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Paranormal After Dark: 20 Paranormal Tales of Demons, Shifters, Werewolves, Vampires, Fae, Witches, Magics, Ghosts and More

Page 287

by Rebecca Hamilton

  “How can you be like this? My family built this town and you were friends with my parents!” I was shocked and dismayed with yet another ignorant person’s behavior and I wasn’t going to take anymore.

  She came out from behind the counter, lowered her glasses to the perch of her nose and whispered, “That was a very long time ago. Your parents are dead, a fact you and everyone else in town are very much aware of. Now, please leave.” Her rheumy eyes bore into mine with hatred.

  I could feel rage building up inside of me again. “Zap her!” My mind whispered. “You know you want to.” I knew I had to control the demon inside that was dying to be free and Phyllis hadn’t exactly helped.

  “Phyllis, what exactly is your problem with me? Can’t you just be a damn adult and explain why you and everyone else seem to find me so repulsive?”

  “I don’t owe you any explanation. Your actions speak volumes and we all know about the things you’ve done. Selena, you need to leave.”

  “I will not. Not until I get some straight answers. I’ve had it with you and everyone else treating me like garbage. I didn’t do anything to any of you!”

  The last bit came out much like a growl.

  She closed her eyes shook her head as if it the action would make me disappear. “Please just go. No one wants you here. I don’t want any trouble.”

  Excuse me? Did she say what I thought she said? How could fully-grown adults act like immature, junior-high schoolers?

  “Fine. But I am taking the damn cart with me. You’ll get it back when I feel like returning it.” I planned on pushing the freaking cart right down the middle of Main Street. Hell, I might even sing and dance on my way back to Tooth & Nail just to really screw with her and anyone else who happened to be outside.

  It took a shitload of strength to push that damn wobble-wheeled piece of crap to the automatic door. The wheels fought me every step of the way, making it feel like I was stuck in quicksand, sinking with every step. I hated carts! When I reached the door, I remembered it too, was out-of-service, just like the restroom, so I had to open it by hand. After I had one side open, I held it in place with my ass and pulled the cart forward. Everything was going great until I ran over my toes. “Shit!”

  “So much for a kick-ass, Mae West-esque exit.” I looked more like a stupid comedy skit on that late night Saturday show I remembered seeing advertisements for.

  Shoving it the rest of the way through, the handle bar plowed into my ribs. “What the frick!” I pushed it with all of my strength and proceeded to stand there kicking the crap out of the worthless, piece-of-crap cart. Yes, people milling about were watching, but maybe they’d think I had gone completely nuts and leave me alone for good. I just didn’t care anymore!

  By the time I arrived back at Tooth & Nail, I was grouchy, sore and sweaty. I grabbed a few of the bags of light bulbs and after I’d composed myself, I sauntered through the wooden door as if I didn’t have a care in the world, placing them on the bar top.

  “Thanks, Selena.”

  “There’s more. I’ll be back.”

  After my trip to the store and the angry outburst I’d had, I knew that Sterling and I needed to leave the Tooth & Nail. There wasn’t any reason for them to be stuck with me or my drama. If we stayed, they’d just be in more danger. Besides, I needed some time alone to think.

  “Leaving? Why?”

  “I’m going over to the Upton House to rent us a room for the night. I need a shower and some time to get my mind straight for this trial.”

  “Keith will be back in a few minutes. He can take you out to our house” she smiled.

  “No, Kelly. You guys have already done way too much for me as it is. Besides, I need some time to myself before the council gets here.”

  “Well, it isn’t any convenience. When will you be back?”

  “In a while or at the latest, tomorrow morning.”

  “Alright. I’ll let Keith know.”

  “See you soon.”

  I put my cat in the cart’s basket and gave him a ride. Sterling and I took the cart back to Hanner’s and parked it outside the store. I waved when Phyllis peered at me over her glasses. She rolled her eyes and turned her back to us. I scooped Sterling up in my arms and set him down on the sidewalk so he could walk.

  “That was fun! We need one of those!”

