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Paranormal After Dark: 20 Paranormal Tales of Demons, Shifters, Werewolves, Vampires, Fae, Witches, Magics, Ghosts and More

Page 459

by Rebecca Hamilton

  “Trust me, Lyss, this is going to be great.” There was a mocking note in her voice. I felt anticipation rising inside of her.

  Panic took me. I had a sudden realization. Rozaline had spoken of Kallisto’s coven in association with a high-rise tower on the north end of the Strip.

  We reached the top and the elevator dinged, announcing our arrival. A large man with stunning blue-gray eyes greeted us. I knew before he said anything. I had been betrayed. Jessie had led me right to Kallisto.

  “Here she is!” Jessie exclaimed.

  “Wonderful.” The large man motioned for me to exit the elevator. “This way, please.”

  My stomach sank. My heart thundered in my chest. I frantically scanned the area, searching for some way to escape.

  The large vampire grabbed my arm to escort me. His fingers bit into my skin as he jerked me toward him. I looked over my shoulder to see the doors of the elevator close, sealing my fate.

  We headed to the main entrance of Kallisto’s penthouse. I tried to gulp down my anxiety. Two blonde women greeted us in the foyer. They escorted Jessie down a long hallway. She smiled and waved as she left me.

  The large vampire led me into a large, dimly-lit room. I was momentarily shocked by the opulence of this coven house. Kallisto’s coven was as lavish as I had imagined it.

  Beautifully dressed men and woman sat atop couches and chaise lounges randomly situated throughout the room. Columns held up the high ceiling and provided small breaks in the large space. The walls were decorated with large paintings that would have been appropriate in a museum. Upbeat music played in the background, and men and women chatted amongst themselves, engrossed in different conversations.

  I paused for a moment, taking in my surroundings while trying to find an escape point.

  A marble-framed fireplace had been built into the far left side wall; its gas-fed flames cast dancing shadows across the room.

  A small, unused modern kitchen took up a corner of the large space. Small or not, it was still larger than what I’d had in my apartment. Sandy-colored granite-topped counters and shiny stainless steel appliances added to the rich feel of it. I understood why some preferred the life of a large coven. It certainly had some perks.

  I tried to gulp down my fear as my escort pushed me forward. There had to be a way out of here.

  Chatter amongst the men and women stopped briefly as I walked by.

  A large but simple patio comprised of a slab of concrete and a half-wall was clearly visible through two glass French doors.

  Could I get away through there? Maybe the balconies are close enough to jump to the next one. What would happen if I tried to jump to the ground?

  My escort pushed me toward the open patio doors. I felt eyes watching me as I was led outside toward two figures standing by the wall.

  Edmond was one of them. Even with his back to me, I recognized his dark, neatly tied ponytail. Dressed in another ultra-modern white suit, he stood next to a dark-haired woman.

  Tall and slender, with long black hair that fell halfway down her back, she was elegantly dressed in a black, floor-length, sleeveless sheath dress. They turned to greet us, and I was in awe of her beauty. Her oval face was gorgeous; she had a slender nose and stunning blue-gray eyes surrounded by thick, dark lashes and shaded by perfectly arched eyebrows. Her hair fell like a cloak around her back and shoulders, and as she turned to greet me, I caught a glimpse of fangs peeking out from behind full, pouty lips.

  Edmond looked at me contemptuously. “It would appear your plan has worked, mis—”

  “Silence, Edmond,” Kallisto snapped. “Let me greet our guest.”

  Edmond let out an impatient sigh.

  “This must be the beautiful, Alyssa.” Her voice was thick, deep, and seductive. It carried an accent that I couldn’t quite identify. There was aged quality to her voice that seemed odd in contrast with her youthful appearance.

  “Welcome to my home, child.” She opened her arms to receive me in a welcoming embrace.

  I didn’t move. I tried to gulp down the fear that threatened to paralyze me. How do I respond to this?

  A moment passed; she lowered her arms and narrowed her eyes, giving me a disapproving look. With a wave of her hand, she dismissed the gentleman who had brought me to her, and signaled for him to close the patio doors behind him.

