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Eternal Envy (The Seven Sin Sisters 2)

Page 6

by Paloma Beck

  Taking it back, she smiled at Seamus, “I’m Eloise. Don’t mind Caedon. He has something against sexy footwear.” Eloise held her long bare legs out for the men to see her bright pink peep toe heels. Pink ribbons crisscrossed around her ankle and added to the feminine daintiness of her slim calves.

  “Well, I definitely do not have anything against them. Those are some pretty,” Seamus cleared his throat, “pink shoes you’ve got there, Ms. Eloise.” Seamus had just a hint of a sexy Irish accent and she wanted to pinch his cheeks. He was adorable. Not her type at all, but completely adorable in a little brother sort of way.

  “I don’t have anything against your shoes. I just think they aren’t practical. We’re on a mission.” Caedon grabbed her leg, drew her foot onto his lap and toyed with the ribbons.

  Donovan intervened before Seamus could say anything else. He tapped Seamus on the side of his head before adding his opinion, “We understand. But in this case, I think you’ll be fine. Just glad you brought along other options in footwear.”

  “They have ankle support. Doctor’s orders,” Eloise teased Donovan who had been the one to evaluate her the day before.

  Seamus laughed but Donovan turned to Caedon for his reaction. The two men sat across from Eloise and Caedon in leather chairs. Between them was a table that held several file folders. Following her gaze, Caedon said, “Mission files. This is everything we have on my parents.”

  “May I read them?” Eloise asked tentatively. Her demeanor turned serious as she became hyperaware of Caedon’s anxiety over her looking through such personal files. Her leg was still resting across his lap. She placed her hand on top of his where he’d left it on her leg and smiled up at him.

  “You can know everything there is to know about me. I keep no secrets from you.” Love radiated from Caedon’s soft brown eyes and Eloise gasped at the depth of his sincerity. Goddess, this man was everything she had ever desired!

  Caedon handed her the first file, and as she opened it, he turned towards Seamus and Donovan and began working out a plan for when they landed on Pianosa. He kept one eye on her the entire time to be certain he could read her thoughts as she learned all the details.

  * * * *

  It had been a full day since they arrived in Pianosa. The island was beautiful and she had been able to explore the beach and lay out by the pool but her favorite pastime while Caedon was busy with his research and investigation was cooking. The housekeeper had stocked the chef’s kitchen with anything a cook could possibly desire and she’d taken a liking to Eloise. Micalena taught Eloise how to make homemade pasta, bake the perfect bread and prepare all of Caedon’s favorite desserts from childhood. Eloise adored Micalena.

  “What was he like as a child, Micalena?” Eloise built up the courage to ask on the morning of her second day there.

  “Always so stubborn, little Caedon,” Micalena pronounced in her broken English before switching to Italian, “Ostinato, puntiglioso bambino.” Micalena saw Caedon as stubborn as well. It seems he hadn’t changed since he was a child.

  “He’s still ostinato,” Eloise laughed to hear Micalena describe Caedon just as she would.

  “But you love him still, yes?” Micalena asked.

  “Yes I do,” Eloise smiled as Micalena came around the kitchen island to hug her. The woman’s stout, rotund body was much stronger than Eloise would’ve thought. Micalena’s hug lifted her right off her feet and Eloise allowed these lighter moments to help her to forget why they were here.

  “Tell me about his parents.”

  Micalena regaled her with story upon story of Andreas and Angelica Pisano. Eloise learned Caedon’s father descended from the famed Italian sculptor Andrea Pisano who designed the bronze doors of the Florence Baptistery. Their early life was spent in Pontedra, a small village on the outskirts of Pisa. His mother was one of the first members of the Circle of Magdalena. By the time the sun had set and Micalena had finished talking, Eloise felt as if she knew Caedon’s family. Goddess, she prayed for that chance, for Caedon to have the chance to see his parents again.

