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Betting On Love

Page 19

by Hodges, Cheris

  “A story as old as time,” he said.

  “You know how you men can be, and my friend is hardheaded.”

  “Do you think it’s a good idea for them to work together? With all these feelings floating around?”

  “He’ll be working directly with me, and who knows? This could be their chance. Second chance, if you will,” Jade said.

  “Maybe whatever broke them up means it’s best that they stay apart.”

  “And did you tell your brother that when he and Kenya reconnected?”

  “Checkmate,” he said. “But everybody’s story is different.”

  “What about our story?” she asked. “How will we go down?”

  “I don’t know,” he said. “But I’m loving how it’s playing out so far.” He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Good answer,” she said.

  Moments later the waiter came over to the table with a molten chocolate cake and two forks. James whispered in Jade’s ear, “Make sure we take some of this home, because I’d love to see how chocolate tastes on you.”

  “You are so bad,” she replied, then asked the waiter for a to-go box.

  Once they finished tasting the dessert and boxing it up, Jade headed for the kitchen, while James stayed at the table, listening to the jazz band.

  “Where’s your man?” Devon asked.

  “He’s not really interested in the kitchen,” she said. “Besides, we need to talk.”

  “I know. So, you and the crew are opening up a restaurant?”

  Jade nodded. “And we want the best.”

  “Are you sure it’s a good idea for me to work for you guys? Our history isn’t all peachy.”

  “Just so you know, it was Serena’s idea to find you. Kandace has been working really hard to get you, and I’m going to be the general manager.”

  “That’s all nice to hear, but Serena, also known as the ice queen, hates my guts. Kandace, well, she just confuses the hell out of me, and Alicia, she’s Serena’s twin.”

  “Nothing to say about me?”

  “You’re nice, Jade, but I know how things are with you four.”

  “This is business and we need you. If for no other reason than to beat Stephen at his game.”

  “Aw,” Devon said. “So, Mr. Wonderful has something to do with this restaurant venture. What did you ever see in that guy?”

  “I ask myself that question all the time,” Jade replied. “But this really isn’t about him. You owe us.”

  Devon held his chin and peered at Jade. “One year.”

  “One year?”

  “I will work with you guys for one year. We can get together and work out my salary. Then there is my TV show. If I’m working for you guys, then I need to be able to film my show in the restaurant, and I want to have some input in how the kitchen looks.”

  “All right, and you will have total control over the menu,” Jade said.

  “That goes without saying, buttercup.”

  “Please, don’t call me that,” she replied, with a laugh.

  “So, what’s the deal with you and James?”

  She smiled. “Want to trade love stories?”

  “There you go. We have nothing to trade.”

  She folded her arms across her chest and rolled her eyes. “What happened between you and Kandace?”

  “Ask her, because I don’t know. One minute we’re in love, and the next she’s telling me she doesn’t want to see me again. When you find out what happened, let me know.” His voice was tinged with bitterness.

  “Sorry,” Jade said. “I had no idea.”

  Devon shrugged. “Give my business manager a call tomorrow, and let’s meet before you leave town, say, one o’clock? Hey, don’t you still live in Atlanta?”

  “Yes, but when we open, I’m going to move here.”

  “And James lives in Atlanta?”

  “No,” she said, with a smile. “He lives here.”

  “It’s good to know someone is getting a happy ending,” he said wistfully.

  Jade reached out and rubbed his shoulder with sisterly affection. “The book hasn’t closed on you two yet,” she said.

  Devon offered her a melancholy smile. “If you say so,” he replied.

  “I’d better get back. Thank you so much for doing this.”

  “Tell Serena I said, ‘What’s up’?”

  Jade walked back into the dining room and found James grooving to the smooth jazz band. She crept up behind him, bringing her lips to his ear.

  “Excuse me, sir. Would you like to dance?” she whispered.

  James turned around, with a wide smile on his lips. “Let’s do it.”

  They took to the dance floor, walking hand in hand. James pulled Jade against his body, and they rocked their hips in a seductive dance that made them the stars of the show. The other dancers stepped aside and watched Jade and James slow dance in the middle of the floor. He spun her around with a flourish and then dipped her. Jade lifted her leg around James’s waist as if she were a contestant on Dancing with the Stars. Some of the people around the couple started clapping as they continued to dance. Once the song ended, the crowd broke into a rousing round of applause. James and Jade took a bow and headed back to their table, hand in hand.

  “I didn’t know you had those kinds of moves,” Jade said.

  “Don’t let the suit fool you,” James replied, with a wink. She leaned into him, pressing her nose against his. He brushed his lips against hers and gently kissed her. “You want to get out of here?”

  Jade nodded, and within seconds she and James were rushing out to his car.

  The next morning Jade woke up before James. Her body tingled from the night of lovemaking that they’d shared. Is this real? she thought. Can I really be this happy with him? She gently stroked his arm and said a silent prayer that this thing with James wasn’t an illusion and that he cared for her as much as she cared for him. Looking over at the alarm clock on his dresser, she realized that she needed to get out of bed and call Devon’s manager so that they could set up a meeting. As she stole from the bed, James opened his eyes. “You leaving me, woman?” he said in a sleep-filled voice.

