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Saving Hope: A Billionaire Secret Baby Romance

Page 2

by Lucy Wild

  Her legs were still wrapped around my back. If I looked down, I’d see her exposed for me. My hands were on her lower back, pressing her to my chest, rubbing her skin to warm her up. I could tell she wasn’t wearing any panties. She was naked, she was vulnerable, and she was completely at my mercy. It was such an effort not to kiss her.

  She had soft looking lips, deep red in the light of the lantern. I had already looked at her face but I hadn’t seen it before. As I held her to me, she pulled her head back and I saw her as if for the first time. Long hair that ran down to her chest, messed up by her running but all the more beautiful for it, half hiding her breasts from view but not long enough to conceal those swollen nipples of hers.

  She blinked, not saying anything as my cock throbbed with desire, wanting to be in her more than anything. Just a lowering of my zip and I’d be fucking her. The thought was overwhelming.

  “I’m still cold,” she said, her teeth starting to chatter.

  “I’ve an idea,” I said, reaching for the flask. “This is full of hot water. Stand up for a second.”

  She did as I asked at once and for a moment, I was level with her pussy. It had a tiny triangle of neat hair above it, leaving her lips fully visible to my gaze. I breathed in, getting a hint of her sweet scent as I forced myself to my feet. Any longer in that position and I wouldn’t have been able to resist sticking my tongue out to taste her.

  I looked up at her as I stood up. She looked so innocent. So pure. What did it say about me that I wanted to corrupt that purity?

  She stood with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders as I tore a corner from it, unscrewing the flask and pouring scalding water onto the scrap of cloth.

  Steam rose from the cloth as I ran it over her neck, wiping away a thick layer of mud. After a couple of passes, I took another section of blanket and used it to dry her, dabbing her skin as she stood in silence, watching me closely, her chest heaving up and down.

  “Put your arm out,” I said, pouring more water onto the cloth before running it from her wrist to her shoulder. I wiped away the worst of the mud before drying her gently.

  “Almost done,” I said, moving around to do the same to her other arm. I shifted the blanket to do the back of her neck before wrapping her up once more.

  I knew I should stop there but I couldn’t. I was too far gone. I knelt down in front of her and ran the cloth down her legs, staring at her thighs as she shuffled her feet apart, giving me a perfect look at the most beautiful sight between her legs. As I ran the cloth back up to her inner thigh, I heard her breath catching in her throat.

  I paused there before making my arm move back down. I continued to clean her legs whilst wondering what was happening to me.

  I’d never been gentle with women before. I’d never needed to. One sniff of my money and they were willing to let me do whatever the hell I wanted. I took what I wanted without thinking about tomorrow. There never was a tomorrow with any of them. There was just another one waiting in line for a chance to get my fortune out of me.

  So why wasn’t I taking what I wanted from her? Why was I waiting?


  IT WAS WRONG. IT was all wrong. I should have been running for my life. They could come back at any time. What was I doing?

  Maybe that was why I felt that way. I was so wired, my adrenaline through the roof, that everything seemed so much more intense than normal. I noticed things that would normally pass me by.

  Like the smell of him when we’d been in the cupboard together. Or the way he’d gripped my hand so tightly. And then there was the unmistakable pressure digging into my ass when I sat on his lap. He had a hard on, there was no doubt about it.

  But he wasn’t doing anything about it. I could tell he wanted me, the way he looked at me when he held me on him, my legs wrapped around him. Would he notice I had no panties on? Would he lose control?

  He looked like a man used to controlling things around him. Those dark brooding eyes of his, that snarling mouth that looked ready to yell at me at any moment, tell me to get on my knees for him.

  I shouldn’t have been thinking that way. Any other time, any other man, I’d have been out of there like a shot. But he’d just helped to save me from a fate worse than death. Hormones raced through me, desire bubbled up inside me.

  I saw him as my saviour, my hero, raised up on a pedestal that only existed because my mind was so exhausted, it was incapable of filtering things into civilised thoughts. I’d nearly died and now I wanted to feel alive again. Or, at least, that’s what my body wanted. To be reminded that I was alive. What more primal way than by rubbing against his cock as it dug into me through his trousers.

  I fought him when he tried to take my dress from me but only because I thought he’d see how much I wanted him, I could feel the wetness between my legs already, my inner need growing stronger by the second.

  A minute later and I was standing up naked as he cleaned me and it was the most I’ve ever wanted to be fucked in my life. I wasn’t thinking clearly, I was too lost in him, in the way he looked, the way he acted, so in control, so strong. I just felt safe and my body felt a connection it had never felt before, it wanted him. I wanted him.

  I shuffled my legs apart, hoping my body would tell him what my mouth couldn’t. If I spoke, I knew it would break the spell. Reality would kick in and the insanity of the situation would roll up and hammer on my skull, tell me I knew nothing about this guy, I shouldn’t trust him. I should get the hell out of there.

  His hand slid slowly up my leg again and I tensed up, feeling sure he’d go higher this time.

  But he didn’t. Just as my breath caught in my throat, he moved his hand away, drying me slowly before standing up, looking me directly in the eye.