  As if thinking of her mate was enough to make him appear, all three men walked into the room then. “Something smells delicious,” Caedon said as he wrapped his arms around Eloise and stood behind her to talk with Micalena.

  The other men agreed and Micalena gave all the credit to Eloise. “Oh no, I am just learning,” she pointed to Micalena who was wiping her hands on her apron and moving towards the door to her suite. “She is a masterful cook. I was only her student.”

  “Nonsense. This tired old woman is going to bed now. You eat and enjoy.”

  “Thank you and good night. We’ll be going on a trip to the mainland tomorrow but plan to be home for dinner,” Caedon spoke to Micalena but Eloise was also glad for the update. She was eager for something to happen though terrified at the same time. She shivered.

  Caedon turned his attention to her as the other two men began grabbing plates and setting the table. “You have nothing to fear. We have planned for every contingency. Nothing will happen to you.”

  “I know. I worry about you, too,” Eloise admitted.

  “We’ve been in the mission center all day. The intel is as reliable as it can be and we’ve got a solid plan to get in and out without difficulty. We’re doing simple recon to determine if we should call in a full mission team and move in.”

  “And as it turns out, you will get to spend the day shopping,” Seamus added.

  “Shopping?” Eloise asked, stunned by the news.

  “It’s our cover. The place where they are being held is in a city known for its designer shops. You will blend in perfectly as if you are just any other woman out shopping.”

  “And Caedon will blend in perfectly as if he’s any other bored man on a chain following the woman he loves from shop to shop,” Seamus interjected with a grin.

  * * * *

  Eloise and Caedon strolled from shop to shop along the quaintest cobble-stone street. She knew Seamus and Donovan were around but couldn’t see them. It had been an hour and despite all the pretty things she’d found, Eloise couldn’t get excited about making a purchase. Her heart was still in her throat thinking about today’s outcome.

  She felt secure in her own ability to keep herself safe. Aside from Caedon glued to her side, she also had a tracker in her purse should they be separated. She wondered if Caedon had forgotten she was a member of the Magdalena Circle with some kick-ass powers of her own. She was confident in her ability to defend herself; between her strengthened powers from their continual blood bonding and her self-defense skills, she could handle herself. But she actually didn’t know what she’d be handling herself against. Maybe she shouldn’t get overly confident after all.

  “Caedon?” she asked and waited for his attention.

  “Yes, baby?”

  “What type of people do you think we’re up against?”

  “Likely there’s a connection between them and the cell that took Layla. We think they may be doing testing on my parents,” he shook his head as if he could shake the thought away, “and they’ve uncovered enough scientific research to make assumptions.”

  “And you think they mean harm?”

  “Baby, I’m still surprised the US government worked with us. It wouldn’t have surprised me if they had brought us all in and held us like caged science experiments.”

  Eloise shuddered at that thought and Caedon rubbed her arms to chase the chill of reality away.

  Around lunchtime, they found a small café near an alley they believed held the entrance to where his parents were being held. How he could sit there and do nothing while Seamus and Donovan collected surveillance, she had no idea. She could only admire this remarkable man, her mate.

  After a quick check in through their comm device and Caedon relaying that they needed just a few more hours, they ordered from the menu and then sat in silence. He was preoccupied and she was fearful that this might not turn out the way he hoped. Could she handle
the devastation? Could he? Perhaps a bit of distraction was in order.

  “I’ve never told you about my family,” Eloise decided to change the subject in an attempt to take his mind off being so close to his parents without being able to go to them. “Or do you already know through Layla?”

  “No. I know, of course, what I’ve researched but that doesn’t get at the heart of it. Tell me about them while we eat our lunch.”

  “Well, you must know there are seven of us sisters. We meet all the requirements of the seventh prophecy. But, you know, no one really knows for certain if we will be the seven born of one that the prophecy speaks of,” Eloise shrugged. “This is more Gemma’s area. She and Paige do the research.”

  “What do you hope?” Caedon asked.

