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Who Wants that Perfect Love Story Anyway 2: The FAM

Page 5

by Natavia

  “Now run into Wendy’s and tell them to call the police tell them you were attacked and robbed. Report that they took your car.”

  “I swear when we get home, it’s going to be on and fucking popping and I’m not talking about any fucking popcorn,” she threatened me.

  I pulled off then called Royal.

  “What’s good, nigga?” he answered. I could tell by the sound of his voice he was smoking.

  “Yo meet me at Pal Park ASAP. I’ll explain everything later. I need to quit smoking man.”

  I found an old towel lying on the ground by the court. I picked it up then put it in the gas tank. I lit the bottom of it then walked away. I pulled my half of a blunt out and smoked it. All I needed was a fifth of Henny and some pussy. I shook my head as I watched my two million dollar car go up in flames.

  Royal pulled up ten minutes later in his Ford F-150 pickup. I got into this nigga’s whip and he was smoking a blunt and blasting Ace Hood’s Bugatti. This black ass nigga thought everything was a fucking joke sometimes.

  “Man, turn that shit down. Nigga, you stay on fucking joke time.”

  He looked at me then burst out laughing. “I keep telling your ass about buying all these expensive ass cars. As long as you’re running the streets and killing motherfuckers, you don’t need that type of shit. You cop a car like that when you’re done hustling and can sit back and chill. I haven’t even bought a Bugatti yet and I can buy a few of them bitches.”

  I told him about everything that went down; from the time we arrived at the gas station up until I dropped Jamie off.

  “You’re dead ass fucking wrong for doing that shit while you were with my sister. That’s your fucking wife. You should’ve ignored those niggas. All you had to do was keep it moving, drop her ass off at home, and then we could’ve gone to check those niggas. You killed three people in front of my sister and laid hands on her .you lame for that shit, my nigga. Sometimes you got to think carefully. Y’all could’ve gotten locked up,” he vented.

  If Royal finds out I didn’t kill Damon, that nigga would be pissed. I lied and told him I got Damon too. I pray Jamie doesn’t say shit.

  “Don’t try to school me like I’m some lame ass nigga. I did what the fuck I had to do. Those niggas were strapped. Did you want me to wait until one of them shot me? You ain’t shit but a fucking hypocrite. You wasn’t thinking when you whipped Koran’s ass and he didn’t do shit but say something slick about fucking your baby mama. Your baby mama and sister were both in there. What if those niggas had decided to start shooting? You put everyone’s life in jeopardy. We are beefing with these broke ass niggas because of you. I would never put my wife life in jeopardy.”

  “Whatever nigga. You can take all that rah-rah shit somewhere else,” he responded nonchalantly.

  Royal was my nigga since elementary school but he was always calling someone out on their own faults like he don’t do dumb shit, like with Cam. That girl can’t even hold a conversation with her baby’s father without him feeling disrespected. He was pussy-whipped but he would never admit it.

  We picked Jamie up from the police station. I held out her purse with her shoes in it and all of her jewelry. She snatched her things from me. I felt bad. I would make it up her later.

  “You good, baby girl?” Royal asked her.

  She kissed his cheek. “Yeah. I want to go home and take a bath. Niggas running around here shooting people like they are playing Call of Duty,” she snapped.

  A half hour later, we pulled up to the gates of our crib.


  “It’s still love, my G.” Royal and I dapped each other up.

  Jamie took her shower then climbed into bed. She hadn’t said one word to me since we’d been home.

  “Look, shorty, I’m sorry for putting my hands on you. I panicked but we needed them to be convinced by your story so they wouldn’t start snooping.”

  “I can’t do this shit anymore. You could’ve gotten us killed. You only hit that dude because of what he said about me and Jamal. Let that shit go. You don’t see me going around hitting people because they know about Tyran and Tee-Tee. I’m carrying your fucking child. Not once did you think about that. I don’t know what happened with us but it’s not the same. I peeped how you were damn near drooling over that damn waitress in my face too. I’m tired of the disrespect.”