  “Much better,” he said, placing his hand directly on my chest, his palm brushing over my right nipple, making me shudder at the sensation. “You’re still too cold though. Lay here and I’ll wrap around you.”

  I did as he asked, lying on the blanket as he lay down behind me. He pulled the loose end over us both before settling in place. I had his arm under my neck and it wrapped around me, slightly constricting my throat as his other hand moved down my stomach, rubbing hard.

  “Are you getting warm yet?” he asked.

  I could only nod. I was already struggling to keep still, wanting to rock back against that hard on of his. I could feel it digging into me and I wanted it more than anything.

  His hand moved back up to my chest, brushing over my breasts, making my nipples tingle as I tried my best to keep calm. The arm around my throat tightened, pulling me back onto him.

  “You’ll be okay,” he whispered in my ear. “You’ll be okay.”

  The way he said it made me smile. I felt safer than ever, wrapped in his arms, his fingers lightly starting to circle my nipples.

  I could feel his breath on my ear as he whispered, reassuring me again and again. I closed my eyes as his lips brushed my earlobe. An electric bolt of desire shot from it to my core, making my insides throb.

  He was still circling my nipples absently, as if he wasn’t aware he was doing it. I reached up to his hand and took hold of his wrist, moving him down my body, needing him to realise what I wanted.

  His fingers took the hint, sliding between my legs. He pushed his way between my lips, my wetness making me slick enough for him to slide straight into me, ease the aching discomfort of emptiness that had so pained me since I’d first felt his hardness against me.

  I moaned softly as he ground the flat of his hand against my nub, his finger continuing to explore inside me, his lips lightly kissing the back of my neck, his other hand still pressed against my throat, making it hard to breathe and impossible to move away. I was trapped in place, held by him.

  But I didn’t feel scared. I felt safe. I felt desirable, I felt needed. I felt saved.

  He slid his hand from me and I groaned with disappointment. Then I realised what he was doing. He was getting his trousers unbuttoned. A
second later, I felt the burning heat of his length pressing against my ass, thrusting slightly between my cheeks, gliding back and forth, making me want him all the more.

  I shifted in place as he moved the tip down and then between my legs. I held my breath, feeling like the whole world was a mirror that would shatter if he so much as moved. Reality and civilisation was nothing but a puff of smoke and this was what was left when it blew away. There was just the ancient need inside me as it had been inside stone age woman. I needed him inside me. There was no other way to describe it.

  If he’d walked away then, I’d have been crushed, the disappointment too much to bear. I would have done anything to make him thrust into me in that moment.

  He pushed his hips towards my ass and the freeze frame moment ended. Reality came back. He filled me completely in just a second and it was almost too much to take, my body soaring high, my mind lost to the completion of my need. He had filled me. He stretched me, he had given me the one thing I needed more than anything else, him, inside me.

  He groaned quietly into my ear as I gripped him, squeezing my inner muscles, not wanting him to pull back.

  He twisted in place, still deep inside me, moving me onto my front, crushing me under him. I should have felt scared but I didn’t. Even as I struggled to breathe under his bulk, I felt protected by him, more relaxed than I had any right to feel.

  He pulled his hips back and thrust into me again, this time bringing a broad smile to my lips. My mouth fell open as I began to pant for breath. He rocked in place, his fullness hitting every nerve in me.

  I was wetter than I’d ever been, my whole body on fire with need as he pulled back and then slammed into me, lying down flat against my back, his mouth on my ear, licking a slow line around it before kissing the lobe, then the nape of my neck.

  I could smell him again. I could hear his every breath, the way it altered when he began to pick up speed.

  Reaching behind me, I felt for his body, wanting to know if he was real, if this was real. It was a dream, sex like I’d never had in my life.

  I shifted my hips slightly, my clit getting pressure in just the right place as he rocked back and forth against me, getting gradually faster. Then he read my mind, pulling me up onto all fours, grabbing my ass, squeezing it, groping it so hard it made me wince.

  All the while, he continued to drive into me then he froze. Out of nowhere, he stopped, hovering with just the tip of him inside. I couldn’t wait. I tried to rock back onto him but he gripped my hips tightly, not letting me move as I growled with frustration.

  Then he slammed forwards, sending all the breath from my lungs. I barely had time to register his length before he pulled back, again pausing, teasing, waiting.

  Then he did it again. And again. And again.

  Each time, I hoped he would keep going but he kept pausing, driving me wild.

  “Fuck me,” I muttered, not recognising my voice, saying a phrase I’d never said before.

  My body began to tense up as he moved quicker. Suddenly he went as fast as he could, slamming into me, driving as deep as he could go, filling me completely. I groaned as my clit throbbed, telling me how close I was.

  Reaching between my legs, I stroked it frantically as he grunted behind me, his cock buried all the way inside me.

  I felt it twitch as I came. My body lost control when my orgasm hit me, the release from it too much for me to handle. I shook, I moaned, I writhed, I muttered, I drove back onto him, feeling his hot wetness filling me, spurting deep inside me, bringing a stupid grin to my lips, making me giggle, I was so lost in the joy of the moment.

  Endorphins raced through me, my nerves tingled in a way they never had before. It was the most powerful climax I’d ever known.

