sound of that.

  “Give me your left hand.”

  Clasping it, he pulled it to his lips and kissed it before sliding the ring on her third finger. The ring fit a bit loosely. He looked into her face, pleading with her to understand. “Your dad suggested getting it a bit loose because your fingers would continue to swell. Then get it sized down after you had the baby. Are you okay with that?”

  Kelly laughed. “If anyone would know, it’d be Dad since Mom had seven of us. I heard him joke one day that he’d had three sizes of her wedding ring made so she could always wear his ring.”


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