Page 35
Taylor, Peter, 46, 266
Taylor, Steven, 114
Tayson, Nathan, 113
Teacher, Chloe, 126
Teacher, Poppy (second wife), 56–7, 58, 125–7, 172, 208
China visits of, 303–4, 305
education of, 92
favourite player of, 91–2
and Gabala prospect, 199, 203
Italian holiday of, 102
and media intrusions, 94–5
and paparazzi, 94
pregnancies of, 94, 114–15, 135, 195
and skiing, 102
TA marries, 125–6
TA meets, 56, 90
TA moves in with, 99
and TA’s Arsenal under-18s post, 260
and TA’s heart problem, 244, 245–6, 247
and TA’s later grief over parents, 102–3
and TA’s stalker, 91
Terry, John, 58, 278
Tevez, Carlos, 158, 177–8, 307
Thatcher, Margaret, 255
Today, 232–3
Torres, Fernando, 182
Tottenham Hotspur FC, 30, 31, 35, 49, 51, 132, 168–9, 177, 179, 181
Toulon Tournament, 276
Toulouse FC, 135
Toure, Yaya, 175, 180, 289
Traore, Djimi, 178
Tuchel, Thomas, 291
Tuesday Club, 19
Twelve Steps, 3, 9, 72, 80, 93, 203, 313, 316–23
Tyler, Martin, 26
Tyson, Nathan, 114, 117, 122
UEFA A Licence, 104, 120
UEFA B Licence, 97–8, 104, 117
UEFA Cup (later Europa League), 38, 39, 168, 173–4, 194, 217, 238–9, 242, 290
Uhlenbeek, Gus, 116–17
Ukraine national side, 40
UNICEF charity series, see Soccer Aid
Usmanov, Alisher, 260–1
Utaka, John, 154
Utrecht FC, 133–4
TA approached by, 133
Valencia FC, 50–1
van der Kraan, Marcel, 128, 192, 228
van der Sar, Edwin, 159
van Dop, Jan Willem, 133, 134
van Gaal, Louis, 311
van Loen, John, 134
van Persie, Robin, 104, 128, 282
van Stee, Henk, 128
Vardy, James, 285
Vela, Carlos, 179
Venables, Terry, 17, 39, 43, 44, 46, 63, 88, 138, 198, 252, 256, 275
Vernydub, Vitaliy, 248
Vidic, Nemanja, 158
Vieira, Patrick, 15, 20, 26, 30, 36, 46, 51, 132, 193–4, 268
Vitoria Guimaraes FC, 168
Vivas, Nelson, 31
Voyager, 269
Walcott, Theo, 279
Walker, Gary, 207
Watford FC, 113, 122, 135
Watt, Tom, 296
Weller, Paul, 90
Wembley Stadium:
Arsenal’s temporary ‘home’, 37
old, last English goal scored at, 40
Wenger, Arsène, 18, 19, 43–4, 52–5, 58, 88–9, 100, 121, 132–3, 179, 187–8, 247–8, 256, 257, 272, 276
and Anelka, 36
and Arsenal under-18s, 259
in final phase at Arsenal, 299
and Grampus 8 FC, 68
Hoddle admires, 39
new approach by, 24
and players’ diet, 24–5
and players’ health, 25
and replacement back five, 37
runners-up medal of, 52
and TA’s interest in Arsenal roles, 262–70
and TA’s retirement thoughts, 59
TA’s warm relationship with, 259, 319–20
temper of, 52
and Vivas, 31
and young players, 283
Werder Bremen FC, 38
West Bromwich Albion FC, 101, 159
West Ham United FC, 49, 151, 159, 160, 166–7, 173, 176
West, James, 9–10, 34, 71, 73, 75, 92, 107, 137, 233, 254, 311, 317–18, 324, 325
Westley, Graham, 120
Whitehall, Jack, 19
Whiteside, Norman, 78
Wigan Athletic FC, 147, 173
Wilkes, Jonathan, 141
Willard, Daryl, 206–7, 225
Williams, Robbie, 137, 138–40, 141
Williamson, Mike, 113–14, 122
Wiltord, Sylvain, 50, 59
Winterburn, Nigel, 24, 36, 49, 91–2, 187, 271
Wolfsburg FC, 174, 175, 178
Wolverhampton Wanderers FC, 116, 131–2
Woodfine, David ‘Woody’, 151, 174
Woodward, Clive, 253
World Cup 1994, 45
World Cup 1998, 27–8, 36, 47, 140, 275, 325
World Cup 2002, 88
Wotte, Mark, 128
Wreh, Christopher, 26
Wrexham FC, 120–1
Wright, Ian, 20, 31, 37, 53, 246
Wuhan FC, 296
Wycombe Wanderers FC:
coaching session at, 116–17
Colchester’s rivalry with, 113
financial problems of, 111
Hayes invests in, 116
off-field issues at, 112
recruitment triumphs of, 113
relegation for, 115
and sports science, 123
TA becomes manager of, 108–9
TA rebuilds squad at, 115–16
TA’s early chat with senior pros at, 121
TA’s fears for progress of, 118
TA’s first two wins with, 109–10
TA’s resignation from, 118–20
TA’s salary at, 111
younger players at, 122
XPRO, 86
Yavash, Ali, 212
Young, Kirsty, 205–6
Young, Willie, 108
Zahavi, Pini, 146, 179, 289
Zenda, Danny, 114
Zhoolobaylyuk, Roman, 243
Zidane, Zinedine, 28, 88
Zola, Gianfranco, 167
First published in Great Britain by Simon & Schuster UK Ltd, 2017
Copyright © 2017 by Tony Adams and Ian Ridley
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