  “Maybe if you stop worrying about a baby that’s never going to be born, I wouldn’t have to look at another woman. Ever since this pregnancy, everything has been depressing. I thought that if we spent some time together, it would make you a little happier but your ass is never satisfied. I’m done with this bullshit ass marriage too!” I yelled at her.

  Jamie got up and slapped another person out of me. “Fuck you. You ain’t shit but a wannabe thug. I could beat your ass if I wanted to. You’re not even about that life. I’ve been done before the shit even started. I have been depressed but so the fuck what. I might be losing our child and all your ass is worried about is getting some attention from a bitch. That’s your problem. You always want someone to appreciate what you are supposed to be doing as a husband. You think taking me out to a dinner is going to help get my mind off of things? No, boo-boo, it doesn’t work like that. How about sitting down with me and talking with me for once? All you do is buy me shit or send me on trips to get my mind off of things. You only took me out to avoid talking about this baby. I’m going through something, Ashaun. Why can’t you understand that? You use materialistic shit as a form of communication. That shit might work with Tyran but it damn sure ain’t working over here. I was all for it at first but now I’m making my own damn money. What you doing for me, I can do for myself so come harder or sit your tired ass down somewhere!” she screamed.

  “Fuck you, bitch. This time my ass is not coming back. I should’ve stayed away after your crazy ass stabbed me!” I yelled back at her.

  She put her hands on her hip then cocked her head to the side. “Bye, whore. You will not be missed.”

  As soon as she said that, I was out the door. Fuck that bitch. I was getting tired of her anyway. I’m sick of this back and forth shit. All that shit is dead now because I am done with her ass. As soon as I got into my car, I called Cali up I was finally a free man.


  Shit has been crazy lately. What Ashaun said did get to me a little bit. All of this started over me and Koran’s beef. Now it was a small little beef going on.

  I found out that he didn’t kill Damon. That nigga lied. I know he wanted to retaliate for Ashaun killing his homeboy. I don’t even know why he didn’t shoot his ass too. He was always doing shit halfway. If the police had caught Ashaun before he left, my sister would’ve been going down with him too.

  I hate to do it but I’m ready to cancel Ashaun’s position. He’s my nigga and all, but moves like that can cause a downfall for everyone else. The blue uniforms have never snooped around in our shit and I would like to keep it that way. I’ve been running this shit by myself for years. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him since he’s been riding with me since day one.

  Ashaun left a witness behind and that’s some shit you don’t do. I don’t know much about Damon. He could be a snitching ass nigga. That’s exactly why I’m stalking the nigga at four in the morning in a crack neighborhood. I’m taking him out myself. It has been three days since I told Ashaun to handle it or get one of his goons to handle it and the nigga is still walking around.

  “What’s up, nigga? Where’s my money?” Damon asked Smokey, the neighborhood fiend.

  Smokey was one of them crackheads that got a hold of some bad crack and lost his mind. He was wearing a dirty two-piece tuxedo with army boots. He had one tooth in the middle of his mouth with Tinker Bell earrings in his ear. He carried a dirty duffel bag with him everywhere.

  “Come on man, I don’t got it right now. Give me a few days.”

  “You’ve been owing me for two weeks, nigga. I want my motherfucking money!” Damon shouted.

  Brenda came pushing a cart down the sidewalk she scratched her ass then sniffed her fingers. She weighed about one hundred pounds and had a wooden leg.

  “Leave Smokey alone, Damon. You know he is into that voodoo shit. That motherfucker is crazy as hell, carrying them dead rats around in his bag,” she said.

  The two crack heads started arguing. Damon laughed while he pulled his phone out to record them. Smokey kicked Brenda’s wooden leg and she tripped over her cart. Smokey stole one of her canned Steel Reserve that rolled out of her cart then took off running down the street.

  “You dirty motherfucker.” she shouted.

  Damon was bent over laughing. That’s why I didn’t respect these hustlers. Rollers could have rolled up on him and he wouldn’t have even noticed. I walked up with a dirty hoodie on and jeans. I had on a pair of old slippers with holes in them. Most of my face was covered up by my hoodie but I made sure it was ashy with non- scented baby powder so he wouldn’t recognize me.

