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Firefighter Christmas Complete Series Box Set (A Firefighter Holiday Romance Love Story)

Page 115

by Nella Tyler

  I was about to blow his mind.

  “You want to cum inside me so badly, don't you baby?”

  “God yes Gemma, I want to be inside your pussy so badly.”

  My kisses went from his mouth to his jawline, nipping the side. I trailed kisses down his chest and licked the trail that led to his throbbing cock. I slid down the chair, wanting his cock once again. He was just going to have to wait a bit longer. The torture would be worth it.

  I licked and sucked the tip of his cock teasingly.

  “You little devil,” he gasped out.

  I lapped at his cock while looking him straight in the eyes. He was slowly losing his mind; it wasn't hard to figure out. I quickly climbed on his lap once again and moved above him, plunging his cock inside me. I gasped above him and he groaned in pleasure. He watched as I rode him slowly moving on his cock with tortuously slow rhythm. My breasts bounced above him and he had the best view in the house. My brown hair fell over my breasts as I bounced on his cock. He put his hands on my hips and ground me onto him. I moaned and I tightened around his cock. I was about to spill around him. I came quite vocally and he laughed, worried for a moment that someone had heard us in the restaurant.

  “You have to try to be more quiet my beauty. The restaurant already got one show today.”

  “I'm sorry,” I whispered.

  “Please don't be. How could I be mad at you when you are treating my cock so good?”

  I smiled down at him and I rode him, I took his hand and sucked on his middle finger while I rode him hard. “Wow baby, that is so hot.”

  I began to ride his cock harder, my body grinding into his. The tension inside was building and he was going to blow with me while I was in complete control over his orgasm. “Oh god Gemma, that feels so good.” He came inside me hard and I rocked onto him continuously, causing him to have a more intense orgasm.

  He was spent and I felt wondrous with me on top of him. I bent forward and licked his mouth before kissing him hard. I climbed off and opened up a drawer to grab some Kleenex to clean off. Being with Link had been amazing...both times. It felt glorious having him inside me. I could smell his cologne around us and I climbed on his lap again and held him close to me.

  “You smell fantastic Link.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Maybe we should consider getting dressed before someone walks in on us again.”

  “Maybe, but I think I want to fuck you again.”

  I gaped, “Are you serious? I'm not going to be able to walk for a week.”

  He looked down at his lap, “Well what do you think?”

  I looked down as well and realized that he had grown hard once again. The sight of his hard cock warmed me up all over again.

  “Okay, let's do it again. But this time I want it from behind.”

  “Sweetheart you can have as much as you want.”

  He made me so wet with very little effort. I needed him inside me and I didn't care how many times, without him near it was hard for me to breathe.

  He rustled up my dress and massaged me. My blood pressure started going up again. My thoughts started becoming cloudy as Link’s fingers rubbed my clit, bringing on an ache I knew he would take away. My body was so sensitive now from being rubbed and fucked excessively. He inserted a finger and pushed me to the limit as he fucked me fast and hard. I held my moans back, just barely. Finally, I came all over his fingers.

  “Please Link, fuck me good. Put your cock in me; I need it.”

  That was all it took for him to turn me over and bend me over his desk. Papers went flying everywhere as he pushed inside me. He seemed desperate and he rocked into me over and over again. He fucked me harder this time and I wasn’t sure why, though I wasn't complaining. He pounded inside of me as I felt an orgasm build up. My body was so sensitive now, that my orgasm was building up quickly. I came all over his cock as he still pounded inside of me. I ached all over. His cock was big and it pushed into me, stretching me out. I moaned softly as he continued to push his cock into me. I loved it though, he could do anything to me and I would moan with pleasure. I was starting to fall hard for Link; he was the perfect man for me in every way.

  “Oh, Gemma I'm going to cum. Do you want it? Do you want me to cum?”

  “Yes baby, cum inside me.”