  “You are bold, little one, but I will allow you this one little indiscretion. You have not been properly taught respect.”

  I can’t believe I am here standing in front of her. Why did I leave the house? Why did I follow Jessie here?

  Kallisto continued. “I am your queen, and you will soon learn to treat me with the respect I deserve. I am the reason you stand here before me today. I am Kallisto.”

  No introduction needed, lady. I know exactly who you are. I’m so screwed! Lysander’s been trying so hard to keep me away from her, and I had to go walking right into her lair. God, I am so dumb. “My apologies, Kallisto.” I lowered my head and eyes in a standing bow.

  I felt Edmond’s eyes on me, sizing me up as he had the first night we met in the parking garage.

  Wonder what happened to Jessie.

  Kallisto smiled widely again, showing her teeth behind those big, pouty lips. “Do not worry about Jessie. She is receiving her… reward for delivering you to us. You will see her soon enough.”

  Shit, she’s reading my mind. Okay, empty thoughts.

  Kallisto motioned for me to come closer to her. “You’re a special case, my child. You were brought into this completely unaware of the rules and laws of our kind. It is so sad that a beauty like yourself is an illegitimate child.”

  She reached out and slowly stroked my hair; twisting a few strands between her fingers, then frowned as if I had not passed her silent test.

  “We generally do not tolerate bastards,” she said coldly. “Could you imagine what the world would be like if we decided to fill it with our kind?”

  I didn’t know how to respond. I entertained the idea of jumping from the balcony. I wanted to get away, far away.

  Kallisto continued before I could think of a decent response. “There must be order, and children should be carefully chosen. Not everyone is worthy of immortality.”

  Was she informing me of my death sentence, or offering me some kind of second chance?

  I thought of Lysander, and wondered if this was what had happened to all of his other children. I looked over the edge of the wall, down at the city below. I saw the Las Vegas Hilton and its huge sign. Behind it was the east side of the Las Vegas valley, a beautiful sea of lights.

  Would I survive the fall if I jumped?

  Kallisto cackled behind me. “Do you think jumping would save you?”

  I shook my head and let out a defeated sigh. “What do you plan to do with me?” My voice cracked as I spoke, giving away my nervousness.

  “Your fate will be decided soon, my dear. Before that can happen, we must bring your maker to justice. Your assistance in this matter will sway the final decision.”

  My stomach sank. She couldn’t expect me to go against Lysander or my friends.

  I looked at Edmond, who remained silent. His eyes had not left me, nor did he flinch as I looked him in the face. Our eyes met, and again I felt an odd sensation, as if he was searching me. I remembered what Rozaline told me and quickly broke eye contact, returning my focus back to Kallisto.

  “What would you have me do?” Maybe I can stall for time. I’ve got to do something.

  “Nothing yet, my dear. I want you to meet your new family first. See the life you could have, if you’re obedient. Lysander’s time will come soon enough.”

  Kallisto held out her arms, signaling me to come closer and embrace her, renewing the offer she had made the moment she met me. I responded this time, placing my arms around her and leaning my head into her chest. I cringed as she patted me on the head and stroked my long hair.“I think you will do well, my child; but now, let us dress you and present you prop
erly to your new family. There will be plenty of time to deal with your maker.”

  She released me and waved at the glass doors. Immediately they opened, and a handsome man came out and bowed low to Kallisto.

  “Take Alyssa; prepare her and see to her initiation. Return her to me when you’re finished.”

  Kallisto pushed me toward the man now getting up from his bow. He was gorgeous. It seemed all the members of Kallisto’s coven were chosen for their beauty. Men and woman alike were all prime specimens of humanity before they were turned. This man was definitely no exception to the rule. He had broad, muscular shoulders, a strong jaw line, and gorgeous waves of sandy blond hair dusting the tops of his eyebrows. He offered his arm to me and introduced himself as Collin. Then he guided me back through the living room and into a large bathroom.

