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The Billionaire's Accidental Bride

Page 14

by Love, Kimmy

  No matter how distant from each other they'd been over the years, or in what ways they weren't close, they were still father and son, and when Brandon died, Jack would have nobody left.

  "I can't believe that you manage to handle all you do, Jack," Annaya said softly, running her hands over his shoulders to smooth out his jacket. She felt herself tingle at the sensation of those strong, broad shoulders under her fingertips. "I'm sorry that I've been so demanding. I didn't realize quite how much you were dealing with."

  Jack smiled at her, like he was seeing something that nobody else saw, but that was only because Annaya was seeing something in him that others didn't perceive; the weight of the world on his shoulders. He kissed her forehead tenderly, but didn't let it turn into anything more than that. He was trying to resist her until he could figure out what the hell he was doing.

  "You've nothing to be sorry for, Annie. I wish I could have been there more. I'm just glad you're here now. It's nice to have you around. And tonight, we'll have an incredible evening together. The press will snap us, people will talk and we won't give a damn."

  "It sounds wonderful."

  Jack's warnings hadn't gone unheard. Annaya knew that being photographed at the gala with Jack would open the door into a whirlwind of press attention, but she was ready to put herself in the spotlight in order to bring her daughter out of the shadows.

  She didn't want Alice to grow up feeling shunned by her daddy or ashamed of her mother. Annaya and Jack needed to present a united front to the world and be on the same page in order for Alice to have the best. That was what tonight was about, even though seeing Jack in his black suit, looking as suave and sexy as the first night she'd met him, made Annaya feel much more like the night was a night for them.

  Alice was being taken care of by the mansion's staff and although Annaya hated it every time she left her little girl behind, she was looking forward to a night of dancing and time spent with Jack. They climbed into a waiting limousine together and Annie felt her stomach doing little nervous flips during the drive.

  Finally, they pulled up outside the casino where she and Jack had met for the first time and even before she'd stepped out of the car she could see the lights flashing outside. The press were here. The car pulled up at the entrance of the casino and she and Jack looked at each other for one last moment of privacy.

  "Are you ready for this?" Jack asked her earnestly. "There's no turning back."

  "I'm ready."

  A man in a smart suit opened the limousine door and Annaya stepped out. The camera lights made spots dance in front of her eyes and she felt almost overwhelmed by the attention the event was earning from the press and the attention that she was earning now that she'd stepped out of a limousine; attention which only increased when Jack stepped out behind her.

  She began to wonder if she'd made a mistake and thought that maybe Jack had been right all along, but then he took her hand all her fears melted away. Tonight she was not here as his secret, but as his date, and she felt like a princess holding onto his arm. A big smile jumped to her face and she looked up at Jack with adoring eyes as the camera flashed. She had no doubts left. None at all.


  Jack was filled with pride when the photographers surrounded them. He'd been worried that Annaya would be overwhelmed by the attention, but just like everything that came Annaya's way, she dealt with it with grace and dignity, smiling for the cameras without playing up to them and squeezing Jack's hand for reassurance without pressing up against him in a way that would allow people to make assumptions before they'd spoken for themselves. The questions came soon enough.

  "Mr. Casali! Who is your date tonight?"

  "This is Miss Annaya Towler. She's the mother of my beautiful daughter, Alice."

  "Was it a planned child, Mr. Casali?"

  Jack laughed lightly. "I wouldn't change a thing."

  "What is the nature of yours and Miss Towler's relationship, Mr. Casali?"

  "She is an incredible woman that I'm proud to have as my date tonight."

  "Do we hear wedding bells, Mr Casali?"

  "Perhaps one day. For now we're enjoying being new parents."

  "How did you meet?"

  This time the microphone was directed at Annaya and for a moment she was afraid she wouldn't be able to get any words out at all, but then she found her voice and smiled, looking up at Jack to follow his confident lead.

  "We met at this very casino, in fact. I was celebrating an engagement with my closest friend and Jack was working in the casino. I guess you could say we clicked."