  He spilled into me, filling me up and I felt happy again, knowing I brought him so much pleasure. He pulled out of me and we cleaned up. Link straightened up his desk and went over to me. He kissed me hard on the mouth and I smiled.

  “I have to run Link. But thanks for the...interesting afternoon.” I winked as I headed out the door.

  Chapter Nine

  Looking in the mirror I admired the curls in my hair. I wasn't one to spend a lot of time on my hair but I was glad that I decided to curl it that evening, even if it did take me a half hour to do so. The curls just cascaded around my shoulders and I loved the look. I was in the process of getting ready for another hot date with Link. I had recovered from our last tryst in his office just in case he was up for more later on. Satisfied with my makeup and hair, I decided to get dressed. I picked out a black cocktail dress that I thought would drive Link a little crazy. Not that I needed anything to do that but it was nice to dress special for the man in my life. I was pretty sure I could go out on our date in a garbage bag and he would still want to ravage me. With Link, I felt incredibly sexy all the time and I think a lot of people lost that in their relationships. I doubted that would ever happen to Link and I however, our chemistry was natural and the flames licked between us without any effort.

  I headed to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine while I waited for Link to come and pick me up. I wasn't entirely sure where we were going that evening but I liked surprises so it didn't matter. I sipped on my wine enjoying the flavour. It just set the mood and tone for my evening, stress-free and relaxing. Everything was running smoothly. Well except for the fact that my brother seemed to be trying to throw a monkey wrench in Link's life.

  Speak of the devil, there was a knock on my door and Jared peeked inside. My mouth dropped open. It wasn't like him to come over unannounced and I knew that Link would be arriving there any moment. I had to find out what he wanted and get him out, quick. Things were about to go downhill really fast. God, why hadn't I just told him about Link? Then I wouldn't be in this mess.

  “Hey sis, how are you doing?”

  “I'm great Jared, how are things with you?” I sipped nervously at my wine as he came into my apartment and headed towards the kitchen.

  “Wine! That sounds great. Why don't you pour me one?”

  “I would Jared, but I'm actually heading out in a bit.”

  “Really, where to?” He suddenly noticed my dress and looked me over, “Why are you all dressed up?”

  I smiled, “Well if you must know nosey brother, I have a date.”

  He grinned mischievously, “Wow Gemma, that's great. I'm happy for you. You haven't really been dating much lately. So who is the lucky guy?”

  “Oh, I don't want to jinx it, plus it's really none of your business,” I said with a smile. I really didn't need to be having that conversation with Jared. My heart was thundering in my chest and I wanted to tell him to go but I didn't know how to do it without raising suspicions. God, I really needed to get rid of him, I wasn't sure what would happen if Link showed up at that moment. It was sure to get ugly. Why did Jared have to pick this night of all times to come and visit to me? Why hadn't he called first? I could have set up a time to go visit him tomorrow, but no he had to just show up and there he was standing in my living room moments before my date was set to arrive.

  “Well, like I said he's a lucky guy and he better treat you like a princess. My sister deserves the best.”

  I laughed nervously and downed the rest of my wine in a couple gulps. He arched an eyebrow as he watched me. “Thanks Jared, that's sweet. But I really should get going. Was there a reason you stopped in? Maybe we can catch up tomorrow and you ca
n fill me in.”

  “Well, actually--”

  Just then the doorbell rang and we both turned to look at it. My stomach dropped and I thought there was a good chance that I would vomit right there, in the middle of my kitchen floor. Before I could stop him, Jared went to answer the door. I froze, unable to stop this train wreck from happening. I should have stopped him, begged him not to answer the door, but really it was hopeless. One way or another he was going to find out about Link, I just wished that he didn't have to find out about him like this.

  “I guess I will get to meet him after all,” Jared said as he swung open the door. The look on his face when he saw Link on the other side of the door was priceless…and by priceless I mean the worst possible look you could ever imagine.

  “What the hell are you doing here? Man, you have some nerve,” he barked at Link.