  Just like the living room, the bathroom was cavernous. Almost every surface from the floor to the countertops was marble. A large tub with jets sat in the left corner. Next to it stood a steam shower with benches built for two. The opposite wall was entirely devoted to vanity and sink space with large, decorative light fixtures. At the far corner was a water closet and another entrance to the bath. At the center of the floor was a beautiful teak bench, running almost the entire length of the room.

  “I would be honored to bathe you now, miss,” Collin said with a wide grin.

  I blushed at the thought of this handsome—but strange—man bathing me.

  “Umm...” I struggled with what to say. “Okay, I guess.” This was odd.

  Collin guided me to the teak bench. He knelt down and reached for the button of my pants.

  “Whoa, whoa, I can do that.” I batted at his hands.

  “Please, miss.” He looked at me with questioning eyes. “It is my honor to attend to you tonight.”

  “Really…um…I don’t need all of this attention.” I stood there half in shock, but a little intrigued.

  “All new children must be prepared before we turn them. I know you have already been changed, but Kallisto wants me to treat you as if you were still human. You will be initiated, just as we would any other mortal.”

  Initiated, huh? I smiled, removing my hands from my pants, and allowed Collin to undress me. He caressed my legs as he pulled the pants down, sending a shiver up my spine.

  As he moved back up, his hands slid under my shirt, tickling my skin with soft fingers. Goose-flesh erupted all over my body. He smiled seductively and pulled the shirt over my head.

  I felt nervous and exposed. My hands instinctively moved to cover my breasts.

  He turned around and drew a bath in the large tub.

  Collin removed his shirt, revealing his well-defined abs and muscular chest. He turned to the side and caught me admiring his figure. He flexed his arms and chest while giving me a wicked smile.

  Heat rose to my face. I bit my lip, accidentally drawing blood, and nervously looked away.

  “We are all chosen for our beauty,” he said, his voice echoing off the marble-tiled walls. “You should not be shy for appreciating it. You, too, are beautiful enough for our coven. I will take great pleasure in attending to you tonight.”

  He removed his pants and underwear, revealing a well-groomed patch of curly hair and his obvious arousal. He stood for a moment, giving me an eyeful of his endowments before tossing aside his garments and turning to test the water that had been filling in the tub.

  He was quite a sight, a beautiful specimen of naked man. A wicked little smile crossed my lips.

  He turned off the water and waved at me to enter the tub with him. He’d filled the hot water with wonderfully scented oils. I sat down and leaned my head back against the rim. The heat of the water stung my skin at first. It took a moment before I warmed to match the temperature.

  The tub was large enough to accommodate three people easily. It had a triangular shape and three seats with jets. Collin got in after me and picked out a soap and sponge. The perfume from the oils was heavenly: a beautiful, clean fragrance that reminded me of ocean spray and sitting on the coast at night.

  “Please, relax while I clean you,” he whispered, positioning himself at my knees.

  “Yeah, relax. That’s easy for you to say. What exactly do you have planned for me?”

  “Nothing more than you wish to happen, Alyssa.” His voice was soothing and hypnotic. He stared into my eyes and for a moment I felt that familiar dizzy sensation.

  It took all the concentration I had to shut my eyes before he could take control of my mind.

  I heard an impatient sigh from Collin; then I felt the sponge drizzling water down my neck and chest. He rubbed lightly on my breasts, tickling the nipples as he worked the sponge in circular motions. Slowly, he worked his way down to my navel and below. Arousal melted my thoughts as he brought the sponge between my legs. But Collin wasn’t the object of my desire. I wished he were here with me right now.

  My lips parted as I let out a peaceful sigh. The smooth pillows of Collin’s lips pressed gently against mine. It startled me and I jerked my head to the side.

  “Sorry, no, I-I-I can’t…” I stammered.

  “Perhaps another time, then.” I heard disappointment in his voice, but he didn’t stop washing me. He continued to glide the sponge over my body, meticulously cleaning every spot from my face down to my toes before leaving me to soak in a wonderful state of calm and enjoyment of the warm, perfumed water.