  Eloise shrugged in answer and when he raised his eyebrows, she continued, “Of course, it would be exciting to be part of a prophecy but I’m also not the most affected by it. According to Gemma, ‘the first sister shall bear another seven and the seventh shall release the deadly sins so long as all are mated.’” Eloise rolled her eyes. She wasn’t sure she completely believed the full prophecy and talking about it wasn’t something she enjoyed. “Anyway, we haven’t spent much time worrying about it. We’ve basically lived pretty normal lives.”

  “Since Layla became an adult, the seven of us have lived together in the house mother and father bought us. My sisters are my best friends. I can’t imagine being an only child,” Eloise looked down, realizing she’d pointed out exactly how he had lived. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

  Caedon cut her off, “Don’t apologize. Please. I had a great childhood. I was completely spoiled, had everything I could want and was prepared well for my life after I matured.”

  “Our parents were the same way. They believe strongly in our calling. My mother said it was an honor to give life to girls of the Magdalena Circle because they gave life to others in exchange,” Eloise laughed, “She said someday she would have fourteen children.”

  The waiter came back then with their sandwiches and they each began nibbling on their food, neither very hungry in the midst of the drama surrounding them.

  “What do your parents do? I know they work with the Church of Magdalena but that information is so classified, even I can’t breach it.” Caedon sat forward and Eloise knew that meant he was very interested in her answer.

  “My mother and father have worked for years on a database cataloguing all members of the Valendite Breed and the Magdalena Circle. Once we were old enough to be on our own, they began traveling overseas to more remote places to find those from the Magdalena Circle who have gone off radar out of fear. My mother is a leader in the crusade to pair mates.”

  “That’s an admirable cause. There are some out there with the Magdalena gene that want nothing to do with the prophecy.”

  “I know. Mother believes there are others that don’t even realize that they’re a part of something so monumental,” Eloise explained. “So anyway, we don’t see them all that often. Most of the time, they live in their home in the Baltics. This way, they’re closer to the church council.”

  “Your mother’s powers can transport them there?”

  Eloise smiled and nodded her head, “She can’t cross large bodies of water, but as long as the destination is on the same continent, she can make the teleport. But it wears her out so they try to keep it to a minimum. We are pretty strong but are at our weakest after we’ve used large doses of power.”

  “What restores your power? Just time? Do you need rest?” Caedon looked concerned. Eloise admired his conquer the world, solve it and fix it persona “Both of those help but the best thing is for us to be surrounded by other Circle of Magdalena women, especially those blood-related. It’s why our parents bought us a large house so we could stay close until we mated,” Eloise paused and then decided to continue with her mother’s theory. “My mother also believes that drinking from our mate will restore our energy quickly. It works for her but it seems to drain father. It’s as if he is taking her fatigue into his body.”

  “That’s incredible,” Caedon’s eyes were bright with interest, “What other symptoms does he show?”

  “That’s it. And it seems the only thing to affect him.” Eloise felt like she had let Caedon down. He must’ve expected a more interesting story.

  “So your father was also a professor of anthropology?”

  “Yes,” Eloise nodded. “He left once they were able to travel and begin gathering information on the various family chains of Breeds.”

  “I see. Was his slow-rate aging becoming obvious?” Caedon asked.

  “Yes, but he also did a lot of research on the Valendite Breed and wanted to follow through on his findings. The decline in mating worries him. He says at its current rate, our breed could become extinct within only a few more generations.”

  “Just like the women who left the Magdalena Circle had hoped would happen,” Caedon shook his head. His face held the same look of disgust all Valendite Breed shared when considering those who had turned their backs on their culture.

  They ate in silence and when they were nearly finished, Caedon placed his hand to his ear. Eloise knew he was listening to someone talking through the remote comm device he wore. He nodded once to her and said, “When you’re finished, let’s return to the house. I think I’m done shopping for the day.”

  Eloise wasn’t exactly sure what was going on, but Caedon didn’t look or sound unhappy. However, he did move his eyes all over the plaza where the café was located. When she started to turn to see where he was looking, he put his hand on her knee and stopped her.

