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Dirty Love & Filthy Lies

Page 14

by C. Shell

  We ignore her. Ashton lifts his hand to cup my cheek, and my breathing intensifies. “I can live with those terms,” he says, brushing his thumb over my cheek. “As long as you agree that it’s just you and me. I don’t like sharing and judging from your reaction tonight, I don’t think you do either.”

  Snarky Bastard. “Agreed,” I say grinning at him. A comfortable silence falls between us as we both absorb the magnitude of what we just agreed on. Holy shit. Does this make Ashton my boyfriend? I mentally shake my head at that thought. Ashton is too intense and manly to ever be called someone’s boyfriend. The title doesn’t fit him right. But it does make him mine.

  I wonder what this all means and how it will change things, but quickly shake it off. No reason to get ahead of myself. We’ve got time to figure it all out. The silence becomes suffocating. Should I say something now? Should he? Sticking to my rule about honesty at all costs, I ask, “So what happens now?”

  The grin he shoots me is pure sin. “Now we kiss. It’s the only right way to finalize our agreement,” he explains, meeting my eyes.

  And that’s exactly what we do.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I slept horribly last night as I tossed and turned into the wee hours of the morning thinking over how different my life is after just a few weeks of being away from Conner. Don’t get me wrong, Conner and I once were happy. I wouldn’t have accepted his proposal if I didn’t think we would last. But like most things in life, we grew apart. His need to have his father’s approval has outweighed logic. On his own, Conner could continue chase the football dream and see where that path takes him, or he could still become a lawyer and strike out on his own as most do.

  It's funny because it’s always the girl who gets accused of having daddy issues. Conner has them in spades. He’s so far up his dad’s ass he can’t see the light of day. I promised Ashton last night that we would be truthful with each other above all else, which means he and I need to have a talk about my ex. I don’t know what I will do about Conner, his crazy family, and my little sister. I can feel the tangible clock ticking over my head. I’m afraid my time is running out.

  As the sun’s rays spill into our room, casting everything in a golden glow, I find myself just as confounded as I was when I laid down last night. Getting Conner to stop popping into my life with demands is top on my list, followed by keeping my sister enrolled in college. I don’t have a concrete plan yet. I keep thinking something will come to me, but so far, I’m drawing a blank.

  With no concrete plan in place, I jump out of bed and rush through my normal routine of brushing my teeth, getting dressed, and donning just enough make-up to stop me from looking like the living dead. When life slaps you in the face, you need to start your morning off right, which is why I’m headed to the bakery around the corner for a big cup of hot coffee and a warm Danish.

  I’m thoroughly enjoying my warm treat when the chair beside me pulls out and an uninvited guest plops down in it. I glance up with a scowl. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Conner stretches his long legs out in front of him. A slight smirk plays on his lips. “Joining my lovely girlfriend for breakfast.”

  “Ex-girlfriend,” I correct. His green eyes give me a slow blink, the only indication that he’s affected by my words. I’m not trying to be mean. I’m only stating a fact. I check the time on my phone and sigh. “Shouldn’t you be in class? I don’t remember you ever skipping one of your precious law classes before. Wouldn’t want daddy to think ill of his perfect son, now would we?”

  “I figured you would be here,” he says, ignoring my digs on his character. “You’re you a creature of habit and the Danishes they serve here have always been one of your weaknesses.” He leans in, draping his arms on the table and steeples his fingers in a very business type way. There is a seriousness about him that sets me on edge. “We need to talk,” he says.

  “Let’s not,” I counter. “Your presence is ruining my appetite. Please leave.” Taking a bite out of my pastry, I meet his challenging gaze head-on. He can try to intimidate me all he wants. It won’t work. Those days are long gone. My rose-colored glasses are off and I see Conner for who he really is, and I don’t like it.

  It’s time for Conner to meet the new and improved Emma.

  Emma 2.0 is ready to kick some ass.

