Book Read Free


Page 2

by Paloma Beck

  Davina shook her head, a deep furrow in her brow. “They definitely aren’t hurting her. I wouldn’t hurt her. She’s my best friend. We do the spells together to create the power we need,” Davina explained, appearing to shrug off their concern.

  Paige shook her head in disbelief. “I cannot believe this.”

  Davina stepped away and was busy helping customers again. Since she’d added on a café and was holding a Grand Opening, her shop was full of customers. He waved in greeting when Davina looked his way and then sat back to wait for Layla and Paige. Trevor played on his phone while the girls chatted, Davina convincing them to take some extras back to their sisters. That’s when Juliana’s screeching had them hauling ass back out and, thank the Goddess, finally back to the Sinster sisters’ house.

  It had started snowing lightly during the afternoon, but a few flakes didn’t stop them in their custom designed Land Rovers. Trevor checked the forecast though, and when he saw it was predicting a major snowfall, he sent a text off to Madden so he knew where his mate was before he ducked out. Stefan and Tomas were now on duty at the house and would watch over all the women inside.

  Trevor made tracks back to Davina’s shop to offer her a ride home since it was snowing. He was heading back to the compound where her house was located anyway. He would claim innocent intentions if anyone asked, but, what the hell, he knew there were some secondary motivations. He was single. He was young. It could be years until he found his mate. There was no harm in a little fun.

  * * * *

  The knock on her shop’s front door startled Davina. It had been a long day with the opening of the new cafe. She’d just locked up and was getting bundled up to make her way out in the storm. What could someone want this late at night that had them knocking on her door? Carefully, using the caution they’d all cloaked themselves in lately, Davina made her way to the door and peeled back the shade.

  There stood Trevor, the cute young TEU agent who’d been in today with Layla. She hadn’t talked with him since she’d been in a heated conversation with Layla and Paige, but she’d looked at him plenty. Trevor was a magnificent male. Davina unlocked the door and opened it to a cold burst of wind.

  “Come in. It’s freezing out there.” Davina motioned Trevor inside and closed the door quickly behind him. It was most definitely not supposed to be this cold, even in northern California. “What can I do for you?”

  “Actually, I wondered the same thing. I came to escort you home. The roads are getting slick.”

  “My brothers send you?”

  “Nope.” Trevor ducked his head, shaking his unruly curls into his face. “Actually, they have no idea I’m here and it might just be best we keep it that way.”

  Davina was delighted to see the light blush on his cheeks. That would’ve made him appear innocent if it weren’t accompanied by the wicked gleam in his green eyes and that devilish grin he was now giving her. Trevor was flirting with her. None of her brother’s men had ever given her this kind of attention. In fact, she was fairly certain it was in the TEU rule book— hands off Davina.

  “I think you might be right,” she agreed, smiling.

  “Only if you want to preserve my life.” Trevor gave a tight laugh and shook his head. “We might live long lives but there are most definitely ways to end it prematurely, ways I’m sure your brothers would consider worthy of the infraction.”

  “The infraction being talking to their little sister?” Davina moved closer to Trevor, close enough to take in his masculine scent, woody and rugged.

  “Talking, sharing a drink.” Trevor shrugged, “Whatever you’d like, I’m your man.”

  “Yes, you are. Aren’t you?” Davina pulled his coat from his shoulders and hung the wet garment on the rack behind the door.

  Trevor never once took his eyes off her as she crossed to the coffee bar. She pulled two beer bottles from the mini fridge and lifted her eyebrows. “Thought this would be better than coffee.”

  “You read my mind.” Trevor grinned. He pulled himself onto one of the barstools across from her, used his telekinesis to pop the top of his beer off into the garbage basket, and then took a pull.

  “Wouldn’t that be a dangerous thing?” Davina teased. She could only imagine what was going through his mind.

  She knew Trevor was interested in more than this drink, more than a conversation, and maybe she was too…but not yet. The pieces were beginning to fall into place and she suspected he might be one of those pieces, but there was one other piece that needed to happen. There was still a prophecy that she alone needed to see fulfilled. Then she’d help her mate fulfill her prophecy.

