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His Fake Fiancée: BBW Romance (Fake it For Me Book 1)

Page 10

by Fiona Murphy

Forced to take my eyes off her thigh, I give in. “Almost.” I exhale as I pull out the clip holding her bun up. Watching her long, silky hair fall down around her, I long to wrap my hand in it and pull her to me.

  Her gasp is loud, shocking me out of my dirty daydream.

  “Much better. Now get into your email, I sent you a proposal from Michael. I want you to dig a little deeper into it.”



  I toss the file away from me in disgust. Is this truly the best Denise can find in this city in the way of a new PA? None of the five candidates appeal in the slightest. How is it only five people? It was my hope to have an interview with a prospect this week, yet it is now Thursday afternoon and none of these applicants are good enough.

  I need someone else now. Christina has been in and out of my office three times today, and each time I could not take my eyes off her. Fuck, just thinking of her is getting me hard. I give in and call Dmitri for the number to the headhunter he uses.

  “Ivan, calling to cancel?”

  “No, why do you think I would cancel?” I have not cancelled an appointment, business or personal, in the entire time I have known him.

  “Ah, Elise mentioned your request for assistance. I was sure you were more interested in your lunch being a more intimate personal one.”

  “I knew she would not keep the matter private, as she promised she would.”

  “Do not blame Elise, our daughter is becoming quite the handful and was pitching a fit over the denial of a shopping trip. I got the story through unfair means, have no doubt. Be quite aware I was not happy at the thought of my wife sharing a secret with another man.”

  I finally understand Dmitri’s jealousy of his wife’s attention on anyone but him. I never comprehended it, yet I always respected it without resentment. Today, after the sting of jealousy I endured watching the men from Hungry Harvest eye Christina yesterday, I understood completely.

  “My apologies, my friend, habit. If I should need to ask Elise’s assistance in the future, which I do not believe will be necessary, I will run it through you. I am not calling to cancel.

  “I need the number for the headhunter agency you use. Connor’s daughter is ill and he will be out of the office for some time dealing with it. I also terminated Rebecca. The candidates my human resources have submitted do not meet my criteria.”

  “I will be happy to share the information with you. They are excellent. I have not been let down so far.” He reels off the information.

  “While I have you on the phone, what do you suggest as a gift for your wife for her birthday? With Connor out, Tim, is overwhelmed at the prospect of shopping for her. With her assistance today, I feel I owe her an exceptional gift of thanks.”

  “You are in luck, her watch died only the other day. She went for appearance over waterproof and our youngest dropped it in the pool. If you had not noticed, which I am sure you did not, she has a thing for pink and gold. As she wears the watch every day, she does not want, as she calls it, ‘blinged out;’ however, she does want pretty.” I can hear him roll his eyes. “You will be saving me. I had a mind to buy her a few in case she did not like one, to avoid her saying she loved it when she did not.”

  “Thanks,” I mutter, not thrilled at the idea of picking out such an important gift. “I will see you tomorrow at lunch.”

  I make a call to Cartier and set the appointment for two hours from now. That done, I send an email to both Tim and Christina letting them know I need Christina to go pick out the watch for Elise, careful to include what Dmitri had said should be considered in the purchase.

  My first thought was to select the watch myself with Christina’s input; however, from now until I find a replacement, our time needs to be limited. In the back of the car she had been far too close, my control was sorely tested.

  “Sir?” Christina’s voice is husky with hesitation.

  I do not take my eyes off the report in front of me, yet I can still see her legs on display out of the corner of my eye. “What?”

  “Are there any, um, other issues for consideration? A price limit or preference for brand?”

  “Price limit, no more than twenty-five thousand. As far as brand, I do not care, the one that meets her parameters is all that matters. Classic is what comes to mind when I consider Elise’s purchases over the years I have known her—nothing flashy. Take a picture before having it sent to her home, so I know what you purchased on my behalf.”

  “You don’t want to sign a card for her?”