  Conner leans across the table, his face so close that his breath brushes my lips. “I wasn’t asking,” he says, his voice void of any warmth. “We need to get our story straight before this weekend. After you ditched the last dinner event, the board members got suspicious. They’re asking hard questions, and my dad is out of answers. Shit is getting real. We’ve got to make them believe that we’re a happy, loving couple who can’t wait to walk down the aisle as man and wife.”

  And there went my appetite.

  I push my pastry away with a frown. I lean far back in my seat, wanting as much space between as humanly possible. “I don’t get why should we put on a show for them. You already said you couldn’t replace me with another fiancé and there’s zero chance of us getting back together. Isn’t it better they know the truth now instead of finding out later?”

  Conner freezes, looks me in the eye and grits his teeth together. “You still don’t get it, do you? For someone so smart, you really can be stupid sometimes.”

  I rest my head on the back of the chair and watch him through silted eyes. “Sticks and stones,” I taunt.” I wave a hand fin the air for him to go on. “Please, your highness. I am nothing but a peasant. Enlighten me.”

  “You’re fucking with my future,” he says in clipped words. “I have to get that position at my dad’s firm.”

  “There are other jobs available,” I argue. “When we first started dating, you were perfectly happy with any opening you got there. Why now are you only set on this one role?”

  “Because it could take me a decade or longer before another opportunity like this to come around. If I lose everything over your stupid pride and selfish ways, then I’ll happily take you down with me. Your fall will be a hell of a lot harder than mine.”

  I bristle over his blatant threat. My heart pounds in my chest as my imagination takes off like a rocket. Conner is great at revenge. I’ve seen him make men twice his size fold into a puddle of tears. Not once has he ever got in trouble for the havoc he causes. He’s always careful not to get his hands dirty, something I’m sure dear old dad taught him.

  I need more information so I can protect myself. I ease my shoulders, forcing myself to relax and not give off any clues I’m freaking out on the inside. “And what exactly do you mean by that?”

  His handsome face remains pleasant while his eyes flare with malevolent glee. “Let’s just say that your sister not getting into college will be the least of your problems. You seem to forget the influence my parents have back home. One call from my dad and that poor momma of yours will be out of a job, homeless, and blacklisted all over town.”

  Bile rises in my throat. Has he always been a monster?

  And to think I almost married his sorry ass. Conner’s eyes track me when I shift uncomfortably in my seat. When he smiles, it feels predatorial. His fists are balled where they rest on the table and when I glance at him, a shiver runs through me. I can’t let him think he’s bested me. If I give him an inch, he will take a mile and before long I will lose any chance of ever coming out of this unscathed.

  A heavy silence settles between us.

  “Okay, I’ll play along,” I growl. “For now,” I rush to add. I don’t want to help Conner, but until I know my family is safe, then I’ll do what’s needed to pacify him and his deranged father. What other choice do I have?

  “What’s our story?” I ask when the quiet becomes too much.

  The triumphed grin on Conner’s face makes me ill. He really is a bastard. How I never realized this before now is beyond me. I heard rumors about his bullying growing up, but I never saw it firsthand, and coming from a small town, you learn quickly tha
t rumors can’t be trusted. I narrow my eyes as I listen to him lay out the fabricated fairytale, we will feed to a group of pompous small-minded baboons with little dicks and big pockets.

  I’m not naïve enough to think this will all blow over after Friday night. This is just the beginning. I won’t let my family suffer because of my lack of better judgment. Conner comes from a world of big moves and high stakes. Going against him will be like fighting off Goliath. Luckily, I have one ace in my pocket. Connor didn’t grow up on the streets like I did, where survival is key, and deception is second nature.

  I don’t have a plan in place yet, but when I do, Conner won’t know what hit him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It’s midafternoon and I’ve just finished my English exam– which I aced- when I meet up with Ashton for a late lunch at a little Italian bistro near his work. We’ve tried meeting up dozens of times over the last few weeks, but our busy schedules made it impossible to find the time needed to enjoy ourselves. Face time has been our savior, making each spare moment we have memorable.

