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HIS Series Box Set (Books 4-7)

Page 81

by Sheila Kell

  Already being briefed on Vivian from Caitlyn—how the woman sent them ten thousand dollars a year with the exception of the last couple of years—it was easy to see she cared for the older woman. That pleased him that the feeling was mutual. Caitlyn didn’t need to be hurt by anyone.

  Caitlyn announced dinner was being served, and those still loitering turned to find their tables. After standing and helping Caitlyn in the chair on his left, he sat and turned to Tonya on his right. “This is incredible. You did great, Tonya. There aren’t any empty seats.”

  The woman blushed at his compliment. “It was nothing. I got help along the way like how to manage all the vehicles when there really isn’t a parking lot.”

  “But you did it,” he said, thinking of how professionally staged the vehicles were on the drive and in part of the yard.

  “Oh, a valet from town and an off-duty deputy sheriff volunteered to take over that daunting challenge.”

  He chuckled. “You are smart to know when to hand stuff off. I’ve heard that many party planners keep a tight hold on things until everyone hates to work for them.” Where he gained that knowledge escaped him, but he’d heard it somewhere before. Probably from one of his sisters-in-law.

  “I won’t lie. This is the first time I’ve handed anything off. But we haven’t had an event here. Usually the hotel takes care of most everything. Besides, plenty of people in this community will do whatever they can to support what Caitlyn has built. She just doesn’t realize the depth of the conviction to Helping Paws.”

  He was beginning to see the draw to her place from those in attendance. Hadn’t he heard several people flew in for this shindig? They had to have, because he couldn’t see that much money in town alone. It wasn’t that they couldn’t make that much money; it was just a smaller place than Baltimore.

  Caitlyn ate maybe two bites from her citrus salmon dinner. He imagined it had to be nerves since she was expected to give a short speech. In an attempt to soothe her, he held her hand under the table once it was apparent she wasn’t going to eat another bite. He’d devoured his filet with a crabmeat topping and the loaded potato side. The roasted asparagus was left untouched. Oh, he liked his vegetables, but asparagus hadn’t made the cut since they made his pee stink.

  When dessert was served, he released Caitlyn’s hand in the hope that she’d at least nibble on some of the mini-cheesecake sampler placed before her. He didn’t hold back. It was fantastic, and again, like the size of the filet, he wished for more. He couldn’t complain. The same sizes would’ve been served to him in a fancy restaurant, but when he liked to cook, he’d prepare more to fuel his large frame.

  Tonya leaned in close to Matt. “I need to talk with you.” The urgent whisper in her voice had the hair rising at the nape of his neck. He covertly glanced around as best he could. He hated the fact that he hadn’t checked their seating assignments at the table early since now he couldn’t see everyone without turning his head, which made it obvious. He liked to see the entire room, plain and simple, and he’d been so green with jealousy of Hart he hadn’t left Caitlyn’s side long enough to ensure he had the best seating.

  Giving his attention to Tonya, he swallowed hard and the delicious dinner roiled in his stomach.

  The woman looked almost green. “Can we slip away a second after Caitlyn leaves the stage and does her walk around for committed donations that she didn’t receive earlier? I’d prefer you didn’t tell her or… Rick about it.”

  Sensing the importance of this—at least to Tonya—he nodded slowly. “Is she in danger?” he whispered.


  Relief swooshed through him at that. No way did he want to leave her alone, but he’d make sure they were somewhere he could at least watch her. He’d been informed that while she walked the group before the event, that was more of a welcome, even though some confirmed contributions. It was after the event when she had to work the room to gain those commitments of funds.

  Caitlyn leaned into him as she placed her cloth napkin on the table. “Wish me luck.”

  Without a thought, he kissed her lightly on the mouth to not mess up her makeup as she’d asked, and whispered, “Good luck,” against her slightly parted lips.

  Her smile grew, and she stepped up to the makeshift stage and microphone. Mesmerized is what he could call the people in the audience. Before she was done, she had them eating out of her hands.