  “You want a shopping cart? Great. It does fit us. After all, we’re homeless.”

  “For now, Mistress. But we’ll be okay. Keith and Kelly want us to move in with them.”

  “What?” I squawked. I couldn’t believe my ears! When had they discussed this?

  “Yep, let’s talk as we walk. I can’t wait to get on a comfy, king-sized bed. Do you think they’ll turn the bed down for us? Fluff our pillows and give me a bedtime treat maybe?”

  “I doubt it, Sterling. When did Keith say they want us to move in?”

  “I overheard them say as soon as possible. He’ll probably be mad we’re staying at a hotel tonight. I think he was getting their house ready for us.”

  Sterling was chipper and he practically bounced while we walked. However, carrying the brown paper sack full of my meager belongings was only increasing my own irritation.

  “I really need an overnight bag.”

  “For what? We don’t have much. Yet. Besides, Hanner’s has them, you should’ve bought one while you were there.”

  “But we will have more to carry as soon as I can shop at a real store. I’ve got money and carrying it in this bank pouch is stupid. We could get mugged. If Hanner’s did have them, I wouldn’t have bought one even if it had been on clearance for a dollar! They can keep their garbage.”

  “Mugged? Here?” He dropped and rolled on the ground laughing. “Oh you’re funny, Mistress!”

  “I try. So glad that I’m able to entertain you, fuzzy-butt.” I curtsied and almost dropped my torn paper bag. Growling in frustration, I walked faster.

  “What happened at Hanner’s?”


  “Oh, more small town crazies?”

  “Something like that.”

  “There it is, Selena. I can practically smell the goose down pillows!” He pounced on up the sidewalk and I could hear him purring, even though I was about ten feet behind him. With a cat that happy, it was hard not to be just as excited as he was.

  “Let’s hope they will rent us a room.”

  “Paws crossed. But if they give you any shit, we can always go back to the bar with Keith and Kelly” he smiled.

  He had suddenly developed a potty mouth and he wanted to stay with the Jacob’s pack? What the fur-flipping-hell was wrong with my cat?

  Chapter 17

  UPTON HOUSE ROSE before us like a temple. Situated on a hill on the western side of town, it was one of the most gorgeous, historic buildings in all of Salem Ridge. Building began in 1710 and was halted by lack of funds. In 1834 the Upton family spent sixty-two thousand dollars trying to finish it, however, Jonathon Upton had died of tuberculosis before it could be completed.

  Years later, an investor by the name of Thomas Fisher found the original blueprints and attacked the task feverishly. Thanks to the enormous amount of help from the townspeople, within a few months, the fourth floor and its majestic towers were completed. The monolith mirrored Mr. Upton’s original plans in every detail. To this day, the original blueprints, which were professionally mounted in exquisite cherry frames, hung in the Great room for all to see. If someone would have built it in our day and age to Mr. Upton’s same standards, beginning to end without stopping, it would’ve cost sixty-two million dollars by the time it was complete. Chances were, it never would’ve been built or finished.

  “I’ll never tire of looking at this beautiful place. Can you feel it, Sterling? The entire inn is pulsing with energy.”

  “I feel it, Selena. Are you okay?”

  “Never better. Why?”

  “Your crystal, it’s glowing again” he whispered.

  I looked down
and to my surprise, he was right. “At least it’s not black, right? Gold must mean happiness or something.” I laughed and didn’t give the glowing pendulum another thought.

  “Sure. Let’s just get inside, okay?” I didn’t think about Sterling’s sudden nervousness or what it meant. All I wanted was a shower and a few moments to myself. Living with only my familiar for years, I’d been used to having my own space. I loved my friends, the Jacob’s but every girl needed time on her own.

  “You bet.”

  We walked in and approached Mr. Fisher’s desk. “Hello, Mr. Fisher. I’d like to rent a room for the day.”

  “Well, I’m afraid we’re all booked up, Miss Barnes.”

  “Really? There were no cars out front. Where’s everyone hiding?”

