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His Fake Fiancée: BBW Romance (Fake it For Me Book 1)

Page 13

by Fiona Murphy

  Her hands grip my legs. She is moaning as her eyes meet mine. Fuck me, it happens, I lose control and her teeth graze my cock. A razor blade would have felt the same. I slow, careful now. A small, soft hand cups my balls, massaging them, and it sends me over. I try to pull away, unwilling to come in her mouth. She grabs me, taking what she can.

  I sweep her up into my arms. I like the feel of her in my arms, she fits perfectly. As I lay her down, I wipe away what she did not catch. My cock is hard all over again at the sight of it. At the satisfaction on her face for what she did. It takes my breath away. Christina is not some shy, pious little miss; oh no, she is a greedy, eager witch.

  She has to be, to have bewitched me with her body and her mouth and her mind. I reach for another condom, needing all the help I can get to last for her. That was supposed to be the point of her sucking my cock, but I’m just as hard and ready to come as I was before. And I want, need, another taste of her pussy.

  Unlike the first time, her hands go into my hair to keep me where I am as she moans my name. Sweet, fuck, she is so damn sweet. I gorge myself on her juices, learning every inch of her, noting her pleasure, the way her body shivers under my mouth. Her chant of my name urging me on, but not yet. I want her to come, to flood my face at least once more. Slowly, with pleasure, I ensure she does. Now her hands are twisting with desperation, her pleas verge on tears. Perfect.

  I move up her delectable body, tracing my path with my tongue, my fingertips. I find her hands on her breasts, tugging at her pretty tight nipples. No, that is my job. A jolt of satisfaction hits me. The smug asshole who put the chip on her hand never saw her like this. Never knew the taste of her come, heard her cries of pleasure; I am the only one. Exhilaration fills me. I am becoming drunk off her.

  Cupping a full, gorgeous breast, I tease her with my thumb until she is begging for my mouth. I have dreamed of her breasts, wondered what she would look like. No fantasy compares to the reality of her. I lick lightly, until they glisten like her pouting mouth the first day I laid eyes on her.

  I am a fucking saint for keeping away from her as long as I did. I deserve a damn award. Christina sobs my name, begs for my cock, for me to fuck her, to feel me inside her again. That is my reward.

  Determined to last longer this time, I turn her over. Sliding her to the edge of the bed, I groan at the sight of her round ass, two gorgeous globes of flesh. I cannot deny the urge to bite into her flesh, then suck until I know I will leave a mark. Every time she sits down she will feel this, and think of me.

  She shivers, I feel her fear. To soothe her I push my fingers into her pussy and stroke her deep. Then I mark her other cheek, biting harder, sucking deep. She comes, with my name on her lips. I press a kiss to the swelling bite. Soon, very soon, I will take her ass and I cannot wait. For now, I grab a cheek in each hand and push into her tight pussy.

  So fucking tight, even as wet as she is each thrust has her gasping, sends the air out of her lungs. It will take some time for her body to become used to me, all the better to fuck her as often as possible. I could stay in her for hours, until the brat does exactly what I was trying to keep her from doing—her pussy clenches me even tighter.

  Hell no. I pull out and roll her onto her back, step between her legs and smack her pussy, hard. She yelps from the pain. “Your pussy is already too fucking tight. Clench around me again and I pull out and stick my cock down your throat.”

  Her eyes widen. She nods fast, all the while thrusting her hips at me, begging for more. Ah fuck, she liked that smack. “My sweet, naughty Christina. You creamed your pussy at the smack.”

  I answer her plea, smacking the red skin then following it with a lick and suck to the mound of her. Her body is shaking, her hands clutch at me. Teasing her, I run the head of my cock along the lips of her pussy. I am a bastard for enjoying the way she is close to tears as she begs for my cock.

  Christina belongs to me utterly and completely. I catch her around the neck as she tries to rise, holding her down and slamming home into her. Gone is all my control, I need to come, now. Faster I surge into her, harder, deeper, so fucking tight. She comes again, her hand wrapping around my wrist as I hold her down. Watching her revel in the way I control her sends me spinning out of control, and I come with a groan.