  God, he was so proud of her. Sure, what she’d accomplished with building Helping Paws was commendable, but not allowing what had happened to her to prevent her from doing this—something like asking for money—was damn amazing. And by surviving tonight, she’d enjoy the other fruits of her labor and her dogs. There was a graduation ceremony for Cooper, Bella, Sadie, and Gabe tomorrow, and she’d invited everyone present. It wouldn’t be anything fancy, but it’d be a changing of the guard, so to speak.

  Once she stepped down, donors swarmed her and Matt wanted to rush to her side and protect her. But these people weren’t a threat to anything but her time, and she’d give it to them whether they donated or not.

  The people at his table began to stand, and he followed suit. Once they’d moved away, Tonya placed one hand on his arm. “Now, please?”

  He nodded, and they walked to the back of the room and into a corner. Tonya wanted to go outside, but he informed her that he wasn’t losing track of Caitlyn.

  Seeming somewhat appeased, Tonya informed him she hadn’t had the heart to tell Caitlyn, but she couldn’t wait another moment to share her suspicions. She then proceeded to tell him a story that made his blood boil to the level he wanted to throttle someone. That someone had been hurting Caitlyn, whether she’d known it or not.

  MATT ALMOST IGNORED his vibrating phone. Good sense had him reaching into his pocket and pulling it out. Devon’s name flashed on the screen, so he connected the call. “Yeah.”

  “I hear that I need to set you up remotely,” his brother stated.

  Barely able to hear the call over the noise in the room, he moved near an empty spot where he could still watch everything, especially Caitlyn mingling. “Yeah. If she’ll have me.”

  “I remember when you dated way back when. She’ll have you.”

  “Think it’ll be a problem?”

  Devon, seeming to understand his vague question, added, “It’ll be fine. We’ll just have to get used to calling you up when we meet. Besides, it’s not very often we’re all here together.”

  He smiled at that. While the group of brothers decided cases, workloads, pay, etc., they allowed Jesse to be the figurehead and final decision maker. There were too many times they needed one direct response without waiting, and Jesse provided that. When he wasn’t available, Devon stood in his stead. Brad had always told them, “Age before beauty.”

  “Also, as you know, Jesse wants us to discuss leasing a plane or finding a share in one that we can use to help us get to jobs faster. It makes sense since so many are last minute with little time to lose. Like a kidnapped kid.”

  “I can’t imagine they’re cheap, but if we can afford it,” Matt agreed, “I think we should do it. That could really help with the weapons issues also.” Sometimes they were limited with what they could take on a commercial flight—even in the locked hard-sided container required for an unloaded weapon. Airport security worked with them, but sometimes airline policy didn’t. He didn’t even want to get started on shipping the rifles.

  “Yep. Okay, I really called about that name you made me look into. I couldn’t find a Tate Hart that meets your description. If he’s planning to donate one million dollars, I can’t find where from. I tried a couple variations on his first name even though Tate isn’t really short for anything that I’m aware exists. But, nothing. Sorry, man.”

  His temper flared. That asshole had been leading her on with the promise of something to benefit her organization. “Son of a bitch!” Matt sounded. He scanned the room, looking for where Caitlyn was. “I’ve got to go, but I need your
help on another matter. Check out bank accounts for Rick Marsh. I think his name is Richard. I think he’s skimming off the donations that are submitted via check to Caitlyn’s foundation. Get Em involved. Tonya, her other employee, noticed separate deposit slips when he did a bank run, so try Caitlyn’s bank first.”

  Without waiting for a response from Devon, he ended the call and pushed his way through the small crowd to get to the opposite side of the room where Hart was trying to lead Caitlyn toward an exit. Several of those in attendance tried to stop Matt and chat about Caitlyn and Helping Paws since they’d seen him in her company earlier. She’d have to forgive him for being rude to her potential donors, but whether she realized it or not, she needed him. Hart was up to something. But what?

  After what seemed like an interminable amount of time, he reached the exit that he’d seen them slip through. What could Caitlyn have been thinking? He quickly reminded himself that she didn’t consider Hart a threat. More of an annoyance. In her mind, the threat to her life was lying up in a hospitable bed.