  I shake my head. Tim’s voice comes through, asking if I’m available. I tell him to send it through and try to focus on it, not Christina’s round ass as she walks away.



  As I walk into the exclusive jewelry store, I sigh. Shopping for a gift for another woman from Ivan has me wanting to stab him in the eye with a letter opener. It doesn’t matter that Elise Markhoff is madly in love with her husband, as Lydia had mentioned. I hate the idea of him buying any woman anything. And a twenty-five-thousand-dollar gift at that, I mean, come on. Did he really need to buy her something so expensive?

  Then I cringe when I think of how much he spent on me today. Lydia had laughed when I expressed concern over how much things were adding up. She told me her limit was set for thirty thousand and he told her not to stop until she met it. Which is how she also talked me into bras and panties in more styles and color than I have ever had in my life. Before I left, she also tucked a card into my purse for a lingerie shop that she promised would bring Ivan to his knees.

  She then giggled when she clarified the thirty thousand was for clothes, there was a further five thousand for shoes. I shudder as I consider what Abuelo will say when everything is delivered today. Yet I can’t dredge up any regret.

  Lydia made the whole thing fun, something I never thought I would think of when it came to shopping. She was honest, without being mean and she gave sincere, sweet compliments freely. By the time it was over, I felt she was a friend.

  A very bossy friend but a friend nonetheless, she reminded me of Anna when she ordered me through the shoe department. Of course I needed more than one color if I loved the shoes so much. I have never owned more than five pairs of shoes at one time in my life. Now I have five pairs of red flats alone. It was a relief when Lydia didn’t act as if me refusing to wear high heels was a big deal like other women did. All that mattered was I was comfortable in whatever I wore. I lost track of how many pairs of shoes I ended up with.

  I was proud of myself when I got into the car. Ivan liked what he saw—he liked it a lot. I heard his breath catch when he noticed the slit in my skirt. Air was trapped in my lungs as he reached out and pulled the clip out of my hair. His eyes were glowing with appreciation as he watched my hair fall. Then the bastard went back to ignoring me.

  After talking to Lydia, I’m resolute in my previously half-hearted plan. No maybes—I’m all in. And I’m making a trip to the lingerie store.



  Entering into the quiet back of the restaurant I find Dmitri waiting, with Elise beside him.

  Elise offers her cheek. I brush my lips against the skin lightly, careful not to linger. Dmitri loathes another man touching his wife. As always, I respect his feeling and never do so without her invitation. She once admitted she gets touchy to make him jealous, as it turns him into an animal. Not often, she defended herself, just when they both need to be reminded not to get complacent.

  “I love my watch, it’s gorgeous, thank you so much. Seriously, it’s perfect. We got here early so I could order a souffle. I ordered one for you as well. If you don’t want it, I’ll take it home for the nanny. Sit, sit. I need to hear more about this Christina.”

  “Sweetheart, give the man five minutes to order his lunch. I ordered you a whiskey. Sorry, I didn’t warn you she was tagging along. She stopped by for lunch unaware I had scheduled you for today.”

  I shrug. Elise here does not surpris
e me. The woman is clever, I am unsure if she learned it from her husband or if she was naturally so before she met him. A waitress appears. I give my order.

  Before the woman walks away Elise is tapping the table. “Okay, spill it tall, dark, and mysterious.”

  I exhale a small laugh. I am never sure how she manages to elicit laughter from me against my will.

  “Dmitri, that was his first laugh. It counts. Come on, you’re killing me here.”

  Shaking my head, I sip deep on my whiskey. “There is nothing to tell. She is an employee. I do not have relationships with employees. Especially not one as profitable as she is.”

  Dmitri’s eyebrows go up. He and I are of the same thought: employees should always be off limits. Yet he fell for his wife and ensured her as his employee to keep her close. “An employee?”

  “She was the assistant of one of my acquisition managers. Except she has been doing his job for the last few years. Her picks are brilliant. Her insight cannot be taught, her instincts are sharp. The woman is responsible for almost thirty percent of my income for the last three years. I will not endanger losing her as an employee for a few weeks of her in my bed. It would not be worth it.”