  Catching myself, I barely manage not to fall on her. I am far too big for that. I roll to my side, taking her with me, tucking her close against me. She sighs and snuggles into me. A part of me freezes when I realize how much I like it, how right she feels. Thank god, when I look down at her, she has already fallen asleep. I’m out of bed like a shot.

  I make it to the liquor cabinet and pour a large measure of whiskey. Swallowing it down fast, I welcome the burn. It does not help. Three weeks, that is all we will have. Once we return from Manchester this will come to an end. It has to.

  “Ivan?” I turn to find Christina only a few feet from me. Her hair is a riot of curls; she looks sleepy and sated still from sex. She is holding the ends of her torn dress together. “It’s getting late. I need to get home.”

  How can she think of going home when she belongs with me? I glance at the clock, it’s almost five thirty. “The announcement of our engagement will go out in tomorrow’s paper. Why would you need to go home? And where the hell is your ring?”

  A shrug. “I’ll wear it when we go to England.”

  “No, you wear the ring from now until I tell you to take it off.”

  She sighs as she hides from me. “The ring. The announcement in the paper. You were so sure of me.”

  I pull her close to me with the ends of her dress. “It was more like I had every hope you would be as willing as I to do this.”

  I give in to the need to kiss her. She sways into me, her arms around my neck hold me tight.

  “I want you here in my bed.”

  Shaking her head, she pulls back. “I can’t, Abuelo is crazy old-fashioned. He’ll understand about the whole pretending thing, he won’t be happy but he’ll understand. Me staying here, he will freak.”

  “You cannot tell your grandfather this is not real. I told you, if anyone but us knows, there is every chance my sisters will find out and Mishka will find out. Then this will be for nothing.”

  I do not like the way she frowns at my order.

  “It is not up for debate, Christina. No one else knows, period. You are not a teenager. You are a grown woman. You are hardly a virgin.” Why the fuck does just thinking about her with—never mind. “I want you here with me.”

  A hand comes up to my chest. “I don’t lie to him. I can’t lie to him. Please, Ivan. How could him knowing possibly get back—”

  Outrage at her arguing with me fires me to grab her and shut her delectable mouth the best way I know how. Instantly we both go up in flames. Her arms wrap around me, I pick her up, she clings to me, her pussy lined up right up against me. Her lower lips slide down my cock, so fucking hot. I need to be inside her. “Are you protected?”

  Dazed, she doesn’t answer.

  “Christina, answer me. Are you on birth control?”

  This time the question gets through. Her eyes go wide; even as she moans and shifts to slide up my cock she is shaking her head.

  Damn it, as badly as I want to know how she feels without a condom, I do not dare take the chance. I make it back to my room, I grab a condom as she stays wrapped around me. Pressing her back against the wall, “Give me room, sweetheart, just a few inches.”

  She moans as she leans her head back. Her neck is on display for me. I sheath the condom and thrust into her. My name is a moan as she grips my shoulders tight.

  Tasting the skin of her neck, I mark her as I have longed to do, with my teeth, sucking her tender flesh. Mine, all mine and now with my ring on her finger and my mark on her neck, everyone who sees her will know it too.

  I’m close, too damn close. I slide my thumb between us and stroke her clit, and she comes apart in my arms. When her pussy spasms around my cock I follow her into hea

  I’m still trying to catch my breath when she sinks her teeth into my shoulder.

  “Brat,” I mutter into her neck.

  “You’re a savage. There is no way I can hide what you did to my throat. Fine. I won’t tell Abuelo the truth. But I do have to go home, Mr. You-Don’t-Sleep-With-Anyone-You-Just-Fuck. I need sleep.”

  I yank her hair back, relieved and annoyed at the way she throws my words back at me. Her green eyes are glittering and daring me to argue with her.

  “We do not have long together. I want every minute I can get.”

  “We’ll have two weeks in England. I wouldn’t want you to get tired of me before the two weeks are over. It would really mess up our story.”