  “I’m pretty much an open book,” Trevor assured her. “Nothing hiding up here that’s too dangerous.” Grinning, he knocked his knuckle against the side of his head.

  “So, open book, why TEU?

  “It’s all I ever wanted to do.” Another shrug. “I couldn’t imagine staying in our village in Italy, surrounded by other Breeds and living a life of routine.”


  “Just my mamma and papa.”

  “What do they do?”

  “Papa builds furniture. Mamma takes care of papa.”

  “Ah, the tradition of it all.” Davina nodded. “You don’t strike me as the traditionalist. In fact I’m betting you like lots of excitement.” Davina reached across and ran her fingernail along his arm.

  Trevor shuddered at her touch, his green eyes flaring yellow for just a moment before he pulled his control forward. He eyed her from under those unruly curls springing down onto his forehead. Licking his lips, he inched closer to Davina. One little kiss couldn’t hurt, just to sample, to see if the chemistry she expected was there.

  Davina leaned in and met Trevor halfway as their lips touched, gentle at first as they tested each other. Then Davina nipped at his plump bottom lip and when he opened, she licked his upper lip, found his tongue, and swirled their essences together. The mix was an aphrodisiac. There was that elusive taste she understood only belonged to two people with the right genes. If she didn’t get out of here, she might throw her plan out. That would do no one any good. She had a responsibility to their race.

  Pulling away, Davina sighed. “Damn, that was nice.”

  She opened her eyes to see Trevor watching her, the hunger in his eyes screaming for more. She shook her head at him and he nodded back at her. Using only his mind, he cleared the bar top so he could lean back into her. When he was so close Davina thought she’d allow just one more kiss, she closed her eyes and said a prayer to the Goddess. Placing her hands on his chest, she stopped Trevor’s advance.

  “Time to go. You’re driving me home, right?” She skirted the edge of the bar and quickly grabbed her coat and purse. Within seconds, she was standing at the front door, waiting for him to catch up to her.

  “Right. So that?” Trevor looked between her and the coffee bar where they’d just been.

  “Yea, about that. Not good right now.” Davina shook her head.

  “Oh, it was good.” Trevor’s voice dropped a few octaves, deep and rough. He raised his eyebrows and again gave her that irresistible grin.

  She had to get out of here. He might not realize it, but he was throwing off the mating pheromone and she felt like a cat in heat. Air, she needed air. Pulling the door open as Trevor reached for his coat, Davina stepped out into the snow. The sooner she got to the safety of her home—the one shared with her parents—the better for everyone.

  Chapter Two

  Grace woke before the sun the next morning. The glare of the sun off the newly fallen snow wasn’t what woke her. No, it was her dreams. The same dream she’d been having for months, the one that grew more vivid each time she sank into its comfort. She knew it wouldn’t be much longer that she could outrun her destiny, and she needed to see her best friend.

  She also needed more of that mocha. Grace would ask Davina what she used to make it. She’d never tasted anything so divine, and she was a confessed espre
sso addict. Still nothing had ever tempted her so much—she couldn’t think of another thing—that she would indulge as she’d done last night.

  Davina’s shop was located in Old Towne, their small downtown area where businesses were set in old buildings and one had to walk about since cars weren’t permitted on the cobblestone street. It was quaint in a world that was growing increasingly more industrial. Grace often sat on benches in Old Towne and sketched the buildings, casting reflections on their intricate stone patterns.

  If Grace could only find it inside herself to put her pieces on display, or perhaps sell some. That took a courage Grace didn’t have. She resigned herself to drawing for her own happiness.

  Grace found herself at the book store before she realized how far she’d walked. The fragrances that burst from the shop as another customer opened the door were magnificent. She staggered back a bit at the sudden surge in her stomach, a deep desire for more unlike any craving she’d ever felt, an overwhelming need to be satiated. Her mouth watered at the memory of last night’s indulgence.