  "How long have you been an item?"

  "Our relationship has been growing stronger for almost a year now."

  Talking to the press was an art. It was all about giving answers without giving the full details. Annaya was beginning to understand Jack's tendency to skirt around the details when dealing with the press. It was an uncomfortable feeling to know that these people could find out anything about you and spin it into a story. It felt like good practice to keep some things close to your chest in order to feel like some things were still private.

  It was especially hard to know what to say when asked to answer questions about the nature of their relationship when neither were really sure themselves. Annaya, fortunately, was a natural at dodging difficult questions with grace.

  "You must feel very lucky, Miss Towler. Mr Casali is a catch."

  "Yes, he is, and I do. I feel very fortunate that he's Alice's father. She's a very lucky girl."

  The questions ranged from pushing for details about their relationship to questions about Alice and their plans for the future. It did become tiring after a while and a little overwhelming, but Annaya held her own and whenever a question was a little too complex, she only had to look up at Jack for the billionaire to take the lead. They were a natural celebrity couple, supporting each other as the vultures gathered around them.

  Finally, they were able to tear themselves away from the photographers and head inside to where the gala was taking place. It was an opulent affair with women dripping in diamonds and men sipping champagne, but for once, Annaya wasn't intimidated by the grandeur of it all. The last week and a half with the Casalis had made her feel more at ease among the finer things, and she held her head up high as though she belonged there.

  She moved from group to group with Jack at her side, being introduced and engaging in small talk with a smile and light laugh and didn't feel self-conscious or insecure at all until a stunning blonde came their way.

  She was a slim woman, with a large chest and shapely legs, wearing the most stunning grey silk dress that emanated class and sophistication. She had naturally radiant blonde hair that had been styled into classic waves for the occasion and she wore a dash of red lipstick across her lips.

  The entire effect made her look like a movie star from the forties and even Annaya's eyes widened at the sight of such a beauty coming their way. The woman had a predatory smile and narrow eyes.

  Annaya had no idea who she was, but the woman seemed to recognize her. The stranger glided across the casino towards them and came to a stop in front of Jack, resting her weight and a hand on one hip so that each of her womanly curves were emphasized.

  "Jack. It's good to see you. I wasn't sure you'd make it."

  The beautiful blonde flicked her gaze up and down over Annaya's body and her eyebrows lifted in an expression that showed she was unimpressed. Suddenly Annaya felt like the diamonds and ball gown couldn't hide who she really was and she felt her cheeks flush under the stunning woman's judgmental gaze.

  "Hannah." Jack greeted dryly. His voice was cold and stern, but Jack's ex was not deterred. She turned her attention sharply to Annaya.

  "Is this the woman you've been hiding?"

  "I've not been hiding anybody."

  "Oh really? Because last time we met you told me to ignore the gossip. You said that none of it was true."

  "You know better than anybody just how hard it is
to keep your private lives away from the press, Hannah. I've been protecting a woman who means a lot to me."

  "Then it's time for the grand reveal. Tell me all about her."

  Annaya didn't like the way that Hannah spoke about her rather than to her, addressing Jack directly as if Annaya wasn't there. She took an instant dislike to Jack's ex and tried to hide her scowl by taking a sip of her champagne and stepping slightly closer to Jack.

  "This is Annaya. She's the mother of our daughter."

  "So it is true. You're a father now. Congratulations."

  The conniving blonde said the words, but she didn't sound pleased for them in the slightest. Annaya could hear the envy seeping through her words and when Jack was whisked away by a shareholder, Annaya was horrified to be left alone with the spiteful woman.

  "You must be really pleased with yourself," Hannah said hostilely when Jack was out of earshot. She took a short, sharp gulp of her champagne and flashed a scowl at Annaya. It made her beautiful face instantly ugly.

  "I'm sorry?"