  Stepping out the door, he took a moment to allow his eyesight to adjust. His heart pounded in fear for Caitlyn, and fear he wouldn’t be there when she needed him… like before.

  Hearing a muffled squeal, he quickly moved in that direction while his gaze took in the entire area, trying to locate Caitlyn and the asshole who just might die tonight if he hurt her. Zeroing in on them, he charged toward them, raging anger filling him and flowing in each heavy step. Seeing Caitlyn struggling in Hart’s embrace froze his blood. Oh hell no!

  Matt pulled his weapon from beneath his jacket and pointed it at Hart’s back, not wanting Caitlyn in danger from one of his bullets. “Let her go,” he asserted.

  Hart froze and slowly turned to Matt with a smirk on his face. Seeing the weapon in Matt’s hand, his smirk dropped and he narrowed his eyes. After a moment, he slowly lifted his hands. “What’s the problem? Jealous of a little competition?”

  Ignoring the questions, Matt’s eyes never left Hart, but his voice softened for Caitlyn. “Come here, Caitlyn.”

  She scooted around Hart and hid behind Matt.

  Thank the fuck she didn’t argue. The asshole had been trying to kiss or whatever with her. He’d had her in an unwelcome embrace. Matt would love to shoot out the fucker’s balls, but that would cause too much trouble for him. “I want you to leave and never come back here.”

  “Matt?” Caitlyn questioned quietly. Her shaking hand rested on his shoulder. This incident had to have freaked her out, but she seemed to be holding it together. “He just tried to kiss me. I’m sure we can clear up the misunderstanding.”

  His grip on his weapon tightened. Misunderstanding? God, she had a big heart. “Caitlyn, he’s a fraud. He doesn’t exist. Believe me, Devon tried to find any trace of him and the money he keeps talking about. He’s here because he wants you.”

  Quizzically, she looked around Matt at Hart. “Tate?”

  “I’ll just leave now. We could’ve been good together, Caitlyn.” Tate walked backward from them until he reached the front yard. Then he turned and strode to the valet for his vehicle.

  While Hart—or whatever the hell his name was—waited for his car to be delivered, Matt lowered his weapon and put it away. He reached around him—not taking his eyes off Hart—and pulled Caitlyn into his arms. He still wanted to pummel the motherfucker, but he had Caitlyn to worry about. She shook and squeezed tightly around his waist, her face buried in his chest.

  “Thank you.” The weakness in her voice didn’t match the ferocity of her grip on him.

  He tightened his hold on her, and once Hart was gone, Matt dropped his head into her hair and closed his eyes. “I’m sorry I was late to protect you.” Anguish laced his voice. She shook her head, and he couldn’t care less that she was probably leaving makeup all over his suit jacket, tie, and shirt. As long as she was safe. That was all that mattered. What had that asshole planned? Would he have forced her away? Surely not. There was a sheriff’s deputy near the vehicles. A mental shudder went through him at the thought of her being taken against her will once again.

  “He just tried to kiss me. That’s all.”

  “That’s too much without your permission.” He rubbed his hands up and down her back in a soothing gesture. Way too much spun in his mind. He imagined it was in her mind also, but she was trying to be brave. He just knew she did it to help him relax. “I’m sorry.”

  Caitlyn pulled her head back and looked at him with tears in her eyes. “What did you mean he’s a fraud?”

  “Oh, honey, he’s using a fake name for some reason. He doesn’t have money. I really think he fell in love with you at first sight and said whatever he needed to get close to you.” That at least sounded logical. Whether it was the truth was a different matter. If Matt hadn’t known that Caitlyn needed his comfort after extracting her from Hart, he’d have detained the man to find out the why of it all. He just prayed that was the last they saw of whatever his true name happened to be. Maybe he’d see if he could find some prints and ID the bastard so that she can get a restraining order.

  When a tear slid down her face, he wiped it off with his thumb. He prayed she wore that waterproof makeup shit women sometimes chose, because there were a lot of potential tears floating in the rims of her bright eyes. Sure enough, the next second she broke down crying. He placed his palm on her head and guided her back into his chest. Fuck whether his coat absorbed her tears and makeup.