  Mr. Fisher’s face turned a sickly shade of red as he fumbled for excuses. His eyes darted side-to-side and everywhere else to avoid looking me in the eyes. There was even a pile of invisible dust that suddenly needed his attention. I watched, unamused as he made a show of wiping it away. There was a lot of that ‘pretend she isn’t there’ stuff going around and I refused to back down.

  “Look Mr. Fisher, I have plenty of money to spare and I know you could use it, especially in these hard economic times. Is it wise to turn away a paying customer? Any paying customer? I simply need a room in which we can rest and I can take a shower. Please?”

  “I already told you…”

  “Please Mr. Fisher. Please?” I whispered. My throat tightened and I knew tears wouldn’t be too far away from falling. I just needed someone to give me a break. “Just twenty-four hours?”

  He seemed to mull the pros and cons around in his mind for a minute and I silently begged the Goddess to convince him that I meant him no harm.

  “Fine, all I have is the Honeymoon Suite. Four-hundred and seventy-nine dollars. Cash only. If there are any damages, I will call the police, the council and your fiancé.”

  “My fiancé? Well…”

  “Like I said no damages. Cash only.”

  “That’s fine.” I counted out the five-hundred and told him to keep the change.

  He laid the key on the desk, avoiding any chance of physically touching my hand. Did he truly believe that my evilness might’ve rubbed off on him?

  I signed the receipt “Thank you so much.”

  “Room 211.” And with that, Sterling and I were dismissed.

  I carried Sterling and we made our way up the grand staircase. Merlot-colored carpeting covered the antique steps and the stain glass windows cast colors of every shade across the beige walls above ornate, hand-carved mahogany wainscoting. It was like walking into a kaleidoscope. Though I savored every gorgeous step of the way to our room, all I could think of was a nice, hot shower.

  We arrived at our suite, silent and weary, the stress of the past twenty-four hours catching up to both of us. I placed Sterling on the floor as I fumbled with the room key. No electronic cards for the Upton House. They used real locks and long, skinny skeleton keys for each room—just another of the many things I loved about the inn. Each of its many irregularities as compared to today’s modern age only added to the originality and nostalgia of the gorgeous mansion. One felt as though they had stepped back in time, even if for only a moment.

  “Here we go buddy. Home sweet home. For a night anyways.”

  “Oh Goddess, look at this place!”

  Sterling launched himself across the hardwood floor of the foyer, ran into an adjoining room and landed on the plush, king-sized bed. His entire body, except for his long tail vanished beneath the pile of down-filled pillows. The cherry bed frame seemed to encase a giant wine and white-colored marshmallow with gold trimmings. It was so decadent. I hadn’t seen a bed that large or beautiful in a very long time and I didn’t blame him for his enthusiasm. It took every ounce of control I possessed not to run across the room and jump on it like a teenager at a slumber party. However, I refused to touch it until I’d had a shower. Sterling purred and stretched, and then he burrowed deeper under the stack of white pillows. I couldn’t even see a whisker of his, he was truly in kitty heaven. I had to admit, it was nice seeing him acting like his old self again, if only for a little while.

  Placing my brown, paper luggage on the dining table, I stepped out of the ridiculous, neon green flip-flops and reveled in the feel of the chocolate colored dining room carpet. It was gorgeous to look at, but the feel of it was pure ecstasy. I loved the hardwood floors I’d had installed piece-by-piece in our now demolished cabin, but right then I was in love with the cushy, soft fabric that seemed to massage every inch of my feet. The comforting floor covering alone washed some of my stress away.

  “Ohhh, I could walk on this forever.”

  “Mistress” Sterling slithered out from under the mountain of pillows and cooed. “Can we get a bed like this?” He rolled over and over, rubbing his chin on the rich, textured fabrics and purred louder than I’d ever heard him purr before.

  “You bet. Anything you want. As soon as all of this is over, I’ll buy everything you love and more. Even a new kitty condo if you want one.”

  “Screw the condo. Just get me this bed.”