  This witch, she is driving me crazy. “It is three weeks, from now until we come back. Three. Weeks.” I slip and wonder aloud, “What if the three weeks are not enough?”

  She smiles as she traces the bite she gave me. “That’s up to you, Ivan. As you just said, I take off the ring when you tell me to.”

  I ignore the ice sliding down my spine. “You go home. But you do it with the feel of me in every step you take,” I mutter as I begin fucking her again.



  “Ivan, it’s almost nine o’clock. I really do have to go home soon, at the very least to relieve the nurse.” I moan as he licks all over my neck.

  This man is insatiable. I have lost count of how many times he has fucked me and the number of orgasms I have had. Even when he wasn’t fucking me he was buried inside me like he is right now.

  The only exception was for almost thirty whole minutes when he cooked me dinner and fed me, ending with the dessert of his cock in my mouth. He wouldn’t even give me five minutes while I called Abuelo and used the excuse of work for being late. Ivan had me sitting on his cock and was playing with my breasts as I tried not to gasp at what he was doing to me.

  I have studied every inch of his gorgeous body, my prize for him staying inside me. Licking my way over his muscled chest, tracing my fingertips over what I swear is not a six-pack but an eight-pack. I can’t get enough of him so I don’t really mind his greedy hunger for my body.

  Nothing about today was what I imagined it would be. It’s incredibly intimate, not just the sex. It’s the way Ivan mounted a full-scale interrogation of my most personal thoughts, memories, and likes. He wanted to know everything from my favorite foods, favorite artist, to when I knew I wanted to paint. At first, he wasn’t as open about his past as he demanded me to be, but when I told him that I wouldn’t answer his questions until he answered mine he changed his mind.

  This was supposed to be just mindless fucking, except it felt nothing like it, or maybe I’m wrong. Considering this is only the second relationship I’ve ever had, but it doesn’t feel like it. I don’t want to go home. But I also don’t want to face a questioning Abuelo and I’m exhausted in the best way.

  His hands go into my hair. Why do I love it so much when he does that? He licks my bottom lip before sucking on it. I swear it goes straight to my clit and I clench tight around his cock. Ouch.

  He pulls back. “Are you okay?”

  His concern hits me right in the tummy. I bury my head in his chest. “I’m sore. I’m sorry.”

  He swears in three different languages. “I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m so damn sorry.” Gently, he lifts me off him. “I wanted you sore but I never meant to hurt you.”

  The tortured expression on his face tears at me. I press my hand against his cheek. “Hey, it’s okay—”

  Shaking his head, he grasps my wrist. “No, it isn’t. Damn it, Christina, don’t let me off easy. I should have stopped sooner. You’re not just mine to have but to protect and take care of. Nothing hurts you. Not even me.”

  Don’t cry, don’t cry, it will definitely ruin this. Ivan keeps backing away from me. It would be funny if the moment didn’t feel so charged with emotion. I do the only thing I can think of: I’m able to grasp his cock. He hardens, I go down on my knees. My mouth waters for him. I’m wondering if I’m a weirdo for how much I love taking him in my mouth.

  The few times Brandon had asked me to, I couldn’t even bring myself to touch him. Once he pressed it against my lips and I gagged. He never asked again.

  But with Ivan, god, even sore I’m aching to have him inside me. Once today, I was so turned on I almost came without even touching myself. Licking the tip of him, his gasp has me smiling. I look up at him.

  “I’m sore, really sore, but you didn’t hurt me.”

  Gripping him tightly, the way he likes, I stroke down to the velvety soft sacs that for some crazy reason fascinate me. Carefully, I massage them before taking them into my mouth. He groans, trying to pull away. My name is a moan. I love it. I’m on my knees in front of this big, tall, gorgeous man bulging with muscles with maybe two percent body fat. And I’m the one in control this time.

  Sucking lightly on the tip of his cock, I swirl my tongue around. I press a kiss to the slit. Then I stand, still holding him in my hand.

  “I won’t keep going if you’re going to continue beating yourself up. You didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to. You have given me so much pleasure, there is a part of me terrified I’ll wake up and it will all be another dream. So many dreams of you and what today might have been, and none of them came close to how amazing it was. Don’t end this day with regret, for anything, please.”