  “Just to take care of some business. I need to make some calls.”

  He nodded and went back to sleep. Jade grabbed her cell phone and dialed Kandace before calling Devon’s people.

  “This better be an emergency,” Kandace said. “It’s way too early for you to be calling me when you should be in bed with your man.”

  “First of all, it’s a little after seven. You should be getting ready for work.”

  “I took the day off. Don’t you think I deserve it?”

  “Yes, I do,” Jade said. “Guess who I talked to last night?”


  “Devon Harris. As a matter of fact, he invited James and me to be his guests for dinner at Mez. The things that man can do with food are just amazing.”

  “Uh-huh,” Kandace said.

  “He asked about you,” she said.

  “What did he say?”

  “He said to call him,” Jade fibbed. “Maybe you should come to Charlotte and join us for the meeting today.”

  “What time is the meeting?” Kandace asked, with a hint of excitement in her voice.

  “One o’clock, so if you get out of bed and get ready, you can be here right on time.”

  “Where are you all meeting?”

  “Ah, at James’s office,” Jade said, silently reminding herself that she needed to ask James if they could use his office.

  “I don’t know why I’m doing this, but I will be there before one.”

  “Great.” Jade hung up the phone and headed back into the bedroom. She realized she needed a place for this meeting. “James,” she said, shaking his shoulder.


  “Are you going into the office today?” she asked.

  “I guess. Damn, lady, you trying to get rid of me?”

  She shook her head and kissed
him on the cheek. “I need a favor,” she said. “Can I use your conference room today to meet with Devon and Kandace?”

  “Sure,” he said as he sat up in the bed. “But you’re going to have to do something for me after your meeting.”

  “What’s that?” she asked as she slipped back into bed with him.

  James pulled her into his arms. “Meet me in my office when you’re done, and leave your panties at the door.”

  “How did you know I was wearing a skirt today?”

  He nodded toward the outfit she had laid out on the chair next to the dresser. “That’s not exactly my style,” he joked.

  “Well, Mr. Goings, I think I’d be more than happy to meet you in your office,” she said, then kissed him quickly on the lips. “I’ve got one more phone call to make.” Jade leapt out of bed, nearly dragging James with her.


  James and Jade walked into his office around 12:30.

  About two minutes later, Kandace burst through the door. “I’m here,” she said.

  “Good afternoon to you, too,” Jade said to her friend.

  James waved to her and headed into his office and closed the door.

  Kandace looked toward the conference room. “Is he here?” she whispered.

  “Not yet,” Jade replied. “You look nice.”

  Kandace looked down at her fashionable gray pencil skirt and white ruffled blouse. “You like it?”

  Jade nodded. “Very chic,” she said as she rose to her feet, walked over to Kandace, and pulled the price tag from the blouse. “Very new, I see.”

  “You know me. Sometimes I need retail therapy. I was going to take this blouse back, but I figured I needed to look my best today,” Kandace said.

  “You always do,” a silky voice said from behind her.

  Kandace and Jade turned around and found Devon standing in the doorway, with a basket of goodies in his hands.

  “You’re early,” Jade said.

  “Yeah,” he said as he walked in. “I thought I was going to get lost, so I left a little too soon.”

  Kandace smiled at him but didn’t say anything. Jade took Devon’s basket and headed into the conference room. Neither Kandace nor Devon moved.

  Jade took a muffin from the basket. “We need coffee,” she called out. “I’m leaving to go get some.”

  Still, Kandace and Devon stood in the middle of the floor, not saying a word. Jade walked out to the entrance and asked Amber where she could find a Starbucks.

  “I’ll go for you,” Amber said. “It’s not a problem.”

  “No,” Jade said, with a smile. “I think I need to leave the chef alone with Kandace while I get some lattes. Do you want something, and what’s James’s favorite drink?”

  Amber smiled and told Jade that James was a regular-coffee man and he didn’t like sugar in his coffee, just three packs of Splenda.

  “And he gets his coffee from the gas station some times, doesn’t he?” Jade questioned, with a laugh.

  “He sure does.”

  “Thanks, Amber,” Jade said, then headed out the door, even though part of her wanted to stay near Kandace and Devon to see what was going on with the two of them.

  “Hey,” James called out after Jade. “Where are you going without me?”

  “Starbucks. Devon brought some muffins, and I figured coffee would go great with them.”

  “I hope you’re getting decaf, because those two outside of my office don’t need caffeine.”

  “What’s going on up there?” she asked.

  James shrugged. “A lot of finger pointing, some name calling, and a bunch of questions. What? Are they divorced or something?”

  “They never made it down the aisle,” she said. “They were close, but something happened and Devon went to Paris and Kandace started the marketing firm after she went away for a few months.”

  James shook his head. “It’s a good thing you’re going to handle the day-to-day operations, because I think those two would kill each other.”

  Jade fought the urge to go upstairs and eavesdrop. She just prayed Devon would still want to work for the restaurant.