  I did the fiend dance when I approached him and pulled a crumbled ten-dollar bill out of my pants. Damon snatched the money from me and told me to follow him between two row houses. This shit was even easier than I thought.

  He grabbed his dick. “I’ll let you keep the ten dollars if you suck me off,” he said.

  He pulled out a small baggie with a few white pebbles. I gave him a vicious punch to the throat that crushed his airway. I took my hood down from my face. The look of horror was in his eyes.

  He couldn’t scream because of the blow that I gave him. It gave me enough time to do what I had to do. I pulled out my hunting knife. I stabbed him and twisted the knife into his stomach.

  “You faggot ass nigga.” I whispered in his ear.

  I pulled the knife out then jabbed it into him again and again. Blood poured from his mouth. I dropped him on the ground. I repeatedly stabbed him until my knife came out through his back and scraped the cement. Pieces of tissue from his stomach had gotten on me. I was burning this shit ASAP.


  I was meeting Ashaun later to let him know that he was quitting. He could do what he wanted but I was no longer doing business with him. It hurt that it had to come to this but his way of thinking could get me dead or in jail. I had to be extra cautious now that I had a baby on the way. I was already pissed about him letting Man-Man in without talking to me about it first. My brother could’ve gotten killed and he invited that nigga to my mother’s crib without my approval.

  We met up at Food for Soul, a spot where we have our meetings. My father’s friend, Derrick, owned it. He would close it down for us every Wednesday. I actually helped him keep it open because he was ready to go out of business. Only two cooks were here. I like to have it that way when I’m talking business. They also knew that what we discuss is never supposed to be spoken about to anyone because there were consequences.

  Ashaun came walking in; his jewelry lighting the whole place up. I never let money change me. I’m still the same ol’ nigga but, this past year, my nigga has changed up on me. I have been getting a vibe and I don’t like that shit. I noticed it a week ago. I could read people and Ashaun got some shit on his chest. We dapped hands then he took a seat.

  “What’s up, nigga? Usually when we meet, it’s with the whole squad. Everything good?” he asked.

  This was awkward for me because I knew our friendship would change after this.

  “I think you should step out of the game,” I told him, straight up with no chaser.

  “What, nigga?” he shouted.

  “This shit is no longer for you. It never was. I should’ve been said something but I thought maybe you would smarten up. I always have to clean your shit up. If it ain’t me, it’s someone else. You might do your thing but you back out when shit gets tough. I told you to dead that nigga Damon. Rico has been following you for a couple of days and all you did was take Cali on shopping sprees. You never even made an attempt to dead that nigga. Yeah, I know about that broad. I already smashed. She ain’t shit but a gold digging ass hoe. She is not even important. You should’ve dealt with that nigga like you were supposed to. No fucking witnesses! I keep telling you about that. You got the game fucked up, baby boy.”

  Ashaun was red with anger but I knew he wasn’t going to swing on me.

  “So you got Rico following me?” he asked.

  Rico was one of my runners. He was only eighteen so I tried keeping him out of shit, but when I needed extra eyes on shit, he was the one I could depend on.

  “My nigga, you can’t run a drug empire from the fucking malls. I know more about half the niggas on your team than you know. Bet you didn’t know Nate got locked up few days ago for driving while intoxicated. Did you know Day-Day got robbed at a strip club because a bitch set him up? Those niggas are your responsibility. Why the fuck am I making sure that they have good lawyers and shit? We’re supposed to be doing this. I have been taking control on both of our ends thinking you could watch and learn, but you’re still not catching on. When I meet Leodonis for our re-ups, I always have to pay a quarter of your half because your team slow at moving shit, But you buying million dollar cars and shit. This is not a fucking game, nigga. The other night was a wakeup call. You and I both know that you wouldn’t last a damn week without me.” I tossed him two big duffel bags “That’s two mil. Take that shit and do whatever but this shit ends now, my nigga,” I said sadly.

  “Nigga, I was with you since day one. You’re tossing me money like I’m some punk ass nigga out on the street!” he yelled.