  I arrive at the restaurant early and choose a quiet booth away from the front door and foot traffic. Unlike Dino’s the seating here are supple, and the tables covered in a fine cloth. Instead of ordering at a counter, we get a sharp looking waiter whose dressed in slacks with a stark white buttoned-up shirt. The place is nice and well above my pay grade.

  My fingers tap a tune on the tabletop as our waiter waits on my drink order. I haven’t been in the same room with him since Dino’s and I’m a little nervous. If I wasn’t so worried about the cost, I would order something strong to drink, but I think better of it and ask for water with lime instead. Judging by the décor, this place isn’t cheap.

  When Ashton’s smiling face pops into the chair across from me, I breathe a sigh of relief. It feels like ages since I’ve seen him. We’ve talked many times over the phone, but it’s not the same. We’ve tried Face Time, but it doesn’t even close to the real thing.

  Ashton looks good. He looks happy to see me and as corny as it sounds, that makes my heart beat faster.

  “Hey beautiful,” he purrs. Ashton’s lush lips part and his eyes darken as he takes me in. The air between us feels tangible, as if time has suspended and we’re the only ones in the room. He looks hungry, but for something besides food.

  There is no mistaking what he craves.

  Before I can articulate a response, he’s leaning across the table and laying a sinful kiss on my lips. The kiss is too short and when he pulls back, a bereaved moan slips out. His thumb traces my bottom lip and I nip it playfully.

  With his eyes holding mine, his tongue darts out and licks his lips. “You taste as good as you look,” he murmurs, his voice low and husky.

  My thighs clench in want. I wouldn’t mind tasting more of him. An image of me on my knees with his cock in my mouth flashes in my mind. Something about Ashton calls to me in a primal way. And it’s not just physical. When I’m around him, I want to let loose and enjoy life. He makes everything pleasurable.

  Dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, a black t-shirt, and his leather jacket, Ashton is downright sinful. My cheeks warm as I look up at him through my lashes. His heated stare holds me immobile.

  “I’m glad we both finally got some time off,” I tell him. “I beginning to think our entire relationship would happen through a damn screen. Face time is nice, but it can’t replace the warmth of having someone hold you during the night.”

  He chuckles and the rich baritone of his voice ignites a heat low in my belly. “I couldn’t agree more. That’s why I cleared out my schedule. Leah’s a fast learner. And she’s talented. She is taking over some of my clients to help free up my time. I want to see you more and I can’t do that working all the time. From here on out, you come first.”

  I wet my suddenly dry lips. I’m not one of those girls who turns to mush over a few sweet words, but I swear Ashton is a master at rearing me speechless. Nothing he says sounds like a line or way into my panties. There’s a promise in his tone that can’t be faked. Before I can open my mouth and make a fool out of myself, our waiter is back ready asking to take our order.

  I end up with a bowl of spaghetti the size of my head while Ashton gets the lasagna. I like that there is no awkwardness when we’re together. Being around him is easy. Natural.

  We spend the next hour talking about his work, my classes, friends, and our hopes for the future. I sip on my iced water as he tells me about his dream to open another tattoo parlor across town. He's done is homework and has already found a place, knows of the staff he wants to hire, and has a small nest egg put aside to make it all happen. When he describes the building he has in mind, he’s eyes light with such excitement, I nod in time, just as eager to see it become a reality.

  Lunch ends and I’m feeling bereft. This is the first time in weeks I’ve had a chance to unwind. I’m not ready for our date to end. Shaking out my hands in a nervous manner, I turn on Ashton and give him a hopeful smile. “Do you have to head back to work right away?”

  Ashton smiles before leaning down and kissing me hot and fast on the lips. “I meant what I said earlier. I’m clearing out my schedule. I’m all yours, babe. What did you have in mind?”

  “We could go back to my dorm room and watch a movie together,” I propose. “Becca’s out helping Patrick for the rest of the day. The poor guy lost a bet at a Frat poker game and now has to wash all of his brothers’ clothes for the next week.”

  He drops his arms, his hands circling around my waist and pulling me close. His nose brushes against mine and I bask in his embrace. “Or we could change things up and go to my place?”