  Oh Goddess, had anything ever made her feel this way? It was her one weakness, the sweet nectar of the Goddesses. Coffee, espresso, mocha, lattes… she loved them all, but never had she been unable to refuse more than one. One was her limit. One was safe. It wasn’t overindulgent. It wasn’t gluttonous.

  The customer held the door as Grace entered and she nodded her thanks. Then she came to an immediate stop as she spotted her best friend behind the counter. Davina had always been beautiful to Grace. She was her opposite in every way, her dark to Grace’s light. That’s what drew Grace to Davina, but it was a pull that Grace could easily ignore. Until today. In this moment, Grace could focus on nothing else aside from the luscious curves Davina flaunted in her 1950s inspired pin up girl dress. Cinched in at the waist and carefully crafted to hug her breasts, the dress put all Davina’s assets on display and caused Grace’s throat to tighten and her mouth to dry. She licked her lips and flushed when Davina looked her way and winked.

  Davina was with another customer so Grace waited by the coffee counter. She swallowed down the growing feeling of unease, averting her eyes when she felt Davina’s on her. Her skin prickled with excitement, or maybe apprehension. Suddenly insecure about the little pleated skirt with tennis shoes she wore, Grace fidgeted and kicked herself for not wearing something that didn’t make her look like a little girl.

  Not able to resist a moment longer, Grace turned and locked eyes with Davina. The lapis blue eyes that stared back at her held her rooted. She knew Davina was looking her over and she knew there was something different in the exchange, but didn’t know what to do. Remaining still, Grace felt the stroke of Davina’s eyes on her body. A chill ran through her and she shivered, only to hear a deep laugh come from Davina, who now stood alone.

  Grace and Davina shared a look. Then Davina held out her hands and waited for Gracie to place her smaller ones into them. They held onto one another, their fingers intertwined, and spoke in tones too low for human ears. Their chanting caused swirls of light to flow around them and a calming presence overtook Grace. Slowly she relaxed into their circle of two and floated into the words they spoke.

  They were alone. The only other customer had left and Davina flipping the sign to closed. Grace’s heart thumped loudly in her chest and her clit pulsed in its rhythm. Foreign sensations in the presence of Davina—sensations with a strength she’d not experienced before—nearly knocked her over. Grace found herself holding onto the counter for balance.

  “Grace,” her curvaceous friend nearly purred her name and extended her hand, “you’re ready.”

  “Ready?” she replied in question, still reaching her hand out to touch Davina’s. She shivered at the touch, a tingle shooting up her arm.

  “You’ve changed. Something has altered.”

  Grace remained silent, shaking her head from side to side.

  Davina moved closer and kept their fingers locked. She stood in Grace’s space so they were toe to toe. “Paige brought you my new Mocha Madness? You liked it?”

  Grace nodded.

  “Would you like to try a sample of something different?”

  Grace shook her head, trying to clear it from the fog that seemed to settle over her. Davina was simply divine, even more so than she had remembered. Again, Grace took in Davina’s black and white dress that hugged soft curves and flowed like waves down her thighs. Grace could imagine diving in, sinking deep into a place where what she was feeling could become something real. The dress left nothing to Grace’s imagination as she tried to look away and failed.

  Realizing she hadn’t yet answered, she stuttered, “No, I mean, yes I would like that very much.” She smiled at Davina, but found it difficult to make eye contact now that they stood so close.

  Davina moved around the bar to make them a drink. Grace snuck peeks as Davina moved effortlessly between brewing machines to create a decadent treat. Once she poured the liquid into two mugs, she topped it with some cream and then smiling, slid one across to Grace.

  “It’s a Carma Caramel,” Davina explained. “Similar to a caramel latte but with my own special twist. Secret family recipes.” She winked at Grace, causing her to blush.

  Grace returned the smile as she felt Davina touch the hand that rested on the bar top. Davina squeezed her hand as she drank her latte. Grace was once again drawn to the heated liquid. Its warmth and sugary sweetness was absolute perfection.

