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The Demon King

Page 31

by Heather Killough-Walden

  Dahlia made a frustrated scream sort of sound and looked down at her phone. He was right. Whether he cheated or not, arguing with him about it right now would only rob her yet again of her desperately desired pocket monster.

  The round, pink, globular Pokémon appeared on the map to the right of her avatar, and Dahlia hastily touched her finger to it. The screen changed to what would have been an augmented reality screen if she’d had that turned on. However, she preferred to play video games to escape the real world, not drag the fantasy world into it with her, so she’d turned the augmented reality off long ago. Instead, the image on her screen was one of green grass and a bordering forest, with Jigglypuff right smack in the center, waiting to be caught.

  She fed it a berry that would supposedly make it more amiable, then chose a higher level Pokéball from her Items list. Three ball tosses and some lip biting later, and she had her first Jigglypuff. At last. She exhaled with relief, and lowered her phone.

  Lazaroth was standing over her.

  “Now then,” he said softly, and his voice wrapped around her like magic. “If I’m not mistaken, we had a deal.”

  She could have argued. She could have even done so quite logically – and she might have even won. But in truth? She didn’t want to.

  “Okay,” she said as her gaze slipped to his teeth, then went back to his steadily burning eyes. She licked her lips. “What do you want?”

  His grin turned dark, and red claimed his irises. At the outskirts of Dahlia’s vision, she saw the world fall away. The parking lot’s perimeter faded to black.

  He was moving them again, taking the entire lot with the two of them, all of its cars, the cement, the metal – everything – into another time and place, another dimension. The power of it made Dahlia dizzy. She wondered if she would ever get used to having a husband with so much magic.

  Lazaroth glanced down at her clothing. His expression was one of stark hunger when his eyes reclaimed hers. “There are a lot of cars in this lot,” he told her softly, but there was a harsh edge to his tone. One of impatience. One of need. “I want you on every one of them before the night is through.” He reached a gentle hand out and brushed a lock of shimmering hair from her collarbone. “Take off your clothes, Dark Angel. And let’s get started.”

  Stay tuned for book ten in The Kings series, coming soon!

  Heather Killough-Walden Reading List

  The Lost Angels series:

  Always Angel (eBook-only introductory novella)

  Avenger's Angel

  Messenger's Angel

  Death's Angel

  Warrior's Angel


  The October Trilogy:

  Sam I Am

  Secretly Sam

  Suddenly Sam

  Neverland Series:

  Forever Neverland

  Beyond Neverland

  The Big Bad Wolf series:

  The Heat

  The Strip

  The Spell

  The Hunt

  The Big Bad Wolf Romance Compilation (all four books together, in proper chronological order)

  The Kings - A Big Bad Wolf spinoff series:

  (in their proper order so far)

  The Vampire King

  The Phantom King

  The Warlock King

  The Goblin King

  The Seelie King

  The Unseelie King

  The Shadow King

  The Winter King

  The Demon King

  (future The Kings books TBA; 13 total)

  The Chosen Soul Trilogy:

  The Chosen Soul

  Drake of Tanith

  Queen of Abaddon

  Redeemer (stand-alone)

  Hell Bent (stand-alone)

  Vampire, Vampire (stand-alone)

  A Sinister Game (stand-alone)

  The Third Kiss: Dorian's Dream (stand-alone)

  Note: The Lost Angels series (not including Always Angel, Warrior’s Angel and Samael) and the Big Bad Wolf series are available in print and eBook format. All other HKW books are currently eBook-only.








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