  I was still panting for breath when he collapsed next to me on the blanket, his hand on my chest once again. “You feel much warmer now,” he said, pulling me towards him, wrapping around me once more. “Better stay like this for a while longer. Just to be sure.”

  “Whatever you say,” I muttered, the words weak. I could barely tell my lips to move, I was still recovering from the sheer force of what had just happened to me. My pussy was tingling as if he was still inside me. I sighed happily, closing my eyes and hoping this moment would never end.


  WHEN I WOKE UP, it took me a few seconds to work out where I was. For a moment, I was at home, my first home. I could hear the next door neighbour humming to herself as she hung out the washing. The sun was out. It was summer. I was going to ride my bike to…

  Then she moved and the memory faded away. I wasn’t a child. I was a man. I was a man and I was wrapped around a woman.

  It all came back to me then and I blinked as I shifted away from her, sitting up in the blanket, looking at the sun streaming in through the broken window.

  She moved onto her back, her eyes tightly shut. She was humming a tune, seemingly in her sleep. That was what I’d heard as I woke up.

  She looked stunningly beautiful, even more so now I could look at her properly. Her hair had fallen away from her face and her cheeks had some colour to them at last, the red of her lips making me want to lean down and kiss her.

  She looked so peaceful, I couldn’t do it. It would be like breaking a spell. The morning light caught the motes of dust in the air and it was like looking at a princess from a fairy tale. The blanket had slipped down her, my eyes moving to her chest, seeing those nipples that I’d stared at so intently last night. The sight was enough to make my cock twitch with the memory of what we’d done.

  I retrieved the flask and poured myself a coffee, using half the tin I’d brought. Enough left for her when she woke up.

  I was sitting and sipping at it when she shifted in place, her eyes blinking open, moving to focus slowly on me. “Good morning,” I said, smiling as she yawned cutely.

  “Good morning yourself,” she replied, sitting up and stretching her arms. Then she suddenly realised she was naked, grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around her chest, a flush of red spreading on her cheeks as she glanced away, focussing intently on a bare patch on the far wall.

  “Why are you smiling?” she asked, still looking away as she tugged the blanket tighter around her chest.

  “How can you tell I’m smiling?”

  “Because I just can.”

  “Fair enough.” I reached across and put my finger on her chin, moving her face gently until she was facing me. “You don’t need to be embarrassed, you didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. It didn’t happen.”

  “Well for something that didn’t happen, I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

  “Is that why you’re smiling?”

  “No. I’m smiling because I thought it would be a much longer night.”

  “What do you mean? In fact, what are you doing here? You look like you were teleported out of a business meeting in some office block somewhere.”

  “Well, I do work for Teleportation Industries. We’ve got a great product if we can just sort out the fly issues.”

  She didn’t laugh. “Why are you here?”

  “This is going to sound a bit stupid.”

  “I have no doubt.”

  I frowned in mock anger. “Do you want to hear or not?”


  “That’s better. I had a bet with a friend of mine that I couldn’t spend the night here.”


  “Because he said it’s haunted.”

  “No, why make a bet like that?”

  I shrugged. “We were bored.”

  “Couldn’t have watched a film?”

  “There was money riding on it. I couldn’t say no.”

  “How much money?”

  “A pound.”

  “A pound? Let me get this straight. You stayed overnight in a derelict house in order to win a pound?”

  I nodded. “There’s a car coming to pick me up at eight. I can give you a lift somewhere if you like.
Or if you’d prefer to get settled in here…”

  “A lift would be great. What time is it?”

  “Ten to. Listen, I know it’s none of my business but would you mind telling me what you were doing running through the woods last night with two men chasing after you?”

  “I can’t, not yet. I’m not ready.”

  “All right, I can take a hint.” I saw the fear in her eyes, the sorrow that swept over her face even as she tried to keep smiling, pretending she was fine. “What about your name? Willing to tell me that?”

  “Hope,” she said, the sorrow slowly fading away from her eyes. “Hope Lewis.”

  I held out a hand and she stuck hers out from inside the blanket. “Rob Davies. Nice to meet you, Hope.”

  “And you.”

  We lapsed into silence.

  “So what do you do Rob?” she asked at last, yawning again as she did so.

  “I run a business.”

  “Teleportation, right?”

  “Nothing that exciting, I’m afraid. Finance, property, pretty dull stuff. What about you?”

  “I’m between jobs at the moment.”

  “I see.” I paused, seeing her face change again. There was clearly a lot she didn’t want to talk about. “I’m starving,” I said, glancing at my watch. “I hope Louis gets here soon.”


  “My driver. He’ll be picking me up. I should have told him to bring food with him.”

  She suddenly stood up, scooping up her dress. “Back in a second,” she said, pushing open the door and vanishing outside.

  She didn’t realise I could see her through the window. Once she was in the open, she let the blanket fall to the floor and I caught a sight of her naked body in the sunlight. If I hadn’t been captured by her before, I was in that moment. The sight of her innocent beauty in the rays of the sun, so free, so pure, it tugged at my heart so much I felt physical pain when she slipped the dress over her shoulders.


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