  Jared backed up as Link entered the apartment. I closed my eyes in defeat, as I knew none of this was going to end very well. Link stared Jared directly in the face and said, “I'm here to see your sister. I'm picking her up for a date. This has nothing to do with you.”

  Jared spun his head around at me, so fast that it seemed like it was a scene from The Exorcist. “This is the guy that you are going out on a date with? Have you lost your mind Gemma?”

  “Jared, I can explain...”

  “Oh can you really? How the hell are you going to do that?”

  “Look, go easy on Gemma, our war is between you me, it has nothing to do with her.”

  Jared got in Link's face and I had to pray that he wasn't going to try to hit him. “Why don't you mind your own business? This is between my sister and me. How the hell did you sneak your way into her life anyways? Did you lie to her too?”

  “Jared, that's enough. I understand you're angry but there is no reason to behave this way,” I said.

  “No of course not Gemma, you're just in bed with the enemy and you don't think that might bother me. The guy is a crook Gemma, didn't you hear a word I said or do you just not care about anyone but yourself?”

  His words stung and tears welled up in my eyes. I was shocked that he was talking to me that way. I should have told him by now about Link; I just hadn't wanted to hurt him. The conversation had just been too difficult for me to have. Or maybe it was simply that I didn't want to have the conversation. I knew that he wouldn't understand.

  “I'm not a crook Jared; you are the one that is trying to take something that doesn't belong to you. This smear campaign of yours is going to blow up in your face, you just wait and see.”

  Just then, Jared threw a punch at Link.

  Moving easily, like it was no problem, Link ducked. He wasn't about to let Jared try to get another one in however, and he tackled him to the ground. I stood there watching in horror as the two men wrestled it out, throwing punches right there in my living room. Jared had managed to get on top and was swinging at Link. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled. I didn't have nearly the strength that the men had but it was enough to get Jared's attention. He looked back at me and I screamed, “What the hell are you doing? Stop this right now.”

  Jared got up from Link angrily. Still keeping an eye on my brother, Link got up as well, trying to straighten out his shirt.

  “You guys need to stop fighting right now, this is ridiculous.”

  “No, I'm out of here,” Jared stormed away from me and headed for the door.

  “Jared, wait! We need to talk about this.”

  He waved me off, “Forget it. I will never forgive you for this.” He slammed the door behind him.

  Steamed #3

  Chapter One

  I stared at the closed door, shock making me immobile. Stunned was a better word and I didn't know what to do about it. Tears sprang to my eyes. “Oh my god, what did I do?” I couldn't believe what was happening; it was almost too much for me to bear. I thought for a moment that I was going to throw up. Yes, I could definitely throw up at any moment.

  Link was by my side instantly, putting his arms around me. “I'm so sorry Gemma; I know how you must be feeling.”

  Tears were rolling down my cheeks now and I turned into his embrace and cried on his shoulder. I had hurt my brother and there was a chance he would never forgive me. I didn't know what to do, or how to fix the situation. I should have told him. I should have been honest and straightforward. Instead I hid the fact that Link and I were dating and he saw it as a betrayal. I wasn't betraying my brother. I was just trying to be happy with a man that made me feel complete in every possible way. I didn't know how to let go of Link and I knew for a fact that I didn't want to. Link had become such a huge part of my life in such a short period of time that I couldn't imagine being apart from him. So I had dated him, knowing that it could hurt Jared, hoping that it would all work out in the end. But how could I have possibly done anything else? He was everything to me; I couldn't possibly let him go. Not now and possibly not ever.

  But it hadn't worked out. Jared had found out and I hadn't meant to hurt him but I did anyways. I wasn't sure how I could possibly hope to get him back. How could I explain that I was falling in love with his mortal enemy? He would never forgive me and I didn't think I could bear the thought of losing my brother forever. I had no idea what I was going to do to fix things. I wasn't even sure if it was going to be possible to fix things. It was a terrifying thought.