  “I want you to just keep eating. Apparently we’ve been noticed. I don’t believe they’ll make a move. We’re just being watched but I don’t want them to know we know.” Caedon gave the warning without any sign on his face of concern. Was it for show? Or was he really unconcerned? Eloise wasn’t sure but she did know she could trust him.

  No longer hungry, she set her sandwich aside and reached for her sparkling water. All Eloise wanted was to leave this café and return to the island. She knew one way for it to happen all too naturally. She smiled at Caedon over the lip of her glass and took the stirrer into her mouth. She bit down on it and separated her lips so he could see her stroke the stirrer with her tongue as she might stroke him. Caedon’s eyes darkened as he raised his arm to signal the waiter.

  Eloise continued to toy with him. She took the toe of her polka dotted Mary Janes and tucked into his lap where she ever so gently traced his rigid outline. Caedon shifted and grinned at her. “You are playing with fire, baby,” he warned.

  “Mmm, I sure hope I don’t get burned,” Eloise batted her eyelashes and made Caedon laugh. He moved her foot from his lap and pulled her chair closer to him. Once she was between his knees and unable to move away, he held her chin in his hand and kissed her. Hard. There was only a moment for her to consider the fact they were in a public place before her sigh of delight allowed him access to her mouth.

  A clearing of the throat indicated the waiter had returned. Not a moment too soon. In only minutes, Caedon was sweeping Eloise out of the café and back to the boat they’d taken over from the island.

  Chapter Six

  Dinner was set for two on the balcony that overlooked the rocky coastline of the eastern shore of the island. Since it was the furthest from the mainland, she knew Caedon felt more secure here. While he emptied the large basket of food Micalena had sent, Eloise explored the terrace. The stone table was adorned with mosaic tile and had been draped with a lace runner, set with ornate crystal stemware and fine china. Eloise couldn’t believe Micalena had gone through all this trouble for them.

  “She likes you,” Caedon told Eloise as if he’d heard her thoughts.

  “I can,” Caedon spoke again and Eloise whipped her head around to see him.

  “How? How did you just do that?” Stunned, Eloise looked at Caedon and waited for an explanation. She had no idea this was possi

  His explanation came from inside her head. He spoke through her mind just like she could do with her sisters. “It’s an ability I was fairly certain I had. My parents can do this with each other but I didn’t know for sure until the Claiming was completed,” Caedon admitted, speaking into her mind. It was unnerving. She had only experienced this with her sisters.

  “You’ve known since then? Why didn’t you use it before now?” Eloise didn’t understand why Caedon had held back.

  “I-I don’t know. It seemed so intimate,” he offered his lame excuse.

  “More intimate than making love to me? More intimate than cl-claiming me?” Eloise raised her voice. She was angry, hurt, confused. So many emotions were rolling through her and she wanted to scream.

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” Caedon reached out to touch her but she moved out of his reach.

  Eloise pulled back. “Don’t. I need a minute here.”

  “Please don’t be angry. I have no real explanation. I just couldn’t bear to do this thing that I always found so amazing between my parents,” Caedon’s voice broke on his last words. Eloise realized this strong man still suffered from losing his parents. Goddess, she prayed they would get them back for him.

  Forgetting her own anger and needing nothing more than to embrace him, Eloise enfolded Caedon in her arms. She wrapped herself around him so tightly that he leaned on her and she knew he felt everything she did. She needed Caedon to know he could count on her. “I am yours, Caedon,” she spoke into his mind.

  He sighed in relief at her embrace and leaned down to touch his lips softly against hers, just a feather light kiss. Her response was immediate as the heat from Caedon’s lips seared through her senses. She returned his kiss with an intensity that encouraged him to pull her closer and deepen the kiss even further. Caedon’s hands on either side of her face held her to him. He needn’t worry, though, because Eloise never considered pulling away. She was all his.


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