  With dramatic flair, he stood on his hind legs and flopped backwards and flapped his arms and legs as if he were making snow angels. That cat was something else! According to what my mother had told me of his age was when we’d gotten him, Sterling would be forty years old if he were human. Yet, there were times when his larger-than-life personality and desire to be carefree, made him seem like a footloose, fancy-free teenager. Those were some of the best moments I’d ever had with my familiar. Seeing him happy gave me great joy and imagining him any other way, tore at my heart.

  “Okay, I’m hopping in the shower and then we’ll order something to eat.”

  “Take your time, Selena. I’ll be right here, catching up on my beauty sleep, blissful and snoozing.” He winked and rolled around some more.

  Goddess knew he needed sleep. He’d had a rough few days. He could sleep for hours on a good day if he chose to and good days had been in short supply as of late. At the least, I hoped not to bother him for the next half an hour or so.

  I padded into the bathroom and located the light switch. The chandelier cast an amber glow that brought out the little flecks of gold in the natural pattern of the marble flooring and counter-space. The white and gold slabs adorned every surface from the floor to the vanity tops. Combined with the rich, brown paint on the walls, the bathroom reeked of opulence.

  In the center of the room was a giant, copper tub encased in four foot marble walls, with steps leading into the tub on one side and out the other. The separate shower was big enough for four people and its glass doors opened in the three different places. Inside there were ten separate shower heads pointing in every direction. I turned the knobs and the biggest spout above the shower poured like rain from its large round head, reminding me of those commercials for the honeymoon getaways on television where people laughed and showered together.

  “This is amazing.” I ran my hand over the copper faucets, lost in their sleek and smooth feel. I missed my cabin and its stick built originality with all of its hand-picked amenities, but this room was pure decadence and I could see myself staying there for longer than one night. If the fates allowed.

  I chose to try out the shower and promised myself a long soak in the tub later. I just wanted to feel clean. Turning on the knobs, I undressed as the water heated up and filled the shower stall with lavender scented steam. “Wow, pure relaxation from the get-go. Who knew there was a way to scent the water! These folks didn’t mess around.”

  I placed my ugly peach and neon green clothing in the trash bin. I planned to burn them later. “Good riddance, pedal-pushers.” I shivered.

  Opening the glass shower door, I was immediately enveloped in the swirling steam and I spun in slow circles as I stood in the center in order to get the most enjoyment out of the multiple shower heads. Being washed from every possible
angle with little effort was practically an orgasm inducing experience in itself.

  “That must be why there is a built in marble bench in here. There’s room for a couple or two to enjoy every sexual position imaginable.”

  I sat down, letting the water pour around me as I closed my eyes and floated on lavender-scented cloud of bliss. The water streamed over me like satin ribbons and I moaned in delight as my worries drifted away on the steam that poured out over the top of the shower walls and door.

  “What an amazing invention. I wish I could stay here forever.”

  I must’ve dozed off while I sat there and it felt like a dream when I was awakened by a voice in my ear.

  “Enjoying yourself, cupcake?”

  Chapter 18

  “AH!” I TRIED to jump up, to no avail. He had me pinned and the floor was too slippery for me to gain any footing. In front of me, mere inches from my face, Shawn stood in all of his demonic glory, holding me with incredibly strong hands.

  His forked tongue slithered out of his snarling lips and licked up the side of my face. I felt bile rise in my throat, cringing as he reached up to trail one set of claws down the side of my neck. “Let go of me asshole!”

  “Shh. Now, now is that any way to speak to your fiancé?” He laughed. “We wouldn’t want to wake your familiar, now would we? I’d be forced to silence him.”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “You’ve already killed him once. That leaves eight more lives, correct? Believe me, I would enjoy watching him die over and over again. How you can love something as ugly as that walking fur-ball is beyond my comprehension.”

  “Have you ever looked in a mirror? You’re a nasty beast!”

  “A beast you fell in love with, no less. I’ve never heard you complain before.” He appraised me with yellow, beady eyes as he tilted his head side to side. “I’ve always loved your tight, little body. I’ll enjoy tearing into you in a new way, dear Selena. Now that you no longer smell like mutt, I bet you’ll taste divine.”


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