  “At first”—she hiccupped—“I thought I was back there. In Oxford. When—”

  “Shh, sweetheart, you’re safe. Ripley can’t get to you anymore. Neither can Hart.”

  That statement stuck with Matt the remainder of the evening. After Caitlyn had freshened up, she’d returned to her potential donors and Matt watched her expertly gain commitments of hundreds of thousands of dollars for Helping Paws.

  Now, he had to tell her an employee that she trusted had been stealing from her. Fuck if his heart didn’t ache for the pile of shit being thrown her way. Enough was enough.

  CAITLYN RESTED ON her side, her head propped on a hand while she studied a relaxed and sleeping Matt. The night before, he’d been her knight in shining armor, saving her from Tate and whatever he’d planned. She shuddered at the thought. She’d been fooled by the man like everyone else had.

  Matt had also been the perfect date for her benefit. He’d been polite and helped keep conversations on Helping Paws and its future. He’d even led some old-time donors that she’d hoped would donate again to one of the veterans and their dogs. A little show and tell went a long way for the evening. She knew begging for money wasn’t his forte, but no one would ever have known it. And, he’d left her side when she’d needed to work the room alone. Granted that had left her unprotected, but she couldn’t have predicted what Tate had planned when he asked to speak with her privately about his donation. He must’ve been able to tell she was tired of listening to what he planned to donate, and told her that he had the check ready but didn’t want to give it in front of the other donors.

  What a fool she’d been.

  For her, receiving a check in front of other donors would go a long way to people anteing up now versus committing and sometimes forgetting to mail the check. She knew all would not come through with their donations, but assuming the general amount of people who didn’t send their donation, they’d brought in enough money to take them through the year and well beyond. Joy filled her. It’d been the most successful night they’d ever had, and she planned to do something nice for Tonya to repay her for the brilliant idea and event.

  The arm holding her head began to fall asleep, so she shifted. Wow, Matt had serious bedhead going on. His dark short hair stood up in all directions, except the edge of the left side where it lay flat against his head. Obviously he’d been turned toward her most of the night. Remembering the night, she smiled. He’d been so gentle the first time they’d made love. It had been obvious he was still hesitant with her, not wan
ting to invoke any painful memories. Little did he know, he’d come very close to erasing those memories by overwriting them with special ones of the two of them. To include a rough and hot tumble at about two in the morning when she’d woken him and insisted he take her hard from behind. He’d scoffed at first, but—her smile widened—she’d convinced him.

  Wanting to make Matt breakfast, she was just able to contain the minx in her that wanted her to reach out and play with the smattering of dark hair on his chest and then follow it down to the V she knew existed low on his belly. They’d never get out of bed if she did that.

  Quietly, she slid from between the covers and from her closet pulled out a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. She’d worry about a bra and panties later. Besides, Matt liked it when she went commando. It drove him insane with lust, and she liked him like that since it turned her into a lusty woman.

  In the kitchen, she filled the counter top with the fixings for breakfast. She wanted to serve him eggs, bacon, fried potatoes, sausage, grits, and biscuits. Sure it was the same breakfast he’d been eating, down to the homemade biscuits. Maybe she should make pancakes? Not finding an open spot on the counter for the mix, she nixed it. There would be enough food already. This time, she’d even bring out the jellies and jams she’d made and not the store-bought ones. Until now, she’d been embarrassed. What if they had turned out terrible? After testing each one—strawberry, peach, and blackberry—she found them tasty enough to serve without worry, but she still saved them for special occasions. Today felt like one.

  While the oven heated, Caitlyn mixed the biscuit dough and then cut it into acceptable-sized circles to bake. Cleaning her hands of the sticky dough, she found she’d been humming. She’d never thought she’d be this happy again in her life. It was all Matt. Today would not be their last day together. She’d find a way for them to have a life with each other. Even if she had to beg. She’d never expected to say that, but she knew she couldn’t live without him.


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