  “You were riding for me and that’s why I’m riding for you. I don’t want shit happen to you. This shit is not really for you. It’s been eating me up for years and all I’m saying is take the money and enjoy it. It’s my gift to you.”

  He laughed at me. I didn’t find a damn thing funny. Technically, I didn’t owe Ashaun shit but he was my nigga and I know he hasn’t been saving money like that. If something ever happens to me, all my niggas are getting some insurance money back. I’m giving Ashaun his money now. I could’ve kept that two mil but I couldn’t cut him out like that.

  “This is all about me fucking Cali, huh?” he asked.

  Now it was my turn to laugh. I think Ashaun must be getting high on his own supply. “Nigga, get the fuck on. Cali ain’t shit but a fucking whore. I bet you she sucked your dick as soon as you ran into her, didn’t she? She got me like that when she was working at Nordstrom’s. Bitch came right in the fitting room and topped me off. You think I’m worried about that old bitch? Think again.”

  He looked like he wanted to swing on me. Cali got the nigga wrapped around her finger already. Ol’ pussy ass nigga caught feelings for the hoe already.

  He picked up the duffel bags. “You a foul ass nigga. Since you hooked up with Cam’s fat ass, you’ve been feeling yourself. You better make sure that baby yours since you know all about triflin’ bitches now.”

  “You’re really testing me right now. I’m going let you slide because that’s not really you speaking. Take the money and leave. I love you like a brother. Ain’t shit changed. You’re always going to be my nigga, my brother from another mother.”

  “My bad. It’s all love.”

  We dapped but I knew it would never be the same. This nigga was in his feelings but that’s part of the game. Just because you play doesn’t mean you know how to play.


  A few days later, I was leaving my jeweler. I was going to propose to Cam. I wanted to do this the right way. I didn’t want to keep playing house with her .I wanted to make it official. Jamie helped me pick out the ring. I hope Cam likes it. This ring cost just as much as a house.

  As I was walking out, I noticed a lady across the street with a flat tire. I went to see if she needed help. It was getting dark out and I would’ve felt bad if she would’ve got mugged. She wasn’t that attractive she was slim, light-skinned with a bad case of acne that she tried covering up with make-up. Her braids looked like she had them in a littl
e too long. Shorty was homely as hell. She could’ve been someone’s mother. If mine were stranded, I would want someone to help her out.

  “Hey shorty, you good?” I asked.

  “No, I’m not. I’ve been out here for a few hours waiting on a tow truck and no one still has come,” she fussed.

  “You got a spare?” I asked.

  “No,” she responded.

  “I can drop you off at the Super Wal-Mart so you won’t be out here all alone but I can’t take you home.”

  I didn’t trust too many people and Wal-Mart was only five minutes away. I was not driving a stranger across town. She agreed.

  Her phone beeped. She read her text message. “You can actually pull over right here my sister said she’s right around the corner.”

  I pulled over .I was the only car on the road. She tried making small talk but I ignored her. I wanted her ride to hurry up so I could get home to my girl. A car pulled up and turned their lights off. Shorty hopped out I knew that I was being set up.

  By the time I pulled my gun out, my whip was being riddled with bullets before they sped away. I climbed out my truck with my gun. I dropped it down the drain. If I made it out alive, I was not going down with a gun charge. In all my twenty-five years of life, I never got caught slipping until now. I had about eight bullets in my body. It felt like I was burned all over. I could feel the blood drowning me inside I struggled to breath and coughed up blood.

  “Sir, are you okay?” a white teenage boy asked me. He and another white boy both had skateboards in their hands. I tried responding but I started to choke on my blood.

  “Jeremy, call 911,” he told his friend.

  My eyes started to get heavy. I was about to leave Cam, our baby, Parker and the rest of the FAM behind. I even saw a glimpse of my father. I knew my soul was leaving my body. Tears slipped out my eyes because I knew it was my time to go.


  Imagine how I felt when they rushed my man into the Emergency Room while I was working. My whole world came crumbling down. Voices were muffled and everything was moving in slow motion. He was barely holding onto life. His clothes were drenched in blood. I worked in the ER and I had never seen that much blood.


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