  “Boo, you’re putting money before love?” Elise frowns.

  I sigh as I finish my whiskey. I am going to require another. “Love.” I barely manage not to roll my eyes. “If there is such a thing, I do not do it. Sex is the only thing I am interested in.”

  “Oh lord, not this again. You are going to be forty this year. Don’t you think it’s time to let go of the whole I’m-an-island-unto-myself thing? It’s okay to let people in. You might even like it.”

  My eyes meet Dmitri’s, he reads the message. He steers the conversation away from Christina to their plans for a party for Elise’s birthday. As usual they extend an invitation. As usual I decline with an excuse they accept.

  Exiting the restaurant, Elise stays me with a hand on my arm. “Hey, Mr. Mysterioso, do you think Dmitri is genuinely happy?”

  I flick my gaze to Dmitri. He is as confused as I am. I nod.

  “You two were a lot alike once. I had to break down into a sobbing mess to get him to cut back on his work hours and have a real life with me. By the time our children came along he already understood the life we could have together was more important than money. Sometimes letting go gets you more than holding on.”

  Before I can respond, she is gone.

  Dmitri nods. “She is not wrong. My only regret is that I waited months to tell her I loved her instead of the weeks when I knew it. If you need to talk, call me.”

  Without waiting for me to answer, he disappears into the car beside his wife.



  Sitting beside Ivan in the same conference room where only two weeks ago I was on the other side of the table is a heady experience. He is constantly marking the proposals as he reads through them. I hadn’t noticed him doing it when I gave mine. Then again the memory feels like a blur. Weird, when it’s only been two weeks. Maybe because it feels like it’s been twice that time.

  Connor isn’t coming back in the near future. Ivan refused to put a number on the time Connor needed for his daughter to go through treatment for her leukemia. Tim is being nicer than I thought he would, he is constantly shooting me emails of suggestions, things not to say to Ivan, reminders of tasks I’m still struggling to fit into every single day. Aside from the annoying constant urge to lick Ivan’s face every time I see him, this isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

  It helps to know I’m getting to Ivan. Every day, I’ve dressed with him in mind. I haven’t worn pants once, always shorter skirts and if they happen to be long then there’s a slit on the side that made them outside of the rules he set. My dresses hug every curve and often have more cleavage than even I am completely comfortable with.

  I’m not sure, but I think he figured it out. I might have leaned over his desk too far one day last week to make sure he saw the lacy black bra Gertrude swore would have him ripping it off me. He had been speaking then went completely still as he stared. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. Since then he’s limited contact with me and leaned more on Tim. It was totally worth it though. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be this close to him, so I’m making every day count.

  Ivan had only found two people to interview so far and he didn’t like either of them. He’s getting crankier by the day, which I consider a win. Even if it means I’ve now become well versed in using my vibrator. There are still days where he does his best to look through me, and anywhere but at me.

  At the same time, every single time he forgets and his eyes meet mine the fire surges bright and hot between us. I feel his eyes on me when I’m not looking at him. Once he touched my back as he helped me up the steps of the jet, and even now, three days later, my skin tingles from it.

  My cell goes off with a text. It’s Hannah. Which means she’s called Ivan’s phone. He always turns it off before the Monday morning meeting. In all caps she wants Ivan to call ASAP. I show him the text. He rolls his eyes. When he calls her back is up to him. I did what I was supposed to.



  I bring the meeting to an end, not impressed with my team in the slightest today. Yet another reason to find someone to free Christina from my office and into her own. The witch is going out of her way to fuck with my head, dressing so provocatively she has kept my cock at half-mast daily. I never would have thought she had it in her, with her previous frumpy clothes, hiding her body from everyone. That she wants me enough to dress as she does makes it even sexier.

  My cell phone buzzes within my pocket. I check the display. Hannah is not waiting for me to call her back. “No calls until I say otherwise,” I order as I return to my office. “What?”