  “Gemma? Gemma baby are you okay?”

  I looked up at him, tears staining my cheeks. “I can't believe he's gone. I really messed this up.”

  “It's going to be okay Gemma, I promise.”

  “No, he's never going to forgive me Link.”

  He brushed the hair out of my face and wiped the tears gently off my cheeks. “Gemma, I'm falling madly in love with you.”

  My breath caught and I just stared into his eyes in disbelief. “What?”

  “It's true. I love you and I I need you to know that you can trust me. My whole life I have wanted to make something of myself you know? I wanted to be something more than just being a chef. Don't get me wrong, I love cooking but I always believed in being something bigger than that.”

  I nodded.

  “I know you must be so confused right now, unsure of what to believe, especially since your brother keeps calling me a crook. I need you to trust me baby. That sauce recipe was the key to my fortune and it has been with me all along.”

  “Link, where did the recipe come from in the first place?”

  “It's been in my family for generations. It was my great-great-grandmother’s recipe and she passed it down amongst the generations until it came to me. It's mine Gemma, I promise you that.”

  I looked deep into his eyes and whispered, “I believe you.”

  He kissed me firmly on the lips and I got lost in him for a moment. I always felt so safe and comforted being with Link. He was my calm when my life got stormy. I never felt anxiety around him; he was like a human Valium. He was the one person that could help me, and be there for me if I needed him.

  “It's all going to work out Gemma, please don't worry about it.”

  Chapter Two

  The next afternoon I headed over to Jared's restaurant to talk to him. I was sure that if he just heard me out that he would forgive me. I had no intention of ending things with Link, but there was a possibility that if he heard how innocently things had started between Link and I that he could see that I wasn't out to hurt him. Fate had brought Link and I together, I couldn't help but to have fallen in love with him. I needed Jared to forgive me but I was afraid he never would. What if he didn't forgive me?

  I walked into the restaurant and headed to the back. Marcus was prepping for the dinner crowd. A couple of the servers were there taking a break as well. I waved to them and looked at Marcus.

  “Hey Marcus, where is Jared?”

  “No idea. He didn't come in today.”

  “What? Are you serious? You haven't seen him all day? I don't think he's ever missed a day of working at his restau
rant since it opened.”

  “Nope, and he's been acting really strange lately; I think something is wrong with him.”

  Dread filled my heart as I looked over at the servers. They both nodded their heads in agreement.

  “You guys have seen the same thing?” I asked.

  A blonde girl whom I didn't recognize answered, “Yeah, he's been pretty weird lately.”

  “How has he been acting?”

  “Well paranoid.”

  “Yup, that's the word for it,” Marcus added, “Paranoid and quick-tempered, it doesn't take much for him to go off the handle. It's not like him at all. He acts like he should be suspicious of all of us. Like we're all going to start taking his stuff and moving on. The servers have taken the brunt of it, because I don't take any of that shit from him.”

  “My god, what is going on around here?” I couldn't have been more alarmed by the news and to hear that he has been abusing his staff was so unlike him that I worried that he was unraveling at the seams. But why? What was going on with Jared? I needed to find him immediately.

  “I'm going to go to his house and see if I can find him. Call me if he shows up here.”

  “Will do.”

  I drove to my brother’s place as quickly as I could. I was worried sick about him. The behavior that his staff suggested was so unlike Jared that it scared me. What was going on with him these days that he was starting to fall apart in all aspects of his life? It couldn't possibly be about that stupid recipe? Would he really let it get to him this badly? It just didn't make any sense. It seemed that my brother was unraveling at the seams and I didn't know why. Even if he believed that Link had stolen from him, why not just let it go? Instead he was letting it destroy him. He was an incredible chef and he had created many recipes on his own, he didn't need to worry about one recipe. He had a successful restaurant and he was throwing it away over a recipe that Link claimed was his from the beginning.


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