  Both hands cup my face, he leans his forehead against mine. Our eyes meet and hold and okay, I understand what eye-fucking means. This man is truly gifted. My clit is tingling from what he is doing and his hands are only on my cheeks. But it’s the tender way he’s holding me that is twisting me up inside.

  “You drive a hard bargain. I cannot deny you when you ask so sweetly.”

  Brushing a thumb over my bottom lip, he smiles. I could get addicted to his smiles.

  “As much as I want you, I swear if you say no and mean it, I will honor that. Every time, I promise.”

  I can’t help laughing. “I really don’t see that happening, but it’s nice to know.” Grasping him again, I sigh with pleasure. I savor the feel of him, soft and silky, so damn hot, pulsing with his heartbeat.

  He shakes his head. Pressing a kiss to the edge my mouth, he grips my wrist and pulls me away. “No, if you cannot come right now then neither can I.”

  Before I can argue he picks me up and carries me into the bathroom. I like the way he carries me around, after all these years of being told I was a fat-ass, when Ivan carries me, he makes me feel small and protected.

  Sitting on the edge of the enormous bathtub that is more like a jacuzzi, I finally get a chance to take in the room. Damn, he is rich. The room is huge, done in white marble on the floor and the walls. Gleaming silver fixtures are so shiny I wonder if they are actually silver. Since I don’t see a toilet I can only assume a closed door leads to it.

  There is a walk-in shower the size of my entire bathroom with so many showerheads and jets I lose count as the scent of Ivan hits me. Hmm...grass, rain, leather, I see the oil spin in the water. He presses a button and jets go into motion. Leaning over, he settles me into the water. Hot, ow, it takes a minute to get used to it. I grab my hair, I don’t want it wet.

  “Can you please grab my clip from my purse?”

  He nods and I enjoy the sight of his firm ass walking away. It felt even better than it looked. When he comes back he’s wearing his sweats again.

  I pout. “You aren’t getting in with me?”

  A firm shake of his head. “I told you already, I touch you and I lose control. Take your time and enjoy it. It should help with the soreness.” He hits a button on a rack holding big, fluffy white towels. “So they are nice and hot when you get out.”

  He’s gone before I can argue. I give up and enjoy it as ordered.

  When my fingers get wrinkly, I hit the button to turn off the jets and empty it. The towel is heaven as I dry off and wrap it around me.

�s cleaned up the bedroom, I blush remembering the mess one of the condoms made when he changed it in a dirty hot rush. There is a brand-new dark green velvet wrap dress on the bed with a tag still on it. I chuckle at the length—the hem goes all the way to my ankles.

  I feel Ivan’s eyes on me and turn to find him in the open doorway. His jeans are worn and faded in spots, caressing him like I want to. The black polo is supposed to be casual but screams expensive. One day this is going to fade, right? I won’t turn into a puddle of goo every time I see him, eventually.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  The words are filled with awe. I work to take in air. I move and he backs away.

  “I guess it is a good thing I am taking you home.”

  All at once I want to take it all back. The idea of sleeping through the night in his arms, waking up with him in the week for two whole weeks will have to be soon enough. I grab my purse, and he takes my hand.

  He opens the door for me to his car. I like it isn’t a flashy car. It’s a black Maybach with leather, so it’s not cheap, but it isn’t a half-million-dollar car like some men felt the need to drive. “Lawrence drives you in your car? I don’t know why I assumed he was from a service.”

  “I used a service in New York because it made sense. However, here in Chicago it is not such an issue parking and driving, so I prefer the freedom of having my own car when I want and not waiting for a service to come.”

  I smooth the dress down as I put on my seat belt. I catch him watching my movement. “Thank you for my new dress, even though I think you have bought me more than enough clothes. I can’t believe how much money you spent.”

  My hand is enveloped in his, he squeezes lightly.

  “I ripped your dress. I owed you another. The money was a pittance. I have spent more than that on a single dress for one of my sisters. I did not like how embarrassed you felt about not having more clothes.


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