  "Really, getting pregnant? That's so vulgar. It's the most common means of tying down a man. A woman from his own social circles would never stoop to such lows."

  "No?" Annaya replied, equally cold. "She'd just leak a story to the press?"

  A cruel smile crossed Hannah's lips and she let out a low laugh. "He was mine long before he was yours, Annaya. You're just a novelty to him. He likes the idea of being a family man now, while his father's on his deathbed and he's facing life in that big old mansion alone, but it won't be long before the loneliness passes and he realizes that he's bored with you too. That's just Jack's way. He's restless. That's why we always got on so well. I helped him indulge his wild side."

  Annaya raised her eyebrows in surprise at the vulgar comment and she shook her head in disbelief at how blatant the woman was being. "You have your sights on him."

  "Of course I do," Hannah retorted swiftly. "Have you seen the other men available in our circles? Old, divorced, widow. He's the only bachelor in the whole of Vegas who's under forty. He's attractive, intelligent, and set to inherit everything. He'll do very well for himself and so will his wife."

  "Jack's not the type to be coerced into a marriage," Annaya told her.

  "He's a man, isn't he?" Hannah said slyly. "They all can be coerced. That's how you did it, isn't it? I can't see how else you got yourself pregnant. Is it even his?"

  If Annaya had been in a different crowd, she very well may have lifted a hand to give the woman a slap for the rude comment, but instead she kept her dignity and thought of Jack's reputation and took in a little sharp breath to help her control her temper.

  "Don't let Jack hear you speak like that. Alice means the world to him."

  "One day he'll realize that he misses his old life. Men like Jack don't change. You'll be gone within a year."

  Hannah drifted away into the crowds and Annaya was left stunned at her rudeness and boldness. She couldn't remember any time in her life that she'd ever had quite the same kind of confrontation with another woman and she was appalled at Hannah's behavior. She couldn't believe that any woman would behave like that in the desperate hope of tying down a rich man. She supposed that those who were born into it valued it much more highly than Annaya, who'd found as much joy in a night in with Natalie and a bottle of cheap Prosecco as any night dressed up in diamonds. She watched the blonde disappear and simply felt sorry for her that her priorities were so warped.

  Annaya stood for a while at the edge of casino, waiting for Jack to return. She didn't know if he'd lost her in the crowds or had been pulled away again, but after ten minutes or so she decided to seek him out. She left the main body of the casino and headed out the doors towards the great sweeping staircase that lead towards the bathrooms and the upper bar. She stepped around the doorway and spotted Jack at the base of the staircase. He was not alone. With him was Hannah and she was trailing her finger up and down his chest seductively. Annaya instinctively flushed red with rage and jealously and she crept closer to listen to them speak, concealed by the staircase as she listened.

  "She's pretty, Jack, I'll give you that, but she's not like us. She's mumsy, don't you think? Sure, she gave you one good night in the bedroom, but now she's tied you down she'll turn into a nag, just like every other new mom. Is that really what you want?"

  Jack scowled and pushed Hannah away. "It's not a competition and even if it was, Annaya would blow you away."

  Hannah bristled at that and let out a little offended scoff. "You never used to say those kinds of things to me. Not when we were young and... adventurous."

  The gold-digger reached a hand out and went to reach between Jack's thighs. The billionaire's expression instantly darkened and he grabbed Hannah by the wrist, pushing her hand away from him.

  "Enough. You're embarrassing yourself."

  Hannah's scowl deepened. "You take the high road now and push me away like I'm some desperate whore, but you'll soon come running back when you realize that little miss perfect has turned cold and is expecting you to run errands and play the perfect daddy."

  "Annie has qualities that you will never have and will never understand. She's intelligent and strong-willed and she doesn't throw her body around to get men's attention. She had self-respect and dignity and her own mind.

  You can try as hard as you like with your tight dresses and wandering hands, but no matter how much your daddy earns or which circles you walk in, you will never hold a candle to her. Back away, Hannah, before you make even more of a fool of yourself."