  “Love you too, brother.”

  “Hannah, I am working.”

  “What a surprise! You’re always working. Whether I call you at ten in the morning or ten at night. This shit can’t wait. We have a problem, or rather you have a problem.”

  As per her usual love for the dramatic, Hannah waits for me to prompt her to continue. “Spit it out, Hannah.”

  “It’s Mishi.”

  “When is it not Mishka.” I prefer to call the girl by her full name, never allowing the slightest softening or closeness she wanted. Aari’s little sister has been a pain the ass since the moment I met her. “Out with it.”

  “God you’re such a dick. Mishi wheedled her way into staying at the house for the two weeks you’re going to be here. Gemma and I didn’t think anything of it with the whole wedding planning and her being in both weddings. At this point there isn’t much Gemma wouldn’t do to keep her happy.

  “Anyway, last night she got a little tipsy, she confided in me how she’s determined to land you. She has several things planned; if none of them work the last one will be getting caught naked in your room by her parents.”

  I exhale a bitter curse.

  “I know, Ivan. I have spent all day trying to talk her out of it. She is adamant you’ll end up happy. I thought about telling Gemma but she’s already stressed out. This will send her over the edge. Last week she tried again to get Aari’s mum to warm to her, but the woman is as hard as rock. She’ll support her son out of love for him, no further. I thought about some excuse to get Mishi out of the house, but nothing sounds good enough not to be completely rude and cause more problems.”

  A thousand ideas riot in my mind before being discounted.


  “I will take care of it.”

  “How?” The word is filled with anxiety.

  “Do not worry about it. Do not bother Gemma with any of this. I will not have her joy ruined by the little brat.”

  “Mishi isn’t a brat. She’s just young and naïve. It’s not her fault you’re disgustingly gorgeous and magnificent up close. Add in you’re a billionaire and you’re more appealing than a royal. Give her a break.”
br />   “She is twenty-five years old, more than old enough to know better. It has been two years of her insipid overtures. The last time I was in Manchester I made it crystal fucking clear there was nothing between us, would never be anything between us.” For the first time, I had not been simply rude with a woman but downright cruel, losing all patience with Mishka. How she could possibly think I would want her is beyond my comprehension.

  “Her parents have given her her way far too often. She is spoiled. I am not a toy in a shop. Even the way she is going about it is telling. She is counting on her parents putting pressure on me to marry her for catching her in my bed. This is not the Victorian age. I am not nor have I ever been concerned about convention.”

  Her sigh is heavy. “Not convention, but you would do whatever you could for me and Gemma’s happiness. Mishi knows that, it’s what she’s counting on. What are you going to do, Ivan?”

  “I told you, I will handle it. It no longer concerns you. I will see you Sunday.”

  “Love you.”

  “I love you too.” Ending the call, I push away from my desk. Stalking the length of the office, I consider the problem of Mishka.

  Turning, I find Christina at the threshold of my office. Her eyes wide, instantly I am hard for her. Today she is in an emerald shirt dress, the collar up but unbuttoned to just between her breasts. If that were not bad enough, despite the length there are slits at both sides, showing the skin of her thighs with every step.

  “What the fuck do you want?” I bite out aggressively, the sensation of being cornered at all fronts loosening the grip of my control.

  “Fuck you. I came in here to offer you a proposal I have been working on, but if you’re just going to be a dick than screw it.” She turns to leave. It was my intention, to get her to go away, only it is not what I really want.

  “I apologize.”

  She stops. Turning back to face me, her eyes roam over me. “Are you okay?”

  The words stun me, touch a hollow deep inside I thought was buried so deep nothing could touch it. No one has asked me that question before, not since I was ten years old in casualty as the emergency team worked to allow me to breathe, to ease the pain I was in. Her concern is clear, the little furrow between her eyes is there again. Hazel darkens to moss and once again I am fascinated by the way her beautiful eyes change with her emotions


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