  When I had soaked for long enough, Collin returned. He wrapped me in a long, fluffy white towel and guided me back into a long hallway filled with doors. I heard low moaning coming from behind one of the closed doors and wondered if it was Jessie. I cursed her name.

  I bet she’s in there screwing some beautiful man as a reward for bringing me in.

  Collin guided me slowly to the last door, pushing it open with his free hand. Inside were racks of clothes lining the walls; a row of four vanity mirrors stood in the center of the room.

  “This is our closet, Alyssa.”

  My eyes widened in awe of all of the beautiful clothing hanging all around me. Collin disappeared momentarily, allowing me to take in all the treasures of the room.

  Kallisto’s coven had one thing going for them.

  Upon his return, I was given a basic black silk kimono robe with a red sash to wear, a disappointment after viewing all of the beautiful clothes around me.

  “You will have plenty of time for these things later,” Collin said, noting my disappointment.

  “Why is she making me a member of the coven?” I asked.

  “Do you not wish to join us?”

  “I…uh...yeah, I do. I just don’t understand why she is so willing to accept me.”

  I focused my thoughts, trying to block out my mind so he would not be able to read me.

  “I have already told you, Alyssa, you’re considered beautiful enough to join our ranks. You should feel special.”

  Hopefully, my mental block was working. I decided not to press the issue further. There was no use questioning Collin; he was just a servant to Kallisto, and I wasn’t going to get any real answers out of him.

  “Thanks,” I said. I smiled and let him help me into the robe. He clipped my hair above my neck and ushered me out into the hallway again. I felt more naked in the robe than I had being led down the hallway in the towel.

  “The rest of the coven has been gathered in the great room. Are you ready to be initiated?” he said with a hint of excitement in his voice.

  “Sure,” I said weakly. Were they really going to do the whole turning thing again?

  “Just relax, and it will be over soon. You already went through the tough part when you were turned,” he said.

  What else were they going to do?

  “When we are done, you will be brought before Kallisto for an inspection.”

  “Okay.” I sighed. Great.

  Collin guided me to the open living space. Couches and chaise lounges were now filled with members of the coven waiting to begin the initi
ation process. I felt all of their eyes watching me. Collin brought me to the center of the room and told me to sit on an ottoman placed in front of the waiting crowd.

  He placed his hands on my shoulders as he stood behind me.

  “My brothers and sisters, welcome. I present to you Alyssa, who will be initiated into our order.” Collin’s voice echoed in the silent room.

  I felt a mix of anticipation and excitement from the members of the coven as they stared at me.

  “We will re-baptize her in our blood and wash away the foul stench of mortality. May the gods of old grant her transcendence above the mortals she once called brothers.”

  He placed his hand on the top of my head and gently leaned it to the left as he bent down and bit into my neck. His teeth felt rough as they pierced my skin. Weakness settled into my limbs as Collin quickly drained my blood. His mouth was like a vacuum on my neck. He cradled my head in his hands as I lost the ability to move it. I felt dizzy and heavy, losing all ability to hold myself upright. I slumped into Collin’s body.

  My thoughts turned again to Lysander, remembering how it had been when he had turned me, the tranquility as he gently drained me. Collin wasn’t being so kind. My vision went dark, just as it had before.

  Finally, he released me, letting my body rest against his.

  A familiar tingle filled my mouth and instinctively I suckled at it, drawing it into me. Immediately, I felt the regenerating effects. I became aware of people queuing up behind me. The members of the coven were lining up to feed on me and share their blood with me.

  The initiation went on for what felt like hours. Each member of the coven drained my blood, and before I was too weak to move, returned that blood back to me by allowing me to feed on his or her blood.

  * * *

  WHEN THEY HAD all finished with me, I was left lying on the cold marble floor. My head was spinning from all the powerful blood I had been allowed to drink. I was paralyzed in a euphoric state. I could feel sensations all around me. Emotions swam in my head: excitement, fear, lust.


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