  The blonde's cheeks flared red once more and she stormed up the stairs towards the women's bathroom. Jack stayed for a moment on his step, composing himself after the confrontation and eventually turned to rejoin the gala. He came down the three steps in front of him and then came to a sudden halt when he spotted Annaya hiding behind the staircase, looking at him with her big, round eyes full of surprise and admiration.

  "Annie. Are you alright? I'm sorry I've been gone so long."

  "I heard what you said to that woman. Do you really think that much of me?"

  "You should know what I think of you by now, Annie."

  For once, Annaya didn't hesitate. She crossed the space between them in one swift step, threw both her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. His arms tightened around her waist and pulled her closer to him and everything faded away in one perfect kiss. Annaya pulled back with her eyes sparkling and she looked up at him tenderly.

  "I've never said it Jack, but I love you. I think I have for some time."

  "I love you too, Annie."

  "I know that there's still a lot to work out, but, if you'll still have me, I'd like to try a real relationship. No more skipping around each other. I'm ready to take a risk."

  "Risks are good. Take it from an expert gambler."

  Annaya looked over her shoulder at the sound of clicking and realized that a photographer had not been far behind them when they'd been kissing, but she wasn't embarrassed. She simply laughed and took hold of Jack's hand. She felt elated.

  It was wonderful that finally things were falling into place. They had each other and had finally said what needed to be said. They had a beautiful daughter sleeping soundly in a glorious mansion not far away. What was left to worry them?


  Even in the final months of her pregnancy and in the first months of her new marriage, Natalie was still looking out for Annaya and it was she who called the woman a week later with bad news that hadn't yet reached Annie's attention.

  "Are you on a subscription or something?" Annie chuckled when Natalie told her that she was in the Vegas news again. "Why are you reading all those Vegas magazines?"

  "Because I'm looking out for you, Annaya. You've got to be careful with the press. They'll say anything to sell stories."

  "What are you saying, Nat? What have they said this time?" Annaya racked her brains to think of anything she or Jack had said at the gala that could have been
spun into anything that would mar either of their reputations. She felt that they'd presented themselves well and as a team. She couldn't think of anything that she had to worry about. "Have they said anything about me?"

  "Not you. Jack."


  "Go pick up that awful Vegas celeb mag, Annie. You'll see what I'm on about. Page three."

  Annaya put Alice into her pram and left for the store immediately. Jack was out again attending to business, so she was alone when she stepped into the shop and headed for the magazine aisle. She found the magazine that Natalie had been on about and spotted the headline on the cover straight away: Casali's Ex Reveals All - Does his new flame know his secrets?

  Feeling sick, Annaya turned to page three and her eyes fell first and foremost onto the two pictures across the two-page spread. One was of her and Jack kissing by the staircase and the other was of Hannah sitting in a chair, facing the camera with a serious reveal-all expression on her face. Annaya's stomach sank. What had the desperate woman said now? Annaya turned her attention to the first words on the page and began to read.

  This week, billionaire playboy Jack Casali showed off his latest flame, Annaya Towler, at the annual Casali Charity Gala. Shown kissing, left, the two lovebirds seemed smitten at the event, but Casali's former lover, Hannah Sawyer, left, warns the new woman in Jack's life that the billionaire has his dark side.

  Annaya's mouth fell open as she began to read extracts from the article.

  Sawyer described how she and the former bachelor used to spend wild nights enjoying Vegas nightlife and claims that although the playboy seems to have broken his bad habits of late, that he was always a ‘bad boy’.

  Hannah had the following to say about her relationship with Jack Casali: "It was wild. Every night it was a different club, a different drug, a different bedroom. Jack must have slept with half the women in Vegas, but we always had a particular spark. He was adventurous in all aspects of life, but especially between the sheets. If he's planning on settling down, I'm happy for him, but I'd warn the new woman in his life to go in with her eyes open. Jack is not a good role model and I suspect it won't be long before he plays away."


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