  I quirk a smile as I, slide my arms up and around his neck. “Your place?” I question, my brows rising. I’ve secretly wondered where Ashton lived and what his home would look like. Will it be edgy like his shop, or thrown together and disorganized like a normal bachelor pad? In my mind’s eye, I can’t imagine it.

  “My home would be quieter and more private. Even with Becca gone, there is always someone in the halls making noise or knocking on the door asking to borrow something. Plus, I want to show you where I live. It’s not much, but it’s cozy, and I like it.”

  He’s not wrong. My dorm is like a revolving door of chatty girls who never stop talking. I bite back a smile. Being alone with Ashton with no fear of interruption sounds like a dream come true. A very X-rated dream that involves lots of kissing, skin-on-skin, and multiple orgasms. A flutter hits my belly.

  A smile tugs at my mouth. “I like that idea,” I tell him. “Lead the way.”

  I follow Ashton to a nice-sized studio apartment downtown. His place is spacious and has a killer view of the city. Views like his don’t come cheap, not even in small towns like ours. I don’t comment on the lavish features even as I take it all in with wide-eyes and an unhinged jaw. If Ashton can afford all this on his own, then he’s doing better in the tattoo business then some high-class businesspeople I know. I’m impressed and a little envious.

  “Nice digs,” I say, moving over to the wall of windows that spans the length of the room with panoramic views. From this vantage point, I can see for miles on end. There are green pastures, wildflowers galore, and family ranches as far as you can see. I’ve always thought our community was charming, but seeing it like this gives me a newfound appreciation for how beautiful it truly is.

  I’m so enamored with it all, that when Aston moves up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, I startle. I play it off by laughing at my silliness, but my poor heart is beating so fast I’m afraid it will leap out of my mouth. For once, we’re alone with no chance of being interrupted. The anticipation of what’s coming heats my insides and makes my panties wet.

  Ashton’s body is flush against mine. I can feel every groove and indent of his muscles as they move against my backside. When his lips graze my neck and I practically melt like into a puddle of goo. His day-old stubble scratches at my skin, but it doesn’t hurt, it ad
ds to the moment, making nipples pucker.

  Ashton’s hands explore my body as if he knows exactly what to do and how to do it. His confidence is sexy, alluring, and my body lights up like embers in a fire. When the evidence of his arousal digs into my backside, I bite back a groan. The thought of what comes next has me soaking wet.

  “I’ve been waiting for a woman like you all my life,” he says, his words soft, yet honest.

  A turn in his arms as a smile drifts to my lips. “Now that you’ve got me here, Mr. Gibson, what are you going to do with me?”

  Before I can even take my next breath, Ashton has me pushed up against the cold glass window. His fingers thread through my hair, holding my head immobile while he kisses me with such passion that my knees threaten to give out. My tongue strokes his as I wrap my arms around his neck. Our bodies rub together, creating friction that has my clit throbbing with want. No matter how close we get, it’s not enough. I need more.

  Ashton’s hands meet my waist and I’m lifted, my legs wrapping around his back as I’m sandwiched between the glass and his strong torso. By the time Ashton’s lips leave mine, I’m panting, my chest rises and falls in shallow breaths, and my panties are so wet they’re stuck to my skin. And that’s just from a kiss.

  I rest my head on his shoulder while I catch my breath. “Don’t go getting tired on me now, cherry girl.” An amused rumble shakes from his chest. “We haven’t even gotten to the good parts yet. Once I get you under me, I don’t plan on stopping until neither of us can walk and that pretty voice of yours is all used up from screaming my name.”

  “Oh,” is all I say, because I’m too busy imagining what that might be like to come up with an intellectual response. The image in my mind causes a delicious ache between my legs. I bite down on my lip to keep from moaning out loud. With my legs still wrapped around his waist, I meet Ashton’s gaze and give him a little wink. “So, what are you waiting for? I didn’t take you for a man who’s all talk. Do your worst,” I taunt.


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