  After getting the coffees, James and Jade headed back to the office, wondering if the place would still be standing. It was, but Kandace and Devon hovered in separate corners of the conference room like wary warriors.

  “Here’s some coffee for you guys,” Jade said timidly.

  “This isn’t going to work,” Devon said as he took a cup from the center of the table. “I’m sorry, Jade, but I can’t go into business with you.”

  “That’s right,” Kandace snapped. “You’re the liar that I always knew you were.”

  “Kandace, let it go. I made a mistake and you want to hold it against me after all these years?”

  James cleared his throat. “Guys, I have clients coming in, and this isn’t the time or place for your personal war.”

  “There is no war,” Devon said coldly. “Jade, sorry I wasted your time.”

  Jade cleared her throat. “Devon, look, we need you and—”

  “Don’t you dare beg him!” Kandace exclaimed.

  Devon slammed his coffee cup on the table. “You know what? I know you need me,” he said to Jade but looked pointedly at Kandace. “But some people can’t let go of the past. I’m sorry I cheated on you.”

  “Devon, you promised me a year,” Jade said. “Please, if for no other reason than to beat Stephen at his own game.”

  James shuddered, then stepped out of the room.

  Jade immediately regretted saying anything about Stephen. “Come on. You two need to think about this from a business aspect. Kandace, we won’t find a better chef.” Jade turned to Devon. “Kandace won’t even be here that much.”

  “I won’t be here at all,” Kandace snapped, then stormed out of the conference room.

  “Why did you tell her I wanted her to be here?” Devon asked.

  “Because I know you two still have feelings for each other, and whatever happened between the two of you is in the past. Can’t you just move on from it?”

  “You don’t understand, and I’m not going to try and explain it. Just stay out of my personal life from now on. My business manager will be here with contracts shortly.” Devon blew past Jade, leaving her confused but happy that he was still going to run the kitchen.

  James sat in his office—pissed off. He’d thought that Jade had gotten over trying to get revenge on Stephen, yet she was pulling more people into her web. He flipped through a file on his desk, not focusing on the words on the papers. It was one thing for Jade and her friends to open the restaurant because they wanted to cash in on Charlotte’s growth, but she was still on this revenge kick, and he questioned whether he was a distraction for her and if she was truly over Stephen.

  A knock at his door broke into his thoughts. “Yeah,” he called out.

  The door opened and Jade walked in.

  “Hey,” she said.

  He nodded in acknowledgment.

  “Is something wrong?” she questioned.

  “No, just busy. Did your meeting turn out to your satisfaction?” he asked, sarcasm peppering his voice.

  “Kind of,” she said, then leaned against the desk.

  “Jade, I have work I need to take care of.”

  She stepped back from the desk, with a confused look on her face. “I thought ...”

  “Something just came up,” James said.

  “Are you upset with me?” she asked, with her arms folded across her chest.

  James slammed his file on the desk. “Don’t I have a reason to be? Beat Stephen at his own game? What am I supposed to think? This guy came here and I defended you, but you still have this urge to get back at him. Why is that?”

  “Are we really going there again?” she asked in an exasperated voice.

  “Why don’t you go in the conference room with your friend? I have work to do,” he said dismissively.

  “How about I just leave, period,” J
ade snapped. “For whatever reason, you won’t take my word about Stephen. Do you really think ... Forget it, James.” She stormed out of the office, and part of him wanted to go after her, but he had his own anger to work out.

  After a few minutes, James left the office and headed back to his place, hoping that Jade was there. However, when he arrived home, Jade’s car was gone. James rushed inside, knowing that her things would still be there because she didn’t have a key.

  Maybe she’ll come back, he thought but didn’t call her.

  Jade drove aimlessly around Charlotte. She had no idea where to go or if she should head back to James’s office and demand that he give her his house key so that she could get her stuff and leave. Why couldn’t he just get Stephen out of his head? She didn’t want anything to do with that man; she just wanted her money and a successful restaurant. Was that so wrong?

  Jade looked out the window and saw SouthPark Mall. She was lost and had no clue how to get back to James’s place. The last thing she wanted to do was call him, so she called Kandace instead.

  “What do you want?” her friend snapped.

  “I’m sorry about everything.”

  “Sure you are. What were you thinking? What was I thinking? Devon and I have run our course, and there’s no way we’re getting back together.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I said so, damn it. I’m surprised you and James aren’t doing that thing you do.”

  “James and I aren’t talking right now. For whatever reason, he can’t get past the Stephen thing.”

  “Great. Everything is falling apart,” Kandace said. “Are you coming back to Atlanta anytime soon?”

  “Yeah. As soon as I get my things from James’s. I refuse to set myself up to be hurt again, so it’s best that we just stop doing whatever it is we’re doing.” Though Jade said the words, she didn’t believe them, and she wasn’t ready to leave James behind when she knew she’d fallen head over heels in love with him.

  “This love addiction is worse than heroin. Maybe we need to take a page from Serena’s book and just say screw it.”

  Sighing, Jade agreed. “You know what? He can send me my clothes. I’m hitting the highway and heading back to the A. From now on, when I come to Charlotte, it’s going to be strictly business.”


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