  When they both set their mugs down, Davina pulled Grace’s hand to her chest to hold it over her heart. “You are her,” she spoke softly, almost reverently. “My mamma promised there was one for me. It is you.”

  “But I am of the seven sins. I carry the DNA to procreate the Valendite Breed. It is my destiny to mate with a man of that race.” Grace remained focused on the facts, holding onto them as if they were a life preserver and she was drowning. Tears bubbled into her eyes.

  Wiping the tear that escaped and ran down Grace’s face, Davina moved closer still, leaning further across the coffee bar, and touched the place the tear had fallen gently with her lips. That near brush of a kiss stroked Grace with tenderness she had only dreamed.

  “Did not anyone ever tell you? There is the Trifecti Prophecy of a vampire born female,” Davina drew their joined hands to her own chest where Grace could feel the beating of her heart. “who will begin a new line of vampires with a wife by her side. Together, they shall inherit the throne and bring great change to our world.” Davina’s voice echoed around them, filling the air with a heavy intoxicating cloud of hope. It had been so long since Grace had dared hope to fulfill her fantasy, to live as a woman’s wife and not be forced to take a male mate.

  “But the Prophecy of the Seven?” Grace was confused and fearful of harboring too much hope.

  Letting go for a moment, Davina crossed the bar and was once again standing close to Grace. She grabbed a hold of both Grace’s hands. “Yes, that’s the most perfect part of it all. You fulfill both. With our Bonding, we will see both prophecies come to be.”

  “Without a Valendite Breed to free me from my sin?” Grace couldn’t believe it was this simple.

  Davina shook her head. “I do not know. That’s where it’s unclear. Since you fulfill both prophecies and I cannot be anything but certain that you are indeed mine, there must be some magic that will come about when we are bonded.”

  Grace shook her head. So many questions swirled in her mind. Her family—hell, the Magdalena Circle—was depending on her. What if she was failing them by giving into what she desired?

  “I have no doubts, Grace. You belong to me.” The seriousness of Davina’s darkening eyes conveyed nearly more than her words.

  Grace gave no response but remained in her arms quietly, luxuriating in the feel of being held by someone who felt so right. After a long time, after accepting she was going to allow Davina to lead her down this path they’d begun, she spoke. “No one knows. I have felt ashamed and didn’t want to burde
n even my sisters with my lusts of other women.”

  “Silly, silly girl.” Davina pulled away and grinned at Grace despite her mocking chastisement. “We have been awaiting your revealing. I have waited years knowing that you would come to me, knowing that you were meant to be as you are, and that you are perfect for me just as I am for you.”

  Davina wiped more tears from Grace’s face as she leaned down to take her mouth with her own. Grace was overwhelmed by the realization that she may be given everything she’d ever longed for.

  Closing her eyes, Grace took in the coffee aromas that swirled around them, heard the safety bolt move into place on the shop door, and felt the softest kisses being placed on her heated skin. Davina wasted no time making a path from her lips and down her neck, gentling Grace to her touch. With slow persistence, Davina unbuttoned the front of Grace’s sweater to touch kisses to her collarbone. Then Davina hovered over the pulse point of Grace’s neck, devouring the scent of her newfound mate, and causing Grace to shake with a mix of desire and fear. She never believed she could have everything she wanted. She never thought she would feel the softness of another woman’s embrace.

  “It’s going to be all right, my Grace. We will be perfect. Let me show you,” Davina spoke into the sensitive place between shoulder and neck.

  When Davina took Grace’s hand in her own and led her to a staircase in the back of the shop, Grace followed. At the bottom of the stairs was the most luxurious basement apartment Grace had ever been in, and nothing one could imagine when visiting the shop above it. Fiery red walls set an elegant backdrop for the dark leather furniture. Wall sconces illuminated beautiful portraits of early century women, and from the similarities to Davina, Grace guessed they were ancestors.

  “They are beautiful women.” Grace couldn’t help but admire the photos.

  “They are my aunts, and this one here,” Davina pointed to the portrait above her fireplace, “is my mother.”


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